IVF/ICSI - cycle buddies


Hopefully have a piggy, but a bit diffiuclt cos think only 3 months or so to make a piggy? AF nowhere in sight cos super irregualr. requested for Clomid from Dr but he said my case no use.
Maybe should ML every other day! hehehe

but it's ok, leave everything to fate liao... this thread a lot of successful preggies, so maybe will come to me soon...

Nevermind abt piggy, you can have mickey/minnie mouse when your turn is here.
I know the frustration of irregular menses, AF din come... but hor the more tense up, the more it wont come. Do you try DangGui to regulate your menses? But have to take it for long-time(abt 6 months) to see the result. Just my opinion! Take Care.

Yes, I wan a minnie!
am prob going to see TCM to "tiao" body, good for the long-term also.

Actually, I'm very used to not having AF cos has been irregualr since i have it (2-3 months during the 1st 10 yrs or so, after that, 4-5 months!) Now coming to 34, Dr told me i might be menopause in another 10 yrs or less!

But lucky for me, most of my friends/relatives know my condition, so they don't bother me much... just that i still hope that i have my own la... worst come to worst, can always keep another dog!
Stacy & Hui!

Yes, I was also very impressed by the video quality. I didn't record it, my OB has very high tech machine, all I need is to bring along a DVD+RW everytime I visit him. Then he'll put it into the scanning machine and it'll record automatically throughout the scan.

I was so sad when I realised that I brought a wrong DVD for my detailed scan. In the end, OB printed out some photos for us but it's not the same... get what I mean. Will make sure that I bring a correct one on my next visit, 12th Feb.
Hi Buddies

MIA a while, just to update, today is my 7th days of lucrin. Have been suffering "mood swing" since I started the lucrin, And now still very scared of needles and every morning, just got to hold the pillow tight and close my eyes when the needle come near to me.... My threshold of pain suddenly drop to zero.

Thanks for the concern from Ashly, Bodhi, Jolene, Atlas, Synergy, Dawn, and some seniors sisters during this period to keep me going, with you all around, I will tahan until last minutes
Hi Justine

Congrats on your little princess, hope you have a smooth 9 months. Thank you for sharing your pregnancy experience here. However, in this cycle buddies thread, we are the group who is going to/currently undergoing the treatment so may not quite understand what you have been through now.

FYI, there is a thread for IVF mummies-to-be to share their joy and experience, I trust you will be very execited to know them. Here is the thread:-


I also pray hard for myself and every cycle buddy, we can see you there soon. Cheers.
Here is the updated cycle buddies list:-

Deerdeer- ivf/icsi/NUH/DrNg Soon Chye (Jan/Feb 2007)
Bodhi - ivf/icsi/CARE/Dr C.F Koh, (Mt.E) (Jan/Feb 2007)
Koala-ivf/icsi/KKH/Dr SF Loh (Jan/Feb 2007)
Yvonne - ivf/icsi/KKH/Dr SF Loh (Jan/Feb 2007)
Moonfairy - ivf/icsi/TMC/Dr LC Cheng (Feb/Mar 07)
Ashly -ivf/icsi/KKH/Dr SF Loh (Feb/Mar 2007)
Blackcurrent -ivf/icsi/KKH/Dr SF Loh (Mar/April 2007)
Zinnia -FET/KKH/Dr Sheila Loh/(Mar 2007)
Atlas - ivf/icsi/NUH/Dr PC Wong (April/May 2007)
Hello ladies,
how's everyone? Sorry i've not been posting lately. Still sad about my cancelled cycle but getting better every day and looking forward to start again in March.

Hi Koala,
thanks for keeping track of everyone's cycle. I've included mine and here it is the latest list:

Deerdeer- ivf/icsi/NUH/DrNg Soon Chye (Jan/Feb 2007)
Bodhi - ivf/icsi/CARE/Dr C.F Koh, (Mt.E) (Jan/Feb 2007)
Koala-ivf/icsi/KKH/Dr SF Loh (Jan/Feb 2007)
Yvonne - ivf/icsi/KKH/Dr SF Loh (Jan/Feb 2007)
Moonfairy - ivf/icsi/TMC/Dr LC Cheng (Feb/Mar 07)
Ashly -ivf/icsi/KKH/Dr SF Loh (Feb/Mar 2007)
Blackcurrent -ivf/icsi/KKH/Dr SF Loh (Mar/April 2007)
Zinnia -FET/KKH/Dr Sheila Loh/(Mar 2007)
Atlas - ivf/icsi/NUH/Dr PC Wong (April/May 2007)
Rose - ivf/icsi/KKH Dr Sheila Loh (Mar/Apr 2007)
Koala & Rosebud,

Thanks for updating list.

