IVF/ICSI - cycle buddies


i will give you the add asap

i think quite a number of ivfers went there and mostly under DR SF Loh

the needle is very thin nia.. no pain no pain

i give you the telephone number u ask the address can? is at amk opp nanyang poly..Tel: 64560833

koala, hui,

thanks alot!!


ask u hor.. for the ACU, any doc in particular to look for..? then must tell them making appt for Acu for what purpose..?

No every ACU doc can handle fertility problem. So please be more careful in choosing the doc.

My doc is same as hui mentioned, you may call and get the full address, the blk number is 505, near to AMK central. The fees for 1 session is $25.00 for 40 mins.

The doc name is "Chow yu min", lady, shanghaiese, for IVF and FET, we do twice a week, starting from CD7 of af. Stop before et.

But sometime, I find her just pass the motion, but since she is the only 1 recommended by Dr Xia, so just stick to her.

thanks so much for the info.. i'll call them to make an appt now..

if let's say we are going for FET, we still need to go for puregon jabs..? no need already right..?
wat u mean by pass motion? i let her do a few time onli.. i think less than 6 times then i start cycle liao.. but once i start cycle i nvr go acu liao leh
is all of your blood test in the morning? did my ET on the 13th Feb, so till date should be D10. Is it too early to test on a urine stick? tomorrow going in for blood test.
Hi Koala,
17th day from ET or ER?
Hui, what bout yours? you did your urine test on each day from ET?
in fact, I startting to feel like AF coming..
y ur blood test so early wan? mine also like D17. if now D10 is too early for urine test le. i did my urine test on D15 n D16.. got AF feeling doesn't mean menses coming lah..in fact pregnant sym n AF sym is exactly the same
thanks for sharing the link, i've browsed through it and i found it very useful. At least the link give me some indication that i am going on the right direction by changing the protocol. And the wheatgrass seems to help too. Btw, how are you and the puregon jab? When is your first scan?

hang in there and dont give up hope. Day 10 is still too early to test. Wish you the best of luck.

sorry for the bfn. Maybe better luck next time with the FET. I have no experience doing FET but i guess you dont need Puregon for FET. Suggest you have discussion with your doc.
ladies, were you required to sign the consent form when you booked the IVF? I want to book it first since there will be 2 to 3 months' waiting time but my hubby is not around. Do we have to see the doctor together to book the IVF? Thx
Kristy, no need to book for IVF with your hubby around. You can just go down and speak to the nurses and they will do the necessary and advise you on the procedures. They are all very nice and helpful one.
hi Blackcurret, Rosebud..

Thanks alot for your encouragement.. I will jia you next time round and ensure that I dun anyhow eat and do unnecessary stuff... I think some of the reasons of my failure is my OHSS at the initial stage and I didn't keep away from cold drinks and stupid chemical treatment like rebonding..!! :p

Next time round, I'm gonna be more discipline and will seek TCM (ACU) treatment also to ensure better chance.

Ladies.. if you have any advise to improve the chances of success, pls share with me ya!! thanks in advance!!

Let's all jia you together!! Best of luck for those who are trying now..!!
Hi Everyone

Been MIA for a long time...I'm in my 8 wks of pregnancy under Dr Sheila Loh (KKIVF) but sad to say she's living KK, now I will be under Dr Sadhana.

Hopes, don't give up....yours will be next in line!

Kim(s33856), I've read ur msg abt having PCOS, i'm one of them. Got very irregular menses, try Clomid, Metformin, did 2 SOIUI then straight to IVF after 5 yrs of trying...& GOD answer my prayer! Succeed at 1st attempt. So stay positive cos there's no such thing as impossible unless you try! I've put in 2 embroys but mine is singleton

Those who go thru IVF/ICSI are all brave ladies!! So Jia You to those who r trying!!!

My personal opinion. The key to success in IVF treatment are Determination and Endurance.

Jia You! if you still want to have a baby/babies, dont give up!

Dr sheila leaving KK soon??? does she informed u personally? Do u get to choose which doc to replace her since u'r under her?
Zinnia, Rosebud,

Yup, someone told me she's leaving, so when I get to meet her on 13/2/07 (my first & last appt.
after getting pregnant), I've asked her personally. She's going to Raffles. As I want a lady doc. next best choice is Dr Sadhana. My next appt will be on 6/3/07.
Hi, just wonder if natually conceived ladies may also see a doctor in KK Clinic D? or they tend to go to Clinic A, B and C?
you can always go down to TMC IVF centre to have a talk with the nurses/doctors there. They are friendly and will answer your any of your queries.
Ashly, how's the lucrin jabs going?
when is the blood test?

*sigh* think my AF is haywire liow....oredi 50 odd days still not yet ovulate....may miss AF for a few months....how to do FET in May like that?
Hi Dawn
Good to hear from you

I've done 10days' worth of Lucrin liao...
... so far okay lah... hope its smooth-sailing when i start puregon.
going for my bloodtest and scan next mon morning... till then, just hv to cross my fingers & toes that i don't need to extend...
oh dear, perhaps u might want to ring KKIVF abt your AF... perhaps u can advise u on the OCP?!
Pls keep us posted okay?! Take Care buddy
Great to know you have already started the program. Remember I said b4 that I will be back to Jiayou for you. Jiayou!

Same to you.Jiayou!

Stacy here sincerely waiting for both of you to join MTB group.
Dear Stacy
Thank u for the encouragement... yup... i've finally started the "long long road"...

How are your little ones doing? How many weeks r u at now? Must take good care yah...
I am currently 14 weeks liao...
no MS but ES... evening sickness... even now...

I am happy to hear that you have finally started. Wish you best of luck!

I used to have that problem too. I think KKIVF will give you microgynon to regulate your menses. So, maybe you can call them to check with them before it is too late.

Jia you!
Hi! Ashly.
I'm well. Presently in my 11 week. Just seen Dr Loh and scanning shows my 2 little cute ones moving.Really exciting!!!
Hi Buddies,
Just a little update for myself
I am now in my 7 week prenancy
Just seen Dr loh scanning my precious little one, when I saw the heartbeat, is so excited.

For those whose dont have any symtoms at all, please dont give up hope.

Baby dust to all of you......
