I am new here...
Would like to join in for a chat.
I done my IVF at NUH in early may. Now into 2nd trimester le...Sometimes still have doubt as what can be eat n what cannot...
Can start to drink herbal soup at this time?

hi humble, am here...
had my 1st scan tis morning & BB had grown to 27mm so my edd has changed to 16 Feb'07 ( 4days earlier). Am doing DS on Aug 10, hopefully results ok...
oh, feel nausea whenever walked past food court with their stoves open cos ct stand oil smell... am taking preserved mandarin peel...

this morning i just feel that i may not be pregnant, cos :-
a) have this 'slippery feeling' , or rather, feeling of liquid. at my vaginal area. Probably due to me inserting prostegon gel vaginally every morning (yes, mine is not jab) But sometimes i just think if that is the symptom of impending menses.. (if menses will come, earliest is this Saturday from past experience)

b) when hubby helped me to insert the prostegon gel this morning, he saw that my vaginal area(lips, interior??) is very red. he said 'looks like blood on the wall' and commented 'your menses is coming'...his remarks made me crestfallen...i asked him last round was it like that but he cant recall. usually he will help me insert the gel unless he is overseas (he was overseas for few days after my ET) How ????????


i din really bedrest but i lazed at the sofa area. tried to move minimally for the first 4 days after ET. but after that, i am sort of back to normal in terms of mobility..


yes, i can understand your fears. Multiple pregnancies have their 'advantages' and disadvantages. U just suffer once unless u want to get pregnant again
Li Yen,

Mind me asking abt your experience in NUH....

Which doctor are you seeing? Are you seeing Prof PC Wong?

In general, what protocol did you take? The injections last for 4 weeks?

Is it true that you have a one to one nurse to patient ratio during the entire IVF process...?

Were there many side effects? How's the injectibles?

Do share with us if you can? How much did you pay?

Hi Humble
Thanks for the link...How many babies u have now?(sorry I din catch up in the earlier thread)

I am seeing Prof Wong P.C. In NUH, think most r using ICSI.Suppress the hormones using superfact from D21 for 2 weeks, followed by egg stimulator for the next 2 weeks. i think abt total of 44jabs plus 5 time blood test.
During injection not much side effect except that i feel tired n sleepy.After the ET side effect such as blaotedness,dry mouth were experienced. sometimes if the needles was poked at wrong position will feel pain n bleeding otherwise should be ok. I find that if u squeeze yr stomach muscele, then there will be no pain.
After transfer, we insert gel instead of injection.
The nurse at the reproduction dept r all very nice...will get to know all of them not 1 to 1. But I think there is 1-2 that happen to always attend to me.
Pregnancy test was done 18 days after ET. Mine was pretty low so i need to inject HCG during my 1st trimester.
Happen that I know a lady doing ER same day with me, she also now pregnant with twins.
I considered myself as really lucky person, cos I only managed to retrival only 5 eggs, n I inserted in all the remaining 3 embryos, only a embryo survived.
Throughout the 1st trimester , i din feel MS thus I put on 7kgs liao.(Sad at this point)
But for sake of bb, never mind lor...as i already waited for 6years le..
My EDD is 22 Jan 07.
I spend on IVF procedures is around $1.8K after 6k medisave deduction.Not include pre-ivf blood test.During 1st trimester injection abt$1.9K
Is KKH cheaper for IVF n delivery? Cos I find that to delivery in NUH is more expensive...

Li Yen
Li Yen

Congrats on your pregnancy. can u comment on my posting i posted this morning ? Since I am also with NUH....

I feel very desperate now...
stumbled by,
I have no experience using the gel, but i had menstrual cramp kinda pain and wet feeling at times, i used run to the toilet to check a couple of times during the second week, For now dont worry yourself, just be happy that you are carrying the embies, if u think u want to rest take a day off and put your feet up as much as possible.

will be praying for u....
Hi Stumbled,
Thanks! Nice to hear that u from NUH too...Ya..this morning I reada yr msg le. For my case, i only left with 2 good n 1 satisfactory eggs on the third day, so lucky for me...inintally only allow 2 embryos but due to the 1 satisfactory egg, we decided to put all in.
Throughout the 18 days, I also lived in fear...I contunued to measure my temperature n keep going toilet to check for stain. I really feel very bloated after the second HCG injection n PC wong ask me to stop the third jab. My husband will put the gel in for me every morning so I also not sure how it look like...but u need to walk around after insertion for absorption. Try to observed if there is any changes on yr body. I saw slight green vein on my breasts n quite swollen too...
2-3 days before the blood test, I got very bloated n cant walk too much n also stomach pain...both my friend n me have the same feeling...n both of us got it too...U try to eat porridge n fish n veg/fruit..dun eat too oily stuff...Can get consipation easily.... My friend done a pregnancy test on herown one day before the blood test...shown positive...
When is yr blood test? I heard that the chances is quite high too in NUH, cos that time in May there r at least 8 cases of sucessful IVF. U just have to pray hard to calm yourself...

