IUI/SO-IUI: Anyone?

It's for daily injections, twice somemore!! Yup I'm Singaporean. Dr said need pay after deducting from medisave. Maybe now system change lor. Ivf also, after subsidy and medisave need pay around $1k+ according to him.

You are talking about IVF? Yes then confirm need to top up cash as the whole thing will cost $10k or more. Mine was IUI only so $1.8k no need to top up at all.

The price will vary from couple to couple as the amount of medication require is different. I think I took the jab for very long maybe 17-18 days because of poor response.

Didn't count. Though got keep all the invoices. It's steep. I don't care. Important is to achieve common goal. At least more than 3k. It's the injection, med, bt all these exp. just did harmony test-$1,200 at week 20. (test for any defects such). Kk should be around 600+ ba. Heard if above 35 is compulsory. Dr said no need to do. We just went ahead. Test ok. One reason why chose private, imho faster in queue - correct am wrong. Also U must eat red bean soup, hard boiled egg. No raw food. This is what we did for our process

My hubby is taking the blacksmore men supplement. Nowadays also doc ask to do the deed alternate when TTC during ovulation period. Very stress for us also lol. Thomson side how much you all paid in total for IUI?
CTTC: TFC quote us around $3-4k. Because the medicine brand more ex and they charges GST. kKH absorbs the GST. If do IUI, the price diff btw TFC and KKH not so big. KKH need to queue for appointment because too many couples.

But if do IVF, KKH can get government subsidy (this is on top of the medisave), this will be a huge difference maybe $6k of difference.

If Dr THH say can do IUI means your problem not so big. So don't worry too much, try first. Some couples want to do IUI also cannot.
You are talking about IVF? Yes then confirm need to top up cash as the whole thing will cost $10k or more. Mine was IUI only so $1.8k no need to top up at all.

The price will vary from couple to couple as the amount of medication require is different. I think I took the jab for very long maybe 17-18 days because of poor response.
IUI leh. He say IUI also need pay $1k cash!
Didn't count. Though got keep all the invoices. It's steep. I don't care. Important is to achieve common goal. At least more than 3k. It's the injection, med, bt all these exp. just did harmony test-$1,200 at week 20. (test for any defects such). Kk should be around 600+ ba. Heard if above 35 is compulsory. Dr said no need to do. We just went ahead. Test ok. One reason why chose private, imho faster in queue - correct am wrong. Also U must eat red bean soup, hard boiled egg. No raw food. This is what we did for our process
Lol I'm actually eating those right now and feeling damn sick of it. Especially red beans. Keep making me feel bloated and fart a lot. Does your wife feel that way too?
CTTC: TFC quote us around $3-4k. Because the medicine brand more ex and they charges GST. kKH absorbs the GST. If do IUI, the price diff btw TFC and KKH not so big. KKH need to queue for appointment because too many couples.

But if do IVF, KKH can get government subsidy (this is on top of the medisave), this will be a huge difference maybe $6k of difference.

If Dr THH say can do IUI means your problem not so big. So don't worry too much, try first. Some couples want to do IUI also cannot.
TFC is the fertility centre? $3-4K for IUI??? Wahhhhhhh steep!
Yes, a bit wind. Eat like alternate day. The other I also do hard boiled for her. Need bed rest no carry heavy things, no vigorous
Hi all,

Sorry to jump in. I m sorta new here too. I did my IUI at NUH 18 days ago which means I m at 18dpiui now.

Weirdly my AF didn't show up yet and the last I tested was on 15dpiui and it's negative. I m sort of 3 days late for my AF today.

Do U guys experience late period after iui too? My boobs r sore and I m kinda increasing appetite and some lightheaded feeling. But all this could be a sign of AF too. I m so discourage and confused.

Btw, I have PCOS and I heard that can cause false negative?? I m just being hopeful. It's my first IUI with ovidrel shot.

Hope to share experience with u guys here cos I m so restless waiting for something to show up. And I can't talk to anyone at work cos nobody will understand .
Hi All,
Anyone can advise if tested negative result but no menses yet. Does it mean not pregnant?
Had done my 1st IUI 2 weeks ago at Gleneagles. Call clinic & check doctor say if tested negative means no chances.
Anyone experience whether IUI after 2 weeks result is it confirm?
For us home test, negative. Blood test result +. BT most accurate. We done at tfc.

Dun lean on the home test first. Although symtoms are similar to both.wait for blood test
For us home test, negative. Blood test result +. BT most accurate. We done at tfc.

