IUI/SO-IUI: Anyone?

DHM: I did SO-IUI too. I have PCOS and needed the purgon jabs to produce eggs so that i can ovulate. I did mine on 11 May. I only have sore bbs and on off cramps other then tht i feel normal. Didnt had any cravings. But im starting to get hungry fast. Im also fighting with nasal congestion and bloating.

Lets have Happy Thoughts till we are in the safe zone.

Oh my gosh, Hope and DHM, big congratulations to you! So so happy for you both! It is always encouraging to hear good news and we have not had one here in a while. And this is double happiness!!! Thanks for your baby dusts too!!

Don't stress or worry too much and take everything a step at a time

Do you feel any different during this 2ww compared to others? I'm nearing the end of my 2ww but I don't feel any different.
Lil ponyo,

Ya, I would say its abit different...
Beside the sore boobs which appear on n off, my nasal congestion and bloating come full force on the day b4 my due date to test. Thinking, I was down with flu or indigestion. I hv been burping and passing gas all day long, except when I sleep. Talk abt sleep, I tends to wake up every morn at 6, which is v unusual for me. And now I only take about 30min nap in the afternoon..

I felt that I'm begin to hv more patience. Out of sudd, I felt like an old lady.. Taking things easy and slow. Dunno why.
And most amazingly, I dun feel like hving cold drinks or my fav teh, which I alw had a hard time quitting it for the past 2WWs. Now I only look for water.. Now my constant food craving is fish soup beehoon. Abit strange...
Thanks, Saralyn. I hope so too!!! When I visited my sister in law yesterday, I kept carrying her 7 mth old baby girl hoping for some luck! Ha ha!

Thanks DHM, it's interesting that both you and Hope got nasal congestion and bloating besides the sore boobs and cramps. Congratulations to you both again!

By the way, teh is my favourite drink too

I gave it up since Jan not so much because of caffeine but because it averages 110 calories a cup and with the amount I was drinking, it was making me fat! Ha!
thk u everyone! Now, pray everything smooth smooth. Hope everyone here will join Hope and me soon!

Looking back, it was so anxious of me to think too much at that time. My gynae also guessed that I must hv cried when I saw IB, ha! So pai say!
When you strike, maybe u will like me, juz give it up naturally leh?
Morning ladies, thank you for all the wishes. Like what DHM said, now must pray everything smooth smooth. I dun really have any other symptoms ezcept for cramping and sore bbs. My nasal congestion has stopped. I feel out of breath if i walk too long. Besides tht, i feel normal.

DHM: did you check what is your HCG level?
IB= Implantation bleeding..

Got my both result liao. Mon- HCG 726, Wed- HCG1900. it did double but my progestrone level dropped by 2 points even I'm on the pill. But nurse say its within normal range so no need to be worry. I can schedule appt nx wk for scan but thinking of postponing another week till week 6. If not, if cant see anything, I hv to worry again. Heart cannot take it.
I'm oso feeling breathless and heart palpate faster whenever I do a little more things..
I can feel lethargic is kicking in soon. Right after lunch today, took an hour nap!

Which sister here is in 2WW now?
Hi, i am new to this forum but have been reading quite a fair bit, looking for hopes. I have been trying to conceive for the past 2 yrs. It has been a roller coaster ride and i am so stressed because doc cant find any problems but yet i am not succeeding. I was on clomid for the last 3 months but didnt succeed. Today, i just went for IUI. Anyone knows what's the success rates for IUI? Right now, i dunno what else i can do to improve the chances other than waiting for the 2 weeks to pass.
Hi Dream,

I, myself oso been thru 2 round of Clomid with KKH, with no improvement. I decided to go pte gynae for treatment. I had to abandon 1st cycle and got so upset. Decided to go another round b4 i gave up. And got BFP on 2nd round of SO-IUI.

During this 2WW, rest more n be an old lady and take it that u hv oredi 'BFP'. Dun carry heavy things, do strenuous activites. Try not to be hard on yrself. YES! Dun be like me, I was so overly anxious last week n tot I hv lost the war... N later realised that I'm too jumpy spider..

Whatever religion or belief u r in, hv faith. I think this helps...
Dun purposely go n look or feel for 'symptoms', they will come n look for u.

