IUI/SO-IUI: Anyone?

hi dishearted & bunnz,

thanks for the info! wow, $12 is quite ex.. gd luck to both of u!

emma: think u better check w the nurse whether u can still use ur puregon, but i think most likely cannot..

dishearted & bunnz

What is progesterone insert or pills for during this 2 weeks. Cos my gynae does not give it to me after my SO-IUI.

babyhopes: Thanks for your reply..

ladies, please advice.. according to my gynae, he put me on 25mg of clomid from D2 to D6 and on puregon jab of 75ui on D6, D8 and D10.. he will only scan me on D12.. i'm wondering if i dun react to the pills and jab, am i still in time to increase the puregon jab last min? was thinking if i should look for him on my D10.. and anyone here doing so-iui next week?
hi emma,

u r welcome! btw, were u able to continue using the puregon?

where r u doing your so-iui? i didn't know puregon jabs can be taken on alternate days.. sounds less stressful esp for pple like me who's scared of jabs... :p

dat time i took clomid on CD3-6 and daily jabs of 50ui on CD5-9, and did my 1st scan on CD10. If u're worried, y not u trying asking your gynae whether u can do the scan earlier? but i personally think dat since u're taking a jab on CD10, y not u see him on CD11? let the 3rd jab take effect b4 u see him..
hi ladies,

for those who r preggie now, did all of u experience implantation bleeding? and is it common to be extremely thirsty halfway thru the so-iui cycle? tks!
dishearted, I do not have implantation bleeding. are you seeing some blood? is it brownish or reddish? which day are you now?

hope all is well.
hi babyhopes,

gal.. dun be shock..
Nope.. i went to purchase a new cartiage and left the old one in the fridge untouch. "sigh.. $$$ gone"

I'm doing my so-iui at gleaneagles.. what about u? done yours for this cycle or currently in your 2ww?

actually, i am oso very scared of needles.. was scared to death when my hubby tries to jab me for the first time.. but its sort of painless leh..

gal.. didn't went for any scan yet.. today is my CD12.. my cd11 is sunday and my clinic is close.. anyway, i will jus leave everything in god's hands.. for the pass few days, i've been so worried that i dun respond to any of the pills and jabs..
dishearted, cramping are signs of your uterus expanding. think positive... i knew i was preggy 12dpiui - cos i had sore boobs then.

ladies, i have yet to see bb's heartbeat, hope to see bb this coming Thurs - week 8 scan.
thistle, dun worry. I'm sure you can see the bb's heartbeat at wk8. I nd to wait another 2 more wks for my appt too. Everyday also wonder if bb is growing well.
hi emma,

oic, next time must rem to put in fridge! hehe...

i'm doing mine at kk.. started 1st cycle this mth, but was terminated after 2nd scan. Dunno to do another round or go straight to ivf...

Hv feeling that I'll c red soon.. but still crossing my fingers n hope the brown discharge is implantation bleeding. (Actually i dunno how implantation bleeding is like.. With my PMS symptoms, think hard for my wish to come true... :p)

that time i had the same worry as u, but in the end, i over-responded.
today is ur CD12, u do your scan already? how was it?
hi gals

happy new year!
i saw red yest...super zhun..cos it was the moment i arrived home from the airport.

was quite disappointed after all the effort.
yoga cheered me up today!

shd be trying by ourselves this month for now
cos hb'll be away few times this month.
kaymum53 : i remember the pills were to increase our progesterone level (hormones needed for conceiving)

Gals pls correct me if i 'm wrong.

Is this ur first soiui?

Dishearted : Have faith!!
Emma : Dont overstress yourself..

We will all be mothers to be soonish!
bunnz, sorry to hear. dun be disappointed, i failed 2 times before i strike. keep strong!

tweety, thanks for your assurance. i am looking forward to seeing bb during my coming scan.
Hi gals,
Seeing some brown discharge today.Sigh...a bit disapointed.But still pray hard thats is juz implantation bleeding or watever.(siao rt?)Btw,implantation takes place on day wat ar?i m currently 12dpiui...

try again
I think can be implantation bleeding. Read somewhere abt it. Don't be so gan cheong. I'm sure you will strike. :p

Nope. I have went thru three SOIUI cycle. 1st attempt managed to conceive a bb boy which is now 16 mths old. This year, I've tried two cycle of SOIUI but unsuccessful. I'll be trying this mth for my 4th cycle, now waiting for my menses to arrive in order to start.

I cycle takes abt 1-2 weeks. Its depend on invidual condition. Frm Day 2 to Day 6. I took clomid. Day 7-scan and jab. For my case, I need abt 6 jabs.
hi kaymum,
Thanks for sharing. Bcoz I dun feel like telling my boss regarding this matter, but I'm afraid I may need to take many days of MC, so I'm trying to plan whether can take leave instead. Any advice?
Hi Jenn,

I just take either MC or 0.5 day leave for days when I need to do the scan and the IUI procedure. May need to come back for extra scan if the follicles are not big enough. For injection, my hubby does it for me except pregnyl.

There will be 2 additional blood tests (progesterone and pregnancy) after IUI procedure.