Li Yen

tks for telling me u also had the wet feeling. did u observe your vagina changes (tsk tsk). but i guess u dont use gel, so probably u wun use a mirror to look at yourself 'down there' :pp

Why must put up feet ? u did that for the 2 weeks ?

Li yen,

ya..mine is 2 good 1 satisfactory too. good to hear u also put back after 3 days! I also, cos don have much embryos to wait. Last round i put back on the 5th day i think. this is normally the practise in NUH cos they want to choose the best embbies.

i don have HCG injection - u had that cos u are confirmed pregnant right ? I do walk around after insertion cos i got to go to work. anyway, i will not lie in bed after insertion too (on non working days).

my breast naturally have green veins so i guess its not an accurate gauge. looks like quite a number of u have stomach pain - but i know this is not a MUST have feeling, just like any pregnancy symptoms. i have some 'feelings' at the stomach but i don know if its really there, cos sometimes its bcos u are full after a meal or bcos u did not have good bowel movement ;X

my blood test is next tues but this Sat is 14 days post egg retrieval....i also heard from TTBS (another forumer) in May/early June the success rate is 50 over percent. but i try not to think so much cos its just a statistics.
I agreed with Humble that there is wetting feeling. The gel will come out in a form of white discharge.
At time i also feel nausea but din vomit....
I got sleeping problems too...
I had my HCG injection the next day after ET, before confirmation of pregnancy, this is due to low HCG hormones in body.
So will wait for yr good news next tuesday...
How come u working now...tot on mc...?
During that period, I always still at home de..hardly go out...rest more , is good for u...
Take care and hope that u will join us soon...
Hi Sisters, do you think we can consume milk after ET, is it a forbidden item too ? Thanks

LiYen, after your ET how many days of bedrest did you have ?
Li Yen

I don have HCG injection, rely entirely on crinone gel. i think i cannot have injection cos my E2 hormones prior to egg retrieval is high. more injection may push me to OHSS.

i am doing freelance. so last 2 weeks i have already taken off. So for the 2nd week of 2WW, i decide to work.


i still take milk. i only refrain from soya products*due to my high estrogen level* prior ER.

Is Prof PC Wong good? Is he a caring and encouraging doctor?

Can I ask you how many days of MC are you given during the ER and ET period? MC starts after ER? Or after ET? Heard that most people experience the crampy feeling in the abdomen after ER....because of the retrieval of eggs thru sucking from the ovaries...

Understand that PC Wong has a clinic in Mt Elizabeth....so, can I ask if the injections or blood tests are done at Mt E or done in NUH.....understand that ER and ET are done at NUH........how many trips you make to NUH before ER and ET?

Have you taken clomid before IVF?

I guess different people have different side effects......U r really lucky to have little side effects??

Injections not painful? Wow, a total of 44 jabs....wonder if the same applies to everyone....do they adjust the dosage......?

How many rounds of vaginal scanning did you go as well?

Hope that you can help in my questions.....Cheers!
I quited my job for this procedures....so i can tell u that I rest most of the time...i dun go out cos after ET, I find that i couldnt walk much, stomach very bloat. I still take milk but heard that protein can help reduce bloatedness, such as protein drink n egg white only. Normally people will advised u to rest more but not necessary bedrest lah... can walk around at home , sit n watch tv when u bored.
After confirmed pregnant... i also dun go out till my second months, then I go shopping...
Prof Wong is experienced I can say n he is the HOD. But he is not consider caring type n chatty type. Only when u ask..he will give u the answer. But since this is my first attempt for IVF, n I also seen quite a no of IVF sucessful rate here...I think his skill is not bad.
I not working leh...but i remember is abt 18 days MC from Egg pickup till yr blood test.
Ya after the pickup..u will feel cramp in tummy but will be ok after 2-3 days. Following will be the ET.
Yes, all the things done in NUH only there they have the facilities. In NUH they have a centre called CHR where there will be a group of nurse to help u thru this procedures.
Before ER I think abt 8-10 trip include first visit to see him n blood test. During the start of stimulation of eggs using gonal F, u have to see him 2-3 days to check yrs eggs status, size, nos...also have blood test with every visit.
After each blood n scan, will inform u how much to inject, so everyone is different. some take more jab while some even lesser than me.More jab will mean more expensive. During the stimulation stage, u need to take in 2 jab per day.So first 14 days only 1 jab in morning.
I din take clomid b4 IVF, but i took alot of chinese medicine but Dr dun like this idea...
Vaginal scan is abt 5 to 6 times. U decided to do IVF soon? But can tell u is that in NUH they dun encourage triplets so they want to to put in only 2 embryo if u below 35 years old. But in my case is special, cos i left with 2 good i 1 satifactory, thus i put all in. I think KKH will result in more twins n triplets than NUH.
Good luck to u

