Baby dust to all..... sparkler sparkler the blessing. ... :( I am having cramping these few days. . Don't know what's wrong..
I am also having more cramps these few days....very stress. Everytime I feel some discharge, will rush to toilet to see its mensus.....sigh....
I am also having more cramps these few days....very stress. Everytime I feel some discharge, will rush to toilet to see its mensus.....sigh....
Same here. I am feeling cramp then sometime like got discharge the feeling. . I think if my iui does not work then I will just move on to ivf. Iui I think can have a few cycle, but if failed I will just move on as I don't want to wait too long. Btw you are seeing which Dr? Mine is Dr S.
Same here. I am feeling cramp then sometime like got discharge the feeling. . I think if my iui does not work then I will just move on to ivf. Iui I think can have a few cycle, but if failed I will just move on as I don't want to wait too long. Btw you are seeing which Dr? Mine is Dr S.
Opted as subsidise case, no fix gynae yet.
I should have do that to save some costs. Although I am with Dr S, I only see her during the initial consultation . During the iui process, it was other doctors who attended to me. So really wasted of a cost as under Dr S is private rate.
I should have do that to save some costs. Although I am with Dr S, I only see her during the initial consultation . During the iui process, it was other doctors who attended to me. So really wasted of a cost as under Dr S is private rate.
IUI is still under private class (no diff), is the blood test and other consultation before and after would be going back to Clinic D.

Also because this would be my 3rd pregnancy so just want to save cost. =P The first 2 was much younger and was naturally conceived.
IUI is still under private class (no diff), is the blood test and other consultation before and after would be going back to Clinic D.

Also because this would be my 3rd pregnancy so just want to save cost. =P The first 2 was much younger and was naturally conceived.
Wow... You are a mother of 2 already. This time round think no problem for you as in iui.. keep us posted on your status... :p
Wow... You are a mother of 2 already. This time round think no problem for you as in iui.. keep us posted on your status... :p

Actually 3, but my first pregnancy of twins both ended with severe autism. Waited for 7 years before dare to try for another. Then waited for another 5 years, ensure the younger one is okay before trying for 4th one. If not in future my 2 elder ones would be quite tedious and 3rd child would be very lonely. But after trying for a year plus, no news. So want to resort to IVF but doc wants me to try IUI first.

One of my friends who has a special needs child says she have to give birth to 3 so that 2 help one. Then I say, "wah...like that I must give birth to 6...." LOL~
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hihi, need answer to my noob questions here..
TIA for answering my questions here.

1. IUI - I rem reading somewhere that need BD on that day n next day? Am I rite? what if we do not BD? chances to get BFP is it v slim?

2. SO-IUI - whats the difference between IUI & SO-IUI

3. IVF - by reading some of the posts here, lots of injects and scanning to be done? one the day retrieve follicles, den we will wait the gynae to inject in to our body? den after that it will be 2WW le rite? so no BD to be done at all rite?
Actually 3, but my first pregnancy of twins both ended with severe autism. Waited for 7 years before dare to try for another. Then waited for another 5 years, ensure the younger one is okay before trying for 4th one. If not in future my 2 elder ones would be quite tedious and 3rd child would be very lonely. But after trying for a year plus, no news. So want to resort to IVF but doc wants me to try IUI first.

One of my friends who has a special needs child says she have to give birth to 3 so that 2 help one. Then I say, "wah...like that I must give birth to 6...." LOL~
Hehe.. if 6 then pocket will have one big hole. But think at least you have a number 4 will be good.
hihi, need answer to my noob questions here..
TIA for answering my questions here.

1. IUI - I rem reading somewhere that need BD on that day n next day? Am I rite? what if we do not BD? chances to get BFP is it v slim?

2. SO-IUI - whats the difference between IUI & SO-IUI

3. IVF - by reading some of the posts here, lots of injects and scanning to be done? one the day retrieve follicles, den we will wait the gynae to inject in to our body? den after that it will be 2WW le rite? so no BD to be done at all rite?

BD after IUI should increase the chance, but think before cannot.

Injections to boost hormones, scanning to see ovaries and linings ready or not, should be same for IUI & IVF.

Differences not sure.
Hehe.. if 6 then pocket will have one big hole. But think at least you have a number 4 will be good.

Yah, I'm secretly hoping would be #4 & #5 but now still waiting for news. Lol~ but should be enough even if is only #4. Too costly to raise kids in city country.
To me the ER process is a painful one. I was so drowsy but i can feel the pain so hard.

Retrieve 15 eggs. Sat will be ET. But before that needs to take BT to see if i got ohss.

What should i do these 2 days? I don't hope to get ohss and end up can't do the ET...

Now still feeling cramp here and there...
To me the ER process is a painful one. I was so drowsy but i can feel the pain so hard.

