IVF/ICSI - cycle buddies


Can anyone advise what is the cost like for doing laparscopy in KKH? Just want to plan ahead in case my doctor will suggest to do it.


Can i ask how do you know the thickness of your lining through which test?

Hi Rosebud,Jeni & Stacy,

Thx for your reply. initially Dr suggested that i go for laparscopy because if HSG result is normal, i still need to go through the laparscopy. does Dr. Loh normally do the operation by himself? I have a bad feeling that it could be female factor although it has been less than one year since we tried to conceive. Now i am getting older and older, so more and more stressed. Dr Loh asked us to try a few more months and said the laparscpy is going to cost 2k and IVF is very expensive. Maybe I should take the HSG first? Can anyone advise how much it could cost? Thanks for your help!
I've done HSG last Oct. and it costs around $130.... Dun feel stressed now, it will affect your hormones. I think you stand good chance as you've seek treatment within one year of TTC.Do you know that I made the decision to do ICSI after 4 years of trying. I think mine is a gone case, but very luckily succeed in my 1st try. Have faith in yourself, you will make it too.
do not feel bad even if it is the female factor. In my case, it is both and now, I have succeeded in IVF/ICSI... so don't give up hope or feel despair yet, all is not lost yet.

I did the HSG and suffered spasm during the process as the dr who was doing it told me that he didn't want to use too much ink and yet, after pushing in the ink, he said not enough and needed to push in one more time. Hence, I suffered from spasm. Then due to the spasm, Dr Sheila Loh, who was my gynae at that time, could not conmfirm whether I really have a blocked tube and the only way to comfirm is to do it again which I flatly refused (checked with another 2 gynaes and they said the same thing). So, she had no other options but to recommend IVF/ICSI.

I didn't go through laparscopy as my DH is against it. He questioned the effectiveness of the procedure and didn't want me to go through the procedure for nothing and suffered pain for nothing (due to HSG experience) and also, didn't want to spend the money worthlessly. I can't tell you if it is worth it as I have not gone through.... You can check with the rest of the sisters here.

For IVF, you need to prepare about $3-3.5k cash to pay for the drugs, insurance and so on but I have about $1.78k refunded from Medisave at the end of the whole preocedure... about 5 to 6 weeks later...
So all in all, I paid about $1.3 - 1.5k cash and the rest is covered by Medisave.
Yes, 1st fresh cycle, medisave - $6k, then 2nd fresh cycle - $5k and the 3rd fresh cycle - $4k

Hope this help.

Stacy, have you got your refund yet? How much?

Koala, have you gone for the scan to determine whether you can start puregon? Have you got the green light to go ahead with puregon?
Jia you!
Hello! Have not chat with you for a long time. I got my refund cheque about 2 weeks after ET, pretty efficient! The amount I got back is $2050, if not wrong. So the total spending on the entire IVF/ICSI is only 1.1K cash+$6k medisave=$7.1k( however this amt varies accodingly to individual response to drug/stimulation)We are both consider lucky.
The cost is very reasonable and cheaper than what I expected. I think the rest of xtra money can well spend on follow- up prenantal consulation. Do you consult DR fortnightly? My next appt (8th weeks pregnancy)is on this Sat. Very excited to see them again. Will they also punching like you one??haha..
As I am scheduled to go for HSG test at kkh, may I know how shd I prepare myself for the test so that I can avoid spasm during the process? Is it common to get spasm? A bit worried after reading Jeni's post...hope the doc doing for me that day will be an experienced one.
Hi Dream,
Dont worry just stay calm and relax. If your muscles are tense then they can cause spasm. You'll be okay. Dont mean to scare you but from my experience i suffered very painful hsg because my fallopian tubes are blocked and the dr attempt to push the ink through. If your tubes are okay then you dont really feel anything.
Dun get worried as each individaul has different experience. I remembered my last HSG turned out smoothly. Like you, before I started everything I became very worried and scared. It is normal for you to feel this way. But when you clear one stage by one stage, you will find all your worries are redudant. Like Rose said, you've to relax yourself when ink is injected, and also there is a screen showing the process, you can ask the radiographer on the spot for result if you want to know it 1st before seeing the Dr.
Thx, Stacy & Jeni, I think I will go for HSG first. But will the doctor I am seeing do it or any doctor on duty?

