IVF/ICSI Muslimah Support Group

Hugs cahaya...

U hv done ur best. InsyaAllah. Der is always a rainbow after a storm. May we ll find our rainbow soon...

Sorry ladies smlm tak reply. Busy with errands n cooking n all.

Selamat berpuasa. Lately weather hv been scorching.

Cahaya: oh dear... Sorry to hear the bad news. You did what you could. Cheer up k, try again when you are ready. Insya Allah, your doa will be answered. <virtual>
Hugs to Cahaya.

Btw just sharing this that i found in FB. Panjang sekali coz i sendiri belom habis baca. So sape2 free, bley start baca dulu k. heehee

Bismillah...untuk mereka yang telah berkahwin tetapi masih belum dikurniakan zuriat~

1) Alhamdulillah...saya ingin katakan...bersangka baiklah pada Allah..bersangka baiklah pada Allah...bersangka baiklah pada Allah...

2) Allah Maha Baik....

3) Buatlah sujud syukur(google cara buat sujud syukur)&amp; syukurlah kerana masih belum diberikan anak. Nabi pesan formula untuk ditambahkan nikmat adalah "Bilamana kamu diberikan nikmat yang sedikit, kamu bersyukur, maka Allah akan tambahkan nikmat itu"

4) Mengapa Dia masih belum beri anak? Jangan membuat jawapan-jawapan sendiri. Tapi jawapannya hanya satu-KERANA DIA MAHA BAIK!

5) Jangan fokus kenapa masih tak diberikan anak, tetapi fokuslah untuk hidup dalam sentiasa memuji Allah tanpa henti 24jam/7 hari/siang malam

6) Buang semua perasaan sedih

7) Berlapang dada &amp; senyum selalu

Jadilah insan paling bahagia tanpa anak..Kerana itu kehendak Allah yang menciptakan kita~Siapa kita untuk melawan kehendak Allah?

9) Atas segala usaha &amp; doa,DIA masih memilih kita untuk tidak dikurniakan anak. Sungguh DIA MAHA TAHU apa yang terbaik buat kita pada saat &amp; ketika ini

10) Usah kita bimbang dan risau hidup tanpa zuriat, atau putus keturunan

11) Usah merungut mengapa sampai sekarang belum dapat anak kerana itu bermakna kita komplen Allah

12) Teruskan usaha bersungguh-sungguh &amp; jangan jemu selagi kita mampu &amp; mahu

13) Tiap kali 'bersama', 'bersama' dengan penuh rasa ghairah &amp; cinta, bersungguh-sungguh dari hati untuk cari redho Allah &amp; doa &amp; yakin Allah akan beri zuriat dari 'hubungan' ini.TIAP-TIAP KALI BUKAN PADA WAKTU SUBUR SAHAJA. Sungguh kita tidak tahu, bila Allah mengatakan 'kun faya kun..'

14) Usah 'bersama' dalam keadaan tidak ada semangat atau bersama dalam keadaan putus asa dan anggap kita takkan dapat anak pun sebab dah banyak kali cuba..Allah bertindak mengikut sangkaan hambanya..begitu kita sangka, begitulah hasilnya. Teruskan mencipta sangkaan-sangkaan yang baik

15) Untuk seorang isteri, berbahagialah kerana isteri-isteri Nabi juga tidak memberikan Rasulullah ank kecuali Saidatina Khadijah &amp; Mariah.

16) Jangan salah menyalahkan pasangan. Jika kita mahu hidup dengannya, teruskan dengan redho, hormati &amp; sayangi dia. Jika tidak mahu lagi bersama, kita berbincang &amp; cari jalan yang disepakati.