Retrieve 15 eggs. Sat will be ET. But before that needs to take BT to see if i got ohss.

What should i do these 2 days? I don't hope to get ohss and end up can't do the ET...

Now still feeling cramp here and there...
Wow congrats meiling! That's a lot of eggs!! They said that eating egg whites can help ohss....so do eat a lot of egg whites too! Ohss - ovarian hyper stimulation syndrome...makes one bloated,nausea, vomit, short of breath etc depending on the degree of it...@mumu u r such a wei da mummy...i taught in rainbow school for a term before....really pei fu the parents...furthermore u have twins
Rest well and drink lots of water although you feel bloated. Still just drink. Hopefully you won't have OHSS. All the best to et sat :)

Thanks! Im trying to drink as much as i can~

Is ok to drink isotonic drink right? I just had 100plus and it makes me feel much better...
Wow congrats meiling! That's a lot of eggs!! They said that eating egg whites can help ohss....so do eat a lot of egg whites too! Ohss - ovarian hyper stimulation syndrome...makes one bloated,nausea, vomit, short of breath etc depending on the degree of it...@mumu u r such a wei da mummy...i taught in rainbow school for a term before....really pei fu the parents...furthermore u have twins

Ok~ i shall eat more egg whites tml!
To me the ER process is a painful one. I was so drowsy but i can feel the pain so hard.

Retrieve 15 eggs. Sat will be ET. But before that needs to take BT to see if i got ohss.

What should i do these 2 days? I don't hope to get ohss and end up can't do the ET...

Now still feeling cramp here and there...
Goody.. So you have tided through one round.. Rest well..
Actually 3, but my first pregnancy of twins both ended with severe autism. Waited for 7 years before dare to try for another. Then waited for another 5 years, ensure the younger one is okay before trying for 4th one. If not in future my 2 elder ones would be quite tedious and 3rd child would be very lonely. But after trying for a year plus, no news. So want to resort to IVF but doc wants me to try IUI first.

One of my friends who has a special needs child says she have to give birth to 3 so that 2 help one. Then I say, "wah...like that I must give birth to 6...." LOL~
you are a great mummy! Think 4 is a lot in today's context..
Thanks....BTW, today I have this white tissue in my urine. Not remember this means what? My BT next week...praying hard...
Mumu I am facing the same too.. White tissue in urine and sometime got cramp like AF going to visit the feeling.
Hi to all Sister here..
I'm new to this forum.. I find this forum is interesting and is a kind of good support and can share abt the experience for IUI/IVF.
I have done my IVF two years ago but did not success. So now I'm starting all over again for the fresh cycles as I do not have any eggs left from previous IVF.

@meilingg , wow congrats to you as that's a lot of eggs. Me only manage to retrieve 8 eggs but end up only left 2 to use. :'(
Hi to all Sister here..
I'm new to this forum.. I find this forum is interesting and is a kind of good support and can share abt the experience for IUI/IVF.
I have done my IVF two years ago but did not success. So now I'm starting all over again for the fresh cycles as I do not have any eggs left from previous IVF.

@meilingg , wow congrats to you as that's a lot of eggs. Me only manage to retrieve 8 eggs but end up only left 2 to use. :'(
Hi pupnui, oh how come last time you never go for iui and straight to ivf? Doc advised you based on your condition? Maybe you can see the doctor and review first. You are with kkh?
Hi pupnui, oh how come last time you never go for iui and straight to ivf? Doc advised you based on your condition? Maybe you can see the doctor and review first. You are with kkh?

Hi LynnCandy, yes, I'm with KKH under refer from polyclinic. The doc let me choose between IUI and IVF so I choose IVF cos he say my HB sperm count is low so if I do IUI will not success. Next tue will see for the doc and arrange for next IVF.
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If BFP, need to follow up at KK? Or can ask to follow up at Polyclinic? Thinking also the distance is very far....
Hi mumu, can I know what stand for BFP?

