Hello Kitty Fans Gathering


HKL, breakfast also have happy meal mah.

Eh, the silhouette series and the 35yrs series items you posted came to singapore le leh.
WOw, ladies...u all sure hv lots of good lobangs wor...hehe..

do u know where to get this HK magazine?

So mac kitty will start next thurs? wow, tink we can exchange with each other if hv duplicates =)...So now, better don't eat mac first, if not, will get sick of mac liao..hee
Morning ladies..

breakfast got hello kitty.all hello kitty stuff is at happy meal,so is still ok.not very big set.next thursday start.so from breakfast,lunch,dinner or supper.but 3-4days time should b able to collect the wk set.
Morning all

Feifei, abit like LD hor? Buy and open the Mcd HK toy with suspense and see whether its what we aim or not! Kinda fun more than anything.

Actually ladies, i find not all the years design are nice, only some years one cuter than the rest. But of course collect the whole set nicer when display out. I like the HK sitting out ones and the sliding ones and the mirror ones best, hehe
fei fei,
yes,happy meals.

all hello kitty can be know,cause all they're toy come with pastic bag,u may not see the toys,but sure can know is from which year.they will have the print of the year at the pastic bag.
Feifei, i dunno about the mag.

Ricebugs, can see the year on the wrapping ah? Then good! No need buy and buy till face turn green, haha
morning ladies.

i like the silhouette series and the 35yrs series you posted

u mentioned that the silhouette series and the 35yrs series items HKL posted came to singapore le. u mean juz recently?
Ricebugs, is the wrapping like this? If so, cant see the year wor. This the japan wrapping.

Maybe our wrapping is different, hopefully.

Bluegenie, yes, recently, at Sanrio. Maybe not every single item but the 35years dolls and matching items are already here.
Fei fei,
the mag u can check with kai kai,i have order my with them(not out yet).

ur friend never tell u mah.

Blue genle,
the 35th year series items will be in singapore at mcdonalds,next wk.
Nope. Its my friend's hubby actually. He just say will be wrapped up and cant see the toy design, didnt tell me about the wrapping. I also didnt ask, thought wrapped up cant see toy must be like japan de.
tks for the info. will pop by sanrio soon, hopefully this wk to llcc

i saw the poster of 35th yr series @ macdonald last evening when i walked past. dun tink i can collect all, cos one wk they launch so many different ones one shot..very difficult mission lor..
Bluegenie, if can see the year on the wrapper then can just collect the designs you like lor. Like that i also want to collect some years cos i like some years more, want to have extras for those years.
The new series at Sanrio just came recently only will be around for a while bah.
Blue genle,
my plan-breakfast,lunch,dinner n supper,by 3-4days should b done for the week set.

by 7 days time,we will able to see the things,as i know the year of the HK will b print on the wapper
tks ger..just called kk also..they said hv 3 of these type of mag...ask me to go down take a look at their catalogue...

Confirmed liao! The Mcd HK toys <font color="ff0000">will be labelled on the wrapper which year</font> the design inside is.
So ... no need buy and buy and <font color="ff0000">no scared repeats liao</font>. Yayyy!!! Confirm start next Thurs 30 Jul. Here we go!!!

<font color="ff0000">9 designs each week</font> with each happy meal purchased, wont be advertised on TV but can check out their website come 30 Jul.
Morning Ladies
9 designs per week means 1 happy meal per day plus physco huuby to eat 2 for me... for 4 weeks! One month of Happy meal... think I'll become unhappy at the end of the month... =p
Morning ladies, TGIF!!!

Feifei, happy meal about $4.50 for the cheapest one? I think so, havent eat happy meal for a very long time, haha

Hazzzle, gooda planning, haha, yea yea, psycho hubby. Actually can buy happy meal as snacks also, got the nuggets one which is finger food can eat as tea time snacks. Drinks can opt for apple juice which is tetra packed so dont have to drink immediately. Side can opt for corn, healthy and fat free, hehe.
Anyway Hazzzle, you so slim can afford to eat happy meal 1 month hehe
Hi Just asking! Anyone keen to take over 2 collagen facial treatment @ New York Skin Solutions?

Original was $220 each nw 2 treatments @ $320 plus 2 more free facial for new customers + 2 lifting massage + 2 eye care + 2 neck care which cost $60 each.
Will take your advice and switch the main and the sides. Can't imagine eating fries everyday. Thin ( =( ) overall but not at the tummy and thighs. I think my tummy flab when pinched can measure up to 2cm. Kekeke

Hi Ladies,
I confirmed going Taiwan instead of Japan on 12 Aug to 15 Aug. Besides Xiao Li Tang and Sanrio Giftgate, anywhere else can find kitty stuff? Taiwan got LD?
The kitties are super kawaii. I like the fuschia one... *blink blink*


Enjoy girl!!! Hope u r in time for the LD!!! =)
Hi Ladies,

Its going to be MAC Mac and Mac everyday now...any ideas total of how many items huh?

I'm going down to Mac later to buy.

huh? so fast sold out???

I got 1974, 1988, 2003 and 2005 so far...

Don't think I will collect all... not very impressed with it.... actually all look quite similar... and it will cost about S$150 to collect all 36 designs! (based on $4.15 hotcake happy meal price)

If only they have Kittylab like Hong Kong Mcdonald's... that one is very nice!

nice pic taken for the toy!

I think I will only collect those that comes with the figurines + relax serise and dots and angel devil ones... the rest so so only...
