IVF/ICSI - cycle buddies

sorry to hear what has happened...
Take care of yourself...
Be positive that the next cycle will be better!

Stacy, congrats on your twins! keep us posted on whether they are princesses or princes...or one each!
do take care of yourself ok? I have so tied up with work these days, i barely got time to come in!

Jeni, good that the doc gave u MC. stay at home rest better!

Atlas, don't be discouraged, we will jia you together!

Ashly and Koala, u all going to start soon right?
i will pop in regularly to monitor u all regularly ...hee hee...machiam i am the supervisor! I also wish i don't have to work leh.....*sigh*. Once u start your puregon, everything will happen very very fast!
Hi! Cycle buddies,
I have been mia for a while. Since Tuesday, I feel terribly sick with vommiting, almost what I eat all come out, even water, my stomach become very bloated with gas. All the while, I tot MTB journey is enjoyable, now I feel it is worse than IVF process.This has become my new chapter of "Suffering". Whole day, whole nite, feeling so helpless and depressed. My body system has changed, so sick of everything... now. Even what I usually enjoy.
Last Saturaday, I was so clumsy that I injured my waist when tried to pick up a pc of paper from the floor. This Tuesday, became so sick with vommiting and followed by diarrhoe now. I've seen GP yesterday and my vomitting has recovered. Just hope I will get well soon or I may need to admit hospital for dehydration after checking with Dr Loh.

All the Best 2molo test.

Sad to know your new.Jiayou AGAIN.

That's the spirit, Atlas!

Stacy, take care... I can't stomach dinner too... feel nausea... but luckily, just dinner...

Fazilah, good luck for tomorrow!
We'll wait for your good news here!
Hi Stacy & Jeni
I don't think I have good news... Tried the Clearblue this morning
result negative

Thanks for all the support u ladies have given to me..... Well, it's not so easy to join the MTB group after all!
wait for the result of the blood test as it is more sensitive. It can pick up thungy that the stick can't. Cross your fingers, ok?
Hi Fazilah

Have been very busy lately but know that you will be getting your results so today just sneak in.

No symptoms never mean no pregnant, as long as you didnt see red, you are safe. As for the beta reading, the most accurate way is to test our blood. Even for the pee stick that you are using the first urine in the morning, (more concentrated) it may not show the correct results.

I keep my fingers for you, buddy. You have done your very very best, please remember you are very very brave and GREAT not matter what is the outcome.
Thanks Jeni & Koala,

Yes I agree with u Koala, no matter what happen, I've tried my very best! But I still don't have the courage to call KK on my result.... Think will sleep first n then call them lah
Hi Buddies,

Once again I would like to thank for all the support you all have given to me....

I'm officially pregnant on my 1st attempt in IVF (Thank God!)
Beta reading 172... Actually I have asked my hubby to call KK... no courage lah to call after the negative result on the "stick". Next appt is on 29/1/07, will keep u guys update...

to the all buddies who are going thru this treatment!! Jia You!!
Congrats Fazilah!
Take care from now on.
Why your next appt is fixed so early, on next Monday? I tot our next appt is 2 weeks from test date for scanning. My appt is 2molo, hope to see their heart beat.

Jeni, Thanks. I checked with Dr for my case Beta too hi, resulting in alot more symptoms, but I believe this time I have taken wrong food. Now still having diarrhoe non-stop after food. Body seems cannot absord any food. So afraid it will affect my baby.See how 2molo....
Thanks Jeni!

Stacy, this morning HB went to KK to collect the medicine (dydrogesterone 10mg), nurse told that Monday appt cancelled as I'm pregnant. So re-scheduled to 13/2 for scanning. My beta reading below borderline so on Monday need to do another blood test, hope the reading will go up....

How's ur scanning today?
Hi Jeni,
So HaPpY ToDaY. Got to see 2 small little dots beating. They are still well.
Seeing them made me forget all the pain
Hi Fazilah,
Normally beta reading have to be above 250, according to nurse there.So sometimes also need to do more jabs for supports. Dun worry, so long it doubles very 2-3 days, you will be fine.Keep us updated,Okay?
Hi Stacy
Yeah, ur right! As for me no more jabs, only oral medication, so hope monday's result will be better. Will keep u all updated.
what time were u there?
I was there too for my review today.
I was given another 2 weeks to rest as when I asked Dr Loh about the brown discharge, he said it may be due to unsteady implantation. So, he told me to rest more... probably will rest till 1st trimester is over.

Saw my baby today. He was boxing in my womb... so cute...

Fazilah, not to worry too much. Have positive thought, ok?