Anyone can share with me, can we take TCM together when started injection (lucrin or puregon)?

I did e-mail to Dr Loh on this. His answer is ok, but for myself, I have stopped TCM since I started lucrin. This is becos I have a very bad experience in taking TCM when I was on gonal-f when I was doing So-iui lst Sept.

So I guess is up to individual.

But I still continue with ACU.

OCP is to regulate the mensus for those who has irregular cycle. You have this problem? FET also need to take OCP?
thanks. i just need some time to get my head in order. I am ready to try again and i hope for a better result in March.

How are you? Hope you're better dealing with the jab. Take care and have a good weekend.

I do have irregular menses but still it comes mthly and nvr miss.
Same question that is playing on my head. Why I need to take OCP while i'm on process to FET??
jia you!
Wish you all the best and success!
Keep your eyes on the end of the journey and what you are trying to achieve and all will be bearable, ok?

Btw, I did not take any chinese medicine or anything as KKIVF does not encourage as the nurse said that they are not sure of the content in the chinese medicine hence not sure whether it will affect the whole process or not.
Hope this help.
Hi blackcurrant

Gonal-F is a type of stimulation drugs.

Hi atlas

I was over-stimulated. Too fast getting all the symptoms like, bloating, vomitting, very terrible.... My gynae agreed for me to take TCM too, but after seeing my condition, he asked me to stop. Once I stop TCM, I am getting better.

I guess my body can't take both jabs and TCM together.But, this may not apply to everybody.

How are you and the little one?

Me will jia yu, certainly, although now hoh half die due to the jabs.

Actually, really not easy to go through all these, I mean how well you know the process is one thing, but when you go through it, is another story liao... So I salute to all have been through IVF.
I am fine except for the nausea and the pimples on my body. I also can't stand or walk too long as then the browm discharege will come back. According to Dr Loh, it is unstable implantation. So, now I am off from work to rest.

Don't worry...
we are all here to jia you for you...
So, cross your fingers and soon it will be harvesting time, ok?
Hi Jeni

Thanks. I am not thinking the outcome now, but just try to take thing easy to relax myself.

Ya, better stop work to rest more, my friend had stop work and take unpaid leave until the end of her 1st trim, cos she also has the stain. As for us who had been through all these to get the precious little one, nothing is important than him/her.

Don't worry, I have p.m. you my contact, if you boring, just chat with me..
Hi Koala

I mia for quite long. Just log in to give you support. Last round of IVF, I don't feel any mood swing during lucrin jabs, you too have to take it easy, then your mood will be better.

Good luck to all the sisters here too!

Me starting 2nd IVF cycle in Mar/Apr soon.
Hi Koala

I remember last week met the social worker in KKH,she encourage our DH to say encouraging words and hug will ease the pain.Pls relax don't stress ourself.

Jiayou Jiayou we're all brave girls.

Me still waiting for Feb AF than call KKH.
Hi Jo,

Hey, long time didn't chat with you. How is your ACU progress?

Thank you for dropping by. I will try my best to endure it.

Thanks. I didn't really tell my HB on my feeling, I just wait for him to go out to work then cry..Not dun want to share with him, but I just scared he will ask me to give up the programme since I am so depressed. He has done his best too to help me to jab every morning if not I dun think I can continue with it.

Any way, I am better now. Oh, so u will be starting soon... U are under Dr SF Loh too?
Glad to hear you're better.Ya Dr SF Loh.U know it took 1yr plus to accept for IVF.
Its a male factor.
But now seem like looking forward...