17) Banyakkan istighfar dan melakukan solat taubat kerana dengan taubat, Allah ampunkan dosa kita , angkat darjat kita dan luaskan rezeki kita

18) Banyakkan sedekah kerana dengan sedekah menyucikan jasad dan hati dan membuka luas ruang-ruang rezeki yang tidak disangka-disangka

19) Puji Allah sentiasa &amp; syukur banyak-banyak kerana tidak diberikan anak pada waktu ini
Syukur bererti kita menerima dengan lapang dada, kita senyum dan rasa bahagia kerana kita tahu Allah memperlakukan kita dengan sangat baik

20) Suami &amp; isteri kena satu fikir. Tiap kali bangun pagi, sama-sama ucapkan, "kita akan dapat anak kandung tahun depan 2014" .Ucap tiap-tiap hari dengan tarik nafas, senyum dan yakin

21) Tuliskan di atas kertas besar dan lekat pada dinding atau mana-mana kawasan yang senang untuk kita lihat -tulis "kami akan dapat anak kandung pada tahun 2014". "saya akan hamil pada 2014" atau apa sahaja ayat pendek yang TIAP-TIAP HARI mata kita boleh melihat, mulut kita boleh menyebut, telinga kita boleh mendengar, masuk dalam otak kita, sampai pada hati kita dan semua kenyataan-kenyataan itu akan diproses dalam sistem badan kita

22) Konsisten makan makananan sunnah, madu, kurma, susu, kismis, buah tin,minyak zaitun, dan tiap kali makan, niatkan "kami(suami isteri) makan ikut apa yang nabi makan, tolonglah ya allah berkati makanan ini dan hasilkanlah darinya pada tubuh kami zuriat yang soleh dan solehah"

23) Jumpa doktor dan ikut nasihat doktor sungguh-sungguh bukan separuh jalan atau ala kadar

24) Jangan kedekut keluarkan duit untuk perbelanjaan rawatan

25) Mohon mak ayah dan adik-beradik konsisten buatkan solat hajat untuk kita. Seluruh ahli keluarga kena sepakat &amp; rajin

26) Suami isteri buat solat taubat &amp; solat hajat tiap-tiap hari jangan tinggal termasuk membaca yassin

27) Suami Isteri baca tiap hari surah Ibrahim ayat 40, surah furqan ayat 74 dan surah al-anbiyak 89 (rujuk tafsirnya sekali)

28) Tinggalkan semua kemaksiatan dan siap sedia sentiasa kerana bila-bila masa kita akan jadi ibu &amp; ayah!


****Orang sekeliling sibuk bertanya, dan telinga kita panas dan hati tersinggung. Untuk semua yang bernama masyarakat, pernah atau tidak kita mendoakan golongan ini untuk Allah kurniakan mereka zuriat atau kita hanya tahu mendesak dengan soalan. Sungguh kita melukakan hati mereka, Allah lebih-lebih lagi akan melukakan hati kita~

TAMBAHAN: Pernah seorang makcik ni, ketika anak sulungnya hampir berkahwin beberapa tahun yang lalu, dia mengadu, 'makcik tak sedia lagi nak timang cucu, makcik tak sedia lagi nak jadi tok, makcik muda lagi"- selepas anak sulungnya kahwin bertahun-tahun, tidak dapat anak walaupun adik-adiknya kahwin dan semua dikurniakan ank...ibu-ibu dan ayah2 tolong check perkataan jgn smpai jadi satu doa tanpa sedar &amp; anak-anak tolong jumpa mak ayah risik-risik bertanya kalau-kalau pernah menyebut perkataan seumpama ini. Jika mungkin mak ayah kita dah terlupa atau menafikan, maka minta sahaja mereka sebut, " ya allah aku redho ankku ini diberikan zuriat dan aku mahu menjadi nenek/tok/opah kepada anak yg dikandungnya nanti...tolong ya Allah..."
Thanks NurA, Lily &amp; BabyDusty.

BabyDusty, Thanks for sharing the article. Sangat bermanfaat sekali.

Btw ladies, usually after the failed IVF advisable how soon can we start the next cycle eh?
Just wondering. DH prefer to do it Dec but I just can't wait that long... hehe
Hi cahaya, so sorry to hear tat..jgn putus asa k. Take ur time to build up ur body &amp; try again. Be strong dear. Juz tell urself at least u tried ur best..*hugs*

U can start cycling again after 1 normal cycle. I failed my fresh in jun. No frozen embbies as well. Prof ckp leh start in aug cycle. But aug time raya den quite hectic so i opt to do my next fresh in sept cycle. Also cant wait to start my next cycle but but tat also means the start of mental trauma..Hope this helps..
Salam ladies,

I'm now 6dpt/3dt and am worried because I feel as if my AF is coming...mild cramp on &amp; off, back aching. Macam sama symptoms when I had my failed iui. Just wondering if any of you have experienced such symptoms before?
Thanks Caramel for replying. So I guess its okay for me to start sometime in Sept or Oct then.
Ya thats true, these fertility treatments somehow do effect our emotion more or less. Takpelah,
kita cuma berusaha yang menentukan hanya Dia...

