IVF/ICSI - cycle buddies

Hi Rabbit -- things aren't looking too good on my side.. my scan on Sat showed nothing positive...my 2 gynaes think it is not too good and I will have to try FET...

Is ur TCM Dr Zou at Ang Mo Kio? Is she good? Did u try other TCM docs before? I am thinking of changing my TCM doc but my hubby is not comfortable...i want to research more ...

Hi vanilla pod 2,

yeah my clomid intake is 50mg, the first time doc prescribe to me. i'll be taking my third and final cycle starting tomorrow coz AF has made its show. i have done all the usual tests prior to this prescription. blood tests to check if i ovulated, hsg, ultrasounds, hubby as well did his SA. results showed we are normal and doc's conclusion at the moment is unexplained infertility.

thanks for the tip though and yes, will be meeting gynae after this round of clomid in april. will definitely discuss the options that i can take. but i can't run away from the possibility of assisted reproduction measures. have to consider that seriously from now on..
hi vanilla_pod_2,

Sorry to hear this.
Thanks for being my buddy during the IVF cycle...it has been great to be able to "speak" to someone...

My TCM doctor is Dr Tan (Clementi). I was taking TCM medicine during my 2 cycles of SO-IUI but no TCM during IVF cycle. Have been taking chinese medicine and tried acupu when i was trying to conceive naturally/SO-IUI.

It seems that a lot of ladies in the forum try Dr Zou. I was previously under Dr Tan from Jurong East before I change over to Clementi. Think it is a good idea to check out the various TCM doctor and tiao body before conceive. Even now, I also went to see my TCM doctor and taking some chinese medicine to strengthen myself.
hi Rabbit.. thanks for being my "listening" ear too...it is indeed import that we with same experience have someone to talk to...sometimes it is diff to talk to my normal frens cos they dont understand the emotional and physical and mental stress and pain I am going thru...
hi vanilla_pod_2,


I agree with you. No one will really comprehend unless they have gone through it. To many others who has no problems / has problems conceiving before, it is difficult for the to understand as they may now be in a different situation.

i really hope that everything goes well for all of us, and we can be proud mothers one day.
I saw from another thread that you are considering FET mid year. Best wishes...

in case you are interested in Dr Tan, you can find his contact at http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/messages/5/294863.html?1203330042.
hi vanilla_pod_2,

saw you have posted in another thread..just like to share with you.
my friend was initially diagnosed as having an empty sac but it turned out to to a healthy pregnancy after subsequent scans and is now a proud mother.
HI Rabbit..thanks...

Yes suddenly last nite i have this thot that maybe they can scan a baby at the 7th weeks...cos i have yet experience any spotting or anything..this is just a flash of sudden wish on my part...

but i am trying to take it relax..not think abt it too much ...drinking my decaf coffee and eating icecream...

Thanks again...
hi vanilla_pod_2,

when i went for scan at week 5, they also can't really see heart beat etc. well, we never know.

i was told it is better not to eat cold stuff.

best of luck.
hi Rabbit..thanks..

Hmm, then no more ice cream for me for the time being...

Unfort for me at 5ww..they cannot even detect anything except a sac (which looks empty but growing slower) and my HCG level is not doubling...

i will wait for 2 more weeks...no matter what all will be in God's hands...

thanks v much ...
hi vanilla_pod_2,

Let's pray. God has a reason for everything. I think it may be silly, but i like to "talk" to my "tummy" abt positive things etc, sometimes i sing as well.
hi vanilla_pod 2,
u had chosen to go csect so early?? i tot most will opt for natural delivery. wow! 4 mths already.... twins/ triplets?
Hi pretyylady - for my case it is no choice that i had to do c section as i did a lap last yr and removed 4 fiberiods and 2 of them are rather large.

