I am looking forward to sharing the good news when I hit my 2nd trimester, but, thinking about how it will turn out, it kinda scares me. Sighhhh.
Just because, people around us gets pregnant so easily they never understand our plight.

Cheer up. You can still share your good news, i believes there are loads of people out there who are happy for you.

@jooo they're obviously in a different phase of their lives with different priorities. Agree with meilingg, just let them know your health is important at this point and put yours and baby's health above everything else!
@Sonia_78 how far along are you in your so-iui now? Have you gone for scan yet? If yes, how thick is your lining?
Hi Jemma I'm on day D11 since period started
Lining is 6.4
I hv been going for scans n still on jab till Wednesday
Wed is the next scan
I usually ovulate around day 13
What about you?
@bliswifu @chanel83 hey ladies, haven't heard from you in a while, any updates?
@jemma nice of u to ask! I was asked to test for ovulation sat n sun, doc scanned only 2 eggs prev :( said not a lot... - neg on opk...going to see the doc today to scan, supposed to do iui if opk +ve ... Sigh... N i feel a bit sore on my right side no idea if normal...n i know how u feel super sian to hear others pregnancy esp close relatives n friends... My 2 cousins' wife just got preggy too...one got it within 1 month of rom...really like .... -.- stay positive! At least we r doing our best now! N nurse told me to jab alternate sides...75g one day, 50g next day...
@chanel83 jia you!
@Sonia_78 yes dun b so stress at least u have one le! Hee we all wan one oso dun have
@booy for so iui just the jabs, but ok de just take as ant bites....for that few secs
@meiling i take folic from Gnc too i have the pre natal too but i didnt eat it often cuz the pills v big, hard to swallow haa...n i m eating tcm atm....
@lady so lucky! For me, my hubby has varicocele so it is v v hard to conceive naturally hence we decided to go for so iui...at least the sperms need not 'work so hard' the doc gave him supplements too...this so iui, doc will wash his sperms n we will see any improvements a not....if no improvements maybe really need to consider ivf since 1-2 good soldiers r required ....
@bliswifu Stay positive! Everytime i heard my friends/relatives/colleagues got pregnant, i will felt jealous.

Yes yes, I have been eating it a week... It is really too big and i don't like the smell, but no choice but to eat daily...
Hi ladies, I had failed my 2nd iui. Doc suggested ivf. I am resting for this cycle. Anyone has a good ivf doc to recommend from kkh or private? Thanks.
Thanks for all the replies! Well I think I have to agree that they are really at different phases of life and have different priorities.

My doc told me it's too early to start on prenatal vitamins. .

Sonia 78, I heard red bean soup is good for the lining!!
Actually I saw the gynae and the tcm at the same time. Gynae approve of the tcm cos he knows the dr. Tcm gave me 2 weeks of medicine which made me had diarrhea everyday every time I take it. It was horrible, but lining turn out good.

May want to try the tcm?
Joo- by then when u can announce your pregnancy , they will go ooooh no wonder.... So is like a surprise for them ma...dun need to feel bad...anyway family baby def more impt now! So cheer up!
Heh true. I shall stop making myself miserable now when I am alr feeling very miserable with the sick stomach.
Baby dusts to all! Let's all be mummies this year!
Thanks for all the replies! Well I think I have to agree that they are really at different phases of life and have different priorities.

My doc told me it's too early to start on prenatal vitamins. .

Sonia 78, I heard red bean soup is good for the lining!!
Thanks joo for sharing
Hi ladies, I had failed my 2nd iui. Doc suggested ivf. I am resting for this cycle. Anyone has a good ivf doc to recommend from kkh or private? Thanks.
Hi Megan tk good rest
I see Dr.Sadhana at KKH
My daughter 2.5 yr old is conceived by iui under her consultation
Hey all. Just finished my 7 week scan.
One sac is disappearing.. nothing inside. But the other is doing fine. Heard the heartbeat today!
Well I'm sorta disappointed and relieved at the same Time.
But at least I have one doing well.
Hope this little one sticks till e end healthily.
@jooo dun get disappointed. You still have 1 with heartbeat~ the feeling of hearing the heartbeat must be very wonderful!
@jooo the heartbeat must've been the most beautiful sound that you've ever heard!

