
Silent reader here. From the ivf thread.

Have u consulted any other doctor on your situation? 2nd opinion before thinking of the surgery? Definitely get a 2nd opinion.

Sister who hv done iui, anyone did natural iui (ie no meds at all).

Do we just monitor OPK then if positive call dr to make appointment?

Will the iui be done on day tested positive on OPK?

Any scans done before that? Or only scan on OPK +ve day to check lining?

Can anyone share how much was your iui, esp if anyone did private?

I'm from the ivf thread. Going for my 4th fresh in june/july. We have male factor so never did iui but I want to give that a go before the 4th fresh. At least higher chance than just BD naturally while waiting.

Any suggestions/thoughts most welcomed.
Supposed to do ET today. Doc said i got 6 very good embryos. But he dun recommend me to put 2. He dun want me to risk having twins. So will go back on tues to put in 1. And by tue, it wont be embryo, there is another term but i forgot.

However he asked me to start the virginal support from today. Do u all insert it very deep? Really not use to it loh. I scare it drop out...

By day5 the embryo will have developed from a morula to close to blastocyst. Some good ones will even be hatching by then. V good you have good strong embbies.

Inserts won't drop out. If unsure, just lie down for a few minutes after that. What are you using?
hmm...Planing to consultant other doctor and the popular/ top class doctor. Last year i just got an operation in nuh. Was told blocked fallopian tube, but after operation they told me no problem with my tube...

Im using the tablet insert, round shape. Dont need to insert very deep right? They asked me to lie 30mins to an hr.

Yup, im quite surprised end up i have 6 and they are good ones. I was worried about my hubby's sperm. I was thinking of putting 2 in the first place cos i thought like that i got 2 chances. But doc also right, if end up twins, the risk is double. And he said they don't like couples who gone thru ivf to have twins too. Too many complication.

I shall see by tues, how many are there and see if still got extra for frozen or not.
Hi all,Need some advice here. Yesterday reviewed w my doc, seem like my lining is thicker than usual, she suggesting to freeze the embryos this time round and go for hysterosopy. I do not know should I freeze the embryo or shd I go straight w the transfer. I heard that thaw cycle have lower chance than fresh.. Really put in a lot of hope to this IVF but now seem like I cannot make it.. :(

i think ur going thru same like me just that im doing natural frozen. my best advise freeze it and do medicated cycle which is less stressful. its not true tht thaw has lower chance, if they froze till blastocycts it high chance to succeed too. whats is ur lining btw now?
Meiling, nice to hear your doc suggested that. Means your 6 are so strong he feel all can teach blastocyst stage. Hopefully on tue you can see hatching blastocyst. Since this is your 1st cycle they usually recommend one to transfer if blastocyst. Unless you got previous fail record then doc will see and review if put in two risk of twins is there. No worries seems you in good hands.
Meiling, nice to hear your doc suggested that. Means your 6 are so strong he feel all can teach blastocyst stage. Hopefully on tue you can see hatching blastocyst. Since this is your 1st cycle they usually recommend one to transfer if blastocyst. Unless you got previous fail record then doc will see and review if put in two risk of twins is there. No worries seems you in good hands.

Thanks! But he did told me if tues only left 3, cannot scold him cos embryos keep growing everyday...
Hahaha at least your doc dare to risk. No worries in good hands. If he can suggest I am sure he got certain level of confident. You under dr tan hh?
Is it normal to wake up and feel very bloated? Till noon then it feel much better. Bloated like indigested.
This morning surprising very little people at ivf. Nobody was doing scan. . Only people waiting for bt..I have did my bt... They will call me in the afternoon. .
hi lynncandy. hope you get gd news from nurse later. i went for my BT today too. cannot wait should be tomorrow but i decided to go earlier a day. i am also waiting for the nurse to call.
no symptoms at all thats why i am so fearful, no sore boobs, not feeling more tired in fact i got problem sleeping, no nauseous feeling, apeptite same as usual. but as long no AF means still got hope. how about you got symptoms?
no symptoms at all thats why i am so fearful, no sore boobs, not feeling more tired in fact i got problem sleeping, no nauseous feeling, apeptite same as usual. but as long no AF means still got hope. how about you got symptoms?
I experience cramp like AF coming the feeling since last week. Boobs sore I think due to the medication. Feeling tired however I am feeling tired everyday haha. Usually before AF I also got such feeling and I understand even if it is tested positive the feeling will be same as AF.. so will not know only until result is out.
lets both pray for today...let it b a happy monday for all ladies here in this forum who is doing BT today. and more positive news down the weeks....
@LynnCandy don't need to wait for tomoro... From yesterday I am already super restless. Until my hubby say he will take leave to bring me for bt, then I clearer a bit.
@LynnCandy don't need to wait for tomoro... From yesterday I am already super restless. Until my hubby say he will take leave to bring me for bt, then I clearer a bit.
MichNg, all the best. . No worries. . We sisters are here to support you. . Update us on your status tomorrow :)

i drink red dates with wolfberry during my tww and before fet. but now i stop already dont want to get too heaty. black dates no heard of this combi. some add in longan. its lunch time, no call yet from kkh. have a great lunch everyone...