Lily, 6dpt maybe too early for AF tak? It could be the progesterone symptoms. Try to calm,
relax and do more bedrest. Take care &amp; don't worry too much!
Babydusty: Thank u for sharing..Feel like copying this and pasting on my fb status...hehehe

Lily..Dun worry maybe embryo implanting that's y cramping..just rest well..Dun worry so much...Take care..
Cahaya &amp; Bubbli: thanks for your assurance. Kena marah dari my DH for being paranoid smlm. Entah lah mungkin this 2ww is driving me crazy. Btw, where can I get Brazil nuts? My DH tak dapat cari kat Yishun nor at Woodlands. Need to eat roasted Brazil nuts right?
Salam ladies,
I've been a silent reader in this thread. Did one here sometimes back.

Don't give up.
I tried three times. It is easier said not to be sad. I've been thru all that sists and I know how it feels. I also know how it feels about ppl giving nasty remarks.

But we know that we have tried our best. Kita usaha. Ivf bukan senang. Cuma kita je tau berapa susah nak go thru ivf.

For ladies who want to try again, I encourage you to do so. Go and be sad after a failed attempt but try to move on. Insyallah your next attempt may be a better one.

Selamat Berpuasa
Lily...Hmm that time I bought it at Giant Tampines..Cold Storage may have as well..Those are raw one...I only eat raw..it taste nice...

Hi Su yana...nice to see u here..;-) Selamat Berpuasa to u too
Bubbli: Cold Storage at Yishun &amp; Wdlands takde. Thanks for the info though. The ladies at other forum told me to get kat Nuts &amp; Nibbles.
Bubbli, hi

Lily, you can get the nuts at some ntuc. They may put it under nuts meant for baking. I bought that the other time.
Lily I got mine at cold storage under e organic food section. Its called brazil kernels. I tak tahu if its raw or not but I just eat it like tt and its actually very nice hehe.

Salaam su! Thanks for e encouragement. InsyaAllah we will all get der. Selamat berpuasa too
Su_Yana &amp; NurA: Ada eh? Hehe... my DH gi cari kat NTUC &amp; Cold Storage at many places katanya tak jual. Mungkin he went to the snacks section lah tu... Thanks for the info ladies
Lily...Ok great...Insya-allah ole dpt..like wat NurA says..Cold Storage is under the organic section..pre-pack ones.;-)
Thanks for the encouragement sis Su. Truly appreciate yr soothing words.
InsyaAllah we'll become parents one day! Ameen.

Lily, Yes same as NurA .. my DH bought it at Cold Storage as well. The package name Brazil Kernels.

I'm still having cramps on &amp; off. Sometime it feels like menses cramp sometime its like poking pains.
Hopefully these cramps quickly disappear otherwise I'll be always reminded bout the loss of my precious embies.
Salam ladies,

Cahyasuci: I hope you are feeling much better now... Think positive thoughts so that your next treatment will be much smoother for you. Insya Allah.

The new migration is super tak friendly lah... Btw, any of you save the excel spreedsheet data? Dah tak dapat cari... Wondering whether am I suppose to drink immunocal and eat brazil nuts even after the 2 ww?
Waalaikumsalam. Thanks want2bamummy :) . Alhamdulillah I feel much better today compared to last week, felt nausea and poking pains around my pelvic area last week. Could be the belen2 of progesterone side effects. I'm now gearing up my body for the next cycle in Oct or Nov. Next appt with Prof Wong is on 21st Aug.

Sorry, I did not save any spreadsheet sis. I drank Immunocal throughout my 2ww cos I was having bad ohss after ER/ET. U can just continue Immunocal maybe 1-2sachets daily cos I heard some BFP ladies do suffer severe ohss at the end of their 2ww. Brazil nuts (x3-5) and durians are (x2-3seeds) advised to be taken during 2ww as well. Chix essence on alternate days or twice a week. Drink 2L a day to reduce body heatiness. Are u in 2ww now?

