IVF/ICSI Muslimah Support Group

Evening ladies,
I've just noticed pink spotting. and there's more when I wiped using tissue. I don't think its an implantation bleeding as now is already 10dpt?

Guess this is the end result for me.
Bestnya NurA & Caramel.. Cycle buddies... Hope all goes well for u sistas..;-)

Cahaya.. Keep the spirit up dear.. It can be implantation.. As long as not red.. Still got hope.. Pray for the best... Dun tink -ve yet till bt is confirmed.. Rest well.. Less walking...meanwhile take care..

Esok dah masuk 2 minggu kita berpuasa.. Cepat betul masa berjalan.. Take care all..
Bubbli, I find it very weird cos usually for myself menses spotting could takes ard 2-3days
then comes the moderate/heavy flow. Yesterday there was no menses cramp at all. This time,
it was spotting ard 4++pm and suddenly I saw dark/bright red on my pad after next few hours.

So I've rushed to KKH O&G, they examined the amount of blood. Dr was telling me that its
was old blood that bleeding and she can see that my cervix is still closed.
She then prescribed me Duphaston to be taken orally everyday.

I am still bleeding right now. Don't know what to expect... takutnya..
Cahaya...Hmm they have given u duphaston...Did they run any blood test?

Hmm..I dun know whether u wan to try ur luck by calling KKIVF and ask them to see whether they can give jab support instead..Try and see whether they can allow u to speak to ur IVF dr incharge..

Meantime just dun walk too much..Rest and put ur leg up alittle...

We hope for the best...Insya-allah all will be fine..Maybe it is indeed old blood..Take care & rest well...
NurA: ohhh good at least you still have lot of frozen. i got only 1 now, nak buat fet pon tak tau bila. Tapi will expire in Apr next year. Seram pon ada, phobia pon ada. haiz

Cahaya: When is your blood test? In sya allah everything well. Why dont u test urine or ask for early blood test?
Bubbli, Dr @ O&G wasn't very helpful actually. I did mentioned clearly that I want a blood test but she insist asking me to wait till the scheduled blood test which is just 6days away. And I did request for a jab however she said Duphaston
is already good. I mmg intend to call KKIVF later. We'll see how it goes.

Thanks for yr input sis.
Babydusty, yeah was thinking to do HPT again tomorrow. I did POAS actually yesterday using
cheap HPT bought frm Sinseh but BFN. I thought its just way to early to detect since I am just at 10dpt.
Then suddenly there's blood in the evening.

Hope its not AF blood.. My BT is on 29th Jul

O&G Dr did informed if the cervix is open that shows the IVF is failing..
Just called KKIVF, they have rescheduled my BT to this Thursday instead which exactly 14dpt.
The nurse has told me not to worry since O&G Dr has examined & informed that my cervix is still closed.

Pls keep me in yr prayers ladies.. May Allah bless you all in this holy month of Ramadhan. Ameen..
Cahaya Mataku: How many embryo you trf? If two, could be one failing, one implanted tau. Dont worry too much. Just relax, in sya allah. Amin!
Cahaya: Will pray for u dear..Do rest and take care...Insya-allah everything will be k..

BabyDusty: Read that u have 1 embbie left...If u dun mind giving a chance..Then do the FET with 1 embbie u have..If u r under govt hospital u can use the FET grant for the transfer cost. We need only 1 to succeed..;-)..Wish u all the best..
Bubbli: Yup of cos will do it. Cuma tak tau bila but for sure before April next year. hehehe

For now nak find info more about fet. My next appt is in Dec.
Salam and gd morning lovelies.

Cahaya, its gd u went to e 24hr clinic strgt. N yes kkh extra support is only oral duphaston unless dey did ur hcg n confirm bfp dey give u e jab. Anyways takmo think so much. Bed rest for now n do call kkhivf see if can schedule an early bt.

Baby dusty, ya I ada 3 frosties but one of dem ada a bit fragmentation so embryologist da siang2 ckp nt so good but since it grew n mutilplied still dey kept it. InsyaAllah all will be put to grow to blastocysts for my next cycle.

Yup like bubbli said, we only need one to achieve our dreams so dun give up. Ur last one could be the one
Babydusty: Tak pe u rest first...Then on ce ready u embark again...When ur appt comes in Dec..enquire with the dr..Another few more months to go before Dec..;-)

NurA: oh u r going for blasto...Hmm gd...I am thinking whether I shld do that for mine...heheh..tapi haven't decide pun bila yet..
Salam Sisters,

I'm new here and decided to join in due to my anxiety and fears. After reading what were shared, alhamdullilah, reda sikit hati ni.

