Hello Kitty Fans Gathering

Is this the fan u wanted? Hope i bought the correct one. Only saw this leh.


U know wat, u r 1 of my role model here cos u r v dedicated to bfing.

How many mths preg r u now? Gd ah u 3 kids leow. Actuali i also dunno will enjoy the trip or not cos got to carry bb n HKG not so bb friendly hor..in terms of stroller, diaper n nursing rm etc.

oic...Hee luckily yr 2 gals very 'guai', if not u have to run after 3 kids

k gd nite ladies....
Morning Ladies

<font color="aa00aa">Happy Mid Year Autumn Festival!</font>

Thanks wor, you make me feel flattered.
I want to stop but "Bu She De" so got to continue and see how first.. keke you must continue ok cos we are not working all the more reason to bf if possible.It for the best of our children's health.
Is always easier for SAHM to bf. I did it till my DS was 20months. Had to lug my backpack containing electrical breastpump, cooler bag + cooling element, my own handbag. Sometimes my laptop and also DS when I had to bring him home from infant care. Imagine I still had to take bus with all these cos the infant care is not near my place.

So glad that those days were over.
msblur.. v crowded ah... aiyo.. poor lili.. had to u-turn back... all the way to the west liaoz muz go back empty handed... btw, that fan v cute.. i bot it too.. hehe... v spc..

princess.. actualli since ur girl is still so young, u can actualli leave her behind mah... i left enzo with nanny when i went off during ML.. juz gave her lotsa frozen BM so he still gets his BM.. i read that airplane pressure not good for their ears, so not good if they fly sooo young... but of cos many pple have still done it lahz..
So sorry to post my maid problems here again... but I need some advise from frens...

<font color="ff0066"> Ladies with maids</font>

Just wanted some advise yah... I've managed to find an Indonesian Maid, ex SG experience for 8-yrs with 1 employer (chinese family).
Have verified this info on the MOM website. She went back to Indo for 2-mths and is now back to SG to work. Salary is $350 + 1-off day.
Attitude seems ok and most important she can cook. So I'm thinking of getting her.

The thing is... she's got a loan of S$1,900 with the agency. If I pay the loan outright, agency fee is S$388. But if I choose installment plan, then the agency fee is S$488.
So now wondering if any of you got experience in this area... should I pay the loan upfront? According to the contract, the loan is refundable provided I send the maid back to the agency for transfer. But if I choose to repatriate the maid back to Indo, then my $$$ will fly away. What's your opinion on this?
Should I just pay the loan upfront and save $100 on the agency fees?

Btw, the agency fees DO NOT include the insurance &amp; Banker's Guarantee. That will be another additional S$246.10. Your urgent advises is most appreciated. Thks...
We have thot of that too. Paying upfront or installment. Conclusion is instalment. Some agents' attitude will change once you don't owe them anything. Don't want to lose big.
Actually its beta to pay by installment loh. Coz' like wat Purin said, agent's attitude will change if u do nt owe them anything oreadi loh. Like my cousin's case, i've warn her against paying her maid's loan upfront, but she still chose to pay upfront, said might as well pay all lah. In the end, her maid dun meet her expectations, she wana send her maid back to agent, they agreed to do refund, but took donkey yrs to get her money back! She got to call &amp; call to chase them for the refund. She's very angry over this &amp; decided to change another maid agency.
For my case, i issued post dated cheques to my maid agent for my maid's loan previously de.

That's a very nicely done DIY potty! Look exactly like CK potty.
I understand wat u r trying to say, I also "bu se de" when i think of stopping bfing. But then, these 2 days I "lao sai", suddenly my ss seems to drop alot, maybe due to dehydration, abit worry my bb not getting enuff, *sigh*...

Ya come to think of it, FTWM needs more preservance to bf cos reali not easy hor, got to pump milk during office hr n many other things to take care of. U also another "wei da" mummy, bf until 20mths, tat's really wonderful!