I have just a singleton and am currently onto my 15weeks.
Hello gals,

I was from this thread awhile ago, have oredi conceived and delivered my twins via IVF with Dr SF Loh. I am giving away my Puregon pen and some boxes of needles that goes with the pen. Anybody who needs it for spare/to practise, jus PM me. Self collect from Kovan. Jia you and good luck everybody!
hi vanilla_pod 2,
oic. so happy for you that your foetus is doing well. btw u mentioned before that you'd horrid complication after ET & was on 5ww HL. wonder if you mind sharing ??
btw.... my worse days after ET were over. currently resting at home, taking daily jabs & waiting for the day to take blood test to confirm pregnancy. my anxiety grows day by day.... even though i knew i should not be stressed up. thanks.
hu pretyylady - i had OHSS and basically i was so bloated that i look like i m 5 mths preggie... i could not eat, drink and sleep for 2.5 weeks. It was pretty bad but to my gynae it was a good sign ... i was so bloated that i did not take any HCG jab as it will aggrevate it. before the end of 2ww i went to test for protein level cos of the OHSS and also did a preg test..it was then that it revealed i was preggie.. my gynae said that for the pregnanyc to be sustainable, typically the OHSS will last and aggrevate... but my HCG level was not doubling and then my OHSS taper off 2 weeks later...so all these point to a miscarriage situation. So i was on extended MC for 3 weeks after 2ww HL cos of the OHSS and then the unstable pregnancy.

when is ur beta test? Dont worry too much...alot of things are not within our control... for me, during those dark times I left my baby with God...It was His grace that He allows my baby to be with me despite 2 docs initial opinions...
thanks vanilla_pod 2 for sharing your experience. i had mild OHSS too during the next 4 days after my ET. was told that persist bloatedness mayb a good sign. my beta test will be on this coming friday (5/23). though m a little anxious as the day draws near.... m also leaving my little ones with God.
i read on net that the beta test actually checks on our HCG level in our blood sample. a very low reading is likely to indicate no pregnancy while a very high one may indicate ecstopic pregnancy. i wonder when u'd yours, what were the readings like that confirms your pregnancy?? is there an optimal range which would safely indicates a norm pregnancy??
sorry if i'd too many enquiries... cos none of my friends around go through such tough journey to have babies...
no worries Pretyy lady - actually the important thing on beta reading is the doubling effect on every alternate days. I am not sure what is the minimal reading to confirm pregnancy, mine was 30 but i was test 12 days after ET and not 14 days.

I found this on the internet:
After impantation:
If your ßhCG (a subunit of hCG) is under 5 mIU/ml (milli International Units per milli-liter), you are not pregnant.
If your ßhCG is between 5 an 25 mIU/ml you are probably pregnant.
If your ßhCG is over 25 mIU/ml you most likely pregnant.

After implantation of the embryo the level of hCG increases daily. Within the first 2-4 weeks after fertilization, hCG usually doubles every 48-72 hours. HCG levels peak at about 8-10 weeks of pregnancy and then decline, remaining at lower levels for the rest of the pregnancy.

when u get ur beta reading from the doc, u can ask if u r having singleton or multiples...ya dont worry too much cos alot of things are not within our control. Leave it to God cos He is sovereign and everything is His will.

P/S: there is actually a Christian IVF mummies or MTB forum in Matters of the Heart... u can always talk to us there too!
m thankful to your shared info, vanilla_pod 2. it gave me an insight of what i would be expecting in my coming beta test.
meantime i will certainly check out your proposed thread although m not affiliated to any religion. despite this, somehow i believe there's a greater being/force that had created the universe, the solar system, our planet earth.... i supposed things happen to every individual for a reason.
thank you very much.
Hi all, will be seeing SF Loh from KKH nx week for the 1st time, abit anxious, been TTC for 5 yrs coming 6 liao. Tried IUI now thinking of IVF, will see wat he recommends.
Hi cubeball, i had sleepless nite b4 seeing my gynae for my ivf. I think...i was anxious.

I TTC since yr06 and failed my IUI OCT'07.

My husband and I decided to do ivf after IUI failed, coz we are not young.

I will start my Gonal-F injection in July. Hoping i will have a smooth journey.

Wishing you all the best!!!
hi cubeball,
wonder how's your consultation with dr koh last wk?? oh well... we share the same gyane.

hi pinkki,
wishing u a smooth journey till your ER/ET.
hi pretyy lady,

Tk you very much. I will jia you

How's yr beta test?