Cahaya: Did you Dr ask you to take immunocal during 2ww period? How does it helps? My Dr tak kasi pape kecuali suruh minum air byk-byk and insert 3times daily of utrogestan je.

I'm now 5dpt so anxious apa lagi boleh I usahakan selain doa dan selawat. Maklumlah I had 2 m/c and 1 failed iui... To avoid OHSS, my doc cuma transfer 1 embryo in last Thurs. sedih jugak bila kena masuk 1 aje. Tawakal...
BabyDusty: Dun think too much on the failure... Kita redha dan berusaha... Insya Allah, doa kita semua dikabulkan... Jgn compare yourself with your SIL... It will only make you feel down. If helps, I'm already in my 6 yrs of marriage and masih belum ada. <virtual hugs> to you! Think happy thoughts k
Salam Ling...Welcome...hepi 2ww..Enjoy the journey dear...I answer for u the immunocal part..it's like a protein drink gitu..To avoid OHSS..Hmm I believe u have many eggs harvested that's y dr transferred only 1..But dun worry so much..We need 1 to succeed...;-)..U take care dear...

Babydusty: Hmm miscarriage is something all of us dun wan to go tru..I rather have a BFN rather than gg tru m/c..That's wat I tink..But all these is not in our hands..HE decides..Nevertheless..ur hubby tak ole la lepas cakap..Even drs sometimes cannot explain y mc happen..So how can we human blames another party ..Because of this la..u mc..because of that la u mc..Kita usaha..Semuanya ditangan Allah s.w.t..I can't imagine how u feel that time...Hubby must be supportive especially when we go tru IVF and then mc lagi...

Yup not easy to have sil preggie...nanti lepas dah bersalin lagi kecoh..I faham..Tak pe Sis..Kalau u dah fed up sangat..U sound je..Semua ditangan Allah s.w.t. Belum ada rezeki...

Ya Hari Raya isn't my fav part either..Lagi me have 3 cats at home..And the best part my mil suka ckp..Oh dia tak ada anak..Cuma anak kaki empat or anak kuching je ada..3 ekor..I fed up...Rasa macam nak pekik...Terpaksa istighfar byk2...Dugaan Sis..I dah masuk 11yrs plus ni kahwin..Sampai skrg pun org masih tanya..ckp...Dorang ni ingat..Nak dpt anak mcm senang gitu..Tak pernah nak fikir..

Senang2..Org start tanya je kan..u senyum..n avoid..Lebih bagus tak payah jawab..and dgr further...Normal pple dun understand our pain...

For ur hubby case..if u think u need to talk abt it..Do so..Make him understand how a woman feel..This is to make sure he dun repeat the same mistake to you again..

Meanwhile u take care k...BIG HUGss to u dear..
Salam lily, welcome!
I rasa drs nvr really advised whats gd to take. All this extra like immunocal, isotonic, Brazil nuts n durians n red bean soup is all thru experience n mainly what is does to boost e chances.. Cz of research. Like u say, we try our best to provide e best for e embbie to grow n stick tu psl we take all this n it isnt cheap but e rest we leave to Him.

Baby dusty,
Its ok dear. We only need one. Dun give up. At least we hv e opportunity. I hv been ttcing for 4 yrs. Friends married e same yr as us all da hv 2nd baby. Tell me bout it I pon takda mood sgt nak raya. Pple always tanya. Some more I plus size. So Pple hv their own speculations but biar ape org nak tanya ape org nak ckp. Kita senyum je n bo layan. No one is allowed to being u down without ur consent. Pasal ur dh I think we all hv to be aware our paetners also hv their own emotions n frustrations. Sometimes dey kesian to see us what we go thru n it comes out negative due to mixed emotions. We are lucky to hv this page for support n our own female frends to confide. E husbands dont. No one to share hw dey feel with any fellow male frens. I caught my dh crying while washing plates cz he was so upset we failed. When I told him to talk to someone a male figure he said he nvr told his friends n no one will understand from a male point of view esp if e couple isnt going thru what we did. Kesian jugak tgk kaum adam ni.
NurA, thanks,sis. I'll bedrest as much as I can now. Yup dah bring forward my BT
from 29th to 25th, this Thursday. Alhamdulillah.

