Hello Kitty Fans Gathering

Acthia/Purin & ladies using Ergo/Beco
Wow...actually I tot of buying a sling wan but hor I used my friend's one before and I find it very troublesome and hard to adjust. Now with all the above info on Ergo/Beco I so interested in it but hard to get a 2nd hand wan leh. May I know where u all get the 2nd hand? Search in "want to sell" thread but dun have leh. Now SG yahoo also down. Ebay also dun have.

I must really give my hat to u and PP who have 2 boys and go for No.3. 2 boys are really too handful for me le. So good hor, U taking 4 months in one shot? Better la if not the one month u hard to take when u go back and teach. I asked the same thing to my gynae in my last few scans. haha....my gynae said not possible loh to change the birdie le....hai...so sad.

I agree with u leh. I also prefer 2 gals than 2 boys but God has his intentions loh. What I wish is not what I get and I dun wan to think also cannot.

I love the die cut plates and bowls! So nice! Gg to spend $$$ again...

If all have gals, then the gals will have no husbands ah! Haaa..

Complain also no use one lar.. Like Traffic Jams, complain means more ERPs!!
Morning all...

keke..振邦 is nice name n it reminds me of the TVB Serial
annie.. hehe.. u all dun scare me leh.. but hor.. my no2 havent out yet lahz.. i might juz change my mind after he's out leh.. haha... actualli me talking close to 5 months cos defer 1 month during the dec sch holidays!!! hehe.. so i officially go back to work 2 weeks before march next yr.. then work for 2 weeks, march sch hols liao... keke....

BA.. ya lohz.. i see the show then i decided if 3rd one still a boy also not that bad... cos that means i get to name him 振邦.. hehe
tks ger...At least now she still drinks milk, just lesser than her normal intake...haiz...Wow, so fast hor, 3rd trimster liao =D...Jiayou ya..Do let me know after u delivered hor...=D..So u got all the things ready for ur bb's arrival?

heng ur sis hv u to help her lor =D...Its really not easy to hv 3kids de...Most headache is the taking care part lor..

hihi...nice to see u here..When u going bk to work?

Hi ya..

I like the HK cloth u bot..is it a new design at kk?
<font color="0000ff">Acthia</font>,
Yes is a bit disappointed but have to accept what the god give u.

<font color="0000ff">Msblur</font>,
You know when my hubby tell mil she say see i told u is a boy right. Sil also say boy again. When they talk they should at least have the feeling for us right. So sad. But very funny mil like to come my house to play with my boy that playing with sil's daugther.

<font color="0000ff">Feifei</font>,
Ya most important thing is the bb to be Ping An.

<font color="0000ff">Emma</font>,
Yes is a boy. Now keep thinking what name to give. It seem like so hard to find a chinese name same as the christian name.

<font color="0000ff">Eliz</font>,
I can be Megan's god mother?
Hee...must help lah. Me only has one sis leh, if i dun help her who will. Moreover my gals are big liao mah. Her gals all still so small men. Taking care of them will be so tiring for her loh.

Ya lah...juz BTH those comments loh. I told my sis...see whether her hubby's ah ma would say celebrate the full mth in a hotel or nt if its a bb boi! My sis said that day she juz 'suan' her hubby only, ask whether his ah ma would make it a 3days 3 nite big event if its a boi leh!! Haha...
I told her one of my gal fren's hubby oso celebrated her 2nd child (boi)'s full mth in a restaurant leh, each guest has one bowl of shark fin soup too. Den when she gave birth to her 1st child (gal), its only buffet loh.
Wat the hell is this!!
Of coz can be Megan's Godma. Means she got more pple to love her

Don't listen to other pple's comments lar.. All so insensitive!

You also don't go listen to other pple's comments lar.
BB gender not as impt as healthy bb!!
Agree. My maternal Ah ma really doted on my brother lor. CNY ang bao super different. Ours only $12, but my brother's is $60. 25 yrs ago $12 already very big, let alone $60.

But hor, my brother creates the most problems for my parents, even till now.

Actually, I don't mind boi or gal, as long as I can bring them up the way I want. But of course, when they go to Sec schools, will be tough for us to control/teach liao.
Wa....so much diff de wor! Hai..my grandma too mah, doted on her only son so much, until sometimes we oso BTH! In the end, created the most problems one is oso him! N who helped him with his problems leh, its the sisters loh! Sign...

Ya ya...most important is a healthy bb loh. Hai...
Hi Ladies....

the items can be found in strappy world leh. Last time I joined BP here got ppl organize lor, maybe u wana go check out the BP &amp; Spree threads. See if anyone organizing. Think they're quite big ones leh.....

Last time boys are too pampered &amp; sayang liao so they tend to stray lor. But oso depend on individual lah. Doesn't matter boy or gal as long as healthy &amp; behave themselves can earn a decent living when they grow up can le. The rest are all seconds.

Yr Lionel u dont hv to worry de lor. He's so well disciplind de siah. U reali brought him up very well lor. Next time I muz learn fm u. Hee......

Gals, Show u my loots.