Btw ladies, other than egg whites what other supplements should I take to increase the eggs quality???
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Hi ladies, did anyone have delayed AF on the 2nd mth after bfn frm fresh ivf? Today marks the 35th of my cycle & AF still MIA..usually my cycle is regular ard 28 days. Risau pulak nie. Mayb the hormones haywire after ivf..hmm..supposed to see dr zhao frm raffles for acu on day 1 of AF. Tgh excited nak start treatment with acu but still waiting for dear AF's arrival..

Hi want2bamummy, i also didnt save the spreadsheet. R u in ur 2ww or after?

Hi cahaya, great to knoe tat u are feeling better & moving on..alhamdulillah..oh u also under prof wong..me too! Planned to start my next round fresh in sep or oct cycle. U taken nor-e before under prof? My last cycle was end may. Heard prof started nor-e on all pt from june onwards. How is it? Ada side effect tak? Btw u can try ask prof to prescribe u vit c & e for supplements on egg quality. Asked him on wat to eat for egg quality & he gave me those to try. Or CoQ10? Heard some ladies said its good for egg quality. Royal jelly also gd but not recommended for those suffering frm endo..
syrian, ur nick was Caramel rite? and want2bamummy was lily kan? haha... I got confused with the nicks after they upgrade the forum. I think yr body still try to regulate the hormones.. therefore AF still MIA. Could be the stim drugs as well. I'm still feeling sick even after I stop the inserts.

syrian, my first fresh IVF was at KKH under Dr Matthew Lau. Since I have no frozen embies, I decided to switch back to NUH cos my last IUI was at NUH too and this time I will choose Prof Wong as perm gynae. Hopefully I tak jumpa Dr Anupriya... *vomit blood* lol!

Anyway, what is Nor-e? is it Norethisterone? I've yet to start any treatment with Prof Wong so I'm not sure what is the usual protocols for NUH. But early this year, I was given Norethisterone by a nearest GP to stop my AF (cos 2mths non-stop bleeding). The side effects was really bad, it triggers my migraine everyday. My migraine stop when I quit taking Norethisterone.

Thanks for the suggestions, syrian. I will definitely ask him to prescribe me some vits. I don't have endo, but PCOS... can PCOS take Bee Pollen & Royal Jelly?? (both are the same thing or lain2?)
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Salam ladies,

Cahyasuci: good to hear that you are feeling much better...yup, I'm Lily :) I'm now in my 2 ww, today marks 12dpt/3dt.... My BT is on this Friday.... Nervous rabak actually... So the brazil nuts & immunocal kena stop after the BT day?

I was advised that those with PCOS not to take royal jelly coz it will trigger OHSS to be worst later... Best u check with your doc...

Syrian : it's normal for your AF to be a bit haywire bcoz of the drugs... It happened to me after my IUI... I was late for abt 2weeks but i refused to take duphaston to encourage my AF cycle as I decide to let nature takes its course. Too much drugs pun tak bagus. Insya Allah, yours will come soon.

Bubbli: thanks for the link. I need to wait for the owner to grant me the access... The spreadsheet tak leh bukak mcm dulu... I rasa rumah I tak raya lah kali ni... Rumah mcm dah terbalik... Kecian lak tgk DH, lepas balik kerja, dah penat... Dia kemas apa je yg terdaya...
Salam ladies,
Bubbli: thanks for the link. I need to wait for the owner to grant me the access... The spreadsheet tak leh bukak mcm dulu... I rasa rumah I tak raya lah kali ni... Rumah mcm dah terbalik... Kecian lak tgk DH, lepas balik kerja, dah penat... Dia kemas apa je yg terdaya...

Oh didn't realise the link not shared just now..I just shared with u...I thot it was only a copy and can be viewed..hehehe...Tak pe la Sis..Buat yang mana yang perlu je..U r on ur 2ww..So better to rest than buat keje rumah...Hepi 2ww..Hope to hear good news from you...;-)
Lily, you may continue brazil nuts & immunocal even after you pregnant. kan Bubbli? Some ppl stop immunocal when they don't feel bloating anymore. So its up to you :)

I'm not allergic to honey so far. Maybe boleh tak? However gonna ask my Dr about that too. thanks Lily! Don't worry bout housework. Just take a full rest till yr BT this Friday. InsyaAllah Allah will grant yr dua..Ameen!
Lily, you may continue brazil nuts & immunocal even after you pregnant. kan Bubbli? Some ppl stop immunocal when they don't feel bloating anymore. So its up to you :)

I'm not allergic to honey so far. Maybe boleh tak? However gonna ask my Dr about that too. thanks Lily! Don't worry bout housework. Just take a full rest till yr BT this Friday. InsyaAllah Allah will grant yr dua..Ameen!

