@SweetDevil.. I think they advise that just to increase chances of pregnancy since u are ovulating at that time. And maybe no harm just to put extra sperm.. :p
I did it only on 1 day.
Yingchuan. . Per trip . If I take 1 week worth of medicine, I pay $28.
Yingchuan also said my husband no problem but je Chinese dr asked to see sperms analysis report and still give my husband supplement. I think she wants the sperms report to be good. She told me mostly doctors wanna treat the women but never really treat the men.
Hi bliswifu. Glad to hear tat it makes u smile. Haha. Im oso gg ivf in Apr? Yea. I tot all the supplemts u mentioned. I also took brazil nuts, egg whites, avocados.,, which want u planning to start ivf? U under which Dr?
Hello! I went to Dr Zou today for acupuncture ...hahaa i really hate the electric currents part...was v painful when she did the back part :(...i planned to start ivf once menses full blown...still waiting for my menses zzzz....i m with dr s f loh...hee
I went for a IUI on 14 Feb, after that the doctor told us that we can have intercourse the very day and the next day. But I don't feel comfortable due to a sharp pain at my V and also thinking the sperm already in so its not necessary. My next appointment is on the 4 March. I checked for pregnancy test today(28/02) since its already 14th day and it shows -tive. Did I did it wrongly? Must I have(compulsory) intercourse after IUI? I thought I really going get pregnant after this IUI. Its really worrying :(
Dun worry, though best to BD after iui, but it is not guaranteed too...like me, i did Bd after iui but hor still -ve mah...anyway for iui it is like normal sex just that sperms r placed nearer n washed .... So really heng suay oso one...dun be too hard on yourself....too many unknown factors liao.... What we can do is to embrace ourselves, prepare for next cycle...we still have hope !!!
During the ivf treatment, can still have intercourse?

I remembered on a paper that they gave us, it stated practice safe sex.

I was wondering cos before my hubby have to submit his soldiers, he sure have to get rid the old ones right...
during ivf no problem can have safe sex... But 3 days before fertilization better not so hubby can store more sperms....ya u r right abt getting rid of old sperms..after ivf ...my paper states to bed rest n no sex during 2ww
Before 2ww leh?

The paper that i saw was the forms we always bring when go for scanning...

during ivf no problem can have safe sex... But 3 days before fertilization better not so hubby can store more sperms....ya u r right abt getting rid of old sperms..after ivf ...my paper states to bed rest n no sex during 2ww

Oh ok~ i shall till need to clear his old soldiers then bed...
Hello jooo! How r u ?
Actually i went to the jurong tcm too but she referred me to gleneagles as per what she always do.....n christopher chen asked my hubby n i go for operation ....christopher chen said i have endo, hubby varicocele... He said i shd clean my womb n shun bian hsg.... N said hubby if never surgery then v v jialat etc....We got a big shock....we went to Another gynae , he said christopher well known push ppl to surgery.... N said i dun have endo....then we went to dr s f loh he checked n said i dont have endo also at all n counted my eggs reserve too n my hubby mild varicocele dun require any surgery at all! In fact surgery most prob wun help oso one.... ! So i really dun trust the jurong tcm n christopher chen after this incident....i have a few frens who went to her also referred to christopher oso referred to surgery... Really hor..

No she didn't. I was originally seeing the gynae at paragon. Then I read forums and decided to go to her. So happen, both sides know each other. She did refer me to Gleneagles though. But it was too costly to get some blood tests done so I didn't go.
Hello! Yeah.. I don't know what's her rs with Chris Chen though. Always asking people to go there.. and from reviews. I also see that Chris Chen will ask u to do surgery. Hence I didn't go in the end. But just stick with her..
Hello! I went to Dr Zou today for acupuncture ...hahaa i really hate the electric currents part...was v painful when she did the back part :(...i planned to start ivf once menses full blown...still waiting for my menses zzzz....i m with dr s f loh...hee
Wah acupunture seems painful.
Morning girls! Kimchi ur profile icon v cute hahaa see liao will smile...tinga me too...just had a failed iui...thinking of going ivf next....anyone goes into next cycle immediately ? Yes i m also looking out for what to eat /do....beside folic , q10 , royal jelly? I know must take egg whites, 2brazil nuts, some took chicken essence too right
Just went to visit my doc and official start my IVF journey. Being subscribe to gonal f and menopur. Hopefully will have good news this time round.. :)
@jooo lucky u never go to christopher chen!! But good la, most imptly u r preggy now! :)
@kimchi actually not as bad...maybe i was not used to the currents so got a shock haa...my hubby said was like massage...
@Tinga think we will b same cycle buddies hee...i m going to take my injections coming monday..let's jia you n have lots of luck!! Hopefully can strike liao!
Those who have did iui before during the 2ww did your body encounter any symptom?
I was very bloated, gassy and tired the first few days after the IUI but I think that's because of the medication. the symptoms gradually disappeared.