Just went for my scan today at day 6 of my iui, meaning day 7 my cycle and during the scan, discovered something very strange.

I have about 9 follicles about 5-6mm which is normal for this time, but there is one bloody big one at 17mm! My lining is only 5.1mm which is not thick enough.

Looks like I'm going to ovulate with that one big follicle within the next couple of days and it's gonna be a big risk because my lining is not ready. Did ovulation test and I'm negative today. Doctor advised to jab tonight, do opk tomorrow morning and if it's positive, straight away go in for iui. If not, go for scan again on Thursday.

Has anyone ever experienced or heard of this before?
@aquamarine10 how was the experience? Was it as painful as you initially thought? Good luck!

@meganl I'm seeing dr sad hand at KK, but I've heard that dr loh in Thomson is very effective. All the best.
@jooo the heartbeat must've been the most beautiful sound that you've ever heard!

Just went for my scan today at day 6 of my iui, meaning day 7 my cycle and during the scan, discovered something very strange.

I have about 9 follicles about 5-6mm which is normal for this time, but there is one bloody big one at 17mm! My lining is only 5.1mm which is not thick enough.

Looks like I'm going to ovulate with that one big follicle within the next couple of days and it's gonna be a big risk because my lining is not ready. Did ovulation test and I'm negative today. Doctor advised to jab tonight, do opk tomorrow morning and if it's positive, straight away go in for iui. If not, go for scan again on Thursday.

Has anyone ever experienced or heard of this before?
Hi Jemma how are you :)
I'm at day 11 tomorrow I'll be day 12, I tol doc tat I usually ovulate arnd day 13, one of my follicle is also big but doc ask to ignore tat
I am still testing negative for ovulation
I try to ignore the nos I mean size of follicles and nos I don't wanna get into tat no thing
Looks like u can still weight for the iui procedure let the other follicle grow in size , I don't noe tats wat I think but let the doc decide
Thanks All for your best wishes! Hope all goes well for all of you. The procedure was not painful.. but Dr took abit of time as the cervix was not in the correct angle. I don't know what that meant. But i am glad i am able to see the eggs being deposited in the womb. Also my hubby get to come in so i was like holding his hands the whole time. After a few tries, my Dr, Jessie Phoon had to call Matthew Lau. He came in and did it swiftly. Luckily my bladder was not bursting. 2 cups is good enough, i guess you dont need to have the urge.. and since mine took time, it was not uncomfortable. they gave me a photo of my eggs.. so nice to see them. had some cramps after that but slowly getting lesser. so feeling much better today. And then the ultragestan inserts.. i am not sure if im inserting correctly, it always flows out when i pee 2 hrs later. I did check with KKH, they said its fine as the body will absorb within an hr. Still a long way for my BT.. Hope time flies soon... Be positive ladies!
@jooo the heartbeat must've been the most beautiful sound that you've ever heard!

Just went for my scan today at day 6 of my iui, meaning day 7 my cycle and during the scan, discovered something very strange.

I have about 9 follicles about 5-6mm which is normal for this time, but there is one bloody big one at 17mm! My lining is only 5.1mm which is not thick enough.

Looks like I'm going to ovulate with that one big follicle within the next couple of days and it's gonna be a big risk because my lining is not ready. Did ovulation test and I'm negative today. Doctor advised to jab tonight, do opk tomorrow morning and if it's positive, straight away go in for iui. If not, go for scan again on Thursday.

Has anyone ever experienced or heard of this before?

Hi Jemma, I read in ealier threads that red bean soup helps in thickening the lining. Maybe you want to try that. All the best!
@Sonia_78 still a bit worried how come there's one super enthu follicle that grows so quickly ahead of it's other follies friends. Spoil market nia.

@aquamarine10 rest well for this 2ww! Are you taking MC for the entire period?
Hihi everyone, how many follicles will be needed for a higher success rate for iui? How thick should the lining be?
@Sonia_78 still a bit worried how come there's one super enthu follicle that grows so quickly ahead of it's other follies friends. Spoil market nia.

