moon, as wat hui said, am 1 of those who do nt hv symp at all.... remembered tt i was feeling very sad & disappointed too towards end of 2ww cos keep hving PMS symp.... but it turned out otherwise...
so who knows rite...


i also felt down towards middle of last week. dont be affected by me, i regret not having PMA...did your doctor tell u anything negative ?

doing HPT on friday was a real challenge. cos i used the HPT and couldnt decide if my eyes were playing trick on me, and was the line already there IN THE BEGINNING before i did the test....its really FAINT.....so like what the rest said, its better to take blood test on Saturday..
hi stumbled_by,
I've been lurking on these boards ever since I started my 1st ivf (now in 2ww), and I must say how happy I was for you when you posted your BFP! You have always been so supportive of others and you so totally deserve this. I hope you have a beautiful pregnancy ahead and lovely baby/babies in 9 months time!

I'm rooting for you to get BFP too.
My own test date in 8 Aug but I only had 2 of my eggs fertilised and transferred and they're only Grade 2 to 3 (1 being best and 4 being worst.)

Anyway, I think I should stop being so selfish and overworried for myself and be genuinely happy for others. You girls have inspired me so much with your selflessness.

So, Congrats and Good Luck!

wow..u have a lot of 'resistance' to lurk around but not voice anything

Your test date is 8 Aug means u have just undergone ET ? Which hospital are u at ?
I think it's more fear than resistance. So scared of opening up and then failing. But I think you girls realy inspired me.
My ET was last Saturday, at TMC.Cried so badly after ET when found out only 2 made it, and not graet either. Been talking to my poor embies and praying everyday, telling them I love them even if they're not top grade.
Been feeling very painful 'pulling' sensation since yesterday around area below tummy and my sides (like AF), but I read somewhere that it could be ovaries getting back to normal size so ...well 2ww is torture!
i will pray hard for you okay! My DH said maybe embies just like us,shy around others but will blossom once they're home.

Good Luck n really hope you get BFP!
((((((PMA)))))) for moon, annie & goo_gal.....

i will be MIA for next few days as staying at mum's place... HB on reservist
so ask me to go niang jia

hi annie, welcome to the thread. May I know who is ur gynae at TMC?
hi ladies,

I just had my ET last Sunday. Supposed to have 2 frozen embryos but only 1 survived the thawing. Will know the result on 8 Aug. 17 days seems so long... very anxious and worried.

hope that u gals can give me your blessings.
hi Ad,
yah u are right! I will pray to God to protect my little fittest survivor. Thanks for your encouragement! I need all the support i can get..
dun worry... Stay positive!! Pray hard for Mon's result.. lots of blessings for u!!!!

ah... so we quite close!! how are u feeling? good luck to u.
hi moonfairy

All the best to u for mon's test. i heard dr foong got quite a number of successful cases recently, u could be the next one! Good luck!

your jab was HcG during the 2WW ? If it is, then u may need to wait for Monday for the blood test. Cos i thot most patients jab was prostegon..

boobs hurt is a good sign..
Hi Stumbled by,
Gong Xi Gong Xi....
Haha..really happy for u...
U must now really rest well n dun move around too much...
What is your HCG level?
May i know where u done the blood test on last last sat? Cos I only done my blood test as schedule by the clinic.

Sorry to send my regards so late, as my PC was down for the last week, just got a new replacement.

U will be gong for scan next week right?
Hope to hear more good news from u...
Li Yen,

i cant remember my HcG level, actually clinic did not tell me..later i asked and nurse said '2' something, so I had no idea :p

i did my blood test at the clinic (NUH)...

err..I heard u also from NUH. u were deciding whether to continue your treatment there. How is it ? I asked and they said only 5 months onwards there is a package..maybe we can bring this discussion to 'IVF mothers-to-be folder'. see u there!


I logged in this morning to see your reply..rooting for u!
Stumbled by,
If yr HcG is 200+ then maybe u will get multiple birth. What injection r u on now?
I had decided to take up the package at NUH which cost $500 (exclude gst)
hi moonfairy

Angeline called me at about 4:30PM when they received my HCG results. We were asked to see dr at the clinic at 5:30PM. i can understand how u feel now, hang on ok?? i know now every hour is like a day to u... Will be hanging around to look out for ur news. Good luck!!!
Hi Moon, sorry to hear that, don't worry you will get more babies the next round, twin or triplets
Big hugss to u dear! I dont know what to say, please take care and remember we are here for u whenever u want to let out your emotions ok. I'll be thinking of you hunny!
Sorry to hear tat. Please continue to try and do not give up. Rest well and build up your body for your next try.
Hi Moon,
sorry about the news. i can understand how u feel coz i have been thru it. But don't give up ok... take care. do drop by here if u someone to talk to.

Sorry to hear that it wasnt successful. I have been through it so i know how u felt. Take time to think of the next steps, and meanwhile give your body a rest....
I'm so sorry. I hope you'll feel better soon. Me not feeling good about my cycle too.

Never mind, can try again.
hi moonfairy

Glad to hear that u are feeling better today.

wow, make sure u shop until u drop at bkk hor!! Must remember to tell us what u managed to buy there.

wahh...really ahh, u managed to get the $2 deal!!! Not bad leh. So when are u leaving and for how many days??

normally u have to rest for 2 months. I know how u feel, mentally and emotionally can be can draining. Mine now will be 3rd try. Do it when u think u are ready... my hubbie also said that if it is meant to be, it will be.. But at least we know we tried so we will have no regrets. So live life happily ok !!

Hope u are feeling better. Don't be discouraged. Wow !!! $2 deal! Wow..envy envy..

Gals, I had ET on Sun and transfer 4 embries
Stomach feeling very bloated and had been dripping since ER (last Thurs) till now. It's realy very 'xinku' for me. Can't sneeze, laugh, cough, etc, as all this cause cramp and pain on my stomach. Will be still on dripping till further notice. My HPT test is on 16/8/2006. I really need your all baby dust and blessings... Thanks.