Got one more question on the medisave. i know it can cover some delivery expenses. but where i can find the '1st 6k, 2nd 5k, 3rd 4k' rule on cpf website? Can u pls advise? I didn't know I can pay a large amount by medisave. My hubby n I were upset after months' trying but we were cheered up a bit after we heard there will be higher chance to get twins by IVF. Is it true? can I ask dr. to give me twins? :) i think a gd thing abt IVF is i don't need to wait for my hubby, he travels very often. sorry for asking so many questions. i feel a lot better after chatting with u girls. u r very helpful
No problem in answering your questions. We were once like you. We are here to motivate newbies and hope we can all move on.
I remembered HSG was done by radiographer, not by our Dr.
You can try this link for info on medisave withdrawal.http://www.moh.gov.sg/corp/about/faqs/hottopics/details.do?cid=cat_faq_marriage
There are success cases with single baby, twins and even triplets. You cannot ask Dr to give your twins, but you can decide to put in no. of embryos (max 3) and the crucial factor is implantation. That is whether the embryos you put in can successfully implantated in your womb. maybe at this stage, my explanation is not very clear.You will be brief clearly by the DR when you sign up the consent form. \popgif Jiayou{685327,}
Stacy, thx for the info. good to know. may i know how the husband is involved in this procedure if the sperm is good? u mentioned having 15 eggs retrieved, but how many months are required to produce so many eggs? looks like we surely need a lot of nutrient

Glad to know that you are on lucrin, at least lab close issue din stop us from starting in Jan.

Thanks for your words and I feel bad to post my "negative" elements here to affect you.I also same as you before thought abt money, successful rate in considering IVF before enter into this forum, but never never know the OHSS or no response to the stimulation drugs and end up we can never have a chance to complete the whole cycle before we could get the 30% successful rate!

Ya, I don't know if I have courage to try another cycle if I fail this round. but wat I am trying is to do is to try my best to complete this cycle. And I understand that is too many factors that we beyond our control. So just be it. If God still tink that I am not deserve to have my own child, I will just accept the fact and live happily with my HB.
Hi! Kristy,
You are very cute!!
Both you and your husband will be asked to attend briefing by DR on the procedure(compulsory), when you've confirmed wanting to do the procedure and ready to sign consent form.In additional, a session of counselling with MSW to address you and your HB expectation and needs.
Your husband also need to produce fresh sperm on the day of your Egg Retreival.
You will be required to do suppression jabs (2-3 wks) follow by stimulation jabs(1-2wks) at home, before you go for egg retrieval.The stimulation jabs are to help increase your egg production.But Not all respond well to the jabs and may have to drop out if under/over stimulated. The overall success rate is only 1/3.Hope the above can help.
i'm new here! wonder anyone out there, have PCOS problems, but managed to conceive thru IVF or ICSI?

I had tried 3 rounds of Clomid (unsuccessful), 1 round of IUI with Clomid (unsuccessful), and this is when I was told I have mild PCOS problems. I was told by my 2nd Gyne that Clomid trigger PCOS (cysts) to grow larger, and also swollen the ovaries. SO, I was advised to try out IVF/ICSI. I'm now registered at KKIVF under Dr SFLoh. Due to my PCOS, I was given Clomid (again) and Metformin, and suppose to try for 3 months before my scheduled IVF/ICSI.

Very depressing, when I see my colleagues getting pregnant so easily...
Thx. Stacy. I think i should give it a try.

Just wish I can start immediately instead of waiting for another 3 months. A bit worried how i explain to colleagues if i take mc or leave so often once i start the process. not necessary to share with everyone as it is very personal. my bosses are guys. maybe i will just tell them i need to go for some treatment. i do a lot of design work. staying away from pc is impossible. but LCD monitor should be fine, i think.
how are you now?
Which stage are you in now?
Do take care and try your best to relax.

good luck and do rest more as some sisters said it is very important for implantation. Try not to move around too much and expect bloatedness and so on to kick in later. So, do take care of yourself then.
HI girls...
Thank you so much... I had a very bad experience with ER. Tomorrow will be my ET..
ask you girls.. do you girls insert the progesterone pill? does it leak? how far in do you insert?

If u r using Crinone, it comes in a stick. You should have the length to insert the entire stick into your vaginal.
Hi Jeni
How are you and the "little one" doing? BTW, how many weeks r u into now? Enjoy the coming months ahead

I've started taking BCP since last week... due to my PCOS nature, i need to take "extra ingredient"...
Will be staring lucrin next tues (3rd day CNY)...
Hi! Ashly,
Oh! You are starting soon. So envy of you, can eat lots of nice food during CNY. You still stand a good chance to join our "Piggy" family in time.haha.......
Hi Stacy
How are u and your "little ones" doing? Your appetite better nowadays??
Heh... heh... next CNY u'll have a bountiful harvest of "ang pow" liao...

No lah... i'm not aiming for "piggy" babe alrdy... one (big pig) is enuf for me to look after... heh... heh...
Aiyoh! Ashly,
This CNY still have to give angbao leh. Its my fifth year doing so. But hor next year I should be able to get back double for my twins.hahah.......
My babies are both developing well and their shapes already formed and can be seen during scanning. REally amazing!!Your turn will come soon.
My little ones are waiting to befriend your babe(s), hopefully can be future classmates.....
Hi gals

I am new here and also considering KKIVF. Can you gals share your success story and experience with me? My appt with Dr SF Loh is on 27/2 and i have a few qns:

1) Is it true that after seeing Dr Loh, we will be required to do more tests before he will agree to or advise us to do IVF? What if I already have blood tests, HSG, uterus scanning and hubby SA done since Nov 2006, will it be recent enough?

