IUI/SO-IUI: Anyone?

dishearted, i also wish u success this cycle and receive a great xmas gift!

thistle, i have no MS yet leh. No symptoms at all except that my normal breakfast doesn't seem to be enough for me now. Kinda worried. My next scan is nxt fri. Such a long wait...U have any symptoms already?

tweety, i do not have MS. in my previous preg, MS only sets in after 1st trimester. Of cos, each preg is different. i will be seeing my gynae next monday, and i will be 6 wks 2 days then. will be able to detect heartbeat then.

next fri, how many weeks/days will you be? you need to be at least 6 weeks to detect bb's heartbeat.
thistle, based on my lmp, i would be 6w3d by next fri. But based on my ovulation date, i would be 6w then. Hopefully can hear bb's heartbeat. Else I will be very worried.
just went for scanning yest which is CD10
i have one egg on each side but both same size 13mm .
need to go back for another scan on sat.
I only have mon to do iui as i'll be away on mon nite liao to end of the year.
5mm in 3 days? is it possible?

Tweety: when u say u fail your clomid cycles, means u did not ovulate or what?
mostly likely if i do not conceive this round, dr will ask me to do soiui liao.

Dishearted: Jiayou! Be positive!

Btw anyone here with Dr Fong Yang?
bunnz, i think 5mm for 3 days is quite possible. Coming to ovulation, the eggs will grow faster.

ya with clomid i still do not ovulate. That's why I move on to soiui.
bunnz, it is possible - follies grow about 2 mm per day, so you will hit 17 mm in time on Sat! Be positive!

dishearted, keep us posted on your iui. eggs grow grow grow....!

tweety, you should count from your iui date - as iui date is conception date. you need to hit 6 weeks to see heartbeat, so i think next friday, you should be able to see the heartbeat! keep us posted k?
Thanks gals! I feel brighter already..

Juz another qn, er usually how long will the guy store his soldiers for iui? 3 days ok?

May everyone here that are still TTC get their christmas bundle of love!!
Hi gals,

I'm new here. I've just started my first so-iui cycle, but unfortunately have to stop due to over-reaction to the medication & jabs.

Anyone has a similar experience, can share what your doc advised u? Thanks!
hi gals

i'm going for my iui tom.One of the folicle has reached 17mm yesterday plus a hcg jab last night. Wish me luck!

Babyhopes :sorry to hear that. What did ur dr advise u? My dr did mention before if there are too many follicles, might have to proceed to ivf.
Hi gals

I'm going for my first cycle of so-iui in feb, my gynae already warn me that not many ppl will succeed in the first cycle, I also went for laproscopy in Oct & was found to have mild endo

too many follicles high risk of having multiple pregnancy, but I'll still go ahead if there's too many follicles
hi bunnz,

gd luck for ur iui!

the clinic's dr gave me options either to terminate the cycle or convert to ivf... we chose option 1. was sad after making the decision..
will see what dr advise at next appt.
hi winniepooh,

actually i oso wanted to go ahead even thou there're many follicles cos i dun think i'll be so lucky to hv eggs in all follicles... but the dr said should we continue, there's high chance they will stop it even b4 the insemination part... dat's 1 reason y we stop the cycle in the end...
babyhopes, I know some girls start next cycle immediately, some will take a break, depends on individual & also advise from ur gynae
hi winniepooh, my gynae is KK's Dr Loh. I've sent him an email, dunno if he'll advise thru email. :p

i think i've read somewhere dat pple start immediately at next cycle, but the nurse say let everything be flushed out at next cycle better.. but i dun feel like waiting... abit gan jiong..
bunnz, glad to know your follie hit 17 mm. How many follies do you have in that range? Good luck to your iui! You are now officially in your 2ww...

babyhopes, depending on your womb linning and whether there are any residuals of the follies, you might be able to start the next cycle st away. if there are some follies left over, then you will need to rest one month in order for the follies to shrink/disappear. the best way to decide is to see your RE for a scan.
I'm wondering whether I should go and see Dr Cheng to induce my menses. A bit impatient liao. Today CD 25 liao... still no sign of O. how? haiz...
liz, hmm... your cycle a bit long hor? to induce menses, no need to see doc. just take mavalon - dr cheng gives mavalon to all ivf patients to reset menses, so can start the jabs the next month. i was on mavalon for 2 rounds, but i succeeded without mavalon for no. 1 and no. 2, so to me, i think there is some 'side effect' of mavalon for soiui patients.
liz, think it's better you speak with dr cheng first. how come he din recommend mavalon to you, given your menses irregular? cos he normally does that for patients with irregular menses.

however, i think liz, since you know your cycle will come, why not wait till it comes naturally? why want to induce?
ha ha... dunno leh. he keep saying i still young. don't be so gan cheong. don't waste the chance.

ha ha... I'm impatient loh. since my cycle so long. tired of waiting liao...

so how have you been? have you gone for your scan yet? twins?
liz, ke ke... agree it is quite tough - the waiting game. i was lucky, after 2 rounds of clomid, dr cheng said go st to soiui. ke ke... din even start on CD2/3, cos my menses irregular.

my scan is at 5 pm... will update you tomorrow.
actually, think of it, singleton good liao. twins headache le...
liz, scanned showed singleton, but cannot see heartbeat yet. hopefully will be able to detect heartbeat during my next scan.
oic. Congrats!!! Singleton or twins also good. as long as healthy can liao.. ohh... cool. so soon can see heartbeat liao ah? Must be amazing to see that

ONe baby or two, it is still just as exciting!