Hmm I continued mine cos ada balance la...Lepas tu dah stop...But Immunocal yes I continued all the way cos I kena OHSS..

Honey..to wat I know kalau ada cyst tak ole mkn..But PCOS can or not..tu not so sure la...I maybe lepas puasa ni nak start makan royal jelly...I pun ada PCOS...hehehe...
Salam ladies,

Cahyasuci: good to hear that you are feeling much better...yup, I'm Lily :) I'm now in my 2 ww, today marks 12dpt/3dt.... My BT is on this Friday.... Nervous rabak actually... So the brazil nuts & immunocal kena stop after the BT day?

I was advised that those with PCOS not to take royal jelly coz it will trigger OHSS to be worst later... Best u check with your doc...

Syrian : it's normal for your AF to be a bit haywire bcoz of the drugs... It happened to me after my IUI... I was late for abt 2weeks but i refused to take duphaston to encourage my AF cycle as I decide to let nature takes its course. Too much drugs pun tak bagus. Insya Allah, yours will come soon.

Bubbli: thanks for the link. I need to wait for the owner to grant me the access... The spreadsheet tak leh bukak mcm dulu... I rasa rumah I tak raya lah kali ni... Rumah mcm dah terbalik... Kecian lak tgk DH, lepas balik kerja, dah penat... Dia kemas apa je yg terdaya...
Oh didn't realise the link not shared just now..I just shared with u...I thot it was only a copy and can be viewed..hehehe...Tak pe la Sis..Buat yang mana yang perlu je..U r on ur 2ww..So better to rest than buat keje rumah...Hepi 2ww..Hope to hear good news from you...;-)

Bubbli & Cahyasuci: Thanks for sharing and your encouragement. I dah lah nervous and counting the days to my BT. I pun mcm tak nak buat HPT, takut nak tahu result. Otak ni mcm-mcm pikir... Nervous with my BT result and takut m/c ulangi lagi... Next week lak dah kena start kerja lik... Ya Allah, kuatkan lah imanku dan tabahkan hatiku... Amin Amin Amin
Bubbli & Cahyasuci: Thanks for sharing and your encouragement. I dah lah nervous and counting the days to my BT. I pun mcm tak nak buat HPT, takut nak tahu result. Otak ni mcm-mcm pikir... Nervous with my BT result and takut m/c ulangi lagi... Next week lak dah kena start kerja lik... Ya Allah, kuatkan lah imanku dan tabahkan hatiku... Amin Amin Amin

Dun worry so much...We have done wat we could..U berdoa byk2...Insya-allah will hear good news on this coming friday...Amin Amin..;-)
Thanks Bubbli. I takde cyst based on my previous scans except PCOS je la.. I feel like I really need to get something to improve my egg qualities. If next one fail pun I still have frozen embies. At least I can use up 3x gov grant on FET.

Lily, I know 2ww mmg mind torturing... its hard to stay positive at times. But just keep on trying ok? keep calm and dhikr. Try listening to recitation of al-Quran to calm yrself down.

Sometimes my mind keep thinking what could be the reasons of my failure. Actually the day of my spotting I went to NTUC which is quite far from my house but walking distance lah... I dunno if that's cause the spotting/bleeding? Or maybe time I solat terawih 2days bef that I put pressure on my ovaries that cause its failing... Or maybe I pegi kubur (even tho most of the time I just sit in the car) Or maybe I tak insert Utrogestan deep enuff?? Mcm2 I fikir... but in the end... ni semua kuasa Allah SWT. What is meant for you will be yours! Its only a matter of time.

We'll get thru this together. Amazingly this cycle has made my heart stronger than bef... I will not give up and will continue trying selagi mampu, InsyaAllah.
Thanks Bubbli. I takde cyst based on my previous scans except PCOS je la.. I feel like I really need to get something to improve my egg qualities. If next one fail pun I still have frozen embies. At least I can use up 3x gov grant on FET.