2) If all the test results are ready and we want to adopt IVF next (i have already tried clomid + IUI and failed), will there be a queue for IVF? Do i have to wait till many months later before i can do the IVF?

3) What are the procedures for IVF? Can someone share with me, via PM if its private?

4) Is it true that after IVF, must take about 1-2 weeks MC?

Sorry for the mouthful. Can PM or email me. Appreciate any advises, really! Thanks in advance!
hi ladies..

I've done my ET abt more than a week ago.. is there anything I should refrain from eating..?

Is it advisible to do my own pregnancy test (using test kit) before going for the blood test..? Coz my test day was delayed bcoz of the CNY period.. and I'm dying to know the outcome.. :p
Hi Hopes,
You should refrain from cold stuff, cold drinks, medicine, herbal... There is a thread about this issue. Dun know where I seen it b4.
You can try Home Pregnancy Kit on day 15/day16 onwards, but it is not as sensitive as blood test. Currently are you on any jab?
Hi Jeni

How are you? How is the little one, I think u almost reach 9 weeks? Ur condition stable? Remember to rest more and let you hb take care of everything, ok?

Sorry for the late reply. I am ok. Just busy with work as I will be having two major meetings before cny, and also have to prepare some cny stuff. But luckily for this year the family gathering will be held at my sis-in law house, so not so bad for me.

As for the progress, I will start my puregon after cny, currently still on lucrin. Every morning my hb will jab for me even before I open my eyes... so now, the jab is the alarm for me.
Keep up your spirit. You have great support from your DH and all of us here.

Are you asked to consider(optional) premier fetal screening?
glad to hear that everything is going well for you. Keep your fingers crossed and we'll all support you here.

Ashly, you too....
remember, KKIVF does not encourage the intake of the chinese medicine so I think you will have to think about whether to carry on with Dr Toh's treatment. I did not go to Dr Toh at all since I started IVF as KKIVF does not encourage or allow any intake of chinese medicine during the process as well as once you are successful.
I heard many people said that shouldn't take any chinese medicine during the 1st trimester. So, I didn't.

I am 11 weeks now and am restng at home as I cannot stand or walk too long or I will feel breathless, dizzy and drained, somtimes, slight brown discharge.... So, stay at home and rest and my lao gu tou is harden already ... hahaha...
The premier fetal screening you are talking about is for what purpose? I was asked if I want to test Junior for Down Syndrome and so on.... is it the same one that you are talking about?
I am going to do the test at TPS this Thursday.
Hi Maple Babies,

Perhaps I can give u some info regarding Q1 n Q2, I just went to see Dr Loh tis mth.

1: For my case, my previous uterus scanning is in Nov 06. When i c dr tis mth, he did uterus scanning for me to chk ovary. My hubby SA's latest result also in Nov 06, Dr did not ask him to do another test now. I was asked to do HSG cos I never do b4. Was told by nurse got to do a no. of blood test when nearer to IVF date..part of IVF procedures. For the tests, believe Dr Loh will be able to tell u wat u need to go thru'.

2. Think the earliest date is May if u bk now.

Reg Q3 n Q4, think the ladies here will be able to advise u better.
HI girls..
Ijust back from ET. Got 11 good grade embryos. Doc ask me to transfer 3 best... but at the last min I transfer 2. Can I check who else here transfer 2 but got positive?
WE have some buddies who transfered 2, also succeed.Most crucial factor is implantation. So take Good care and have more rest, drink more water...
You can call KKIVF to arrange appt to see Dr SF Loh, be prepared to be classify as private patient and pay private rate.
Deer Deer..

I also implanted two only.. now a little regret.. I think implant 3 like got more chance like that.. :p

BTW... I didn't experience any green discharge after ET.. but a damn bad case of bloatedness and gastric after that...in fact..ever since ER..

how to calculate cycle huh..? hehe.. i very blur..

okay..basically, I've my ET done on 03/02/07, so..when is my cycle huh..?

nvm la babe...i guess if it's meant to be ...we'll be sucessful even if only One embryo is implanted
Just look on the bright side and pray hard...
that's what I'm doing now..
Wish you all the best.Hope you can join us soon.

Dun be so worried about transferring 2. I recalled Rae(just given birth-check IVF MTB), hui and Falizah(cycle buddies) all achieved success with 2 transferred. You may like to check some of the archive thread on the records for more examples. Stay cool!!
, focus on how to improve your chance in implantation is more impt now.
Hi elainy,
Bcos you are walk-in patient and specially request for a specific DR for consultation. Subsidy one is usually refer by polyclinic, and cannot pick their preferred Dr. That's all I know abt. You can still call KKH to check if there is any changes in recent policy.
