Hello Kitty Fans Gathering

I love yr potty leh. Can u do 1 for my niece when she's learning? keke..... Nice Nice lor.....

Nice bag leh. I oso like tis color. Finally u bought it coz every time when u see it u'll wana buy lor. Nice bag.

We not fated to meet each other lor and also Starlight lor. Tink coz u gals came from the other entrance. We took the ones from the carpark tat's y a bit difficult bump into each other. keke.... But we are fated to meet up wif PP & her family. keke....

Chinese Garden is BIG de lor, We didn't finished the whole of the place. We only finished the HK theme areas only. By then already 11pm liao & all of us were dead tired siah...

Hi Ladies,

Msbrown, Msblur
ya lor.. coz i and Msblur take MRT, so our entrance is same.
actually Msblur saw me first lor.. if she didnt call me out, i also missed her

so many people, so hot, aiyo
but overall, its quite nice.

Megan is pretty, sure eligible to join kids modelling

according to some sources, PS Sanrio opened yesterday
keke... ya ya some more I was tinkg to myself, could it be there're 2 entrances? Else how can we missed each other & oso yr side no Lion dance. hee....

Wat time did u leave there coz the 2 little boys had so much fun they spent almost an hr at the ride stations lor.

Sanrio PS opened liao meh? I reali nvr rec any sms fm them wor. So I duno abt it siah.

But rec'd sms from KP & KK tat they hv new stocks today.
PS sanrio opened ytd liao. But i called them ytd, ask them abt LD or promotion, they said they no hav leh. So disappointing. Me oreadi standby at hm leh.

Oh...me took mrt, so might be at the other entrance bah. U came frm the long bridge there ah? Ah yo...my niece so scare of the fireworks, i got to carry her men & she weigh a ton! Me oso tired by the time i reach hm.

Hee...me juz found a plc & bought some food when i saw someone familiar lah, den realised its u! So i quickly called out to u loh. Haha...
But we reali fated lah, go almost everywhere after makan oso saw u.
ya, i also thought, can hear the sound of lion dance, but never seen any..
but managed to catch the fireworks
i left about 9 pm plus..
i exit from your entrance side wor.. then gotta walked all the way to the main road to hail taxi..
they have no taxi stand wor.. luckily XY was too mesmerised by the doggie balloon, so she willing follow me walking all the way

ur niece is chubby hor

true leh..we fated lor, go everywhere, u also see me hehe
Hee...me oso took taxi leh. Coz' my younger gal & my niece feeling tired & sleepy liao, so thot might as well take cab lah, if nt later both of them fell asleep on the train, we die sia! Haha...
There's a taxi stand juz outside Cheers mah, u didnt see it? Luckily we didnt hav to wait for long time for the cab loh. Reach my grandma's hse abt 10plus. In the end my niece became so active again, kept telling her parents abt the firworks & dragon loh. Kekeke....
I bot thru BP n think is abt the price Acthia mentioned.
B4 tt, I also uses sling but got a hard time wif all the positioning n fastening of it...so decided to get the Ergo n it is really v user-friendly. I can get my DD into the carrier w/o my DH's help unlike the sling.
I have recently bought a Ergo carrier a few weeks ago.Frankly speaking its does take off the weight of bb.I am a very satisfied customer or rather a favourite fan of the MIM sling too.I am even able to use the sling for several patterns as recommended. My favourite position was the "Kangaroo" pouch position and the "Front Hugging" position. My bb sleeps really soundly in it like everytime I use it. Like say within 5mins.Its a life saver for me and I really fell in love with it after being taught by one of my cousins how to use it.Me too got some hitch at first but I managed to work around it.
I personally feel bb will feel more comfortable and secure as is being wrapped around inside the pouch. I would not have given up the sling if not for my bb's weight that has been increasing over the months. I personally have 3 slings at home and an ergo now. I seldom bring the pram out as I do not like using it, its very cummbersome for me if I am travelling alone as I almost fell off the escalator while using the pram alone and it scared the wits out of me.
I also have a sling but i stopped using when my boy reaches around 6 months....it became unbearable by then. my shoulders hurt like nobody biz. Ever since i got my ergo, i love it to death! i tell u, i can leave home without baby necessities but not my ergo......i find it easier to soothe baby too. mine is secondhand, abt $100.
<font color="aa00aa">BA / PLL / Soko</font>,
After all our recommendations on the Ergo carrier, I bet Princess must be considering getting one too. hehehhehe..
maybe should get Ergo to pay us commission too for promoting their carrier. *lol*
hahhaa...ya hor...when did we become spokeperson of Ergo? keke

Wow...today super quiet in forum hor...weather too gd n everybody fall asleep in offi?
Hi hi..

ya lor..today so quiet..juz came in but not much to read..hehe

yo..megan so pretty with the dress..

how many do you have? adult or child and how much?
<font color="aa00aa">BA</font>,
hahahahah... the weather really crazy lah. Last week keep raining. Then now the stupid sun so bright and the temp so humid!! Buay tahan...

