Today kkh not that crowded. Now serving 1020, my q no is 1033. Thought to have breakfast first but im too sleepy and lazy...
Does anyone know how long it will take for a blood test? Is it as long as scanning and waiting for doc?

BT is fast kinetic. not to worry. everyday not a lot people will have the BT the same day so the most you just got to wait 2-3 before you if you reach around 8+
Does anyone know how long it will take for a blood test? Is it as long as scanning and waiting for doc?
BT very fast. I went in at 7:50am, was out by 8am. my hubby was still ordering his bfast by the time I came out! haha
Hi Ladies me & hubby decided to give it one last try after my failed iui in Jan at RH. Changed gynae & the new gynae prescribed the same treatment as iui (comic, injectibles) but without insemination since she say my hubby soldiers are good there's no need to. Only diff she prescribed medications like antibiotics & drips that cost a bomb. Basically we spent much more than our iui at RH. RH iui can claim medisave but not hers :(
Now halfway through our 2WW... No preggy instinct yet sigh.
I am going through my 1ww. No sign of preggy, think cannot make it already. . I did not put too much hope.

U went thru ivf or iui?

Wat kinda signs are u looking at? I was thinking that for less than 2wks pregnancy, there weren't be much obvious signs??

Im in Day 6 of waiting.. Trying not too put much hope too.. :(
Hi Ladies me & hubby decided to give it one last try after my failed iui in Jan at RH. Changed gynae & the new gynae prescribed the same treatment as iui (comic, injectibles) but without insemination since she say my hubby soldiers are good there's no need to. Only diff she prescribed medications like antibiotics & drips that cost a bomb. Basically we spent much more than our iui at RH. RH iui can claim medisave but not hers :(
Now halfway through our 2WW... No preggy instinct yet sigh.
heya Chanel, long time no see! glad to hear you're back in the game. are you seeing a private gynae in a clinic or hospital? Jia you and hope this gynae change brings you a change of luck too!

U went thru ivf or iui?

Wat kinda signs are u looking at? I was thinking that for less than 2wks pregnancy, there weren't be much obvious signs??

Im in Day 6 of waiting.. Trying not too put much hope too.. :(
Mine is iui.. I don't want to put too much hope so that disappointment will not be so down. Ate the medication daily 2ww. Stomach bloated and breast pain. Like gain weight the feeling..
Going for trigger shot later... 12.30 faintz.

My hubby today suddenly got fever... -.-

I not pinning much hope liao. His old soldiers too late to clear and now down with fever..,

Have to leave it to God liao...
hi dearies,

anyone had pain/cramp feel after trigger shot for iui? i had the shot yday 8pm but no feel…the pain/cramp came abt 5plus just now :eek: not sure if the egg growing haha
Whao Meiling your trigger shot is late. I been to o&g clinic to have trigger twice both btw 8-9pm. When is your iui or et?

Ya loh. So late loh. And cos these 2 days i have been taking leave for the scans thus tml must go back work. Thurs is ER. And thats the starts of my HL. I doing ivf. ET i not sure when.
@iwantahealthybaby oh so the result is over the phone.. Means I will be at work and wont be w my husband when I find out the news.. Good news will be to share the joy.. Sad news at least I know he will console me. At least same day result and will end the suspense.

@LynnCandy my tummy less bloated than I took the injections but my breasts are sore.. Could be pms though :( :(

@meilingg all the best!! Dun worry, as long as u did ur best..
Meiling another hr plus to your trigger shot. Oh ivf so you will know et when thur er. They will roughly tell u 2d (should be sat) or 5d (tue) depending on how many eggs retrieve. Good luck. I didn utilise the HL as I feel will be terrible during the tww. Nothing do at home worse. But if your job is stressful better stay Away :)

Yes kinetic the results is within same day. If you go down take your bt early morning say around 8am sometimes at 9 plus the call if that day not crowded. Once I receive at 9plus morning just when I step into my office and the other was during my lunch time.
@iwantahealthybaby oh so the result is over the phone.. Means I will be at work and wont be w my husband when I find out the news.. Good news will be to share the joy.. Sad news at least I know he will console me. At least same day result and will end the suspense.

@LynnCandy my tummy less bloated than I took the injections but my breasts are sore.. Could be pms though :( :(

@meilingg all the best!! Dun worry, as long as u did ur best..

Thanks@kin-etic im keeping my fingers crossed! Hope still got some good soldiers on thurs!
The trigger shot really not that pain~ i was so worried~ my hubby still keep teasing me by reminding i will get jab on my 屁屁.
Meiling another hr plus to your trigger shot. Oh ivf so you will know et when thur er. They will roughly tell u 2d (should be sat) or 5d (tue) depending on how many eggs retrieve. Good luck. I didn utilise the HL as I feel will be terrible during the tww. Nothing do at home worse. But if your job is stressful better stay Away :)

Yes kinetic the results is within same day. If you go down take your bt early morning say around 8am sometimes at 9 plus the call if that day not crowded. Once I receive at 9plus morning just when I step into my office and the other was during my lunch time.