I also learning .... here's the list.... LOL

2WW 2 week wait after ovulation (to find out if pregnant)
AF "Aunt Flo" (menstrual period)
BA baby aspirin
BBT basal body temperature
BD baby dance (sex)
BCP birth control pills
BFP big fat positive ( pregnancy test)
BFN big fat negative (pregnancy test)
Beta serum pregnancy test (beta-HCG's assay)
BMS baby making (sex)
BMI body mass index
BW blood work
BRB be right back
BTDT been there, done that
BTL bilateral tubal ligation
BTW by the way
CD cycle day (counting from first day of menstruation)
CF cervical fluid
CCCT clomiphene citrate challenge test
CC clomiphene citrate (Clomid)
CIO cry it out
CM cervical mucus
CWIM see what I mean
CS or C/S cesarean section
D&C dilation and curettage
DB dear boyfriend
DC daycare
DD dear daughter
DF dear fiancee
DGD dear granddaughter
DGS dear grandson
DH dear husband
DS dear son
DSD dear stepdaughter
DSS dear stepson
DPO days post ovulation
DW dear wife
Dx diagnosis
E2 estradiol
EBF extended breastfeeding
EBM expressed breast milk
EDD estimated due date, or expected date of delivery
EWCM egg white cervical mucus
ENDO endometriosis
FSH follicle stimulating hormone
FF formula feeding
FIL father-in-law
FMU first morning urine
FT full time
FTR for the record
FWIW for what it's worth
FYI for your information
GnRH gonadotropin releasing hormone
HCG human chorionic gonadotropin
HH healthy and happy
HPT home pregnancy test
HSG hysterosalpingogram
HTH hope this helps
IC incompetent cervix
IMHO in my humble opinion
IMO in my opinion
IRL in real life
IF infertility
IM intramuscular injection
IUI intrauterine insemination
IVF in vitro fertilization
JJ or J/J just joking
JK or J/K just kidding
JMHO just my humble opinion, or just my honest opinion
KWIM know what I mean
LH luteinizing hormone
LMP last menstrual period
LOL laughing out loud
LP luteal phase
LPD luteal phase deficiency
M/C miscarriage
MF male factor
MIL mother-in-law
ML maternity leave
MM mother's milk
MYOB mind your own business
NMS not my style
NMSAA not my style at all
NP no problem
O ovulation
O'd ovulated
OMG oh my gosh
OP original poster
OT off topic
OHSS ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome
OPK ovulation predictor kit
OV ovulation
PG pregnant, or pregnancy
PP previous poster
PPD postpartum depression
P4 progesterone
PCOS polycystic ovarian syndrome
PG pregnant
PID pelvic inflammatory disease
PMS premenstrual syndrome
PPD postpartum mood disorder
PTLS post tubal ligation syndrome
SA semen analysis
S/S signs and symptoms
STD sexually transmitted disease
SubQ subcutaneous injection
RE reproductive endocrinologist
ROFL rolling on floor laughing
SAHD stay-at-home dad
SAHM stay-at-home mom
SAHP stay-at-home parent
SD sperm donor
SIL sister-in-law
TL tubal ligation
TMI too much information
TR tubal reversal
TIA thanks in advance
TTC trying to conceive
Tx treatment
US ultrasound
VBAC vaginal birth after cesarean section
WAH work at home
WOH work out of the home
I also learning .... here's the list.... LOL

2WW 2 week wait after ovulation (to find out if pregnant)
AF "Aunt Flo" (menstrual period)
BA baby aspirin
BBT basal body temperature
BD baby dance (sex)
BCP birth control pills
BFP big fat positive ( pregnancy test)
BFN big fat negative (pregnancy test)
Beta serum pregnancy test (beta-HCG's assay)
BMS baby making (sex)
BMI body mass index
BW blood work
BRB be right back
BTDT been there, done that
BTL bilateral tubal ligation
BTW by the way
CD cycle day (counting from first day of menstruation)
CF cervical fluid
CCCT clomiphene citrate challenge test
CC clomiphene citrate (Clomid)
CIO cry it out
CM cervical mucus
CWIM see what I mean
CS or C/S cesarean section
D&C dilation and curettage
DB dear boyfriend
DC daycare
DD dear daughter
DF dear fiancee
DGD dear granddaughter
DGS dear grandson
DH dear husband
DS dear son
DSD dear stepdaughter
DSS dear stepson
DPO days post ovulation
DW dear wife
Dx diagnosis
E2 estradiol
EBF extended breastfeeding
EBM expressed breast milk
EDD estimated due date, or expected date of delivery
EWCM egg white cervical mucus
ENDO endometriosis
FSH follicle stimulating hormone
FF formula feeding
FIL father-in-law
FMU first morning urine
FT full time
FTR for the record
FWIW for what it's worth
FYI for your information
GnRH gonadotropin releasing hormone
HCG human chorionic gonadotropin
HH healthy and happy
HPT home pregnancy test
HSG hysterosalpingogram
HTH hope this helps
IC incompetent cervix
IMHO in my humble opinion
IMO in my opinion
IRL in real life
IF infertility
IM intramuscular injection
IUI intrauterine insemination
IVF in vitro fertilization
JJ or J/J just joking
JK or J/K just kidding
JMHO just my humble opinion, or just my honest opinion
KWIM know what I mean
LH luteinizing hormone
LMP last menstrual period
LOL laughing out loud
LP luteal phase
LPD luteal phase deficiency
M/C miscarriage
MF male factor
MIL mother-in-law
ML maternity leave
MM mother's milk
MYOB mind your own business
NMS not my style
NMSAA not my style at all
NP no problem
O ovulation
O'd ovulated
OMG oh my gosh
OP original poster
OT off topic
OHSS ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome
OPK ovulation predictor kit
OV ovulation
PG pregnant, or pregnancy
PP previous poster
PPD postpartum depression
P4 progesterone
PCOS polycystic ovarian syndrome
PG pregnant
PID pelvic inflammatory disease
PMS premenstrual syndrome
PPD postpartum mood disorder
PTLS post tubal ligation syndrome
SA semen analysis
S/S signs and symptoms
STD sexually transmitted disease
SubQ subcutaneous injection
RE reproductive endocrinologist
ROFL rolling on floor laughing
SAHD stay-at-home dad
SAHM stay-at-home mom
SAHP stay-at-home parent
SD sperm donor
SIL sister-in-law
TL tubal ligation
TMI too much information
TR tubal reversal
TIA thanks in advance
TTC trying to conceive
Tx treatment
US ultrasound
VBAC vaginal birth after cesarean section
WAH work at home
WOH work out of the home