The rest of the ladies here, jia you jia you!!
HI Girls... can ask you... do you jab both puregon and lucrin in the morning together?
is the puregon very painful? my blue black.

i was advise by the nurse to inject at nite leh. ause morning nd to rush to work so Lurcin is ok as for Puregon is very important jab so i inject at nite cause got more time.Puregon is slightly painful then Lurcin.. i dun like the pen running sound..but after all is worth cause is for our little future
I jabbed both in the morning.
One on each side. I tried to avoid the blood vessels as if you hit it, it will be painful and then blue black. You will bleed too when you pull out the needle.
Hi Stacy & Jeni,
Went to KK for blood test this morning. My beta reading have improved tremendously from 172 to 683. Thank GOD!!.

Have u guys starting to drink any milk? eg. Anmum etc. I've tried Dumex Mamil Mama, now trying Anmum
HI Jeni,

Ya .. I jab twice liao the puregon.. always bleed alot after that
then pain for the whole day.. sigh... how to avoid that?
I damn scared as I know once we start puregon... we can start to count down liao..
Hui and Jeni.. are you also injecting puregon now?
Dear ladies,
I'm new here.Will start IVF/ICSI in Feb/Mar.At KKH under Dr SF Loh.
Congrats,so happy for u.take good care.
Hui and Jeni are MTB. You bled alot after puregon, this does not sound right. Maybe check again with nurses about it. You do injection yourself?

BIG congrats. Your beta has improved really alot. I dun drink milk at this moment.

WOW! SO fast. You get to see your little one punching. How many weeks are your now? I was admitted to hospital yesterday due to my diarrhoea leading dehydration, and discahrge today . 1 funny part is once I was in, my diarrhoea can stop. I think my ones like "hospital FOOD" haha...
You must take care hor. it is best to rest more. I tink after 1st trimester we will get better. Do you get Vit B6 for morning sickness? I find it not bad.
I was not given vit B6!!
How can I get them?
The nausea always start from 3 to 4 in the afternoon and lasted all the way to sleep... can't tahan...
I am 9 weeks now...
You take care too, esp to avoid raw or not fully cooked food as your stomach is not strong and we tend to get food poisoning if the food is not well cooked.

befoer you inject yourself, look carefully for the veins and then avoid them... I think you have hit the big veins that's y you felt the pain...Hope this help.

i did my ICSI last year. my 1st try and i did it. i had 11 eggs extract and 9 of them success. so i transfer 2 grade 4 embryos back to me and one manage to survie inside me.. my EDD is 6th June 07.. As fo the puregon you must inject straight and not slant ( hope u understand wat i'm talking
) what stacy say is true if you bleed alot pls go back KKH for advise again how to inject.. during my puregon i bleed a bit nia like a small dot only.Good Luck to you!! Jia you!!

Congrats!!! Welcome to the mummies to be

meanwhile pls rest well and take good care.
HI Hui,

I thought it is subcutaneous? then it should be slant right? sigh...
I am under gleneagles.. wanted kk.. but too pack... your ER is under GA? is it painful? how many days of rest did you get?
It is easy to get Vit B6! During consultation, we asked from Dr Loh and he prescribed for us. This is for morning sickness and really effective to me.
Forgot to answer your last question. DH stands for Dear Husband.
I dun fell painful during ER/ET. Dun even know already Done.haha... Somemore, my pain threshold is very low, even taking of blood can make me very painful. So no worries... Only to watch out for OHSS symptom after ER like bloatedness/cramp can cause some discomfort but these are temp., and lasted for a few days only.
Hi Hui, Blackcurrant, Zinnia,
Thanks for all the well wishes....

So far so good, no morning sickness or nausea feeling...the only thing is that i burp & fart alot (body so many wind lah
) pity my DH... neat to air the room more often

Take care to those who are MTB & those who are going thru the treatment.... ALL THE BEST!!
Quick question for those who have undergone IVF -How many days will the ET takes place after the ER? Many thanks. I am trying to see whether I would run straight into the CNY period.
Hi All!

Just found this fourm, interesting place for us to exchange experience.

I went for ICIS last year and was lucky to get it on my first try. Now expecting a girl this mid June 2007.

Check out my baby girl when I was just 11th week preggy, http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=puj-5GTKlaU

Went for my detailed scan last week but brought a wrong DVD, ended up no video to share with my family and friends the detailed scan.

depending on where you do IVF, for KKH, usually they put in Day 3 embryos, for NUH, sometimes D3 or sometimes D5
You sound busy. Do take Care, my dear.You still have time to enjoy what you like to do now.

Justine Low,
Your clip is so clear.WOW! Can record while scanning?

Welcome to this thread. If you want to consult Dr SF Loh. have to book early. It is good to consider 2nd option. BTW, dun feel disappointed for the previous failure. Our body system is always changing.
Hi Stacy,

Thanks. Now going to take a few months break as per Dr's advice cos too much medication in the system, need to clear. Prob will check out Dr SF Loh after CNY...

You're welcome.
Anyway, just relax yourself and enjoy CNY. Who Knows by then you already striked without seeing any DR. Baby Dust
to you and hope you can make a Piggy hehe......
