IUI/SO-IUI: Anyone?

Rainy, lets catch baby dust from enchanted... Our turn next! wooohhooo

yes grab her baby dust from all directions

koala & rest of the ladies, jia you!
i'm logging off now. gg somewhere liao.
koala njoy yr holi & strike strike strike ok?
enchanted garden, Congrats! This is your 1st IUI?

rainy, Koala, I am with Dr Fong Yang, today only CD2, will go back scan again on CD9 and see how is the eggs responding.. not bad leh the jab isnt as painful as I imagined heehee just a poke nia..DH went with me to learn this morning and he will poke for me everyday, I am on 100IU daily using the puregon pen heehee..bill not cheap though.. 8days worth of supply set me back $900 liao, lets hope its all worthwhile
Whats your plan now? Koala switch to IVF in Feb? rainy leh? ttc naturally 1st?

Now that I started my SO IUI journey, I intend to try out for 3mths, if still no +ve result will consider switch to IVF too..
Hey Koala, Rainy Thanks! I was feeling abit nauseous on Monday Morning then today I cannot drink my milk as I wanted to throw up. But you know I was getting ready and prepare myself to accept the negative information and tell myself no bb this time never mind means I can still go holiday, and enjoy my freedom, go pedicure manicure, massage, save more money, balr blar blar....
News came when you are least expected!

Ya maybe you all go and see the tree of life and grab more children dust from there..

but friday i still have to go down to KKH to take the blood test again lah.. cose they said my hormone level still low.. just want to Double Confirm that it is positive.

Just share with you all I have been drinking this Ensure nutrients drink formula. Can get it from Watson or Gurdian. This nutrient drink is powerful cose it has alot of vits and minerals inside and is widely use by hospital. After I drink this I hardly get sick. There is an element inside this formula that helps implantation in the wombs especially for us who are doing this IUI and IVF etc.
My frd drank this before and through out the process and she conceive thru IVF on first try. Me and my hubby even went to Indian temple to pray for smooth procedure 2 weeks ago.
Ya I cannot go holiday liao.. my hubby was laughing very loudly in the office keep saying I lose the bet he win the bet.. ( KNS)
another family member will replace me loh.. so I will be spending the xmas Alone!!!!!! Home Alone!!
Baby dust to all! ( catch catch) Just hope the bb stay for the first trismester ..
Hi Junior, Dr Fong Yang is good. My friend stablised her gal through him, she nearly lost the baby. One box of 300IU puregon is $224 or so, in SGH. So yours is a bit expensive. But the private docs really aim high and get high. I only start on CD5 till CD13, 50iu per night. Good luck to you and you will strike! I am switching to IVF in Feb, no choice, old ler and festive seasons, think will let body rest for awhile.

Thanks for sharing, enchanted! You are really charmed
Talk to baby and tell baby to hang on tight! HUGS
Hi CJ Junior,
No this is my 2nd attempt .. First try failed though it went so smoothly and my egg was 20mm that time.
This cycle aiyo..ma ma mi ya.. i went through so many scans and those syringe injection wah biang.. I almost want to give up man! I literally go back every other day to KKh and can wait like 3 to4 hours there. last 3 jabs.. i cried all the way home.. even one taxi uncle ask me" xiao mei ni ok ma? " I said, " not ok lah my tummy pain pain lah"
But thinking since have come so far just give a shot and see how.
hope you have good news too!
haha :D Funny enchanted garden, poor thing then but now with super good news
Thanks for your well wishes! Please do come back and update us on your progress... would love to hear from you.

Hopefully I am as lucky as you, hope to strike when IVF in Feb.
Hi enchanted_garden, congrats.really the best Xmas present for you
hope can be as lucky as you

Koala, I was sedated when they pick up the ovum. Is only a 10-15 mins procedure yesterday. They pick out 7 eggs from me. I going back for ET tomorrow. ET is awake n no sedation needed. So I guess is like iui procedure. I really scare coz iui procedure to me is painful. Worry n scare but just hv to go thru. Hope that I can be as lucky as enchanted, then all will be worthwhile

To all other ladies here, let's jiayou jiAyou
enchanted, r u a hindu? i used to hv an indian colleague who has blocked fallopian tubes. she didnt go for any op & after ttc for 5yrs, she managed to hv 2 healthy children now, 1 boy & 1 grl. she said always believe in God

hey all those jabs & pain tat u hv suffered r worth it. take gd care in yr 1st trimester & don't exert too much. can I know wat medicine/jabs did KKH give u during yr procedure?

i dunno whether i'm considered 'fortunate' or not. for my 1st IUI attempt last mth (which failed), i wasn't given any medication or jab at all leh. nothing at all except the O jab day b4 IUI. dont hv to endure the pain of jabbing everyday. doc just left me ovulate on my own. nx time if i'm gg to try for IUI again, then i know wat to ask the doc liao. feel like being 'deceived' in my past attempt.