All ladies here, including me, hv been thru' the rides. Rest assured, u r not alone. Feel free to pop in n chat

Oh yes! My gynae adv me to BD again on the night of IUI, n the nx day morn to maximize chance. N lift yr bum up using pillow as support.
I supported my legs up thru whole nite m fell asleep with legs leaning on wall.
The nx morn we BD again but I din hv enuf time to hang cos need to go for mother's day lunch. But I mge to lift up abt 30mins.

Good luck!
Thks for the warm welcome...i really feel better. at least, that's an outlet for me. so stressed out these two yrs as i have no one to share with since all my frens just seem to conceive so easily. From very hopeful cos i thot pregnancy comes very easily, i am now almost at rock bottom cos i think i may hav to turn to ivf sooner or later...
but i will bear in mind wat u advise..esp not looking for symptoms...i was doing that for the last 2 mths when on clomid and esp when bbt went up to 36.8....i was so hopeful until it came down just e day before my period...

Sigh...hub is a busy man with a tiring scheduel...think i hva to give tonight n tom morn a miss...prob tomorrow ngiht...tat's wat frustrates me sometimes too...

I can understand where u r standing too..
I actually had a MC bk in 2010 n AF become v erratic after D&C. I oso been trying month after months with disappointment until I tried SO-IUI.

My frens ard me r oso oredi mothers, even my younger siblings. As much as I could, I try not to let this affect me. My DH alw tell me, 'Time not ripe'...

Well, since ur DH oredi stressed up with his bz schedule. Dun further stress him up by not accomodative. Stressing him n u isnt doing any good or chg anything. It will only worsen..

Just dun feel bad by not doing extra. Both of u hv done yr best by gg for IUI and it's good enuf.
Hi everyone! I have been busy with work and currently overseas....glad to see so many BFPs! Congrats Hope and DHM!

Hope, I also have PCOS so you give me...hope! (sorry to be cheesy). Done two rounds of clomid so far, second round with Gonal F, but both didn't work, follicle didn't grow until very late and I had 40-50 day cycles so we couldn't time BD. OPKs didn't work for me either. How did you catch your ovulation?

I am in China now and went to a renowned TCM clinic a few hours ago. I had my first acupuncture session, ever. It was a little more painful than expected when the needle went in but after that it was okay. My limbs feel a bit "ma bi" (numb) now...need to rest. The doc wanted to prepare some Chinese medicine for me but I am on the road next few days and cannot keep refridgerated so no use

Shoutout to Ann, Min, Lil Ponyo and Saralyn! Good to see you are all still in good spirits. Keep the faith! Fingers crossed.
DHM: Thks a lot! I will remember that..

I am supposed to go for TCM session with TKS today...but guess i shd give it a miss cos i just checked my opk last night and it was positive...
Thanks Jenn

I'm not sure if I can keep my spirits up for the next few days because I'm at the end of my 2ww and I can feel my AF about to come. I'm so afraid to go and pee! Hope you are well

Dream, welcome!
I'm like you. I passed every blood test, scan and checkups. I have no known problem except one BIG problem that is I can't get pregnant! Ha! How ironic. Anyway, just keep yourself occupied during your 2ww. Time can slow to a crawl so distract yourself as much as you can! Goodluck!
Thks, Lil Ponyo.. Tat's indeed ironic...i keep wishing doc could find a problem so that there will be a solution.

I have to find ways to distract myself...maybe start a new photobook or boost the economy during GSS...haha in fact, first thing i shd do is to give up the bbt measurement every morning...but i don dare...in case i need it for tcm purpose again....
Hi Jen, the doc said i have PCOS but i always get my menses on time and i ovulate on time as well. My ovulation could be detected using OPKs. The problem i had is i do not have any matured eggs.So SO-IUI help me with growing my eggs to a gd size and once i ovulated, they gave me a HCG jab and i did my iui in 24hrs. It worked for me, im sure it will work for you too.

DHM: Wow good numbers. I only had one blood test and it was 589 and the nurse said dun need to do another. So im just praying it is doubling and growing well. My first scan is on 13 June.
Hi Dream, Welcome to here!!!

Jen: Hello!!! Jia you k. one day we will have our own BFP too.. Heehee..

Lil Ponyo: Don't think so much.. You haven't see any red mean still got chance.. Don't make yourself worry so much. Not good for you..


