Hey all. Just finished my 7 week scan.
One sac is disappearing.. nothing inside. But the other is doing fine. Heard the heartbeat today!
Well I'm sorta disappointed and relieved at the same Time.
But at least I have one doing well.
Hope this little one sticks till e end healthily.

@jooo Congrats my dear! Please pass baby dust to us okie :) Rest well too!

Am gng for counseling 2molo and hopefully can start this mth as my KKH doc mentioned at least must wait 2-3 mths for slot….is it true to you ladies too?

I did not mention abt this so-iui to my boss since i just commenced work so i think i need to tk a lot of UL. He asked me how frequently i need to tk UL. Ladies, from the experience….can i go choose which days to go for scanning/blood test during the injection wk? Haiz.

Btw, doc mentioned no med for my so-iui. I feel v weird since i hv tried clomid and iui many yrs ago but unsuccessful so doc shod give me med to boost my so-iui mah….haiz….this doc giving me headache :(
@happyblossom hallo! I think it depends entirely on your menstrual cycle, and not when there is an available slot. I've never been told this by my doc before. She has always let me choose when I'm comfortable in doing it.

In terms of scanning, you can go early at 7am to get your number and go for breakfast. Come back at 8am when they start scanning. All in all, you should be done by 9plus so just tell your boss you're going to be slightly late for work. That's how I'm doing it now.

You cannot choose what days as it's entirely dependent on how your follicles and lining are growing.

However, my advice would be to be upfront with your immediate boss about what you are doing so they are aware and consciously do not ask you to do things that may jeopardize your procedure or health.

Which doc are you seeing?
Ribbonz n Sonia let's jia you jia you! Strike ah!! Huat ah!! Haa ...kimchi ger...before n after i oso got drink red bean soup leh but not everyday...if i pass by coffee shop then i will buy haha so far only took twice...today is second bowl...
@bliswifu jia you too and all others entering 2ww
@meilingg not scary. similar to how pap smear is done or IUI. They will use speculum to open up V and they use a small catether to put the embryos in. Shouldn't take very long. Should be over within 15mins. Then you can rest for another 15 mins and then can empty your bladder. Collect medicines and then go home. Yup good thing hubby can come in... he can be part of the process. Haha he is so over protective of me now.. not letting me do anything.

Must be full bladder?
I remembered i did some cervix scan before which needs me to be full bladder, but i was being called only like half an hr after my appointment time, my bladder nearly burst... haha!
All the best to those in your 2ww! @meilingg yes they wld ask u to have full bladder so that it is pressing on your uterus and they can see it with abdominal scan. But for me with 2 glasses of water maybe 3/4 full but no urge. Also good as my dr was in OT and I had to wait 20mins for her.
@happyblossom hallo! I think it depends entirely on your menstrual cycle, and not when there is an available slot. I've never been told this by my doc before. She has always let me choose when I'm comfortable in doing it.

In terms of scanning, you can go early at 7am to get your number and go for breakfast. Come back at 8am when they start scanning. All in all, you should be done by 9plus so just tell your boss you're going to be slightly late for work. That's how I'm doing it now.

You cannot choose what days as it's entirely dependent on how your follicles and lining are growing.

However, my advice would be to be upfront with your immediate boss about what you are doing so they are aware and consciously do not ask you to do things that may jeopardize your procedure or health.

Which doc are you seeing?

Morning ladies!