Wow.....you quitted your job just to concentrate on this process.....it is a really big sacrifice on your part........at least, you dun need to be work stress.....I think that one must be completely relax when going for IVF programme...

I have not decided to do IVF yet......but just happened to listen to a recent talk on IVF last Sat by NUH......saw Prof Wong with the bow tie giving the talk......he is quite a joker and give stories to illustrate.....the talk was very informative and enriching..........so, I am checking on the charges and the procedures should I need to do this...........

Can I ask if you have seen other gynaes before seeing him?

Was the stimulation stage more difficult than the suppression stage?

How come you need to do IVF? Did you not do IUI? thought that Prof Wong mentioned that one needs to do IUI 1st 3 attempts before IVF......

Sign.......44 injections including the progestrone jabs during 1st trimester right? Wow, that is a lot of injections........simulation stage, 2 jabs on where and when ( morning and afternoon).........

U r really brave to go thru all these......

All IVF mummies need to go thru these procedures, so cheers to all IVF MTB.

Ya the stimulation stage is more tough cos need to injection 1 in morning 1 at night.and for the last day of injection, need total 3 jab (b4 ER). U were lucky to attend the seminar b4 trying IVF. I just went straight to Prof Wong n tell him I want to do IVF. I attend the week b4 the IVF seminar which is for MTB. Also organised by NUH.
Prof Wong wore a bow tie everytime u see him. Anything he mentioned is interesting?
I din attend that one....
As i was married in 2000, i had been trying for bb for very long liao...
Seen many gynaes,KKH,TMC,TCM also have..done laproscopy too..gone thru many many tests...include 2 IUI..haiz....every month wishes to get pregnany is a dreadful moments for me...
U need the support from yr hubby especially during the IVF stages...if he can help u to inject...that will be great...at least u just need to laid still n get poked everyday...
My hubby is great...he done all for me...thou I am the one urging to do this procedures...I think KKH also have many sucessful cases too... Nowadays IVF is getting more sucessful rate le...if problem is not on the woman, then properly the chances is very high..hehe...

Thanks for sharing the wonderful information with all of us here.......

Yes, really cheers to all IVF mummies.......it is indeed brave for all of them to go thru all these needles poking session..........

It really requires so much strength and effort to go thru all that..........

Do you feel bloated during the suppression and stimulation stages? Or only that feeling come after ER and ET? I think everyone is different.......

I dun know as I am working and cant really afford to quit my job..........but Prof Wong says that one can still work while on all these injections..........

Is the needle the same pen used for both suppression and stimulation stage? Or a bigger needle for stimulation stage???

No bloatedness during injection. Only after ET.
During injection can still work, just that after u done with IVF n get pregnant, u will feel stress lor if continue working...depend on individual...( I also worked part time during my injection, stopped only during the gonal F cos i feel so tired n the frequency visits to NUH. For superfact which need to be inject for 4 weeks u need to draw using the needle, only gonal F is using pen type which is much easier. I was told that pen one is thinner insize but for me no different leh..
Have u done IUI before?
Li Yen,

I also got married same year as you..sigh..

think most likely i will fail this time round. Cos as said yesterday, I have this liquid feeling, like something is going to come out from vagina. Sometimes I even subconsciously try to 'hold back' but if its going to come out, it will...I always get this kind of feeling prior to menses...tsk tsk
stumbled, don't be like tat...stay positive.