Ah Mau,

You sure Lionel is disciplined? hehe. . u haven't seen him in the cranky mood. One thing I must teach him. . .not to be so timid. This is going to be a real challenge.
Hi Ladies,
So many nice loots, I like the die-cut plates.

Oh there was a bp on beco ah...too bad i missed it. How much did u pay for yr BECO? I know which lady u mentioned, i chked her website ytd. Wonder whether Robinson sells BECO or ERGO

U also bought ERGO? How much did u pay for it? I think my bb also teething v soon, behave same as yr girl.

Thks, will also chk out the brand tat u mentioned.
Kids are like tat lah. If they are in cranky mood then bo bian. Tat's when they are slpy lah, hungry lah... My little cousin quite scared of me oso. He's not scare of Darren de lor. keke... Coz I sayang him but at the same time, I oso will scold him. Once beat him once but I make sure I tell his mum tat I beat &amp; scold him. His parents know I very sayang him so they say go ahead &amp; disciplined &amp; scold him as and when u tink he's naughty.

For Lionel, reali very good liao. Darren oso says he's very disciplined lor.
So many ladies bought the diecut plate! So nice!
I so hand itchy call KK to reserve liao. Hee..

Got BP ah?? I'm on standby!!
Hi Ladies, so many of you got nice new loot!

Those are hp charms are so sweet &amp; adorable!

Are the diecut plates expensive? I like! What's the SKS item? So many of you bought the HK Sushi maker stamper thingy, wish I can go shop shop to see how it works...
Thanks Mau, ok. Big ah? But i smitten by them liao hehehe

Eliz, waa, so fast! How muchie the plates leh? Look nice hor? Hmmm

Hello Angel!
The die cut plates reali nice nice de lor. Got another die cut big bowl &amp; small die cut bowl but this plate is the nicest liao. U sure will love it de.

No problem. I tink it's abt 3-5cm in height wor. Coz I rem tis soft towel material 1 is bigger while they oso hv those hard plastic material at normal HP charm size lor.

The plates are $28.90 each at KK but I bu she de buy. They're gifts. hee.... The SKS is a sweet microphone. Buy for my little cousin. The sushi stamper I still havent figure out how to use siah. keke.... very small only wor. but shud be easy to use de.
I think i heard $28+ issit? Haaa...
My weakness are HK plates so went ahead and reserve.
Better call fast coz heard not many left.
bb not bery good lor, super cranky, wants to be carried all e time, no appetite for milk lor..Just brought her to see PD yest...PD say nothing wrong with her leh, maybe she might hv urine infection cos her throat is ok, nose, ears all ok lor...Ask us to monitor 1st, few days later then go bk to her if bb still crying..I tink maybe my ger is teething cos she kept drooling and palying with her tongue wor..

true lor..xin ku ni le..
Ooh, how big are the plates? From the pic looks like both are diff size? Wonder if KP have, at least nearer my place got chance to go and see heehee... Just went KK over the wkend before the new stock was in so doubt will be able to make another trip there before I deliver!

Hi MB!
Both plates same size. Maybe coz of the angle I took the pictures tat's y see liao like different sizes. It's abt 18 x 16cm.
hello. Hv been seeing u worried abt yr gal. No worries lah tink she's growing into another stage (which maybe is wat u mentioned, teeth growing)....

Ya it's file with pockets. $7.90 before less.
i peeped at the price but cant exactly remember..saw a $29 something but cant remember if that's the price of the plate or the hk die-cut bowl...i think KK's price is slightly lower
msblur..what time u loading...hehehe dun wan to miss the BP again..now i can buy liao! ehhehee

maur33n, saw u also bought the sushi maker...any idea how to use? i jus buy first..hehehe came bk then realised the translucent piece with a stub,...dunno how to use le. u also dunno huh? lol....

princess, ya i bought mine from the 1st BP...the 4th gen version...now no more. the second one i bought from private spree from USA.but now cannot do such sprees liao...cos the local distributor complained.
I tell u hor, I reali duno how to use siah. Havent reali explore yet wor. keke... I use my imagination oso like not correct l=wor, coz the 2 plastic die cuts is not open at both ends wor. Only 1 side is open while the other is sealed. Hmm... reali test our brain siah.
maur33n, ya i see the 'illustration' behind...like not right...kekekeeke..all i know is push push out the rice mould la..but then what is the hollow part for if using the one stub...
tink tat hollow part is for u to make 1 hole in the rice then u can put ingredients in ba. Me oso not very sure wor. Let me experiment with it tis Thurs then let u know on Fri ok. Making sushi for Friday lunch.
Oic, thanks for the info
How much is the sushi stamper? Looks kinda small like the HK veg cutters size...

Thanks, will go KP to have a look!




- jasmine x 2
- emma x 2
- Eliz x 1



- msblur x 2
- sharon x 1
- hellokitty x 2



- emma x 2



- jasmine x 2
- emma x 2
- msblur x 2
- nikita x 1
- sharon x 1
- Eliz x 1
- princess x 1
Hi Ladies!

Pls add in my order of 2 colourful bowls.

Have lugged your stuff to school. Let me know when u wanna meet.