Lily, I know 2ww mmg mind torturing... its hard to stay positive at times. But just keep on trying ok? keep calm and dhikr. Try listening to recitation of al-Quran to calm yrself down.

Sometimes my mind keep thinking what could be the reasons of my failure. Actually the day of my spotting I went to NTUC which is quite far from my house but walking distance lah... I dunno if that's cause the spotting/bleeding? Or maybe time I solat terawih 2days bef that I put pressure on my ovaries that cause its failing... Or maybe I pegi kubur (even tho most of the time I just sit in the car) Or maybe I tak insert Utrogestan deep enuff?? Mcm2 I fikir... but in the end... ni semua kuasa Allah SWT. What is meant for you will be yours! Its only a matter of time.

We'll get thru this together. Amazingly this cycle has made my heart stronger than bef... I will not give up and will continue trying selagi mampu, InsyaAllah.

hmm U can try to eat COQ10...My clinic did mention that exercise pun help...During my 2nd cycle..They gave me saizen..Since theirs is private I had to take it for 3 mths..The egg quality were indeed better...Not sure whether that contribute to the good egg quality..But nvrtheless it's really hard to say good quality eggs can give u BFP..I have frens who has bad quality eggs and come with fragments..Still managed to BFP and has already given birth...

Sometimes our failure can be due to many reason unknown..What we can do is just hope and pray..Everything is in HIS HANDS...Kita cuma boleh ikhtiar..dan berdoa je..Dun think too much on why it failed..Just move on from there and hope the next cycle will be better than the previous one...Like u said wat is urs..is urs..if it's not meant to be...Then it will nvr be...

Yup all of us will get tru this tough journey Insya-allah...As long as u r willing to fight this battle..Dun give up...;-)..
Thanks Bubbli. I did ate COQ10 bef tapi for awhile I stop taking it after I bought Blackmores Conceive well gold. Gonna start exercise again soon after Ramadhan! I'll ask Prof if they have Saizen or other alternatives to improve the egg quality. Takpelah I just usaha sedaya yg mampu, hopefully next cycle will be better than the 1st one. InsyaAllah!
Thanks Bubbli. I did ate COQ10 bef tapi for awhile I stop taking it after I bought Blackmores Conceive well gold. Gonna start exercise again soon after Ramadhan! I'll ask Prof if they have Saizen or other alternatives to improve the egg quality. Takpelah I just usaha sedaya yg mampu, hopefully next cycle will be better than the 1st one. InsyaAllah!

Hmm u can still take COQ10 with conceive well..That's wat I did...Yup start after ramadhan..I pun nak start after Ramadhan...hehehe...

Yup ask the Prof..I only know KKH & SGH have it...but NUH not sure..Ask for his advice..He will know better...

Yup kita cuma bole usaha...the rest is for HIM to decide...Yup thenext one will be betetr Insya-allah...;-)..Amin Amin
syrian, ur nick was Caramel rite? and want2bamummy was lily kan? haha... I got confused with the nicks after they upgrade the forum. I think yr body still try to regulate the hormones.. therefore AF still MIA. Could be the stim drugs as well. I'm still feeling sick even after I stop the inserts.

syrian, my first fresh IVF was at KKH under Dr Matthew Lau. Since I have no frozen embies, I decided to switch back to NUH cos my last IUI was at NUH too and this time I will choose Prof Wong as perm gynae. Hopefully I tak jumpa Dr Anupriya... *vomit blood* lol!

Anyway, what is Nor-e? is it Norethisterone? I've yet to start any treatment with Prof Wong so I'm not sure what is the usual protocols for NUH. But early this year, I was given Norethisterone by a nearest GP to stop my AF (cos 2mths non-stop bleeding). The side effects was really bad, it triggers my migraine everyday. My migraine stop when I quit taking Norethisterone.