I only have one folicle that reached 17mm..the other one just stopped growing. But from the washing, we have abt 94%..Is it normal?hope my egg is gd enuf.
Yeah 2ww is a long wait though.

Is it normal to feel a little crampy after the iui?
Any idea usually when will implantation take place? Been given some hormone pills to take.

Liz perhaps u can talk to Dr Cheng about inducing your menses. My gynae suggested that straightaway when he knew I was going on a trip and mine is like 45day cycle.
sisters, agree with you. it does not matter how many, as long as baby is healthy. was reading on the internet that some hearbearts got detected in week 7 - 8. so i am hoping to hear bb's flutter within the next 2 weeks... by then, Bunnz, your 2ww will be all over! BFP!

Bunnz, rest well, drink more water. it's normal to feel crampy after your iui. Implantation takes place 10dpiui. 12dpiui, i have sore boobs already, and i knew i was preggy. Baby dust to you...

Liz, have you checked with the nurses re inducing your menses?
Dr Cheng says up to me leh... haiz... anyway, he say to look for him in early Jan.

I haven't called the nurse yet. No time today
Hi Gals,
Have been TTC for a year, underwent laproscopy this dec, decided to move on to SO-IUI next month, hope can get more info/support from u gals. Thanks.

*waving* Hihi, when r u going to start the procedures? Hope we both can be cycle buddy and have good news soon!

Jiayou and good luck to you! Take care!
Disheartened: Wish u luck!! How many times have u done iui? is it with clomid or the jabs?

Liz: Quick book ur appt..early jan will come quick!

Thanks Thistle for your babydust. Keeping my fingers crossed!
i m with jabs.this cycle is my 3rd times of so-iui liao.If fail, i will proceed to IVF.

Good luck .I had my laproscopy on sept 04 n i conceived immeidately with the help of so-iui.My elder son is already 29mths now.Trying for my #2 with so-iui.But failed 2 times.This cycle will be my 3rd try.
good luck for today's procedures!!!

*waving excitedly* Not sure when I will be starting. Depends on when AF reports and if I plan to induce my menses. What made you decide to go for SO-IUI? Dr recommend. ya ya.. will be good to have you as cycle buddy. We get preg together then can go shopping for baby stuff.
Laproscopy confirmed that my tubes are not blocked, so instead of IVF, we opt for so-iui lo! Actually both hubby and myself are ok, just that after a year of trying hard, still no good news. So my gynae suggested SO-IUI to increase the chances of conceive, as we can produce more than an egg in this process. Since we are not young anymore, so decided to move on to SO-IUI lo although my gynae still prefer we go for natural way. Ok, dun stress urself also, must be optimistic, I am sure we can do it! Who knows u may strike naturally before SO-IUI? I also hope for the best as I still trying for this cycle. Jiayou!
oic. last time my ex-colleague also in the same situation as you but her gynae prescribed clomid to her instead. dunno why also. but she managed to conceive after that.

Glad to hear that both you and DH are ok. For me, I'm rather stress as I am the one having problems. Worried that I am not able to give my DH a baby. he loves kids. feel guilty if that happens. haiz...

ha ha.. don't think will be able to strike before the SO-IUI. today CD29 still no sign of O. piangz!!!
Aiyo, dun think that way la, regardless what problems u have, SO-IUI suppose help in solving our problems right? I know that the success rate is not high, but we have to be positive in fighting the battle, have faith and confident in ourselves. At least we still can go for SO-IUI, not those more tedious one. Dun give up, do our best and leave the results to fate/god lo! Sure one day we will become mummy de!
dishearted - all the best! BFP - baby dust to you!

tweety - how are you? twins? keep us posted...

I have been having MS.... quite bad.... next week will be doing week 7 scan....
dishearted, wish you have a BFP!!

I jus did the scan yest. Detected 1 heartbeat leh. hee... Nxt appt is 3 wks time. But likely I will change my gynae nxt wk at the same time can do another scanning?
hi tweety,

congrats on ur BFP! really envy u, how i wished my turn will come soon... wait until neck long long.. haha..
hi ladies,

Need you advice urgently..

I left my puregon in room temperature for slightly more than 24 hours. Do you think i should get a need one or proceed with the existing?
Thanks for all the blessing.Haha.

i was given progesterone to insert daily for 2 weeks.Was told that it is better than pills cos body can absorb better.Pills cost $1 each.While the vaginal application cost $12 each.Sure better rt???Think all we have to do is sit back n relax and wait for OUr day to come...
Merry Xmas gals!

I am 8dpiui...no symptons yet.
Just some pms symptons like a little cramp here and there little bloating

Babyhopes : I was given progesterone pills to take 3 times a day and some pills for thickening of the womb lining. That's about it.Doc's advice to walk less, no strenuous activity at all incl yoga

Tweety : why r u changing your gynae?
bunnz, we wanted to chg a gynae which is convenient to us and allow us to deliver at tmc. That's why we want to change gynae. Do update us of your progress yah!
