IUI/SO-IUI: Anyone?

Hi alimgirl,

I'm in CD4 and with raffles hospital. Taking gonal f now and was told last few days may switch to another type (but not sure what's the exact name though). What abt you?
Hope things will turn out fine for u and don't give up too!

Hi everyone, hope all are well
Wow, quite a few of us have been busy lately... In our busyness, dun forget to take care of ourselves and stay positive!

Heatherwhite: I'm just waiting for AF to report in a few days time so that I can start on a new cycle of IUI... Dun have much chance this round cos my follicles didn't grow enough...

Hopeful Ng: Welcome to this thread!
Dun worry too much and stay positive... We are all here to give each other support in our IUI journey. I myself have also received lots of encouragement from all the ladies here and it really helps to boost morale
Hope all of us will have good news soon!

Alimgirl: don't give up and like what heatherwhite says there's always next cycle to jia you
Hi all, have really been busy these few days. I m going for holiday with my friends tomorrow. My menses is late this month, tried to test but got negative
I must have think too much. I guess I will try naturally for this 2 months n go to
3rd SO-IUI in oct. Also not mental prepare to go to IVF.

Everyone here, let's jiayou n never give up
Girl, today manage to see doctor and had go al-f injection. 2 more injection to go on mon n wed. Wed already CD14 but doctor said this cycle egg very small so might b late ovulation.
Enjoy your holiday. Late menses is good news. Hope your menses never come for the next 9 months ya.

How's the injection? Painful? Ok, jia you ah... keep us update on your progress ok. Hope your follicles grow big big on the next two days.
Heatherwhite, AF reported
I think I got late ovaluation last month. What about u? Going for iui this cycle?

Dragonhopes, u going for Iui this cycle?
Hi, I'm new in the forum. I'll be going for iui this cycle too. Just scan my egg on cd12. Have to go back 2 days later to scan again.

What's the diff betw so-iui and iui?

I just underwent op to remove cyst. Hopefully I can strike soon.
Hello old & new buddies!

The traffic is getting busier here. Great that everyone is doing good and still fighting fiercely! Jia you, jia you!

Since I came back from holiday, I was sicked like a dog. I have no mood to do anything, very lazy and lethargic. Yesterday went to NUH for my first pre-natal check-up, both Dr Stephen Chew and Dr Arundhati were very happy. Afterall, they were the one who performed IUI for me.

I sincerely hope all of u here will strike and break away from the IUI cycle soon

Baby dust to all of you
Hi ladies
Hope everyone is good.
Well my IUI for this month has been cancelled as my AF reported on day 20....it even suprised Dr Chew bec no one had such experience. I already inject myself for the past 14 days and according to him it is IVF standard. So now i have to report again after my next AF which will be around Sep. Hmmm disappointed but life has to carry on.
hope things get better next cycle.
Baby dust to all
Yes, I will be going for my 3rd IUI with taking clomid on my coming cycle! Now waiting for AF to report and start my TTCing schedule again! Expect my Af to report by this thursday. I think our cycle are quite close, let's work hard together!

How's your follicle scan? Hope they continue to grow big and round!

Mind telling us who are you seeing? Where was your cyst and what size? Your doctor ask you to remove? I have ovarian cyst, consulted 2 gynea, both of them say no need to remove for my case.

SO stands for superovulation. Superovulation (SO) is the use of fertility drugs to stimulate two to three ovarian eggs and bring them to maturation so chances of conception are increased. Normally it works with a combination of oral drug follow by injections depending on the follicle grow rate.
I have tried 2 times of IUI, 1st one on natural and second one with help of taking oral drug - clomid to help me on my ovulation.
What is your follicle size on your CD12? Hope you have a smooth smooth IUI progress there.

Hope you feeling better now. Will you be staying with Dr. Stephen Chew throughout your pregnancy? I hope this BFP good luck will continue to spread arounf in this forum and all the TTCing sisters here will get BPF like you soon! hehe...
Do you have such a short cycle before? Take a good rest for this few weeks and start fresh again in Sept. Have you ever tot of going for any TCM treatment too?
Hi Heatherwhite,

I'm seeing Dr Geraldine Tan. My cyst abt 8cm on my left side. Cos it's pushing my left ovary and hiding it so doc asked me to remove it. Luckily it's only keyholes surgery.

What is the size of ur cyst? Good that no nid go op. Aft op, feel weak. And alot of things cant eat.

I forgot to ask abt the size. Keke... Dr just said got one egg on the left. Tml going to scan and see how it goes. Probably iui on Thu or Fri.

Need to refrain from sex before or after iui?

Thanks! Wish u gd news soon too.
My cyst is about 2cm, and doctor say no need to remove it, since it does not affect me much.