CJ- Yes, i'm ttc naturally 1st. now hubby finally gg to tcm to tio his sperms so i cross fingers. hope to see improvements in 3 mths time.

I heard abt Ensure milk. Enchanted, r u referring to this which hv a few flavors like chocolate, strawberry, etc.? my fren used to recommend me to drink. i bought but lazy to drink in the end. nx time hv to start drinking liao to build up immune system also.

tree of life @ NEX? which part?
Cherrie, i heard pte hosp will give sedation during ET so patients dont feel pain throughout. of cos pte hosp chg higher lor. dont worry abt tmr. hv to try n relax so u dont feel pain
Hi I am pure Chinese!! Hahaha 我会讲华语。me n my hubby just went inside this Hindu temple to pray.
Thanks cherrie! Until now I am still in the stage of 'is it true?' just hope everything going to be ok. As I told everybody I was prepare for the worst or enjoy my freedom like a single lady and when news just came unexpectately .

My Xmas will be spend watching DVDs at home while everybody in my family are out of town. Peace!
Baby dust to all
Hi rainy
I was on puregon jab protocol. I jab for 15days then did my IUI on the 6th dec. after that I was given antibiotic to eat n go home insert cycolost into my vagina twice daily. This is to support the womb to make the lining thicker so it helps to support pregnancy. It may delay menses too if there is no fertilization.
Yup the ensure milk is the one u mentioned.

Tree of life is at NEX near the guardian .

Take care
Koala : hi hi!! Ya just sharing good stuff around with everyone.

Hello rainy ! U also her ah ;)

Everyone can google abt healing if u wan to know more abt it.. My laoshi say healing is like cleansing yr body of " toxins", once cleansed, u r ready to conceive. All proven examples - like me.. Sometimes check here n there also dunno wants wrong (unexplained infertility).

Last time I also seen dr fong yang for iui but did not strike with him... Maybe no fate with him. But his waiting time also not short considering he is private. Anyway I striked under dr loh! I din want to waste time with iui back then and str away jump to ivf - cos i reckon eggs retrieved when younger is bereft and haha I'm quite old already..

Jia you; hope everyone will have yr dreams come true this Xmas!
Enchanted: congrats!!!
I'm in my 2ww now can test on new year's day...but im down with flu n diarrheoa the whole nite hopefully it dun affect the implantation..sigh...
Gd morn ladies. I believe regardless of which religion, God will answer to our prayers as long as we r sincere

enchanted, njoy yr xmas watching dvds!

tanny, yah i also see laoshi. i told laoshi my prob lies with hubby so whether it's better for him to go also. but she said i go is enuff. as long as hv tve thoughts, will strike one day. i hope to ttc naturally one day with laoshi's help + tcm
Hi liang
Thanks.. Good luck to u too! Just relax continue to eat well m rest well.

Agree with rainy no matter what religion , pray with sincerity

Xmas period watching DVDs the whole day! Maybe I can go shopping but everywhere so crowded ..

Anybody go for dr SL Goh at KKH ?
Hi nurul the ensure formula is not exactly milk. Is more like nutrient drink which hospital use it for patients that has difficulty in consuming food thus this drink if u look closely has all the vitamins n minerals in it. I feel the difference after a month drinking this n is good for us who are doing the SOIUI n IVF
Good luck
I have just completed my SO-IUI, and today is my DPO1. I was prescribed with Progesterone Pills to be inserted through anus twice daily. Just now, when I go toilet, I saw that there are small portion of the pill come out. It's already been 8 hours since I have inserted the pill in, so I was wondering if this is normal?

Also, do you know when I can do HPT? Afraid that this pill will affect the results of HPT. My Pregnyl Injection is 5000IU.

Morning gals!