With such humidity levels... the air-con in the office sure lull everyone to ZZZzzzzz... *lol*
Hi Ladies,
Me just came home n saw so much praise on the Ergo, now my "xin yang yang"..seems like alot of satisfied customers hor. Think the sling is also a gd carrier just that i can't seems to master it leh. Some mummies can master it very well, "li hai". I find it hard to use it w/out for dh's help, may wanna sell off.

Where can i find ERGO or BECO carrier?

The sanrio gift gate at PS opened leow, I was there ytd.

The BECO carrier v similar hor n more colourful, quite nice too.

So u getting Ergo? Oh yr maternity starting very soon, happy right?
Wonder how is Angeltopg.

If u've given birth, remember to inform us hor
got another brand u can consider, patapum baby carrier. some french brand. got toddler and baby carriers somemore. works same way as ergo, i think.

i have 4 but one mummy reserved 2 so now left 2. Selling at $12.75 each, the peak adult tickets one. I am selling at the same cost HKL helped us get since most of you here got at this price also.
Hi Ladies,
Today take a leave to check up as is 20 week got to know the gender. Was a bit disappointed as is going to be a boy again. Cant imagin 3 boys together going to make my house upside down. hahha But the most important thing is the baby healthy. I still can ask my hubby when give birth that time it turn out to be girl will be great. Think im dreaming.

Megan is so pretty with the flower dress. When i see megan hoping so much i can get a girl to doll them up nicely.
Hehe. . .I'm already a spokewoman for Ergo. Recommend it to PLL sometime ago. I was lucky to get a good deal. Bought a second hand one at $70. The best investment that I ever had. When I went Japan last yr, I used it to sling DS. The stroller was for us to put our shopping bags.
Princess, there was a BP on BECO recently jus over. but u can buy from a local distributor. dun wan to give free advert for her la...u jus check out the link from Beco website and u can find..hehehe

i actually own 2 Beco carriers cos i love my 4th Gen carrier to bits. then they came out with a improved version called the Butterfly. it's worth investing cos can carry wt up to 25 kg.
Hi Ladies.....

Nvr mind lah. BB delivered liao healthy can le. Take care ya.

U went Chinese Garden already? It's reali worth gog this yr wor. All HK very nice nice leh.

Another 2 more weeks to go. Jia you ah....
<font color="aa00aa">PomPom</font>,
Wow!! You're really to get a 2nd hand for only $70. Usually even 2nd hand Ergo not cheap lor - about S$90-$100. Yup yup. Agree. My best investment too. I love my Ergo carrier. That time when I was selling off all my gals BB stuff, I refused to let my Ergo carrier go. hahahah.. luckily man... cos now got no.3. Sure will come in super useful again.

<font color="aa00aa">Cindy</font>,
I can understand your disappointment. Dun be yah... That time I went for my detail scanning also crossing all my fingers and toes hoping for boi... end up is gal again. So now I have 3 gals. hahahah...maybe we should swop. *lol* Anyway... I'm sure God knows best when he gives us BB yah. Most important is BB is healthy and normal. Stay cheerful.
Hello Ladies

yap towel still available...msg me for collection. will reserve for you in the meantime.

show u all my loots from kk just now
*heart bleeding from overspending this week* hahhaha...

So u were on leave today. No wonder didnt see u online.
Actually u still hav a chance loh. U know my gal fren during her detail scan her gynae told her she will be expecting a gal, but turn out to be a boi when she gave birth loh.
My sis juz went for a scanning last mth &amp; was told that she will be expecting a boi too. I felt very happy for her loh, but she dun wish to reveal to her hubby's ah ma yet, said wana wait for the detailed scanning on the 26th sept loh. Coz' my bil's ah ma is very old-fashioned type. If this reali is a boi, it will be her 1st great grandson mah. So my sis said beta dun reveal yet loh, scare later disappoint her again mah. U know when my sis gave birth to her 2nd gal, her hubby's ah ma said no need to order cake lah, since its a gal again, unless its a boy loh. My sis so pissed off when she heard this men! Sign...
Hi Ladies,
Good news for those staying in the WEST...

I just came back from supper at the road towards NUS famous Nasi Lemak store beside the famous cheese prata that stretch of road...ther's a new Hello kitty shop there...The name of the shop is Catty and Eve. I asked the owner about the membership then she told me need no min purchase just pay $8 for life time membership then can get 15% off regular items then birthday month additional 5% meaning total of 20%... Every week there will be new items according to the lady owner...So ladies do go check it out...