HB and I refrain from sex for at least 4 days before the IUI to build up his troop's volume. And it is also recommended to BD after your IUI to increase your conceive chance. Jia you ah!

Mine grow bigger and cramp very bad during af.

They said if preg, the cyst will be gone cos no blood for them so they will dry up.

Ok, thanks for the info.
Do you still have menses cramp after removing the cyst? Actually I have menses cramp too, sometime can be quite bad also! So desperate to get pregnant! So that I no need to go through the pain every month! Sob...

Tong Le,
Sometime I will just tell my boss and colleague that I need to take time off for seeing doctor. But one thing lucky is that, my work place is near to NUH. Normally I can reach office latest by 9.30am. About 30minuts late for work so my boss also close one eye. Hehe... but sometime will still feel stressful to rush here and there too.
What is your update there?

I still have slight cramps but not as bad as before. Sometimes if womb lining is thick, will have menses cramps too. I read many people taking red raspberry tea. Maybe u can try?

I did the jab on my tummy, it's the ideal place and painless

All the best on your Fri IUI. Remember to abstain from BD with HB and rest if you can after your IUI on Fri. Not forgetting to keep BD on Fri onwards

Stay cool and relax. Baby dust to you!
Hi Riccin,

You only did 1 IUI+Clomid so far? When I failed my 1st IUI, I was like you, lost of direction for a while and kept asking lots of questions why it failed. There're alot of factors, don't waste your energy to think about the cause. I've read that some tried for 7th IUI then hit the jackpot, some tried IUI + IVF and at the end they got preggie on their own.

What you need to do now is to prepare your body for the next cycle and have a positive approach k! Do consider TCM and acupuncture before taking your last resort for IVF.

Best of luck

Are you doing IUI for this cycle? How's your progress? Got buy a new bowl or not? Soon will be your turn to get preggie, don't be kancheong k!

I don't think Dr Chew would be my gynae as I'm a subsidised patient, so I'll only see whoever doctors on duty. As much as I would love to have my baby delivered in NUH as I find the govn hospital service is comparable to private. But after waiting here and there and collecting med from pharmacy really wasted alot of time in a day. Do you think i should go private hospital, like TMC? FYI, NUH only have either 6 or 8 bedded (So cramp!)

Still thinking...


Now I don't know which GP to go to for the jab cos I no regular GP. Hee..

I'm feeling excited but also worried. Hope I will really strike soon.
Babyseetoh, thanks for the wishes
my friend delivered at nuh n I think she took the 1 bedded , so her hubby can stay with her. But I think a bit ex, you can check out at the hospital.
Btw, where did you gals buy the bowl?
Cherrie, bbtaurus,

The bowl theory was shared by one of the forumer, Rollybear. She heard that there was a traditional believe where you buy a new bowl (rice bowl or anything) home, as if there's a "new" family member. Of course, must also use the bowl for makan frequently.


I have signed up for a hospital maternal tour to check out the facility. But the form only indicated 6/8-bedded, never mentioned 1,2/4bedded choice. Will see how. Thanks!
Oic.... Hee... I will go buy too. Thanks.


Which CD u went jab and iui? Today is my cd15, I wonder what if the egg released w/o the jab? Tml still on time to do iui?

My menses has never been this short....i usually take around 35 to 40 days at times. My Menses can be super irregular. I still wondering why i had menses so fast on day 20. I have never tried TCM......is the medicine bitter?

Right now i am just taking my time and relaxing as its my fasting month, i am also very tired and have less energy....maybe its a blessing in disguise tat i didn't get Pregnant this month as it would have been tough on me.

Lets hope next month would be a better month

Anyway i have also bought a new bowl last month hehehe


How long u been TTC? and can i know wat was the size of your eggs on D7 and D10? Did u take any special food for the egg to grow big? According to Dr Chew there is no special food and ask me to cut down on eating since i am obese.

My first IUI:

CD11 13mm follicle (without clomid)
CD13 Ovidrel Jab

Second IUI:

CD12 21mm (with clomid)
CD12 Ovidrel jab

Don't worry too much whether you ovulated before the jab, that's beyond our control. Just relax and do as told by dr, they know what they are doing
Don't think so much k.

I have TTC for 1.5 years, btw I'm 36 and worry of running out of time. Part of your question is answered above. I never take any special food for egg grow. If I'm not wrong, I read somewhere about Brazilian nuts (google it!)

BTW what's your BMI? Try to start with some light exercises eg walking and eat the right food to control your calories intake. It goes a long way, esp if you're preggie.

Tune your body for a better condition for the following month yeah. Eat well and rest well!
Thank you Babyseetoh
Tats wat am doing now.....watch wat i eat and hopefully my eggs grow better in the next cycle.
Thank you once again
yup, think will go get a rice bowl too..hahaha..