@jemma mine is dr CC khong, seen him abt 2yrs bk when i did my keyhole day surgery. He always said few sentences and say ok ok gd gd…initially me n hubby still ok but after that realize he always nvr let us know what results we got. Hubby always say paid mins to wait n 5 mins to talk and pay wahaha

my planning is to take half day am from the day my mens arrive, hopefully can rush to work pm time. Is 2 wks am leave from the day my mens sufficient? or better for 1 mth? My boss is ok just he wants to know how my UL/am leave is like and for how long so he can make it like my standard working style in case ppl asked.

btw, we only do blood test/scanning for the 2 weeks we inject rgt? after that we be how many days to go scanning again? or any other days that we need to visit the hospital?
@happyblossom scan intervals may vary for different people depending on how your follicles are responding to the medication. Should start from cd 7 then maybe 9 , 11, 12, 14. If u good response no need so many days. And if it falls on sun, they may see you on fri and mon.
Sorry to sound stupid, whats the diff bt IUI and IVF?
For IUI they prepare your body to have more follicles and ovulate wif meds n jabs and inject sperm ( wash the fresh sperm given by hubby on the day of IUI) into you 24 hrs after you ovulate , for iui requirement is sperm hv be 1 million post
For IVF they will prepare your body again wif jabs n meds retrieve the eggs and get sperms from your hubby n form embryo , they inject embryo inside you
IVF is recommended if they cannot get 1 million sperm post wash
@happy i only did so iui so no counseling leh haa
ya i gng to faint, think kkh ppl really hv prob…actually is not counseling but just briefing on the so-iui procedure…haiz

when i pass them the small note from dr, the nurse manager at kkivf dept can ask me what this is for….

we supposed to copy ICs and ROM cert but no one took from me till i ask b4 i left….worse of all, hb n i did blood tests last wk liao but the nurse can tell me i must come bk for blood test with hb and cost abt few hundreds. my blood nearly burst….i told her "CAN YOU CHECK YOUR SYSTEM PLEASE!"

hopefully my so-iui will not be so problematic…else i sure cry :(
For IUI they prepare your body to have more follicles and ovulate wif meds n jabs and inject sperm ( wash the fresh sperm given by hubby on the day of IUI) into you 24 hrs after you ovulate , for iui requirement is sperm hv be 1 million post
For IVF they will prepare your body again wif jabs n meds retrieve the eggs and get sperms from your hubby n form embryo , they inject embryo inside you
IVF is recommended if they cannot get 1 million sperm post wash
Thanks for clarifying. I do hope I can do any of these if I still can't get a BFP by June as I am on long term medication and there are certain medicines I can't take. Just gotta pray about it @_@
Went for my scan today and it seems like my one big follicle has shrunk from 17mm to 12mm. Doc says it could be cause of two things:

1) I ovulated liao
2) they mistook a water cyst (anyone heard of that before) as a follicle

I still have some tiny follies left (less than 10mm) so Dr Sadhana has increased my Puregon dosage and need to take OPK every morning. I really hope it was the water cyst (??) and that I didn't miss anything!

@happyblossom oh dear you must have been really suey. The KK nurses I've dealt with have been professional and very polite. I can hear them explaining the procedure repeatedly day in and day out, and having to deal with the same questions. Not an easy job having to deal with all these hormonal women!
Went for my scan today and it seems like my one big follicle has shrunk from 17mm to 12mm. Doc says it could be cause of two things:

1) I ovulated liao
2) they mistook a water cyst (anyone heard of that before) as a follicle

I still have some tiny follies left (less than 10mm) so Dr Sadhana has increased my Puregon dosage and need to take OPK every morning. I really hope it was the water cyst (??) and that I didn't miss anything!