Can I ask.. Normally how long is your period? 5 days? 7 days? Today is my day 7 and I am still spotting. So worry my abnormal spotting is here again.. =(
Hi saralyn, I used to have spotting as well. What you can do is ask your doc to advise you id you can take hormone pills for 21 days which is actually birth control pills. Tht will help to regulate ur menses on the next mth and you can start with iui again.
eh...sorry but is period usually that long? mine last abt 3 days and by the 4th day, there's only spotting. but i do realise that when i was on clomid for the last 3mths, my period only last 2-3 days. I don't know wat's the norm...
hi, im new here. Going to start SO-IUI procedure on Sat wif Dr Loh. Just went for scan, & i hv 4 eggs on my left side. I had an ectopic surgery last Jul, n have been trying since Sep. HSG results came back my right tube is blocked (the ectopic occured on this side, even though they din cut my tube). Hubby SA results come up to be above average.

So hope for the best on Sat.
Hope: I took the pill for my last last cycle.. I was bleeding after any exercise and spotting on normal day. Went to see gynea and he gave me that pills for 14 days. After I finished, my period came and was 6 days only. Then the cycle gone and my period came again.. Today is my day 7 and I am still spotting. I realised my period was very little. Day 4 I was already spotting..

Dream: I term period from the day we saw red till the day there is no more red/brown discharge.. So I consider spotting as period too. Heehee.. My period will flow for 2-3 days too and the rest will be spotting.
Hi Ginapy, i am also pretty new here. Are you referring to Dr SF Loh at TM? What a coincidence...i just had mine done by him yesterday and now waiting for the 2 weeks to pass. But i only had 1 egg on the right side despite taking some medication.

Anyway, all the best! Good luck!

By the way, what's the difference between IUI & SO-IUI? I am not sure which one did i go for.
Dream: IUI mean it will base on your body to ovulate naturally and do IUI once you receive a positive on OPK. For SO-IUI, you will take clomid, jab etc to stimulate your ovaries to produce eggs. When the eggs are in good size, then will do IUI in the next day.
Hi gals,

Wanna get your advice. I am likely to get a job offer and the start date kinda coincides with my IUI appointment. I am worried that the transition of being in a new job and a new environment will affect the IUI, yet I am keen to move on in my job. What would you gals do if you are in my shoes?
Hi everyone,

Dream - I'm in exactly the same boat as you! Hubby and I have been TTC for 1 year now. Tried traditional chinese medicine, charting temperature, using ovulation monitor, but with no success.

Saw gynae at KK and was put on Clomid, but also not successful. Went to see Dr. Sadhana (also KK), who looked at all our results and said ours was case a case of unexplained infertility! I'm on the wrong side of 35 already, so the clock is ticking.... The doctor suggested we try one round of SO-IUI before trying IVF.

So, today is day 4 of the Puregon jabs. Didn't experience much in terms of side effects, but then got the flu on Tues so any symptoms might have gotten mixed up with the flu ones. Haha. Going in for scan tomorrow morning to see if the follicles are developing well.

Keeping fingers crossed. Have seen my friends around me getting pregnant so easily (some 2nd or 3rd child) and it's starting to get pretty demoralising.

Choco - the SO IUI at KKH costs about $1,500 = $2,000. Depends on how much meds/injections you need. You can use Medisave, though most will recommend you keep the Medisave for IVF since IVF can cost up to $11K or more.

Ginapy - all the best for Sat!!

Emma - maybe you can try to see if you can start your new job one week later? So you settle your IUI first with less stress!

Baby dust to everyone!
Dream: welcome.. So you took clomid? Or jab? All the best to your 2ww. Stay relax and happy these 2 weeks k..

Ginapy: all the best to you for your iui on sat!

Emma: I will go ahead to take the job and let my reporting manager that I will need to take 1 day leave on your iui date.

Lachesis: hope your follicles grow big big!!
Saralyn: I didnt take clomid this time round. Another medicine (but cant rem the name) of the same function. but think is more exp than clomid but cos it doesnt thin the lining. tat's wat e doc told me. then a day before the iui, i had to do a self injection. think is hormone injection. first time doing IUI and i didnt thought of asking any questsion.

Choco - i think my whole SO IUI was probably about 600. but maybe that's because i didnt hav much injections. I only took 1 injection and 5 pills before the procedure.

Emma: I agree with Saralyn. Pre-empt your new boss about you having to take leave to settle a personal commitment. An understanding boss shouldnt mind too much...

Lachesis: Good luck! Don't worry too much. Things will happen nicely for you. we can support each other along the way..