sorry I can't give you symptoms to a successful IUI cos I haven't had one before!
Thanks jemma.. I am now in my 1 week of waiting. Next Mon bt.. I am feeling bloated or feel like I have become fat. Feeling cold sometime.
Hello ladies!

Back to kkh after a week of injections. Just finished my scan. Today's lining is 16.6 triple. The rest of the nos i don't rem. But one side got 18 follicles if i not wrong. Now waiting to see doc...
Hi meiling great to hear from you. . Wooh. At least got 1 is 18. Alot of people at kkh today? Past 2 weeks was crowded.
Ya. Very crowded. I reached ard 9.15, my q no was 1045. The no they serving was 1019.

Doc said my lining was abit too thick but she based on my last year scan, my lining was 20mm. So she think i belongs to the group with thick lining.

I will be having my last injection tomorrow and needs to go back for scan tomorrow. If nothing goes wrong, thurs should be my ER.

Anyone knows if thurs ER, when will i have my last trigger shot? I forgot to ask just now. And is it must be thighs or buttocks? Ouch~~~ =(
Ya. Very crowded. I reached ard 9.15, my q no was 1045. The no they serving was 1019.

Doc said my lining was abit too thick but she based on my last year scan, my lining was 20mm. So she think i belongs to the group with thick lining.

I will be having my last injection tomorrow and needs to go back for scan tomorrow. If nothing goes wrong, thurs should be my ER.

Anyone knows if thurs ER, when will i have my last trigger shot? I forgot to ask just now. And is it must be thighs or buttocks? Ouch~~~ =(

Tomorrow night will be the trigger shot and it will be in the buttocks. You will have to go to the O&G (24 hr) to get the shot by the nurse. All the best!
If I recall correctly, they give hospitalization leave fr ER day onwards. Not too sure cos I am not working so dun need it...
Hi meiling, no worries injection is not pain just think that it is ants biting. Jia you!!! Update us on the status.
hi all, anyone knows after the first briefing - can we start ivf the following month or must wait again? briefing at KKH IVF
Gd luck Meiling. And yes your lining is really thick. But shouldn be a problem right? I think 16 still within range right? Don't worry about the trigger shot pain, that will be your last needle for the ivf protocol :)
Actually, the needle insertion for anesthetic is most painful of all. 1 lady before me had to do it twice and she was crying... Made me scared
Gd luck Meiling. And yes your lining is really thick. But shouldn be a problem right? I think 16 still within range right? Don't worry about the trigger shot pain, that will be your last needle for the ivf protocol :)

Thanks! Ya loh. Just a week, it shoot up from 6.6mm to 16.6mm. Doc also got a shock still asked me is it always so thick. How i know wor... I don't measure. Then she flipped thru my file. Think last yr i did some scans and she found my lining was 20mm so she say then not a issue. I was afraid it might affect anything...
@jooo lucky u never go to christopher chen!! But good la, most imptly u r preggy now! :)
@kimchi actually not as bad...maybe i was not used to the currents so got a shock haa...my hubby said was like massage...
@Tinga think we will b same cycle buddies hee...i m going to take my injections coming monday..let's jia you n have lots of luck!! Hopefully can strike liao!
Hi bliswifu, are u started ur injection today?

Hi tinga! So nice of u to rem! Sadly...i cannot proceed with my ivf :( cuz dr said i have low eggs reserve so not ideal to start....plus he said i have one big egg left from previous iui....so he asked me to eat dhea supplement n wait for review in April again...guess i just need to tiao my body n hopefully can proceed with ivf next cycle :(