Thanks for the suggestions, syrian. I will definitely ask him to prescribe me some vits. I don't have endo, but PCOS... can PCOS take Bee Pollen & Royal Jelly?? (both are the same thing or lain2?)

cahyasuci: u mention vomit blood if terjumpa Dr Anu? Kenape eh? hehehe Im under subsidy, so dapat jumpa Prof cuma for first visit. The rest i dapat jumpa Dr Anu. Dia garang and kata2 dia mcm tak kisah what we feel sebab tak pandai selindung and comforting but I find her much better. Got another Dr Chew. Dia lagi terok. Tak payah berbual pon takpe. Dr Chew did my ER and ET. Den after i bfp, ada follow up with him but my sac tak nampak. But he doesnt seem to know how to talk and explain what is happening. My hubby paling bingit dgn Dr Chew. hehehe
Cahyasuci: don't be too hard on yourself... Never ask the many why qns.... It will drive you crazy... I know it's easier said than done... Whatever it is, we are all here to support one another. Insya Allah, satu hari nanti permintaan kita dikabulkan. Amin

Any ladies know whether it is true that once you go through IVF at KKH, it is better to stick to the same hospital in case there's complication during delivery? I mean, let's say the IVF is successful & I'm told we can go whichever gynae we want thereafter, perhaps under Thomson Medical. However, if it's time for delivery and there's complications, it will cost us a bomb coz the records are under KKH. Is this true?
Any ladies know whether it is true that once you go through IVF at KKH, it is better to stick to the same hospital in case there's complication during delivery? I mean, let's say the IVF is successful & I'm told we can go whichever gynae we want thereafter, perhaps under Thomson Medical. However, if it's time for delivery and there's complications, it will cost us a bomb coz the records are under KKH. Is this true?

Hmm true can go anywhere to deliver..But tak pernah dgr pulak will cost a bomb since our records in KKH...To wat I know if complications e.g babies need to be NICU and the private hospital concerned could not cater for such situation..If referred to KKH then considered as private as well in KKH..so charges will still be considered ex...

Some gynaes r very good..In a sense if they find that ur case maybe considered complicated..They will ask u to get referral in poly then go to KKH to register and meet with a gynae there...So which means have 2 follow ups..1 in KKH and 1 with ur private gynae..So in case of emergency like pre term labour ke..U can go to KKH and be considered as subsidise la..
cahyasuci: u mention vomit blood if terjumpa Dr Anu? Kenape eh? hehehe Im under subsidy, so dapat jumpa Prof cuma for first visit. The rest i dapat jumpa Dr Anu. Dia garang and kata2 dia mcm tak kisah what we feel sebab tak pandai selindung and comforting but I find her much better. Got another Dr Chew. Dia lagi terok. Tak payah berbual pon takpe. Dr Chew did my ER and ET. Den after i bfp, ada follow up with him but my sac tak nampak. But he doesnt seem to know how to talk and explain what is happening. My hubby paling bingit dgn Dr Chew. hehehe

Last time I was under subsidy too. And yes baby dusty, Dr Anu was insensitive about our feelings when we failed our IUI. We told her if possible nak buat IVF but she said the chances of getting successful IVF is quite slim cos of my weight. I felt so down by her remarks at that time sampai I dah malas nak buat any fertility treatments for 2yrs. I've met ppls who are much more obese than me can get pregnant & their baby are healthy too. My bro who just got married last Dec, his wife already 7mths preg and they are staying with us temporary. The news broke me down but I'm happy for them. So now here I am trying for the 2nd IVF... gonna try my very best to lose weight as much as I can.. Jom Bubbli after Ramadhan kita start! hehehe... ;)

Lily, I stop questioning already. Now kena usaha lebih lagi for the next better cycle! InsyaAllah!
Salam sis,

Syukur alhamdullilah.... It's BFP! Teramat indah mendapat keputusan yg dinantikan....

Harapkan my pregnancy goes smoothly, Insya Allah... Babydust to all of you... :)
Congrats want2bamummy! Have a smooth pregnancy ahead. So happy for u..grabbing ur bb dusts..take care aite..
Insyallah for the rest of us, our time will come soon..

Yup cahaya, im caramel. My AF came last wed. syukur lah it came.So risau..btw i dun like the new format lah. Not user friendly..suddenly mcm lost abt all our nicks..Great to noe that both u & bubbli will be cycling soon..lets all do it together..
Congrats Lily. May u have a healthy pregnancy dear. Grabbing yr baby dust too!

Hi syrian, If u want u can change yr nick under 'Personal Details'. Good that yr menses has came. So what is the next step sis?