I did SO-IUI twice and both only 1 folicle with 17mm. I think is about my folicle. I take jab daily to help in the growth and still only 17mm.

Maybe i am going for accuputure. Anyone know if is painful?
Hi everyone! I was introduced to this forum by BabySeeToh n dragonhopes. Thanks for babydust (grabbed), BabySeeToh, and hope your iui is going great, dragonhopes.

I am starting my so-iui this month too.my first time. now waiting for AF to report. hope to strike. will be followingbthis thread to see how everyone is doing.
hi Hopeful Ng n bbtaurus, both of you are doing iui this month too! take care n rest well! hope to hear good news from both of you soon.

does anyone knows if you can take mc for doing the scans?
i am just curious hw to get in and out of office wo coll noticing that i am taking leave frequently.
any advice how you plan through the whole process?
Hi Cherrie,

I'm doing acupuncture too. I won't say it's painless but it's bearable. Sometimes it's more numb feel than pain.

Hi Iwannababe,

Thanks. Let's work hard!!

My gynae ok to give me mc. But i'm not working at the moment so I can't help you on that question.

Tml going iui and now I feeling tired and sudden flu. Hope i won't affect the end result.
Hi iwannababe, welcome

When I did my iui in kkh, I need to go for scan every alternate days. So I have to tell 1 of my colleague who cover me that I will be late some days. No choice for me as I need to go alternate day. Where r u going for your iui? Is it at nuh? I think nuh not so frequently right?

I went for scannig yesterday. I only got 1 folicle on my right with 20mm. The left side is only 10mm.
My 2nd IUI is tomorrow. Hope that is a chance for this cycle. I am trying to tell myself dont give myself too much pressure.

My boss start to unhappy because too often to take time off or half day leave. He keeps question me what reason I need to see doctor and he say is unfair to others and the company. Ai...Dont know what to do. I think cannot change job now also.

I dont think NUH give MC for the scanning but they will give 1 day MC on the IUI day.

Good luck for today IUI.
Hi Tong Le,


Good luck to u for tml iui.

May I know which cd u in today?
On my cd 14, my follicle only 17mm.
Today cd 16.

Today is CD11. I will with 150mg of clomid that why the follicle grow well. I try 50mg and 100mg before but that is not work for me.

Normally follicle will grow 2mm in 2 days. The ideal size is 18mm so I think you no need to worry. Enjoy your 2wws.
Hi tong le, all the best to your iui
your follicle grow well. Hope you can strike this time

Babydragons, I remember you mentioned you going to dr zou for accuputure? Did you went? How's he?
Hi bbtaurus,
Hope your IUI went well yesterday!

Hi Tong Le,
Gd luck for ur IUI today! Having mine probably next mon or tues or even wed, depending on how well my follicle grow. Well, guess I will also be caught in the same situation for the answering part for being away so often! Worst still, there's some impt mtgs during those days which I am not suppose to missed! Don't feel like telling my boss abt my SO-IUI and still trying to cook out some excuses...

Hi babyseetoh,
Thanks for the babydust! Hope you are doing well too. Must take good care and eat well k!

Hi Iwannabebe,
When is your IUI scheduled?
Take more vit c bbtaurus! And rest more k.
*sign* went for my scan just now and found out follicle only grow to 14mm. In fact, only 1 follicle left coz the other didnt grow much. Doc suggest to abort IUI this mth and go for it next mth. Can u imagine the frustration after 11 days of injection? Just couldn't understand why it grew so poorly this mth, despite the injections...
Sometimes I wonder why there are so many unwanted pregnancies or some can abandon babies but ppl like us who want babies so much yet have to go through so much to have them... When is our turn?
I can understand the frustration. Go thru all the jab and still cant proceed. Tat day gp heard i got flu, also suggested i go next mth instead. I was disappointed. Luckily my gynae said it's ok.

Dont be sad. Is there anything to eat to improve the quality of egg? Will still have ovulation? Possible to try on own? Sorry for asking so many questions.

I agreed with you. Saw from tv an adopted gal, she's so sweet, wonder why her own parents dont want her.
Hi everyone, I am desperately in need of the needle for gonal f pen. Clinic is closed tmrw so not sure where to get them on a Sunday. Any idea?
Or does anyone has extra to spare? Thanks!!!

Hi kymberly, Is the needle same for puregon? I do not inject gonal f, mine is puregon. If is same, I do have spare ones.

Hopeful, we all can understand your frustration . Dun be despair, maybe there is other ways. Like bbtaurus say, try natural?or maybe your ovaluation is late?

I totally agreed with you all on those who get
Conceive easily n yet abandon the kid. Ppl like us is trying so hard
went thru so much in terms of physical n mentally . Really so tired. But we just cannot give up. Let's encourage each other to on