@happyblossom oh dear you must have been really suey. The KK nurses I've dealt with have been professional and very polite. I can hear them explaining the procedure repeatedly day in and day out, and having to deal with the same questions. Not an easy job having to deal with all these hormonal women!
Jemma I also had water cysts don't worry all is ok
You are in safe hands of Sadhana
@Sonia_78 thanks for the assurance! I hope your 2ww is going ok. Weren't you just supposed to go for a scan yesterday? How did it suddenly turn into iui?
@Sonia_78 thanks for the assurance! I hope your 2ww is going ok. Weren't you just supposed to go for a scan yesterday? How did it suddenly turn into iui?
Yea I ovulated on wed
I kept the strip , I tot line has to be dark
Then tested wed nite n thu morming it was negative
Wen I went for scan doc said u ovulated on wed morn so they did iui ystd
@Sonia_78 thanks for the assurance! I hope your 2ww is going ok. Weren't you just supposed to go for a scan yesterday? How did it suddenly turn into iui?
My 2ww is depressing :( n this my last chance so even more depressing
I was thinking of how am I goin to celebrate my failure :(
Then i tot I'll register for half marathon or marathon tk out a all frustration during tat
No mood to go work also but no choice hv to go :(
Jemma that's good! Means u wun be forced to ovulate becuz of that follicle liao! The others can grow slowly :) Sonia - cheer up ! Stay positive !! Jia you tog !! Btw when i did iui, doctor never scan to check my follicles :( just asked me to inject hcg then come back the following day n straight away iui liao -.-" never scan to double confirm ....
Hi all, gd luck for all currently in 2ww. Btw, want ask whether iui procedure is painful? The HSG test is painful to me.
@Kimchi-ger the most I would describe it is uncomfortable. There're no stabbing pain and in fact, I think my blood tests are more painful. But I'm quite a sissy with needles.

With hsg, you boh pien have to tahan the pain, but at least with iui, you can voice out to the nurse and I'm sure they will make you feel as comfortable as they can. If you do get apprehensive of the pain, just think about what you will achieve at the end of it all!

@Sonia_78 it's not wrong to prepare yourself for the disappointment but try not to let it take over your entire experience. I wouldn't advise you to start registering for the marathons as yet until your results are out!

@bliswifu but did the doctor ask you to take OPK? Maybe your lining and follicles had already reached minimum size by your last scan so the positive OPK was the last step. Whatever it is, all the best to you!

And happy valentine's day to all the ladies here. We are all in the same quest. :p
Though good to be mentally prepared, but don't give up.
Just be as per normal...

At times, things happen when it's lest expected. :)

Iui not as bad as hsg...
Jemma. Never leh my opk shows neg...so dr asked me to inject hcg then a day later, straight away iui liao...@kimchi ger my dr a bit cho lo (rough) so was pretty uncomfortable for me :( but dun worry, it is over very quickly , faster than hsg! N good to know that the good sperms r inside ur uterus !
@Kimchi-ger the most I would describe it is uncomfortable. There're no stabbing pain and in fact, I think my blood tests are more painful. But I'm quite a sissy with needles.

With hsg, you boh pien have to tahan the pain, but at least with iui, you can voice out to the nurse and I'm sure they will make you feel as comfortable as they can. If you do get apprehensive of the pain, just think about what you will achieve at the end of it all!

@Sonia_78 it's not wrong to prepare yourself for the disappointment but try not to let it take over your entire experience. I wouldn't advise you to start registering for the marathons as yet until your results are out!

@bliswifu but did the doctor ask you to take OPK? Maybe your lining and follicles had already reached minimum size by your last scan so the positive OPK was the last step. Whatever it is, all the best to you!