Alamak! You mood swing with Lucrin? Take it easy. Listen to music and dont keep thinking about the injection. You are lucky that you are not schedule to inject Menogon. That's the worst among ALL. I have total 4 injections a day...can you believe it. My tummy now got blue black and also the injection holes! Anyhow...i still take it lor...can inject better than cannot inject right. Can do ivf better than cannot do ivf right. :)
Hi Koala

Don't cry secretly, poor u. Talk to your hubby maybe will make you feel better? And try to occupy your time with other things, like reading a good book, or watch tv, go for a stroll to destress.

My body becomes very weak in Dec after ganna serious food poisoning and a bad flu. But now, I am ok. Just went for a holdiday in Cambodia, did lots of trekking and walking. And at the same time, doing acu and taking TCM to try naturally. Soon, it will be my turn to go through the cycle again.
hi koala,

me started lucrin just now, I chose to do it at night cos morning too rush and hb started work time different from mine, he is injecting me. Like you, I am fully aware and prepare of the procedure since it is not the first time but still when the moment came, I still have emotional obstacles, he was holding the injection at the bedside ready to inject me and when he saw me like dat ( my face must be full of fear and emotions) he said "if so terrible, then forget it lah, never mind" but you and me know that it is not possible, so I finally let him jab ( the first step out) then realised not as bad. To be honest, before I prepare the injection, I came to this thread and saw your posting, (yes more or less affected me) but trust me, I think all of us here feels the same way as you. My hb also commented that this time, the amount to jab is lesser ( the last time, I use supefact, 50ml) this time with lucrin, only 10ml, so I think that is already a consolation.

I dunno along the way, what will happen, will I ended up terminating this IVF like some of the gals here with OHSS or no response to the stimulation though the last round, everything went smoothly (at that time, I did not know of this thread therefore did not know actually there are so many consequences, therefore sometimes better not know so much :)

This could be my last fresh? I do not know becos I more or less accepted the fact that I could live w/o kid.

I think I will just go a step at a time and not think about it, beside the injection at night, the rest remains the same for me, as in my lifestyle, no change. I would like to take it that way, life still go on the same as per normal (just a injection at night) and therefore even when I fail again at the end of this treatment, it remains the same as before, nothing changes.

I am taking the OCP as well which mood swing is a side effect too but I always like to insist that whatever lousy feeling that I am feeling got nothing to do with the medication but the issue that made me angry, like my job lah or someone really come and irritated me, so that it makes me more reasonable :) at least I have a good reason to be moody.

I always do self-psyco, ask questions inside my brain and then answer with positive answers myself to make myself feels better, try this method, hope it works for you. For example: why god makes my life so difficult, I just want a baby? Answer myself: becos he wants me to realise that my child does not come easy and give me time to learn how to treasure and teach my child better when he or she comes along, becos I will be a much better mother to my child since he or she is gonna be so precious to me, becos when the time comes, my baby will be so special and smart cos good things always come last.

for example: question myself: why I failed again? answer myself: becos it is still not my time yet, there are many others who are older than me and still trying so i need to wait for my turn, cos there are more desperate cases before me that god needs to attend to first, cos maybe having baby is a very torturing task and worrying forever for the kid and god is kind to me as in not to put me thru that kind of suffering for my whole life, look at those kids that made their parents suffer.

when you have questions like these, answer it yourself, only then it will make you feel better, whoever answer it for me makes no different, it will never help as much as if you answer it yourself, this is what I call self-psyco.
Hi koala

I am also those type that is afraid of needles.... be it jabs or acu. If I remember correctly, you enjoy your acu session.. but for me... acu is stressful. So if I can take those jabs, so can you. Me and my HB realized that when I got jab in the evening shortly after shower, I will be complaining of pain (sometimes sharp pain). But the pain seems to be much lesser if I do it before shower or long after shower. Not sure whether you have similar experience. I am sharing this with you so that you can try to avoid it. Jia you!
how are you? How's your cycle? Sorry i dont keep track of your progress. You have ER already? Hope things are progressing well for you. Pls let me know how you're doing.
Hi friends,

I will be doing my HSG next mth and have booked to do IVF in May, look forward to joining u all in this thread. Good luck to everyone here!
I am seeing Dr.SF Loh. had went through a few tests. the next test he suggested me to take is X-ray scan of fallopian tubes or a small operation examining the uterine walls and fallopian tubes before considering IVF. Any advice on these two? I heard we may have to resign as the IVF is a very tiring process and have to go to hospital every morning. is that true?
Hi Kristy,
you don't have to resign but you need about 1 - 2 weeks mc to rest after the egg retrieval process, followed by the egg transfer process as that will give the embies a better chance to implant.
You need only to go down to KKIVF on certain mornings, on average is about once 2 weeks for blood tests, scan, collect medicine and so on...