Lily, Dr just advised me to take alot of protein and drink more fluids. As suggested by
most sisters here, I took Immunocal, Egg Whites and Gatorade. H20 tak berapa work
for my body. My bloating finally reduced one wk after transfer.
Bubbli, I feel u. Baru tt day go marketing with my mil n fil n dey terserempak their frend org kampung. Tt man asked if we were e ones tt got married 4 yrs ago n da ada anak blom. My mil answered takda anak, anak tekak je. Fuh I really sabar. Me n hubby just walk on. Buat bodoh. We get this all e time. Time raya lagi full blown. Mcm mcm fitnah I da dgr pple throw at us tt im used to it n just ignore. Manusia tak perlu tahu apa isi hati kita asalkan Allah swt tahu, e rest is unimportant.
NurA: I agree to some part of wat u say..Men dun show their emotions...And rather not talk abt it too..But entahla..I dun agree to the part of blaming..It just bring our morale down as if eveything is our fault...Of cos we r opposite sex of each other..So we may not understand each other feelings..but still must take care of each other feelings too la no matter wat..

Hmm ur hubby ada jugak show emotions..Gd la..At least he let it out..
BabyDusty, I feel you sis. Mine 7yrs ni pun ppl just don't stop asking. Some are really concern &amp; showing sympathy. Others just add the hurtful remarks. I'm already feeling immune with all those comments. I will just smile and reply Allah masih belum kurniakan rezeki.

Sabar k with your DH. I don't think he mean to hurt u. They can be insensitive at times. But most importantly he still loves you and be there whenever you need him. Hugs!
NurA: ur mil lagi terror from mine..Astaghfirullah...Fitnah lagi...Hai dugaan betul la hidup kita ni Sis...Tapi tak pe la..Allah lebih menyayangi kita sebab tu kita diuji...

Hopefully all of us succeed soon one day...

In fact walaupun we have given birth la..The nonsense won't stop...Cycle will repeat again..Bila nak ada anak lagi..etc..etc..etc..Mulut manusia ni lebih besar dari mulut tempayan...Grrr...
BabyDusty: my mil laser..all my hubby relatives side pun super laser..Mcm nak bwk hot glue gun and tembak mulut dorang bila dorang start..hehehe...

My side so far k..Dorang mcm faham..So tak la tanya or bukak mulut..My hubby side yang semua terror...

I also agree that IVF shld be between only hubby and wife...That's wat I did for my first 2 cycles..Lepas tu terpaksa tell my mil..
Cahaya Mataku, Bubbli &amp; NurA: Mari kita doa sama2, semoga raya tahun ni kita di jauhi dari tomahan dan kata2 yang menyakitkan hati kita... Amin!
Bubbli: i have 16 folicles extracted tapi grade tak bagus sgt kata Dr. Cuma 7 folicles that can be used but 4 out of the 7, Dr has to observe the growth further for my usage.

NurA: Is immunocal a controlled drug that I need prescription to purchase it? Where can I get them?
Lily: 16 follicles is good..Well sometimes not good grades doesn't mean tak ole BFP..I know of someone who has bad quality eggs..Alot of fragments..N hv given birth to twins...;-)

Immunocal not controlled drug..U can buy it from http://www.funggohpharma.com.sg/
At OG pun ada..But not sure all outlet ke tak..I know the one at Bugis have..
Cahaya &amp; Bubbli : Thanks for the info. I've been drinking susu kambing je these days... Gg to try taking immunocal too... How many times a day to take and how much roughly a box cost?
Lily, I've been taking it once a day 2-3pkts depending how bloated I am that day. Klau tak brapa bloated pun I tetap amik 2pkts. If I'm not wrong that time I bought ard $106 @ OG Bugis. Best to take it when empty stomach.k.
Cahaya: Thanks for the info. Harap I boleh telan that immunocal, Insya Allah. I have been telling DH that I don't feel anything kecuali the day ET that I felt bloated and cramp. Risau lak takde symptoms skrg.
Lily, I used to mix it with Orange juice. Ok not that bad the taste.

Eh Baguslah you tak bloated skrg. Try to keep isotonic drinks at home je &amp; be prepared je..
Enjoy your 2WW k.

As for mine, maybe its BFN la... there's one gush of blood just came out... cramps on off..
most probably these are the AF cramps. Call KKH to fix blood test today but they can't confirm
and will call me back later. No more hopes...
Lily..Dun worry abt the symptoms...Ada yang tak ada symptoms pun BFP...So relax je..