Initially our intention is to leave my bb wif my mum n go w/out her but then she has been refusing bottle n has been so used to latching on. Have tried to give her bottle with EBM she will cry her heart out n refuse to drink so both dh n me abit worry she will starve herself herself if i not ard. Ya i also heard abt the air pressure thing, will pray tat she will b able to take it well, thks

Btw, tat's a nice potty!
<font color="ff0066"> Purin &amp; MsBlur</font>,
Thks for the advise. Looks like it's better to pay via post dated cheque then. Ok... will do it this style. Yah... got too much horror stories about horrible agencies who will find excuse not to refund the $$$. Thks babes.
No prob lah. Nwadays many agencies oso dun allow post dated cheques liao,but there's some agencies still do loh. U can try ur luck. Juz tell them u dun wana pay everything upfront, and if the maid cant work, u still hav to wait for their refund etc. It involved alot of work &amp; time loh. Dun show them that u panic coz' u gg to deliver soon &amp; cant find a replacement soon. Tell them if they cant do it, there's still other agencies who do accept post dated cheques loh. Dun make it seems like u only can go to them loh, coz' if nt they sure die die wan u to pay upfront de.
princess, if u keep latching, there will always be enough de.

keep it up n i agree with the rest that if u r not working, try to BF for as long as u can UNLESS due to medical reasons.
i hope to stop expressing bM once my girl turn 12mths. but will still latch for as long as she still wants, cos i still enjoy the bonding
keep it up!
<font color="aa00aa">MsBlur</font>,
Thks so much for the advise. Totally agree with what you say. Ok... tomolo I will call the agency.

<font color="aa00aa">Princess</font>,
I'm now 30-weeks preggie liaoz. My 2 older gals are 6-yrs and 4-yrs. hehehhe... Having 3 kids in SG is super "siong" leh.. not good lor. Not only mentally and physically exhausting but $$$ also especially with the prices of things going up and up.

Btw, how using sling or baby carrier? This will make it to bring BB around HKG. Then for BB's things, use a backpack and only pack the necessary items for a day's outing? That's what I did when I SAHM and bringing my gals out myself.
Thks for the encouragement. Ya i also enjoy the bonding during bf, hope to continue as long as i can. Btw, i like the bebe nursing cover, so much cooler, now 'throw' my busybaby cover one side leow.

Hee the govt must be very happy wif u cos u have 3 kids. My sis also have 3 kids
Ya "siong" but very 're nao' gd wat. I have a sling but sad to say i haven't really learn how to use..must try to learn b4 i go. Just went to buy a lighter stroller tdy, will bring both. U 30wks leow ah, very fast jus few more wks to go! Hope u solve yr maid's issue v soon
<font color="aa00aa">Princess</font>,
Yahh.... sometimes my gals get too "re nao" for my liking liaoz. Especially when they start their bickering or their continuous singing.
Worse is when they're in the car or b4 bedtime. aarrgghh... *get headache*

hehhehe... I know how to use the sling. If you want, I can arrange to meet you and "teach" you how to do it. Alternatively, I would recommend the Ergo Baby Carrier.
I bot it when BB was about 6-mths cos back really ache from using the sling. The Ergo is a life saver lor. So easy to use...
and the weight is on your hips and waist rather then your back. My gal enjoyed being Ergo-ed around... can even sleep soundly in it.
Best part is I used it till she was coming to 2-yrs. Good investment.
Sms you on sat dont know if you receive the sms?? Can I now where you saw the HK vacuum cleaner?? My friend comng back thought of asking her to lug back for me cause existing vacuum is going to die soon...Thanks.
dior.. din get ur sms leh.. btw, i saw it at the shop at ladies street..

msblur.. all thanx to ikea's pink potty.. hehe....

princess.. lidat then no choice.. have to bring.. but bringing a NB is much easier than brining a toddler!!! no need to worry abt their food, no need to chase them ard and stuff... hehe.. u'll have a great trip..
may i second acthia suggestion of getting the ergo carrier cos i also have one and its one of the best baby investment. Definitely save my back from breaking in many outings. i am still using for my coming to 2 boy and occasionally i use for my 5 yr old gal though tat one is quite terok lah........
Yes, that's the fan! Thanks thanks!

The CK potty nice nice.. Where u get the potty from huh?
The one i got for megan like abit too low, Need to find a "higher" one.
I'm the blur one.. just saw potty nv read post! Hee.
Super sleeping today.. Wkend were burnt attending 2 wedding!!
So tempted to take mc/leave today...
Uploading megan's photos.. No mood work ah.. haa..
Wa...eliz, Megan looks so cute men! Like flower gal.
So u let her wear a pink shoe instead? Cant find the white color one ah?
Yalor.. Cannot find the size for her
Her feet too small!!
Haa.. Got pple thot she was the flower gal.
Uploading more photos in facebook.
She and my nephew were like the pageboy and flowergal!