And happy valentine's day to all the ladies here. We are all in the same quest. :p
Jemma that's good! Means u wun be forced to ovulate becuz of that follicle liao! The others can grow slowly :) Sonia - cheer up ! Stay positive !! Jia you tog !! Btw when i did iui, doctor never scan to check my follicles :( just asked me to inject hcg then come back the following day n straight away iui liao -.-" never scan to double confirm ....
Ok @bliswifu
Good morning ladies happy valentines day
Those in the 2ww what are you drinking eating
Do u still consume chicken essence, royal jelly n wolf berry ?
Pl share
Sonia 2ww is quite nerve wrecking right haa...i went for acupuncture ...ate spinach n fish, drink warm milk, yesterday itchy mouth went to eat potato chips ops!! Do avoid cold vegetables like bitter gourd, melon those...Never drink the longan tea cause mum said the weather too hot so asked me dun drink first...n i will wear bathroom slippers when i walk around the house esp i have cold feet all along...doc gave me the insertion too ...so need to do so at night... I think i will start to drink chicken essence soon! Jia you jia you !!
Sonia 2ww is quite nerve wrecking right haa...i went for acupuncture ...ate spinach n fish, drink warm milk, yesterday itchy mouth went to eat potato chips ops!! Do avoid cold vegetables like bitter gourd, melon those...Never drink the longan tea cause mum said the weather too hot so asked me dun drink first...n i will wear bathroom slippers when i walk around the house esp i have cold feet all along...doc gave me the insertion too ...so need to do so at night... I think i will start to drink chicken essence soon! Jia you jia you !!
When is your blood test
For chicken essence u drink one bottle a day ?
Wat about wolf berry and royal jelly can we eat that?
My blood test on 26th ...in between wun see doc liao haa..how abt urs? .i just asked my tcm she said cannot take too much red beans cuz will have wind in stomach...so moderate...chicken essence i duno if ok to take everyday but prev sisters in forum got take everyday right... Haa oh i got eat 2 Brazil nuts nuts everyday....actually i a bit scare scare oso cause this iui my hubby motility slightly lower side n morph 1percent
My blood test on 26th ...in between wun see doc liao haa..how abt urs? .i just asked my tcm she said cannot take too much red beans cuz will have wind in stomach...so moderate...chicken essence i duno if ok to take everyday but prev sisters in forum got take everyday right... Haa oh i got eat 2 Brazil nuts nuts everyday....actually i a bit scare scare oso cause this iui my hubby motility slightly lower side n morph 1percent
My blood test on 28
Brazil nuts where to buy?
Wat abt wolf berry and royal jelly can eat?
Hi, I just completed my iui and here comes the 2ww. Excited yet apprehensive. Would really wish for a positive outcome this time round. The iui process was much better for me this time round..time taken was much faster.

Happy Valentine to all and hope our wishes will come true! :)

@Sonia_78 I read previously that red dates + wolfberries drink is good. Sometimes can add longan too. I've just started to take royal jelly from nature's farm. Remember to eat folic acid...it's the most impt. :)
Hi all. Good to hear all doing good. I am taking chicken essence everyday too. My feet used to be cold too. Amazingly this time whole body so warm. Then I just eat normal meals. Drinking as much water as possible. Taking naps at noon, waking up late in the morning. Feel so good. Yup not forgetting multivitamins especially folic tablet.
Hi all. Good to hear all doing good. I am taking chicken essence everyday too. My feet used to be cold too. Amazingly this time whole body so warm. Then I just eat normal meals. Drinking as much water as possible. Taking naps at noon, waking up late in the morning. Feel so good. Yup not forgetting multivitamins especially folic tablet.
What multivitamin you tk ?
Hi, I just completed my iui and here comes the 2ww. Excited yet apprehensive. Would really wish for a positive outcome this time round. The iui process was much better for me this time round..time taken was much faster.

Happy Valentine to all and hope our wishes will come true! :)

@Sonia_78 I read previously that red dates + wolfberries drink is good. Sometimes can add longan too. I've just started to take royal jelly from nature's farm. Remember to eat folic acid...it's the most impt. :)
Ok ribonz thanks
Hi all, I just went to see my gynae today and he is gonna do a HCG procedure with me, can anyone advise what should I be expecting?
Happy Valentines Day to all!

Im abit confuse. Can we eat royal jelly during 2ww?

I read before somewhere that we can't?
Happy valentine's day, girls!

I'm on CD10 so my IUI should be some time early next week. Hope my follies are growing... A bit too slow so my Puregon dosage up from 75 to 100. Feel damn bloated and lethargic now and trying to be less stressed at work.

I'm just reading what you girls are eating so I can eat the same thing during my 2ww. Haha.
Is chicken essence with cordyceps ok?

Happy valentine's day, girls!

I'm on CD10 so my IUI should be some time early next week. Hope my follies are growing... A bit too slow so my Puregon dosage up from 75 to 100. Feel damn bloated and lethargic now and trying to be less stressed at work.