Now very happy cause go clementi eat nasi lemak also can go HK shop....heeheeheeheee. My DH also like to go there for nasi lemak then I always not very keen cause lemak mah so will put on weight...Now I think I will have no objection for him to eat there...heeheeheehee.
Take Note!!! The shop open around 3pm and will close around 12 midnight...heeeheeeheehee. I know I laugh until very cunning.....
Morning ladies..

Wow, so ren nao yest =D..
I was on childcare leave yest, my get kept crying and wants to be carried, haiz..bery cranky...We suspect she teething even though it seems abit too early for her cos she onli coming to 4mths...But shes drooling and kept on using her tongue to play in her mouth. Wat makes us worried is her milk intake reduced..used to drink 180ml every 4hrs, now onli 110ml every 5hrs...So we tot her throat is sore or wat, somemore she has some rashes on her hand and leg..Brought her to see PD, PD say nothing wrong leh...Doesn't seems like teething, her throat okm rashes is normal, stools normal etc..Hiaz..

Just prescrible some colic med and teething gel for her onli =(... Hope she is ok..

Ur Megan so pretty leh =D..

I also hv 1 Ergo carrier but I have not used cos initially tot my bb's neck is not strong yetl or...Shd be using it soon since so many mummies here gave good comments =)..

So now u officially taitai at home? ;p

Congrats leh...Boy also good lor, most important is healthy and ping an lor =D.

Which side is the HK shop in Clementi leh? Selling Authentic Hk stuffs?;p

Like that ur sis bery stress hor...so now ur sis expecting 3rd child?

Wow, ncie loots..I like e diecut plate =).
morning ladies..

cindy.. another boy? keke.. its ok lahz.. like u said.. as long as he's healthy.. me also wont mind if my no3 will be a boy.. haha.. cos i fell in love with another boy name.. haha.. no1 is 郭恩宇.. no2 is gonna be 郭振宇 and no3 if its a boy again, will be 郭振邦.. kekekekek...

lili.. ur loots v nice.. aiya.. if i know the plate and bowl so nice i would have asked u to help me buy liaoz... hehe..

ah mau.. 2 more weeks to work, then its 2 more weeks of waiting!!! cant wait to stop working sia.. so tired!!!

such pretty pretty loots! i also like the die cut plate and are the two small kitty containers meant for butter?

ooohhhh.....i like the chinese names you have come up with esp the last two, very 诗情画意。
<font color="0000ff">Cindy</font>
Don't upset ya.. Most impt bb healthy..
You "shou" Megan as God-daughter lar.

<font color="0000ff">Lili</font>
Nice plate!! I likey!!

<font color="0000ff">Msblur</font>
I hate such comments! So insensitive.. cannot tahan..
Nowadays gals are more siao shun hor!

<font color="0000ff">Emma</font>
Shiok hor.. Count down liao. Can't wait to see your no 2.
You planning 3rd one already ah? Cool!!
I don't even dare to think of No 2.
eliz/feifei.. if my this no2 were a girl then i prob wont be thinking abt a no3 lahz.. but since its a boy, then no harm trying again lohz.. haha...

soko.. hehe.. i love to think of names!! its like my fav past time now boy!! haha...
Ya ya...my sis expecting her 3rd bb nw. Accident one loh. She oso consider very long b4 decided to keep, coz' her 2nd gal is only 10 mths nw mah. We were afraid that she will be very stressed having to cope with teaching &amp; tuition at the same time loh.

Ya loh, i hate to hear these types of comments men! I've faced even worst comments than that loh u know hoh??
Sian men, duno since when having boi or gal became other ppl's biz loh!

Hee...me oso like to tink of names one leh. I've oreadi thot of a boi's christian name long ago b4 i gave birth to my younger gal. Told my hubby if we ever hav a bb boi, i would wana use that name loh, he wont get a chance to choose! Hahaha....
eh msblur.. ur sis that baby is 3rd one liaoz ah??? how old is the first? first one is the cheeky one u used to display on ur msn is it? then 2nd one is the one i saw at TH? heng this 3rd one is a boy lah.. if not she lagi stress right.. sianz lahz.. got this kinda old fashion thinking... i think girls are seriously more tie xin lohz... boys, once got gf/wife then dun want mother liaoz!!!
what name what name? tell me leh??? haha.. the ang mo mias i choose all super weird one.. haha... but dun care.. i like!!! :p
<font color="aa00aa">Dior</font>,
Wow! That's good news lah... see when I got time will drive down to have a look. Do you happen to have the exact address of the place? Then I can refer to street directory. Or else later make my hub go on "wild goose" chase wor. hahahaah...