The photographer took a few photos of her, say will pass to my GF.
Can't wait to see..
Morning all..

Ergo is a good investment...i always use it when i go shopping alone wif my DD &amp; even overseas

Megan so smiley...she mus hv enjoy the wedding party
I'll watch the demo dvd again n c whether i can catch it, will ask u to teach me if i still cannot master it. These few days DH on leave so can practice wif me, if really cannot then i will 'ma fan' u to teach me k, thanks so much!

Acthia, emma, soko, BA
Ergo realli so gd ah? Tempted to get, just told my DH abt it and he said i waste $ lor cos buy the sling but nvr use. Btw how much is the Ergo? Me abit regret buy the MIM sling.

Megan looks so lovely!
<font color="aa00aa">Soko &amp; BA</font>,
Hey.. you gals also use the Ergo yah... good hor. I LOVE my ERGO! It's one of the best investment in baby stuffs that I'd made lor.
It's especially good for those days that you wanna bring BB out for quick outing (minus hassle of stroller).
Sling BB in front, sling Backpack behind and off we go!!!
eliz.. megan so pretty!!!!!!!!!!!! i muz go facebook to cx out her photos!!! me a lazy mummy.. till now havent even uploaded his bday pix!! hhahaha... tsk tsk tsk... and ya.. the potty is from ikea... enzo has a blue one.. me still waiting for sks stickers to mod his... yesterday he saw the pink one he got jealous lohz.. haha...

btw, ur moonies are yummy one lohz!!! A for aesthetics, A* for taste..
mummies talking abt Ergo....i m using BECO...its good and i love it! serves the same purpose as Ergo, but more designs to choose from.

Princess, ya to me i think fabric/sarong slings are a waste of money. i hated how the extra fabric drapes looked on me.

I ditched the sarong sling since 5yrs ago when i first bought it.
Same as Dymples, sometimes too cumblesome to bring stroller for a short errand, will jus carry bb in the carrier. to me is a good investment and a saviour!
She sure enjoyed herself but i am so burnt out!!


Yalor, lazy mummy! but you got valid reason lar..
Now must be even more easily tired out right?
I must go Ikea and buy the potty! Thanks for the info.
...hopefully can enjoy the trip n most impt bb will b comfy during flight but not so fast going, onli leaving on 8 oct
<font color="aa00aa">princess</font>,
Sure sure... no worries. If you need help with the sling jux PM me lah. I'll be more then happy to guide you along. Btw, that time I bot the Ergo for about S$168. But now tink the price increase liaoz. You can do a google on Ergo to find the webby.

<font color="aa00aa">Eliz</font>,
Megan looks so pretty in the flower gal dress!! She must have been the centre of attention!! Sure will have lots of suitors in future wor.

<font color="aa00aa">S@L</font>,
Yah... I saw the webby for the BECO. It's really similiar to the Ergo carrier. Also agree that the designs are nicer. heheheeh... I dislike the sarong sling cos berry ma-fan to make sure the cloth drapes properly and is pulled snugly. Worse is so much fabric dangling all over. So un-glam.
eliz.. haha.. nowadays weekends always burnt.. after i come back from work no energy liaoz.. haha... maybe next weekend? keke...

princess.. 8 oct v fast leh.. its less than a month away.. me looking forward to 01 oct.. when my maternity leave starts!! woo hoo!!!

btw.. anyone knows when PS sanrio is opening? thought its today?
No hurry lar.. take your time..

Thanks but not sure if alot suitors in future is a good thing though.. Haa..
<font color="aa00aa">eliz:
your princess looked so pretty!

dear, your moonies are great! taste wonderful!

thank you!
next year, you can sell already! hee</font>
<font color="aa00aa">Emma</font>,
My Ergo carrier is also black... but with the critters design for the lining. I find Black better cos dirty not so obvious. As for hot... I find no difference from the other colours.
That's my observation cos last time when I was SAHM, I used to go out with a few ladies and we all Ergo our children to go jalan-jalan.
