Hello Kitty Fans Gathering

Which part of Japan u going? Remember to wear mask cos H1N1 very active in Japan leh (¥_¥) No need to draw cos KK going to bring in the bin in 3 bright colours. No blue tho.

Thanks for your concern. I am going Tokyo. Following hubby for biz trip. Then again if H1N1 very active there, the company might call it off and we won't go. Will wear mask as you advised.
3 bright colours for dustbin!!! I want!!!!

Nice nice! First prize for that draw is a sitting fan. Another top prize is a cushion. 6th prize is kitchen timer.

Hi Hazel,
Nice LD!
You looks so young, didn't know you are married. Hee...
Enjoy your trip to Japan next month.
<font color="ff0066"> Hi Pinky</font>

So sorry for the delay.

I have done the funds trfs liaoz. Details as follows:

To Account POSB Savings: 207-03588-2 Pinky - Hello Kitty
Amount : S$31.50
Transaction Reference : 2352780883

Kindly note that pymt of $30 is for 1x Dispenser and 2x sets of the hand towel. I have also added in $1.50 for mailing costs.

Hi Meiji
Thanks for the compliments. Actually if look carefully can see fine lines under eyes which no amt of concealer can conceal wor. keke. You don't look like you got kid also wor. =)
<font color="ff0066"> WANT TO BUY - Hello Kitty Retractable Measuring Tape</font>

Hi Ladies,

Anyone got the Hello Kitty Die Cut retractable measuring tape from 1 of the previous LD to let go at cost? If yes, kindly PM me for fast deal. Thanks.

Hi Ladies,
July LD on 15/7(wed) at KK @ 3pm and 7:30pm

And these are still available
Pls pm me if u're interested.
Cup with lid x 4 $10
Face shaped tray x 4 $10
Magnet set x 4 $10
Hand towel set x 1 $10

1.Japanese vermicelli container x 1 $40

2.Dessert bowl set x 7 $10(CLOSED)
- angeltopg(PAID)
- Princess(PAID)
- summer_baby x 4

3.Cup with lid x 7 $10
- angeltopg(PAID)
- Princess(PAID)

4.Dispenser x 4 $10 (CLOSED)
- skKitty x 2
- Blueblue(PAID)
- Dymples(PAID)

5.Face shaped tray x 5 $10
- angeltopg(PAID)

6.Hand towel set x 6 $10 (CLOSED)
- angeltopg(PAID)
- skKitty x 2
- Dymples x 2(PAID)

7. Magnet set x 7 $10
- skKitty
- spunky(exchange for hand towel set)
Pls make payment by tomorrow and let me know by posting your transaction ref no. here.

Payment rcvd. Thanks

Faster call KK and place your order. Got lime green, orange and pink colour. But if u really like this Blue bin, I suggest u draw as many as possible in Japan cos Singapore will not have it as this series is not issue by sanrio store. Remember to check out their convenience stores for this LD
Morning ladies...

Take care ya..Enjoy ur trip with lots of HK =).

Anyone going to KK's LD this wed? Which series is it huh? I lost track le..hee
<font color="ff0066"> feifei</font>
Haiz... I wanna go for the LD tomolo but cannot leh. The timing is not suitable for me. Gotta fetch #2 from kindergarden at 1245hrs.

But which LD is this yah? If it's the one with the stuffs tat Pinky is selling then it's ok.

By the way, the July LD is already on at Sanrio outlets. I hand super itchy so went to Taka to play and got the Dispense, hand towels and tray. Hehehe... but I got another dispenser and hand towels from Pinky.
Wow. . u going Japan next month. My DH also going for biz trip end of the month but I can't follow cos he's going with his clients.

If you have extras, please let me know. TIA
MOrning ladies..

Same here lor, can't take leave to go play LD today...hows things?

The fan bery cute leh..Big ones?
Morning ladies

The fans HKL posted are small ones and battery operated. Not selling in Singapore, dont know whether KK will bring in.

Pcessfan, nope i am not selling the fans. I just ordered mine from japan thru my js. Didnt know you gals will want so didnt offer to do a BP. Thot most of you will want the LD ones anyway.

Hazzzle, which part of Aug you going?
hi MB, no la..not the fan..haha..it's the clock. hmm..in this case, think you also got yours through your js. err..don't mind me asking, but what is js ah?
Morning Ladies....

Hazel, Very drooling leh... The blur dustbin LD.... All the items looks so nice. Even the small plates are oso cute lor...
Ladies in this order,
I'll be at KK this evening. U can collect from me if u're going for the LD again.
If u want to leave it at KK, pls call them and ask their permission then sms me, leave a msg here or pm me.
Or I'll arrange for collection after I recieve the items this evening.