Today just took my 3rd jab
previous 2 days quite painful when DH jab but today not pain liao.. guess he is growing more skillful by the day hahaha

serene, Pregnyl injection is the same as puregon? Cos my daily jab only 100IU nia.. wonder y so big differ?? Good luck to you, hope to hear your +ve news in 2 weeks time

enchanted garden, this round the IUI you have how many eggs and whats their size? Got chance kena twins? heehee

Koala, dont give up hope yet. While waiting for Feb IVF you try ttc naturally 1st lor, who knows?! Mmm you only starts on CD5 whereas mine is from CD2.. and yours only 50IU? Mmmm wonder whats e differ hor.. just curious nia.. yah I also find my bill exp haha 1 box of 300IU puregon cost $400 and those misc add up lor.. luckily dun need consult gynae if not consultation bill lagi exp! haha

Anyway you gals have a great day ya! Looking forward to weekend and Xmas!
Hi CJ, Pregnyl is not Puregon. Pregnyl is to stimulate the ovaries to release the egg. Heard that when you have pregnyl injection, you cannot test for pregnancy for some time, as it will always shown positive. That's why I want to know how long I need to wait... Cos for me, if i never test, my menses will always be late, due to my brain telling myself that my menses will not come.

This is the 2nd round of IUI already, and I have no feeling at all... Not very hopeful, but still hope for the best.. cos, if this is not successful, I will go for IVF in Feb 2012.
serene, oic i took this jab b4 at e butt.. damn painful! haha but never knew wats e actual name for it. Not to worry, you can still test for pregnancy after 2WW.. previously i tested at DPO10 and -ve also (which is really -ve lah) Good luck and happy counting down ya

BTW you did your IUI on CD what? You jab for how many days? Eggs how many and sizes? Sorry so many qs..for reference only haha
Hi Gals,

Me and hubby just got married in June 2011. we want to have a child so much and decided to go for a check. I'm having tilted uterus which makes it a hard one.

Im going for IUI this tuesday. sounds fast as this is only me 3rd check-up with the doc. both (myself and husband) went for a blood and urine check today. Need to go back on saturday to see whether the egg has gone to 20mm. if everything is ok, doctor will proceed to iui on tuesday. doctor advise to go for 4 times maximum, next stage will be IVF. Dont know what to expect.
Dear ladies
we just do our very best and leave the rest to God..

CJ junior- my eggs was not responding very well during the first few days as I got 7 eggs but only 1 was growing but very slowly. I have to increased the dosage from 50-100
then eventually it grows to the size of 18.5mm then I went for the last injection my my thigh. I don't have the luck to have twins leh.. only one egg responding.

Hope everything goes well for everybody here and good luck!
My SO-IUI was done on CD13, and on CD10, my egg is only 15.5mm, and my lining 7mm. Doc says it's ok to proceed, so I agree lor. I was on 75IU Puregon from D2-D7 (5 days only), and there is only 1 egg
Anyway, I learn to take this easy, as sometimes, even with good statistics, there will be cases that is not successful. And there are cases that is successful even with low statistics. A way to console myself

My DH post wash this time is 6.76mil, and though this is considered low, it's an improvement from the previous IUI already. Now, there is nothing I can do, only to rest well, be happy, and dun think so much lor.. It's Christmas!!! So it helps to keep me happy :D
Hello ladies....nice to meet you all, I didn't know there is a thread regarding IUI. Btw all ladies here SOIUI? Bcause I'm new to this term, I only knew IUI. I did one last month but fail. I remember there was no jab for me from my menses day , its only clomid. May I know you all under KKH n SGH? No one from NUH?
Hi Serene
Yes rest well and be well.. build up yourself first before baby comes along.

Hi ladies who are new here. Merry Xmas!

Hi baby galore, Did you check with your doctor? best to refrain from these at the moment till you get further instructions.

TAke care
I'm so worried.. Yday did ovulation test it showed two lines and doc lim said one line must be darker than the other and told me to do another test on my own today. I just did and this time I only shows one line.. How like that ah?? Called back the clinic, nurse said don't worry.. How not to worry? I've planned to do my iui 2mrw morning.. I'm very stressed..
BabyGalore, this means that you will be ovulating from today onwards (since the OPK will be positive 24-36 hr before ovulation). Your egg will takes a few days to travel down your fallopian tube, so when you do IUI tmr morning, the egg is still travelling. Look at it in this way, the sperm will be strongest (since it's the freshest), and could break down the egg defense

Dun worry ok... trust in doctors
Really? I got so scared.. I thought ovulation has already taken place .. And I can't do my iui 2mrw.. Thank you Serene ..
Can we actually do iui when your eggs are 19mm and 17mm? And how is that the opk still not detecting anything? Well I'm still going ahead with my iui today.. Wish me luck
For my case I did Iui on CD 10 the only responded follicle size is 20mm.. However I did not ovulate yet so I was given a jab to ripen the egg on CD9 n continued with iui the next day.. Ladies dun worry too much as each person will react differently so have faith in yr doc n pray that everything would be fine..
enchanted garden, thanks for sharing

serene & BabyGalore, Thanks for sharing and best of luck in your 2WW.