Injections will have to do at home every morning or night, up to individual, for about 1 month and as for the side effects like mood swing and etc, it depends on individual.

Hope this help.
the small operation is called laparscopy, its done to check whether your fallopian tubes are blocked or not and to see if your uterine lining is okay and no cyst or fabroid found. If the tubes are blocked its confirm you have to try ivf. Some tubes contain toxic fluid so some doctors want to check that before doing ivf because the toxic can poison the embryos. The dr will either try to unblock, drain the fluid or remove the tubes. Dont worry its just a small operation and a small incision and you'll be okay the next day. I've done it twice i just dont like being on the anesthetic because i always feel dizzy and yucky afterwards ;-)

You dont have to resign while on ivf treatment, although you need at least 2 months to finish the whole process. If you're on long protocol then you will be on suppression for 2 weeks, thats injection every morning or evening and you can go to work after that. Once you have your period you will start another injection to stimulate your ovaries. You will have to go to hospital frequently during this time (at least 2-3 weeks)for u/scan and blood test and for ER and ET. And you need 2 weeks to know the result and this is the most stressful time.

Hope the above helps.
May I know is it necessary to do HSG to chk fallopian tube if we are going to do IVF?..always thought even if tube is block also can do IVF.
not necessary to do hsg if you want to try ivf. The hsg is one of the initial test the doctors can do to check why you cannot get pregnant, some caused by endo, male factor, fabroid, etc. Some people dont know why they cannot conceive after years of trying. So doctors always advised to do hsg to check the fallopian tubes whether they are blocked or not. If they are blocked then its obvious we cannot conceive since the sperms and eggs cannot meet. And as far as i know, if the tubes are blocked for a long time then the tubes can produce some toxic fluid called hydrosalpinx which can interfere with the implantation. So the doctor need to take care of this too.

If you try to get pregnant but unsuccessful then the doctor can advise for hsg to check your tubes and if they are blocked then the doctor will advise you to try ivf because thats the only way you can get pregnant.
X-ray scan of fallopian tube is HSG procedure, whereby dye is injected into your vaginal and flow into your tube, then take x-ray to determine any blockage.
After ER, if you've more than 15 eggs retrieved, you will required to go to KKIVF or a GP for daily progesterone jab, for abt 17days. This does not applied to everyone, depends on no. of eggs.

I also asked to do HSG b4 doing IVF. I heard many buddies under SF LOH have gone thru that. Dun worry.
Rosebud, Stacy,

Tks for yr reply. I will go ahead wif HSG after my next menses...mine was previously diagnosed as male factor but guess Dr wants to confirm got female factor or not..

Another thing...i bit concerned..Dr say my lining abit thick. i blur blur forgot to ask him what is the implication if lining too thick. Anyone can tell me wat is the best thinkness for womb lining? If too thick, is it a problem for implantation during IVF?
Yeah! Same here. Mine was also diagnosed as male factor, but Dr still wanted to confirm I have any problem. Womb lining is thick? It should be good for implantation. But I'm not sure how thick is "too"thick, may have to check with your Dr. I remember my lining is 10mm.
Think you stand a Hi-chance in succeed if you have no issue. Jiayou! you can make it wan.
Hi Stacy, Dream

For optimum implantation, uterus lining must be at least 8mm to 10mm but too thick also no good coz heard from someone that when her lining was 16mm, her dr prescribed some medicine to induce menses before transfer

Stacy, Vibes,

Ok now I know must be 8mm to 10mm so Stacy's womb lining is gd. My AF always on time but not much(only heavy on Day 1 and 2, the next few days very little) so surprise doc say lining abit thick.. Always thought those wif AF will have thicker lining.Too bad forgot to ask the measurement for mine..thk the ultrasound film only record size of follicle..muz ask doc next time...thk too thick also not gd.

Got failed IUIs previously so really hope can make it tis time. Stacy, thks for yr encouragement, I will Jia you