@mumu , tks for this... Wow.. What a long list...
Hi to all Sister here..
I'm new to this forum.. I find this forum is interesting and is a kind of good support and can share abt the experience for IUI/IVF.
I have done my IVF two years ago but did not success. So now I'm starting all over again for the fresh cycles as I do not have any eggs left from previous IVF.

@meilingg , wow congrats to you as that's a lot of eggs. Me only manage to retrieve 8 eggs but end up only left 2 to use. :'(

Hello @pupnui !

Hope my ET is a success tml!

Anyone know what are the food to avoid or eat during 2ww? My hubby will pack my meals so need to remind him what i can or cannot eat~

Oh ya, is ET process the same painful as ER? =/. One of the doc still told me not painful ytd, end up...
Hello @pupnui !

Hope my ET is a success tml!

Anyone know what are the food to avoid or eat during 2ww? My hubby will pack my meals so need to remind him what i can or cannot eat~

Oh ya, is ET process the same painful as ER? =/. One of the doc still told me not painful ytd, end up...

@meilingg.. All the best to yr ET..
ET is not painful if yr dr do well just like Pap smear..
B4 ET, drink more more water as they need to scan fm the tummy too...
ER is very painful n I can feel thing poking u although u r drowsy...
The 'pain' felt @ ET is as the sisters here shared, like Pap smear where they need to use some instrument to open up down there. :p

Remember to drink before gg down, as it is important to have full bladder...

All the best, it will be good!
@meilingg: ET not as painful, especially if your dr is careful. Will not be sedated and after ET can go home immediately.

Thanks @MichNg

@meilingg.. All the best to yr ET..
ET is not painful if yr dr do well just like Pap smear..
B4 ET, drink more more water as they need to scan fm the tummy too...
ER is very painful n I can feel thing poking u although u r drowsy...

Thanks @pupnui

Yup ER was far more painful than anything...
Morning ladies... The forum was down for a short while yesterday and about evening time can really smell the Haze very strongly. Drink more water and have a good weekend ahead.
i already had 3 times IUI in NUH with Steven Chew ,but failed. i was told catheter couldn't insert into my cervical neck due to it is very tight. we are very sad.... and was told may need a surgery to expand the cervical neck.

anyone has this problem and how did u solve it?? very tired about this , wake up at morning 5am when thinking about it.... :(
i already had 3 times IUI in NUH with Steven Chew ,but failed. i was told catheter couldn't insert into my cervical neck due to it is very tight. we are very sad.... and was told may need a surgery to expand the cervical neck.

anyone has this problem and how did u solve it?? very tired about this , wake up at morning 5am when thinking about it.... :(
hugs @sarah_2013
Hi all,Need some advice here. Yesterday reviewed w my doc, seem like my lining is thicker than usual, she suggesting to freeze the embryos this time round and go for hysterosopy. I do not know should I freeze the embryo or shd I go straight w the transfer. I heard that thaw cycle have lower chance than fresh.. Really put in a lot of hope to this IVF but now seem like I cannot make it.. :(
Tinga, fresh or frozen have their pros and cons. Don't worry too much. Think of it this way if you proceed this fresh with very thick lining and fail you will have to go through a frozen cycle too. Frozen cycle have successful cases too. Sometimes body hormones too many due to fresh may not be good too. For thaw cycle it works the same as fresh only obstacle the embryos must survive the thAw. But if it's a strong embryo nothing can stop it.
Have brown blood discharged. Thinking this cycle likely is fail one...sad sad...feel like mensus coming...woooo...

i already had 3 times IUI in NUH with Steven Chew ,but failed. i was told catheter couldn't insert into my cervical neck due to it is very tight. we are very sad.... and was told may need a surgery to expand the cervical neck.

anyone has this problem and how did u solve it?? very tired about this , wake up at morning 5am when thinking about it.... :(