Dun lean on the home test first. Although symtoms are similar to both.wait for blood test
Hi phantom,

Thanks for the reply. My doctor at NUH didn't mention about blood test. She just told me wait 3 weeks (not 2 weeks, I don't know why) and test Hpt and if negative wait for AF to come then start a new cycle.
Which means she didn't have any date for me to come back for blood test. Unless I tested positive on Hpt?
get back to you shortly..

Hi phantom,

Thanks for the reply. My doctor at NUH didn't mention about blood test. She just told me wait 3 weeks (not 2 weeks, I don't know why) and test Hpt and if negative wait for AF to come then start a new cycle.
Which means she didn't have any date for me to come back for blood test. Unless I tested positive on Hpt?
Hi Babyashley,
I did my IUI at Gleneagles. After the Procedure doctor make me lie down for 30 min before leaving.

My doctor told me there are successful case where 1st attempt hit jackpot. So now i'm still hopeful even i just tested negative result. As long as my menses not here yet i still remain a bit hopeful.

Sorry but i don't understand wat is dpiui? What it mean?

May I know where u did ur IUI?
Mine was at Nuh and after my procedure I didn't even need to lie down, ask me to straight away get up and go.

How many dpiui r u now?
Hi Babyashley,
I did my IUI at Gleneagles. After the Procedure doctor make me lie down for 30 min before leaving.

My doctor told me there are successful case where 1st attempt hit jackpot. So now i'm still hopeful even i just tested negative result. As long as my menses not here yet i still remain a bit hopeful.

Sorry but i don't understand wat is dpiui? What it mean?
Wow 30 mins.

dpiui means days past IUI. I think u r about 14 days now from ur previous post u says 2 weeks. :) When did u last tested tho?
Wow 30 mins.

dpiui means days past IUI. I think u r about 14 days now from ur previous post u says 2 weeks. :) When did u last tested tho?

Oh thanks for the explantation. I just tested today, should have tested on Monday but was scared to see the result. Did my IUI during 28 March.
So call clinic up, clinic say after 14 days if negative means no chances. That's sad news ya. No choice have to wait for the next cycle to try another time.
Oh thanks for the explantation. I just tested today, should have tested on Monday but was scared to see the result. Did my IUI during 28 March.
So call clinic up, clinic say after 14 days if negative means no chances. That's sad news ya. No choice have to wait for the next cycle to try another time.
I did mine on 26th March.
Do u have any symptoms now? I don't think we should give up after 2 weeks tho, I think I will only give up if Memses shows up.
May I know what is ur condition to seek fertility treatments.? If we get Positive together, that will be great!
I did mine on 26th March.
Do u have any symptoms now? I don't think we should give up after 2 weeks tho, I think I will only give up if Memses shows up.
May I know what is ur condition to seek fertility treatments.? If we get Positive together, that will be great!
Oh we are 2 days apart doing IUI. Yes i am being hopeful too as long as no menses means still have chance. I conso mysef that maybe the test kit problem. Haha.
Both my husband and I are physcially OK, no medical issue, did all the necessary check up all show OK. But we been trying to concieve for 2 years plus but no luck. So decided to move on to IUI.
Avoid misunderstanding. I am guy. Yes, we did SO-IUI at thomson fertility centre. Wife many eggs, but not growing. Seeked help in April 2015. tried natural as per dr, alternate day during ovalutation, but to no avail. Process did in dec 2015. Now pass 5 months. So- iui is more to injectable, have to do on own at home before sleep. Then see Dr after that. Grow to ideal size, proceed with iui. Semen cleaned up. Dr use a tube and insert into female. We also 2 weeks. Think on 15th day, back to blood test. Likely different hospital diff protocol according to wat you mentioned above. Some ppl very heng. See Dr, tiok jackpot before process. Wat is the iui process like? Without inject?
Oh we are 2 days apart doing IUI. Yes i am being hopeful too as long as no menses means still have chance. I conso mysef that maybe the test kit problem. Haha.
Both my husband and I are physcially OK, no medical issue, did all the necessary check up all show OK. But we been trying to concieve for 2 years plus but no luck. So decided to move on to IUI.
Wow If none of u have issue means u have a good chance with IUI.
For me I have pcos and my husband spermcount is low. His after wash is 7mil for the IUI done, I have 2 follicles about 18mm but only 1 was release on the IUI date with ovidrel.

I really hope it succeed this time. We been trying with medication for 2 years now and this is our first medicated IUI.