1.Japanese vermicelli container x 1 $40

2.Dessert bowl set x 7 $10(CLOSED)
- angeltopg(PAID)
- Princess(PAID)
- summer_baby x 4(PAID)

3.Cup with lid x 7 $10
- angeltopg(PAID)
- Princess(PAID)

4.Dispenser x 4 $10 (CLOSED)
- skKitty x 2(PAID)
- Blueblue(PAID)
- Dymples(PAID)

5.Face shaped tray x 5 $10
- angeltopg(PAID)

6.Hand towel set x 6 $10 (CLOSED)
- angeltopg(PAID)
- skKitty x 2(PAID)
- Dymples x 2(PAID)

7. Magnet set x 7 $10
- skKitty(PAID)
- spunky(exchange for hand towel set)

And these are still available Pls pm me if u're interested.
Cup with lid x 4 $10
Face shaped tray x 4 $10
Magnet set x 4 $10
Hand towel set x 1 $10
The fan HKL posted is available at KK. I bought the pink one sometime back.

U just came back from HKG?

Maybe will see u guys in Japan in Aug(^_~) TBC tho(^-^)
Hi Ladies....

Went HF sanrio spent a lot then get fan. Haiya.... Sianz.....

Wana clear my extras. Pls sms or email me at [email protected].

Willing to let go 2 for $15 to recoup my spendings.

Oso wana exchange my extras for bowl set. Wana exchange any 3 of the following for 2 bowl set.

1 for $8 &amp; 2 for $15
- 7 x Cup with lid

Have got 2 cushions to sell at $15 each.

Left 2 sake cup with lid only $ 8 each or $15 for both. Cleared my extras to my colicks &amp; friends. Lucky lor else, I end up with 9 cups with lids!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Can faint
Hi Ladies

for tose who are interested in the fan i posted. the fan is not sold in sin. what u saw in kk is different. kk fan is turning on/ off from the back but this 1 turning knob is on the side.
Hi Ladies

Have the following LD items for sale @$9 each
Pls contact me if u r interested, Thanks






Can I have the dispenser and cup from you, please?

My loots today. Managed to draw the cushion, hanky and bowl set. The rest exchanged/purchased from the fans at KK

Pinky, MB
Going 12/8 to 15 or 16/8. I will be shopping around while he works. Yipee! If travel leisure together confirm cannot shop at ease with him pulling me out of stores. Hope I don't get lost. Keke. When you all might be going? Hope our timing same same so can shop together!

One item each. No repeats wor. Smart move to change/ buy off.

Missed out your post. Thanks!
Smart move. Maybe I should ask DH if I can go with him. He can entertain his clients while I do my own shopping. . kekeke. ..
Hi Ladies....

Have got 2 sake cup with lid to go at $8 each or $15 for both. 1 bowl set at $10 each.

Hi Jenny/Pinky,
I went HF sanrio spent $300 then get fan lor. very heart pain siah. But managed to sell all the extras to my colicks.

I went Isetan Scotts y'day played another 3 times. Got fan at the 2nd time. So now I hv 2 fans. I would like to exchange the fan with the ice shaver if anyone wana exchange. Pls sms or PM me.

U gals went KK play ah? Got get all the prizes?
I still cannot decide to go Japan or not. Cos 4days is simply too short for me. Maybe will do Taiwan this time.
Btw, there's another LD going on in Japan other than the one u posted.

Lol!!!U should bao 1/2 set la.

I never play wor. I bao 1/2 set with KK lor. Wah! So heng ar. U got 2 fans.
If cannot change for ice shaver, how much u wanna sell? I know someone wanna buy.
If cannot exchange for ice shaver then sell at $50 since can get at Le Petite at $48 so sell at $50 lah. But I prefer to exchange. Let's see how. I'll advise if nobody wana exchange wif me.
I am aware of the other LD. I didn't like so didn't post. SIA having Citibank Sales. Fly between 1 to 31 Aug. Japan $598 and Taiwan $498. Book by tomorrow. 4/5 days actually a bit the short for me too. But then hubby this period busy so no choice must come back... The damage of me going with him is $598 only compared to a leisure trip. Hotel claim company. If we dun spent go too ex restaurants, food can also claim company. Transport also claim company... So a "cheap cheap" trip lor. If not fly there for 4/5 days not worth it. At least 7 days is ideal. You go Taiwan will bring back things to sell?

Miss the time when some of you had conducted private sales at 10pm in this thread... Everyone trying to "chop" things they want... So fun. That time I was new then... cannnot buy. Now dun have liao.

Anyone wanna bring private sales back??? Dunno whether it is called "private sales" but those who have been here long enough will know what I mean...

Hi Ladies
Me wanted to draw fan but got another Soba Machine. If u r interested to purchase,
PM me your best price. Exchanges for top prizes of previous or this LD welcomed too. Thanks!