I'm just reading what you girls are eating so I can eat the same thing during my 2ww. Haha.
Can feel you.. Good luck to you!

Hi all. Good to hear all doing good. I am taking chicken essence everyday too. My feet used to be cold too. Amazingly this time whole body so warm. Then I just eat normal meals. Drinking as much water as possible. Taking naps at noon, waking up late in the morning. Feel so good. Yup not forgetting multivitamins especially folic tablet.
So good can take afternoon naps.. Good to be resting and relaxed and have a great 2ww..

Hi, I just completed my iui and here comes the 2ww. Excited yet apprehensive. Would really wish for a positive outcome this time round. The iui process was much better for me this time round..time taken was much faster.

Happy Valentine to all and hope our wishes will come true! :)

@Sonia_78 I read previously that red dates + wolfberries drink is good. Sometimes can add longan too. I've just started to take royal jelly from nature's farm. Remember to eat folic acid...it's the most impt. :)
Welcome to 2ww.. Hope that you can be successful this time round..

My 2ww is depressing :( n this my last chance so even more depressing
I was thinking of how am I goin to celebrate my failure :(
Then i tot I'll register for half marathon or marathon tk out a all frustration during tat
No mood to go work also but no choice hv to go :(
don't be so depressed.. Too early to know the results.. Marathon is siong leh.. I gave up all my runs...
Is chicken essence with cordyceps ok?

Can feel you.. Good luck to you!

So good can take afternoon naps.. Good to be resting and relaxed and have a great 2ww..

Welcome to 2ww.. Hope that you can be successful this time round..

don't be so depressed.. Too early to know the results.. Marathon is siong leh.. I gave up all my runs...
Booy wen is ur iui
Good luck to you
Hi all

How is your 2ww coming along? The weather has been hotter lately so please take care!

I was at KKIVF yesterday for my scan and it's not looking good. My wall is triple lining but only at 7mm. Biggest follicle is 10mm. Doctor has doubled my purgegon to 150iui. I asked him point blank if there's still hope for this cycle and he hesitated a while before answering in the affirmative. Today is CD12.

I've told hubby not to tell people we are doing this. The first time we did it, we shared with our friends as I felt it should not be something to be ashamed of. But after we got our negative, I realized that people can't really empathize or understand so the only people who should know are those involved. Am not even updating my in-laws as I do not want them to worry.

Just did my jab and sitting here feeling a little sorry for myself, and feeling bad too because there are BIGGER problems out there than me not being able to conceive naturally. Could also be because it's back to work tomorrow.

Take care, Ladies, and please keep us updated! This forum is my only solace as only you girls understand what I'm going through.

Hi all

How is your 2ww coming along? The weather has been hotter lately so please take care!

I was at KKIVF yesterday for my scan and it's not looking good. My wall is triple lining but only at 7mm. Biggest follicle is 10mm. Doctor has doubled my purgegon to 150iui. I asked him point blank if there's still hope for this cycle and he hesitated a while before answering in the affirmative. Today is CD12.

I've told hubby not to tell people we are doing this. The first time we did it, we shared with our friends as I felt it should not be something to be ashamed of. But after we got our negative, I realized that people can't really empathize or understand so the only people who should know are those involved. Am not even updating my in-laws as I do not want them to worry.

Just did my jab and sitting here feeling a little sorry for myself, and feeling bad too because there are BIGGER problems out there than me not being able to conceive naturally. Could also be because it's back to work tomorrow.

Take care, Ladies, and please keep us updated! This forum is my only solace as only you girls understand what I'm going through.
I can understand , you need to be strong n keep yourself together , cannot fall apart
I also feel terrible n the worse is going to work tomorrow , I wish I cud hide myself some where :(
I went to Gurudwara ( Sikh temple )tdy morning wif daughter
May God give all of us strength to face what ever is in store for us