Ladies, a question for you all. When should I execute the food/activities in "do & don't list"? Can I take some chines herb and multi-vits before the injections?

hmm..hard to stay positive when all the symptoms of menses work against me. I have some brown stains yesterday and today already. Today is the earliest menses can come (2 weeks after egg retrieval) Yesterday I already had a big cry :~(


i am trying to stay positive but with the symptoms and brown spots, everything is the same signs as my monthly AF. guess i may disappear for a while. don think i will have the courage to pursue 3rd fresh round, as gynea said (b4 i start my 2nd fresh round) usually he will recommend people for 3 rounds before they 'call it a day'. I cant handle the consequence of 3rd round.....(PS - this is my 2nd fresh round)
stumbled, hug hug... I know how u feel. Dun conclude anything yet, wait for yr blood test ok..Meanwhile try to rest more and take good care.
stumbled by,
dear buddy..pls stay +ive..is nvr the end ok..there's alwaz a way out n ur 2ww is still up yet rite?u wun knw mayb this is 'ur' symptoms of preggie...

I have done one round of IUI.....but did not work....

Really envy and admire you for your stamina and guts for going thru the entire IVF process......sure! it requires great determination.......!!

Can I clarify with you throughout the 4 weeks, you only use puregon pen for injections or U need a different needle for both suppression and stimulation jabs?

I am just wondering if all fertility centres use the same kind of protocol????

I really wish some miracle will happen to me some day!!
Stumbled by,
How r u today? U r a strong person cos u went thru twice already...well i not as brave as u leh.. Cheer up....
Do u expereiences the same feeling as the first round...?
I can understand your feeling right now.. cos everyone doing IVF will have this worry n fear especially when is near to this time...
Even peolpe around told u not to worry but u just cant help it...right?
I too had many sleepless night during the 2nd week after ET...
So what I wanted to tell u is that u r not the only one...
Take care....

I took chinese herb before n during injection...
But later my gynae told me to stop...
The chinese herbs I took is prescribe my my dr.. she is from Thong Chai Clinic..
Dun know izzit due to that, thay Y i dun have MS... but not scienctific proven lah...
stumbled by,
oh dear, please dont worry yourself now, I can totally understand how you would feel, but the blood test is just around the corner, so tell yourself you wont give up for now. pls

I'll be thinking of u hugss....
dear all

tks for the concern. i will take HPT later today when I go home, as advised by humble. put my mind at ease.....


the injection pain is nothing - don worry. even small kids who have diabetics can do it
its the outcome that is more 'worrying' and also 'the next steps'. like what i am going thru now ;p
stumbled by,
the hpt is most accurate when done in the morning with first urine, clearblue is reliable i guess. Keeping everthing crossed for u!
Dear all,
thanks for your advice. thanks for keeping up with my nonsense these past few days.

had blood test this morning and its positive!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

but i have to do the jab because of the staining, must be careful these few days.
Stumbled By, CONGRATS ! I felt sad for you when I read your earlier posts...Good that everything is OK now
dun be sian ok. PMA PMA PMA. Dun think about those symptoms ok. Some gals pregg even without symptoms. Make you worry more. Just relax and talk to your embries.
dear sisters,

ya..i still cant believe it. tomorrow when i go down i am gonna double check with the clinic that i was the only one who had pregnancy test on Saturday! I am so afraid they mixed up or its not my blood :ppppp

So its true that pregnant symptoms is VERY CLOSE to menses symptoms. I have been habouring all these symptoms for the past 4 years...

its really an emotional rollercoaster. On thursday night I cried hard. Friday I was despondent like what u saw in the postings. Friday nite when the HPT showed faint positive, i dont know whether to be happy or not. Then finally , Saturday's blood test confirmed everything..

I should have listened to u all and have PMA ;p


I went for blood test 2 days before actual day. So its not really a week earlier.


i din have much bloated feeling. only occasional cramp which is sooo rare that u can miss it. Now i really see the importance of PPPMMMAAA.......
stumbled by,

ic ic..i made a mistake then..haha..u notti gal now then say shld have listen to us..but now still ot too late
..wish u have a smooth 9 mths journey n very cute bb..
stumbled by,

ic ic..i made a mistake then..haha..u notti gal now then say shld have listen to us..but now still ot too late
..wish u have a smooth 9 mths journey n very cute bb/bbs..
stumbled_by, BIG Congratulations!!! Yahooooo..you made it. So happy for you..

moon, dun worry. You will be next.
hi stumbled by

A big congrats to u, u made it!!!!

moonfairy, i din have much symptoms as well. So dun jump to conclusion yet ok? Wish u all the best!
wow, seems like most MTBs were tested 2 days early.... as wat stumbled_by said ((((((PMA)))))) is very impt..... & rub ur tummy to tell ur embroy/s to stay strong & healthy in ur womb......

dr did not seem to be very optimistic after my ET either cos i also din have any to freeze... Felt like crying out at that time, but managed to overcome by telling myself i just need 1 to implant. Do try to stay positive, we will be here to support u.