In KKH, you can ask the nurse abt the detailed schedule for IUI and that can help you to apply leave in advance. But there may be days when you need to apply urgent leave when things does not happen according to schedule.
hi bbhopes,

ya.. what a costly mistake! :p

gal, which day are you in when u are doing your 2nd scan? too many follicals? As for me, my D12 scan does't turns out well.. only manage to have 1 follical on my left which is quite small (10mm)and a few small ones on the right.. sigh.. doc advice me to jab 1 more time. So had my jabs on D6, D8, D10 and D12.. will be scaning today.. "crossing my fingers now.. hopefully they will grow big big!"

What i plan is.. intend to do 3 x SO-iui and if all "touch wood" F_i_! Will then consider IVF lor.. sob.. sob..

gal, so u are tried natral for this cycle? dun be discourage.. will keep my fingers cross for you!
emma, how come you dun jab everyday? D12 at 10 mm.... you need to grow it to 17 mm at least. Need to jab at least another 3 more days, maybe you can ask RE if you can up the dose?
Rabbit, thanks for the advice. I will try to take leave 1st, if no choice then will take MC. It will be my last thing to inform my boss. If possible, I'll do the blood test during lunch, may be a bit rush.
no more brown discharge le.but still feel abit crampy on n off lor. i did my iui on 21st.when do u think i can test ar?abit kan cheong leh
Hi thistle,

Went for a scan yesterday.. which is my D15.. feel quite sad leh.. only manage to have 1 folical on my right that is growing and its still quite small, at D15 with a 12mm follicle. so, base on my scan on D12, it is 9mm.. in conclusion, it only grows 3mm for the past 3 days..

Need advice from ladies here.. sigh.. feeling so demorlarise now.. actually, i am also quite curious why i so special to jab on alternate days as compared to u ladies here who took ur jab daily.. deep in my heart, i even suspect my gynae who is my third gynae and my first cycle with him, tries to earn my 1st cycle $.. by not mornitoring closly and not increasing my dosage after my D12 scan.. and even think that he should have scan me on D10 and can even up my dosage when necessary... sigh.. sigh.. sigh..

so, after yesterday's scan, he even suggest that i try natural as he dun want me to add on to my cost since my egg is growing at this pace (slow) which mean its not a healthy egg????!!!! "Ladies please comment if this is true?" then when i mention to him that I actually brought 2 puregon for this cycle (which one is wasted due to my carelessness) then he advise me again since i spend so much for this cycle, why not I try to jab 1 more time and increase my dosage from 75iu to 100iu.. and will take my HSG jab on my D18 and iui on D20..

Gal.. do u think this is a good idea to insist on doing the iui? and he won't be scaning me on my D17 before my HSG jab the next day to confirm the size of my egg. he jus say not necessary as he is quite confident that it will grow to a certain size since that follicle grows from 9mm (D12) to 12mm (D15)..

i am confuse that why dun he suggest this before i mention that i had brought 2 puregon this cycle???!! sigh..

I am really at a confused, disappointed, sad, and sigh...
Hi Emma,

I heard from my sinseh that follicle will grow at a faster pace, around 2mm per day, once the dominant follicle is around 12mm.
It's quite true for my case, i did a scan on D11, follicle size = 10mm; D14, size = 12mm; D17, size = 17.5mm for my current cyle.

If counting by 2mm per day, by D18 of your cycle, the follicle size will reach around = 18mm, which is usually the minimize follicle size that a doctor will administer the HCG shot. Plus, you are having another injection (booster), so likely the size will be > 18mm. Don't worry too much.
hi mimiko,

thanks for your reply...

oic.. feel more at ease after reading your post.. but do you know anything about the "good" /"bad" eggs base on the pace of its growth?
Hi Emma,

I think it's not accurate to associate the quality of the egg with the pace of it's growth. Some people just need more time to mature an egg. Heard quite a number of ladies who have irregular period (a few months once) i.e. ovulate late in the cycle (also mean slower growth of the follicle) but still managed to conceived and give birth to healthy baby.

I did a progesterone test yesterday(7DPO), got a reading of 80.4 nmol/l. Understand from the nurse that, it's a good reading. Value of > 30 nmol/n indicate ovulation.

Jia you and hope we strike together this cycle
Hi mimiko,

THANKS!!! Feel so relieve now..

wow! congrats for your results.. is this your first cycle on so-iui? how many follicles do u have before your iui procedure?

yupz! Lets jia you together and hope we can STRIKE! STRIKE! STRIKE!!!!
Hi Emma,

This is my 4th cycle on clomid and metformin as i am diagnosed with PCOS. Decided to monitor this cycle closely with ultrasound. Only have 1 dominant follicle. I am considering to go for SO-IUI if this/next cycle still failed, haiz.. been trying for 2 years liao, really feel quite frustrated sometimes.
emma, based on my own experience, when my follies took longer to grow, the iui was unsuccessful. D18 or D20 is too late for iui, even though some docs feel can stretch up to 28 days.

i think you should get a second opinion. your doc seemed contradictory. if your eggs are growing slow, you should up your dose to catch up. how come he alternate your dose? and if you are doing soiui, cost should not be the doc's concern - instead, he should advise you on the best possible way to strike.

how can he suggest that you try natural as he dun want you to add on to your cost since your egg is growing at a slow pace? he should have up your dose so your eggs can catch up...

fyi - my iu was 150 per day, for about 9 - 12 days, for my past 3 cycles.

Hi dishearted,

Sorry to hear that.
Regarding your question:
At KKH, will be put to sleep during ER but not ET (similar to IUI).

The doctor can give 2 weeks MC.