As for myself, I've met Prof Wong last Thurs. NUH called & brought forward my appt to 1st Aug. He seems quite optimistic bout my next IVF. I think there could be some treatment bef I start the stimulation. Booked fr my 2nd fresh IVF fr Nov. 3 months to go... counting down... tick tock tick tock... :)
Terima kasih Caramel & Cahyasuci.... Insya Allah, your turn will come soon...

Alhamdullilah for your menses to come... Boleh you start your next cycle kan Caramel...

Syukur to get an optimistic doc kan Cahyasuci... I pray for your success... Insya Allah...
I had 2 miscarriages by naturally... Duration between 3 months apart. Then my Chinese friends told me that I should take a break dulu of about 6 mths to heal naturally and they think mungkin badan I belum sihat and that's why I miscarriage for the 2nd time. So I decided to do as many advised.

Lepas 6 mths, I've been trying to onceived naturally tapi tak sangkut-sangkut... At that time, I never think to get help or whatsoever. It's until my GP doctor keep asking me whether I'm pregnant each time I jumpa her whenever I demam. She was concerned that I tak sangkut knowing my age is getting older and she ask me to get a second gynae opinion. I told her that my gynae for my 2m/c who was Dr Aziz, said there's nothing wrong with me... just that I belum ada rezeki. So I decided to heed her advice and went to see another gynae, Dr Jazlan and told him what my GP doctor's concerns. In the end, Dr Jazlan agreed to let me do some test to find out what's wrong with me (his opinion is that most gynae will not carry out these tests till the lady experienced 3 m/c). As for me, I hanya ada 2 m/c and Dr Jazlan takut the test may not be 100% accurate. After the test, I was found to be diagnosed with PCOS, which Dr Jazlan find it strange kerana looking at my history bukan mcm patient yg ada PCOS (as I can easily get pregnant in the past and I wasn't overly obese). In the end he just gave me clomid and told me to mainstain stress free life.

The clomid didn't work on me at all & my work is very stressful. It was only this year that I started to be in huge depression for not getting pregnant and I realised I got to do something. Baru I beranikan diri to see Dr Sandhana. She told me to start IUI since my past pregnancy history. But I failed that one time IUI. Terus Dr Sandhana told me to do IVF and here I am now, amat bersyukur that I'm BFP now.

I hope my story gave some ladies some hindsights not to be like me in certain ways. I regret jugak that I didn't berusaha lagi siang siang. I owe my GP doctor for pushing me to do something abt my pregnancy. I tak prepare anything actually... So when first time I enter this forum, I started to panic knowing how much you ladies have done with the supplements,etc when I didn't do any of those. During this 2ww, baru I nak makan immunocal and pantang makan. I have to thank you ladies for all the encouragements and advises that you have given me. Syukur teramat!
Thanks fr sharing yr story Lily. Patience is a virtue. Take extra good care of yrself now k. InsyaAllah will dua fr a smooth 9mths fr u. :)

Hi Lily, you have come a long way based on your story. U have gone thro a lot..*Hugs* btw care to share how young are u? did doc ckp asal u have recurrent m/c? Take extra good care of urself k. Jgn stress2. Take things easy..Insyallah all will go well for you this pregnancy..amin..thanks for the doas too..

Hi Cahaya, I still cannot change my nick lah via "Personal details". Already changed my display name as caramel but sama jek..gd to know that u have seen prof & hes optimistic abt ur next ivf. Did u ask prof abt saizhen as proposed by Sis Bubbli? NUH ada tak? Did he prescribe u anything for ur egg quality? He only gave me & hb vit c and e..

Btw, what are u planning to do these 3 mths before next round? planning any new strategy that is different from ur 1st round? hehe..as for me, I planned to go for my 2nd fresh next mth in sept. My 1st IVF i tak buat acupunture. But this coming round, I dah start acupunture. Hope ada difference lah. Insyallah..So when my aug nye cycle starts, kena call chr to start my nor-e. But my AF kinda messed up. My July cycle just came on 30th. Supposed to come on 25th. Duno when my aug cycle will come. Excited to start next round but fearful jugak..;)

Sis Bubbli, when are u planning to start ur FET? I wish us all success in our journey to motherhood..Insyallah our doas to be parents will be answered in this bulan Ramadhan yg mulia ini..amin amin ya rabbal alamin.. :)