@aquamarine10 rest well for this 2ww! Are you taking MC for the entire period?
@jemma i was given 17days medical leave from ER day. So i get to stay at home and rest until my BT. Told my boss that i will check email and respond whenever i can during this period.
@aquamarine10 was the whole process scary? Hubby was allow to be there... I must hubby come along then~~~ at least he knows how it works...
@meilingg not scary. similar to how pap smear is done or IUI. They will use speculum to open up V and they use a small catether to put the embryos in. Shouldn't take very long. Should be over within 15mins. Then you can rest for another 15 mins and then can empty your bladder. Collect medicines and then go home. Yup good thing hubby can come in... he can be part of the process. Haha he is so over protective of me now.. not letting me do anything.
Hihi everyone, how many follicles will be needed for a higher success rate for iui? How thick should the lining be?

Hi @Kimchi-ger they will try to get at least 3 mature follicles, most likely in 16 - 22mm of size. they dont want to have more also as they fear the risk of multiple pregnancy. Thats what happen for me. I had about 10 big growing follicles so they gave me choices as to abandon cycle or convert to IVF as the chances are high and its a waste if abandon. Lining normally if its 8 is good. All the best to you!
Hi Aquamarine 10. I saw previous post that you did ivf. So how to swich from iui to ivf?
I was given a choice since i got alot of big follicles. Me and hubby thought for awhile and then decided to go for it. So immediately send us for counselling, sign all the forms then brief us on whats next. So now on my 2ww. Hope all is worthwhile.
I was given a choice since i got alot of big follicles. Me and hubby thought for awhile and then decided to go for it. So immediately send us for counselling, sign all the forms then brief us on whats next. So now on my 2ww. Hope all is worthwhile.
Hi aquamarine, all the best to you. I am gg for IUI in Mar. So nervous.
Thank you! All the best to you. I know the feeling.. but once you in it, you will get used to it. Stay positive. Eat healthy and stay fit.
Thanks aquamarine 10. Lets jia you together. Hope to hear good news from you soon. Do update us. Baby dusts to you. ☺️
@aqua sounds good, all the best for ur 2WW! Keep yourself warm!
@jemma haa who spoilt market...so cute la u...but maybe that one enthu can meet friend straight away oso...ya lo drink red bean soup n eat 1-2brazil nuts a day can help lining :) jia you ! N update us ok! I only have 2 follicles plus only one is big...
Just had my iui today...2WW now...let's all jia you tog! Hoped hubby's soldier can win the swimming race !
Gd luck to bliswifu...

I wanna ask whether we should start drinking red bean soup before iui or only after iui to thicken the lining?
hi all: on my day 6 for SO-IUI 2nd cycle at KK. first cycle got pregnant but 8 weeks later baby has no heartbeat. now trying our luck again. 1st scan today my lining is already 8.5, doc say very good. hahaha!! now just waiting for my follies to mature which is only 8.5 and 9mm. will be back on friday for another scan. hope all will be good! baby dust to us all! xxx
hi all: on my day 6 for SO-IUI 2nd cycle at KK. first cycle got pregnant but 8 weeks later baby has no heartbeat. now trying our luck again. 1st scan today my lining is already 8.5, doc say very good. hahaha!! now just waiting for my follies to mature which is only 8.5 and 9mm. will be back on friday for another scan. hope all will be good! baby dust to us all! xxx
I jus did my so iui tdy n entering 2ww
Ribbonz n Sonia let's jia you jia you! Strike ah!! Huat ah!! Haa ...kimchi ger...before n after i oso got drink red bean soup leh but not everyday...if i pass by coffee shop then i will buy haha so far only took twice...today is second bowl...

Ribbonz n Sonia let's jia you jia you! Strike ah!! Huat ah!! Haa ...kimchi ger...before n after i oso got drink red bean soup leh but not everyday...if i pass by coffee shop then i will buy haha so far only took twice...today is second bowl...
Ic. I will also start soon. : ) baby dusts to all