One of yr previous ending really touch my heart. You said 'none of my friends around go through such tough journey to have babies.' I think this is not only tough, sometimes i feel lonely too. However, knowing someone like you out there is a relief to me at least I know I have a companion in this lonely journey
hi pinkki,
my beta tests were over (~2 wks)ago... they were disappointing, followed by my AF. till date, m really not sure if that's called miscarriage cos the duration & flow are per norm .
anyway my gyane has cleared my situation & advised to do natural FET when my next AF comes (as i have eggs frozen). meanwhile m taking the time to re-condition my body before FET. m just thankful in next cycle, i don't need to go thru needles just medication.
yes... u r absolutely correct. it's also a lonely journey cos at times even our hubbies (who are supposed go thru it with us) cannot comprehend the emotions (high & low) that we experienced. m too found relief here & hopefully you'll post whenever loneliness sets in....
gal... which stage of the journey r u in now??
Hi pretyy lady,

Really sorry for you. You sound calm & strong. Pls take good care and ready to fight again...Wow violent hor

I on BCP. Most likely will start Gonal-f injection in July.

Yesterday went to see TCM doc. He told me to relax and rest well because my pulse has sold me out. My husband said subconsciously I am tense.

Let's pray hard for each other and hope that both of us will see light at the end of the tunnel soon
hi all,

I might need to try IVF/ICSI as mentioned as the only option for pregnancy. Can anyone share with me the steps?

a) tests to conduct
b) actual procedure
Hi Calla,

For my case, my husband and I was asked to do blood test.
Husband - to check his HepBAg,Ab,VDRL & HIV.
Wife - to check her HepBAg, Ab, VDRL, HIV, FSH, LH, TSH, Prolactin and Rubella.

Besides, hb & wife are required to attend counselling. Nurse or Dr will brief abt the procedures and payment.

For procedures, you may log in www.thomsonfertility.com.sg

Take care and all the best to you and yr hb!
Hi Calla,

I find the injection is easy for me to manage in my last SO-IUI. And, according to my doctor, I will be using the same injection pen in my upcoming IVF.

The 'device' looks like a pen and the needle is fine. Adjust to the dosage which doctor has assigned then gentlely push the needle into yr belly while breathing out. However, every hospital may vary in its practice.

Anyway, don't worry and relax...nurse will guide you through
I am a proud mommy of a 3 year old boy and is trying very hard for a second one. I have done 4 times of IUI with Dr Koh, gynae at Toa Payoh but no luck. Very discouraging....
I was wondering if I should continue trying or proceed with IVF instead?

Any advice please? My 1st gynae was Dr Ong from Mt E. Dr Ong is good but I decided to switch cos his package is quite costly. Was wondering if I should go back to him again or any other gynae to recommend? Thanks.
Helloo anyone who is in 2 wks wait or just pregnant and have a gonal f pen to spare can pm me or sms me at 81274036.. i just need 75 for sunday cos gonal f pen can be kept only for 1 month once opened so it will be very costly to buy a new pen and used 1 time..thanks so much!!!
Hi, I am looking for cycle buddies (IVF). I am in my first week of buserelin injections and will probably do my egg retrieval on 2-3rd week of August. Hope to meet others undergoing similar phase and give one another some positive support in our hope to conceive.
greetings to all ladies here!

i'm new at this forum/thread. have done one failed IUI (sigh...) and considering IVF as next step.

sleeepy - i'm also with O&G so am keen to find out abt your experience. u with prof ng or lc foong? do u mind sharing your experience with us?
dun recall seeing yr name in the IVF/ICSI support group thread. there r many ladies there at diff stages of ivf...

u shd hv done yr ER, ET and passed yr 2ww. received any good news already???

i have some medicine to give away as i have given birth n have no use for them, i did my ivf with dr loh at KKH:

1) 1 box (27 capsules) of Utrogestan100 (expiry jan2009)
2) Duphaston (about 25 tablets) expiry 2010

collection at Hougang st21 (kovan). PM me if interested. tks and jia you ladies!
halo everyone .... am back .... sounds like Arnold S

anyway i will be starting my 1st cycle of IVF around mid Oct, abit nervous but it's now or never ....

congrats to you dawn n for the rest of us 加油

Hi Ladies,

I'm abt half way through my 2nd cycle. 1st cycle I had suceeded with a cute little daughter who is now 9 months plus. Even though this is the 2nd time I'm going through it I stil dun feel confident.

Just went for my puregon learning and had first jab today. Surprise that my dosage increase till 400 from last time 300..

I had mixed feelings though wanted another child but sometimes fearful of coping with so many.. and also fearful of hearing negative results.