Ladies, Have a great long weekend and a very Merry Xmas to you! Njoy ya

Morning ladies, me now waiting at Gynae clinic for 1st scan. cd9 today... Very nervous..hopefully eggs are growing!! Anyone jab until blue black? I got blue black on tummy...
Morning ladies! Merry Christmas. Junior, blue black is ok... don't worry. Just don't inject at the same place everyday...

Came back from overseas on Christmas eve and was trying naturally. I had an appt for a scan today at SGH and my biggest egg is only 10mm and already ovulated, try naturally also no use... LOL. So just FYI that not every month has a big follicle to release egg.

Jia you ladies!
Hi Junior, today is my CD16, I went SGH for a scan so I know most of the eggs are only 10mm, or rather the biggest one is only 10mm. I used Ovluation kit so I knew already over.

Wow! thats good chances... so exciting! That means your eggs will be out 24-36 hours after tonight's jab.
Koala, Mmm maybe I am confused.. if already O liao e eggs will still be seen inside ovaries?? Or does that means you did not O this mth? From my understanding a egg have to reach a certain size and womb lining certain thickness to ovulate de. Yah I am very surprised by my scan too. Perhaps if you wanna try IUI again you can ask for higher doseage, mine is 100IU daily.. duno if this makes a differ to e nos of eggs anot..
Hi ladies, I m not doing good. Today is my cd 7 after embryo transfer but I feel menses yesterday
I went for progesterone test today at kk n show that my level is low. I think my chance is extremely low. Very sad n demoralize.
Cherrie, *hugs*.. read this link http://www.haveababy.com/infertilityblog/beta-hcg-pregnancy-test-results-after-ivf-what-they-mean-and-how-to-interpret-them/

Esp this part 'Generally, at least two beta hCG blood tests are done, two to four days apart. Relaying the beta pregnancy test results to the patient is best delayed until after the second blood test results are available. This is because the initial beta numbers may be extremely low (<5iu/ml), yet still result in a viable pregnancy. Relaying the results at this stage can give a patient a false indication that she is NOT pregnant, when she may be in the early stages of a normal pregnancy.'

Are you testing this beta hCG thingy?
hello ladies

koala, glad to c u bk
for yr case, did u test for Ovulation during yr holidays? so do u mean that even if we do ovulate, the egg may not reach the ideal size to be fertilized?

i'm rather confused on this O thing. i tested tve for ovulation on sun but didnt BD with hubby that day cos already BD on Sat. then we BD again on Mon, so wondering hw the chances r. i tested for O again on Mon &amp; it was over. so how long shld O last? 24hrs, 36 or 48hrs???

CJ-gd luck to u! must be very excited now
From what I know, when you tested positive for ovulation, your egg will be released after 24-36 hours. After your egg is released, it can survive for 24hours.

That's why IUI can be done on 2 days after the positive test on ovulation.

rainy, you should have a good chance

CJ, I'm so envious of you! You have 3 good eggs (eggs above 16mm is deemed good enough for release). I only have 1
But, better than nothing.

Cherrie, *hugz*.. Cheer up.. things may turn out to be well, if not, be strong and try again! We need to be positive!

Koala, it's really surprising to know that eggs of 10mm will be released as well. Maybe I din read enough. Thanks for this info

Baby dust to all! I hope we will be successful one day :D

Morning ladies, thanks everyone, will update you guys tmr. Prob is gynae never check my womb lining thickness, all along have a thin lining, not sure if any improving after taking the jabs. I will start bedrest for 2 weeks tmr after IUI, although not neccessary but well, since I had quit my job to do so, might as well just make full use of it haha

Cherrie, dont be too down, as long as AF haven report in full force still got chance. Rest well and all the best.

Anyway FYI these links are very good for understanding Ovulation and OPK



Have a good day everyone!