I was talking to my colleague this morning who is also having problems conceiving. After talking to her, i am going to heed her advice and stop taking bbt for these 2 weeks. i cant imagine having to take bbt every morning and speculating whether the temp is high enough and whether it will drop. it will stress me out. hopefully, this will help me lose track of the 2 weeks as well...

Baby dust to everyone! thks for all the support! It is so heartwarming over here that i can't help logging in every now and then...
So do we need to take medical leave to rest for 2ww after the IUI?

How long did you all struggle to take up this treatment? Dr Sadhana propose me to try this out, but just normal IUI. Not SO-IUI.

Thanks for spreading the baby dust to all of us! *trying to catch*
Dream: I stopped taking bbt and using opk for the last 1 month. I must say the feeling is good!! Heehee.. It really takes away alot of stress from this ttc. I would strongly suggest you to stop taking your bbt for these 2 weeks too.. Jiayou k!

Choco: Normally the doc will give you one day MC for the IUI day.. My gynea only advised me not to bd and swimming on the day of IUI. the next day I can continue my daily routine.. I think different gynea will say different thing bcoz i read afew girl gynea actually told them to bd on the day itself too..
Choco: No MC required during the 2 wks after the IUI. It is more of waiting time to see if the egg is fertilised. But DMH advised us to just take things slowly...bascially relax... i myself am trying very hard not to get too stressed out. avoid the counting down..better still if i forget altogether..

I have been trying for close to 2 yrs though only actively a yr ago.. i switched to Dr Loh recently and he straight away suggest IUI since there's notign wrong with my tests.. he suspect i may hav mild pcos since my cycle is abt 36 days...I sort of sick of waiting and just thought of trying out something diff... except i tried SO-IUI immediately. I didnt know about IUI & SO-IUI till i cane online here.
Thks, Saralyn...i will....Everyone must jia you! guess i shdnt go for massage these 2 wks...otherwise, i will go for one session to pamper myself...
Wow, u booked appt oredi ah? Hope everything goes well!

Lil Ponyo,
Any good news to share?

Good luck on this Sat!

Hope yr follicle will grow to the ideal size!

Good to hear that U r taking things easy. Ya, throw away the BBT charting. It really freaked me up and caused me not to sleep properly during my 2WW.

I din know diff gynae will advised differently. I tot after IUI, there will be a standard protocol to follow. Wonder why there's a different school of thoughts here... Hmmmm...

I din think much when I opt for IUI after Clomid doesn't help me at all. I tried 2 months and had enuf of this waiting game. So i tried SO-IUI for more timng controlled procedure. Of cos, I did hesitate the FIRST time when I had to self inject purogen pen. :p

****Spreading bb dusts!!! *****
Morning, gers...I woke up this morning and couldnt stop myself from taking BBT again.. was just curious to check if my temp did go past 36.5. It did...went up to 36.68..but i am really really going to stop checking from tomorrow onwards...Throw that out of my mind....cos for the last 2 mths, it was hovering around 36.7-36.8 for quite a few days and giving me so much hopes...before dipping all the way down just b4 the period...

So going to keep my fingers real crossed these 2WW...

Hi gals,

Thanks for the advice! Yup, will have to pre-empt my new boss I guess. Actually my concern is whether the stress of adapting to a new work environment, new colleagues and new boss will affect the outcome of the IUI. And also if I do get preggy, how my new boss will respond? Guess I am worrying too much ahead of time right? Haha!
Hi DHM: The nurse book my first scan for me. But from now till then, i got no idea whats happening inside of me. I only had one beta done so im hoping that it has been doubling everyday.

Those in ur 2ww jus relax and think positive tots.

Baby Dust to all!!
Gd morning!!

Naughty.. Naughty huh... :p
It's ok lah, I oso hand itchy during my 2WW measure a few days of BBT... Haha! I know v diff to 'quit' taking ESP during 2WW. Rem to take things easy, k?

I was woken up by the clinic nurse juz now to remind me to book appt nx wk.. I was huh? So early? She told me gynae said so. Bo bian, booked one nx mon as he is gg away on those dates I want.. They oso want to rule out ectopic pregnancy too. I oso wondering what gg on inside me after the 2 blood tests.
DHM, thtz gd tht they a re monitoring you closely.I dunno why mind they never monitor so closely.I have to wait for 2 wks to have my first scan and appt with gynae. 2 weeks is a long time and the most crucial as well.

Can i also check with you ladies those who are with Pragon Medical, where will you have your delivery done? Progon Medical is not a hospital so which hospital will you be transfered to?