Cahaya: oh dear..u jgn jln byk..Hopefully KKH can get back to u soon...Kalau tak insist buat BT..It may be too early to detect..But tgk la wat they say..ask them for jab ke..
Bubbli, I've been on my bed since morning otherwise toilets. I dah insist on BT
but I don't know why they say nothing to worry about..since last nite I've already
been examined by their O&amp;G Dr. But last nite, no scans no blood test too..
KKH ni memang gini sikit...Maybe u try tell them can I speak to my dr instead..Kdg2 dr can decide for u..ni ari tues..I rasa most ivf dr ada clinic at Clinic D if I am not wrong.
I did what I could. I had my blood test taken not sure if they will call me today or tomorrow.
I might need to come back fr another BT. Its just so hard to stay positive after seeing the reds.
Plus I'm having a very bad menses cramp now.

Just wish to say thank you for all the amazing sisters here for all yr words of
encouragements and supports. Unsure whether my other 3 embies survive
fr frozen, they'll let me know only on 29th Jul.
Hi ladies..wah this thread is moving so fast..

Hi cahaya, continue to be positive k. You need to be mentally strong. You still stand a chance as long as BT result not out. Be strong sis..take care aite..will pray for u..

Hi Lily, welcum! Jgn stress sgt bcoz takde symptoms. There are pple who got no symptoms but manage to bfp. You must avoid stress especially during 2ww. Not good for embie. Try not to look out for symptoms..it will stress u more. Take it easy. Enjoy ur 2ww sis..

Hi bubbli, nurA, babydusty..i agree with wat u all said. I also dun look forward to raya this year. Mcm nak ecsape je.. Gonna face another round of bb questions again. To make it worse, im going back to hb's kampung this yr where all his relatives will get together..&amp; this yr jugak, lotsa of our cousins gave birth &amp; celebrating first raya wif newborns. Haiz..such a dread to just think abt those uncomfy moments..

I also kena before by hb cousin. He juz got married &amp; bunting pelamin. When we go tgk his newborn, he dgn lasernye asked when's our turn? Said he &amp; wifey can "teach" me how to "make" one fast. We juz smiled &amp; said no rezki yet. If only they noe wat we went thro. Told my hb, he takya ajarlah. We noe more than him as how to make one. Juz tat not our time yet. Baru dpt anak je dah nak action mcm expert...menyampah sey..some pple juz so insensitive..main hembus je.

Hb told me to juz ignore those hurtful words but susah kan? Telinga nie mendengar. Guess it juz hurts us ladies more than
the guys..kita more sensitive..i think..

But i still remember hb's words after my ET last jun, " insyallah next raya, kita bertiga.." But as He decides, its not meant to be..still feel sad when i look at my embryo pic..but life goes on..

Slm berbuka later sistas..may we all be blessed wif ketabahan &amp; ketenangan this Ramadhan..*big big hugs* smua..
Cahaya: Insya Allah, u will be fine... Think happy thoughts k...

Caramel: Thanks, will try to remain calm... The 2ww is sure torture... My BT is scheduled on 2 Aug... Just few days to Raya kan and I hope that my BT results will not dampen the Raya spirit further when I'm already not looking forward to it.
im havin a baby girl! Alhamdulillah..edd nov..cepat da 6 mths eh? im actually wif dr Aziz tapi hub want me to go to kkh cos dia takut emergency complications nanti pvt hospi still send back to kkh..any gd gynaes in kkh to recommend?
Caramel: Wah ur hubby cousin ole gitu...Hai dlm dunia mcm mcm ada..Hmm won't be easy kalau raya kat kampung...But like wat BabyDusty says: Hopefully this year raya will be better than others..Insya-allah..

yup looking at our embryo pics does bring back memories...But look forward dear..Insya-allah we will succeed...Amin...

Cahaya: Dun think too much dear..Be strong..Hope to hear from u dear..

Pinky: Congrats on having baby girl..I love girls too...
Caramel, Lily &amp; Bubbli, Thanks. But I received the result today and confirmed BFN.
No frozen as well. So I might be moving to NUH under Prof Wong for the next cycle.

Congrats Pinky!!
Cahaya: So sorry to hear...Good that you are moving forward..Insya-allah the next round will be success...Meanwhile rest well..And maybe try naturally in the meantime..Take care..Big Hugs to u...

InsyaAllah Ameen to yr dua Bubbli. Yup try naturally in the mean time and maybe go for bekam ke...

Big Hugs to u &amp; all lovely ladies over here!