I m testing again tomorrow. And again on Saturday if Memses don't show.
Avoid misunderstanding. I am guy. Yes, we did SO-IUI at thomson fertility centre. Wife many eggs, but not growing. Seeked help in April 2015. tried natural as per dr, alternate day during ovalutation, but to no avail. Process did in dec 2015. Now pass 5 months. So- iui is more to injectable, have to do on own at home before sleep. Then see Dr after that. Grow to ideal size, proceed with iui. Semen cleaned up. Dr use a tube and insert into female. We also 2 weeks. Think on 15th day, back to blood test. Likely different hospital diff protocol according to wat you mentioned above. Some ppl very heng. See Dr, tiok jackpot before process. Wat is the iui process like? Without inject?
IUI is without injection, process similar to SO-IUI just don't need to have injection everyday. So your wife have any good news already?
Wow If none of u have issue means u have a good chance with IUI.
For me I have pcos and my husband spermcount is low. His after wash is 7mil for the IUI done, I have 2 follicles about 18mm but only 1 was release on the IUI date with ovidrel.

I really hope it succeed this time. We been trying with medication for 2 years now and this is our first medicated IUI.

I m testing again tomorrow. And again on Saturday if Memses don't show.
The doctor give me the report of my husband sperm wash report. I don't even understand what the report was saying. Doctor never explain the report only say the sperm quite good.
I can totally understand your suitation, for 2 years every month disappointed. I also been trying for 2 years.
The doctor give me the report of my husband sperm wash report. I don't even understand what the report was saying. Doctor never explain the report only say the sperm quite good.
I can totally understand your suitation, for 2 years every month disappointed. I also been trying for 2 years.
Yes I totally sick of seeing 1 line on the test kit. I wanna draw another line myself and scream is it so difficult to show me this? Haha crazy

R u having any symptoms to date? I hope this is our month
Yes I totally sick of seeing 1 line on the test kit. I wanna draw another line myself and scream is it so difficult to show me this? Haha crazy

R u having any symptoms to date? I hope this is our month
No symptoms except feeling easily tired and easy hungry that's all. I won't give up if not my month. I will still go for 2nd try.We need to stay positive.
How about you? Any symptoms to date?
No symptoms except feeling easily tired and easy hungry that's all. I won't give up if not my month. I will still go for 2nd try.We need to stay positive.
How about you? Any symptoms to date?
For me I have nipples really pain, boobs slightly pain and sore. Having some white discharge now and then and thought it was mensts every time have to run to toilet to check. Some cramping. Increase appetite too.
I also notice increase in my heart rate way higher than my normal. Don't know it's related or not.
For me I have nipples really pain, boobs slightly pain and sore. Having some white discharge now and then and thought it was mensts every time have to run to toilet to check. Some cramping. Increase appetite too.
I also notice increase in my heart rate way higher than my normal. Don't know it's related or not.
Maybe you have hit the jackpot. Stay Positive and hope for the best. You tested?
I did SO-IUI in 2013, I got PCOS and husband sperm count 5+million only. I had to take injection myself to simulate more eggs but in the end only 1 egg grew only so even worse. I also took progesterone to help implantation and stablise preg after IUI. So if people who ovulate 2-2 eggs simultaneously plus normal sperm count should have higher chance.

I had totally no obvious preg symptoms at all so I thought gone case plus our chances so low. I only had funny symptoms like severe forgetfulness, frequent urination and lower back pain. I also feel tired at that time but I didn't suspect I thought maybe just menses coming. Only bfp then I know. Pregnancy symptoms are pretty similar to menses symptoms like sore breast, increasing discharge, back pain.

I think blood test is the most accurate, I did not do any other home test at all. I leave it to fate and carry on with life and work, didn't take any MC on IUI day too. I think this kind of thing strikes when we least expect it. So Jia You everybody!
I did SO-IUI in 2013, I got PCOS and husband sperm count 5+million only. I had to take injection myself to simulate more eggs but in the end only 1 egg grew only so even worse. I also took progesterone to help implantation and stablise preg after IUI. So if people who ovulate 2-2 eggs simultaneously plus normal sperm count should have higher chance.

I had totally no obvious preg symptoms at all so I thought gone case plus our chances so low. I only had funny symptoms like severe forgetfulness, frequent urination and lower back pain. I also feel tired at that time but I didn't suspect I thought maybe just menses coming. Only bfp then I know. Pregnancy symptoms are pretty similar to menses symptoms like sore breast, increasing discharge, back pain.

I think blood test is the most accurate, I did not do any other home test at all. I leave it to fate and carry on with life and work, didn't take any MC on IUI day too. I think this kind of thing strikes when we least expect it. So Jia You everybody!
Congrats and thanks for sharing with us. I m feeling discourage cos I heard other people have so much preggo symptoms like smell sensitivity , nausea, severe fatigue, increase in boobs size and all that but I have none. All my symptoms r very similar to PMS only.