My boss thought i can go back to work after er, while waiting for et. but doc told me no. Heard from nurse, they will be giving me 19 days for HL.

Tomorrow is the day~ I'm praying hard everything goes smooth tomorrow for my eggs and hubby's sperms...

Overall, i'm still putting my hopes on this cycle... i have comes so far, i guess God will be good to me =)
mmm actually i went back work after er. for my cycle i didn use the HL at all. cannot afford. after er i took the day off resting at home the next day i am back at work. then et i also took the day off and the next day get back to work. i am lucky as i didn suffer ohss so actually other than slight bloatedness after er i am still ok can cope.

so long er you are clear from ohss you are quite safe. understand that ohss comes a day or two after er sometimes later but i think doc will roughly review that day after er whether you will be prone to ohss anot. for me doc clear me of ohss maybe by looking at my stomach (not as bloated) so i was not ordered any blood test too after retrieval to check hormones level. i just wait for my et day.
mmm actually i went back work after er. for my cycle i didn use the HL at all. cannot afford. after er i took the day off resting at home the next day i am back at work. then et i also took the day off and the next day get back to work. i am lucky as i didn suffer ohss so actually other than slight bloatedness after er i am still ok can cope.

so long er you are clear from ohss you are quite safe. understand that ohss comes a day or two after er sometimes later but i think doc will roughly review that day after er whether you will be prone to ohss anot. for me doc clear me of ohss maybe by looking at my stomach (not as bloated) so i was not ordered any blood test too after retrieval to check hormones level. i just wait for my et day.

yesterday morning i was asked to do blood test. not sure what is it for thou.

any way to avoid ohss? luckily my manager is understandable. Since the start of ivf cycle, every scannings at kkh, i took a day leave. At least not so rush for me to chiong back to work. This week only today im back to work, tml will starts the HL.
good to have support from office. cause i find ivf stressful is the rushing to and fro hospital and office esp if you didn tell your office you doing ivf. is your stomach very bloated now? some even before retrieval their stomach is bloated like 2-3months preg so they are more prone i guess. means alot eggs inside once all extracted will be higher risk of suffering ohss. actually i not very sure how some will have some dont have. for me i have 34follicles extracted but i am not very bloated before er and i dont have any BT before after too so i dont know how they discharge me as free from ohss. after er i just drank 100plus and egg whites. thats all. the day of er i have very bad cramp as i think those poking of my ovary to extract all 34follicles are reacting. but a day or two i am fine.

maybe you see how many follicles extracted that day then roughly you know if you will suffer ohss anot.
my stomach always bloated... tcm used to say i got loads of wind inside.

Now i feel slightly bloated but dunno is it cos of injections or cos i gain weight...

But ytd they finds that i have loads of fluid when they did the scans... maybe thats why they wanna take the blood test.

I shall see how it goes tml. hope if i got it, it will be a mild one...

For the fasting, only after hubby picks me up tomorrow then can eat and drink is it?
During ET we needs to hand in the cheque for the insurance right? What if we don't have cheque? I forgot to ask them...

Hope i remember tomorrow.
Yes Meiling need hand in chq within 6-7 days after transfer. Must be cheque only if don't have must go bank pay a small fee to get it I think.
Starting my SO-IUI cycle tomorrow.. Starting the pills and the hateful jabs.. Hope no side effects...
My boss thought i can go back to work after er, while waiting for et. but doc told me no. Heard from nurse, they will be giving me 19 days for HL.

Tomorrow is the day~ I'm praying hard everything goes smooth tomorrow for my eggs and hubby's sperms...

Overall, i'm still putting my hopes on this cycle... i have comes so far, i guess God will be good to me =)
All the best to you! Get a good rest and everything will be smooth smooth.. Really scared of going for ivf.. You girls are very brave..
Baby dust to all..... sparkler sparkler the blessing. ... :( I am having cramping these few days. . Don't know what's wrong..
Oh... You did your iui in a sat? Your blood test will be on 11 mar?
My blood test is scheduled on 12 Mar. Now each day is praying hard as any day if mensus come, means directly go back for 2nd cycle. When is your blood test?

My blood test is scheduled on 12 Mar. Now each day is praying hard as any day if mensus come, means directly go back for 2nd cycle. When is your blood test?
I did iui on 21 Feb. Blood test coming Monday 10 Feb. If I failed I will proceed to ivf.