But what I m confuse is that doctor never ask me to come back for any blood test, and I don't know at which point I should request for one.
Congrats and thanks for sharing with us. I m feeling discourage cos I heard other people have so much preggo symptoms like smell sensitivity , nausea, severe fatigue, increase in boobs size and all that but I have none. All my symptoms r very similar to PMS only.

But what I m confuse is that doctor never ask me to come back for any blood test, and I don't know at which point I should request for one.

Hai yes, recently I have been TTC naturally as I heard after first preg it will be easier. I also have illusions of having pregnancy symptoms... That's why I feel that it strikes when you least expect it.

Is your Gynae private practice? Then they have the discretion to arrange for blood test later. For KKH, it is compulsory that we go for blood test even when there is blood flow.
Hai yes, recently I have been TTC naturally as I heard after first preg it will be easier. I also have illusions of having pregnancy symptoms... That's why I feel that it strikes when you least expect it.

Is your Gynae private practice? Then they have the discretion to arrange for blood test later. For KKH, it is compulsory that we go for blood test even when there is blood flow.
Hmm no they never ask me come back for blood test. Mine is at NUH, after the IUI procedure, my doctor even give me the temoxifen (ovulation pills) to take from day 2 of menses when it come again.

They just tell me to test at 3 weeks mark and if negative wait for my menses and take the ovulation pill, only come back on day 12 for scanning to start new cycle .

I think I might go for clinic nearby to have a blood test this weekend (if no Memses)
Hmm no they never ask me come back for blood test. Mine is at NUH, after the IUI procedure, my doctor even give me the temoxifen (ovulation pills) to take from day 2 of menses when it come again.

They just tell me to test at 3 weeks mark and if negative wait for my menses and take the ovulation pill, only come back on day 12 for scanning to start new cycle .

I think I might go for clinic nearby to have a blood test this weekend (if no Memses)[/QUOTE
I went to private Gynane, also never tell me to do blood test. Never give me ovulation pill too. Only ask me monitor at home on next cycle for ovulation than go do IUI again.
I do take this as recommended by Dr. For guys


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Hmm no they never ask me come back for blood test. Mine is at NUH, after the IUI procedure, my doctor even give me the temoxifen (ovulation pills) to take from day 2 of menses when it come again.

They just tell me to test at 3 weeks mark and if negative wait for my menses and take the ovulation pill, only come back on day 12 for scanning to start new cycle .

I think I might go for clinic nearby to have a blood test this weekend (if no Memses)

Ya maybe you can go for a blood test
which is more accurate. Actually the most accurate way is to do a scan and see the pregnancy. I have heard of people tested positive but can't find the pregnancy...
Omg I can't believed I m seeing this. I got a positive today! Praying for sticky one now. So late positive really happens. Today is my 19dpiui. I m so happy but at the same time hoping it's not a false positive
Omg I can't believed I m seeing this. I got a positive today! Praying for sticky one now. So late positive really happens. Today is my 19dpiui. I m so happy but at the same time hoping it's not a false positive

Congrats! It's a good sign already! Now wait for blood test to confirm and scan to double confirm. Yes and don't think or worry about it too much...if it will stay, it will.
Omg I can't believed I m seeing this. I got a positive today! Praying for sticky one now. So late positive really happens. Today is my 19dpiui. I m so happy but at the same time hoping it's not a false positive
Congrats. Hope my case will be the same as yours. I only 16 dpiui. Still no menses hope mine will be positive soon as yours.
Omg I can't believed I m seeing this. I got a positive today! Praying for sticky one now. So late positive really happens. Today is my 19dpiui. I m so happy but at the same time hoping it's not a false positive
Congrats Babyashley!
I have just done my 3rd iui at NUH 2 days ago. Feeling kind of down recently because i know we have to move on to ivf if this cycle fails again.
Gathering your bb dust since u also did iui at NUH! :)

Congrats babyashley! U give us hope! I just went in for my cd9 check today and dr said 5 follicles size 12-14, so he want us to trigger sat night and go in on Monday for iui.

CTTC, so far my letrozole $75, Gonal f injections $300, menopur injection and trigger shot another $280... Left with iui and dunno what else after that.. Maybe progesterone pills? I ovulate normally but my dr only do so-iui so.. I no choice but to take all these meds too.. Different people different amount of medicine = different costs. Mine is minimal le. More medicine= more expensive!