<font color="aa00aa">MsBlur</font>,
Aiyoh... why these old people like that one. You know.. that day I bumped into an old lady.. she see me holding my 2 gals hands.. then she casually ask me whether my no.3 boi or gal? When I said gal again... she just shake her head, then tell me, no need to be sad. Can try again for boi? *diao* I'm happy with my 3-gals. It's not a must to have boi nowadyas wor.

<font color="aa00aa">feifei</font>,
Yup. Me now officially a SAHM liaoz. Won't say "tai-tai" lah... cos since I'm not working gotta start watching my expenses again lor. *sianz* Wanna buy things all gotta go thru my CFO for approval lor. Cannot give excuse of "It's my money wor." *LOL*
Hope your BB gets well soon yah. From way you describe it.. it does sound like she's beginning her teething. Dun worry yah... cos PD give all clear liaoz.

<font color="aa00aa">lili</font>,
Nice nice loots you've got!! I especially like the plate and bowl. ooohhhh.. so tempting... I must.. I must.. I must try to resist. hehehehehhe
Hee...u reali wana know the name ah?? dun laugh at me hoh, haven hav boi oreadi chose boi's name.
The name is 'Randall'. Sounds like name of a playboy hoh? kekeke....

Ya ya...the 2nd one is the one u saw at TH. U gals said her eyes are super big one loh.
The 1st one is the pic i used to display on my msn. Ya gynae said its 80% birdy loh, but she's nt convinced lah. She still said wait for detailed scan this 26th loh. Said tink if it turn out to be a gal again, everybody will siam her men! I said siao meh, its none of their biz loh!

Hai...faint***. U nv tell the old lady, wats wrong with having a gal nw! U r a woman urself too! Chey!
U know when my uncle visited my sis in hospital after she's given birth to her 2nd gal, he saw me with my 2 gals too. He told his son...their gals genes is very strong men, all gals! Arghhhh!!

Yeah acthia...u must go 'tok tok tok' with Spunk too liao. Must REN! Hee...
msblur.. pengz.. gals genes strong also not us ah.. its the men wor!!!! siao!!! btw, randall is a nice name.. i had a super cute super clever student called randall.. but he's super mischievious too!!! haha...
<font color="aa00aa">MsBlur</font>,
... Yah.. tink I need to go mountain and 'tok-tok-tok' with Spunk liaoz. Me no see... me no touch... me no buy... hahahahahahh

<font color="aa00aa">Emma</font>,
That's what I told my hub. When the radiologist exclaimed "It's a gal!" I straightaway told him:" Huh??!! Your fault lah! Why your gal genes so strong har?!!" hahahhhahah......
wow, u bery courageous leh..hee

ya lor, then who going help her take care leh? Cos its not easy de wor..

tks ger...But hor, funny thing is the rahes, PD say its ok, throat ok, everything ok but she still gets cranky *faintz*..How u coping with ur pregnancy?
dymples.. that's what i told my hubby too.. when i saw that birdie, i told the radiologist.. er.. dun tell me that is his... and she said yes... so i turn to hubby and said "all ur fault lah".. haha... till now, i'm still asking gynae if there's any chance i'm carrying a girl.. muahahhaa... he says chances v slim.. :p

eliz.. hahaa... maybe msblur's randall wont be notti leh.. keke... now come to think of it.. enzo does sound a bit playboyish too.. kekekekke...
<font color="aa00aa">feifei</font>,
Could be heat rash... or maybe "feng-mo". If you want, can apply some calamine lotion and baby powder to ease the rash. But continue to keep an eye on BB. If she developes fever or is suddenly listless and dun want to drink milk or fluids, straightaway bring her back to doctor. Most important thing is keep her hydrated especially with this hot weather.

I'm now into my 3rd trimester. So far so good... except I'm feeling more and more tired. Totally no "nesting instinct" leh. BB is doing well. At last check-up, she's already 1.4kg.
Haha...both of u very funi leh.
I oso told my hubby leh....hw to plan for a 3rd bb when ur gal genes so strong!! Kekeke....

When i told my sis 80% is as though confirmed liao loh. But she's still waiting for the remaining 20% to be confirmed loh, b4 she will reveal to her hubby's side. I kept telling her her gynae (used to be mine too lah) is quite zhun one loh. Told her if reali its a boi, den maybe i wont plan another one liao, i will adopt hers as my god-son. Haha...

Hmm...my sis might get a maid loh, den my mum helping her too mah. My mum is nw helping her to look after her 2nd gal loh. She actually thot of sending her 2nd gal to CC when she turns 18 mths, den she wouldnt wan a maid liao,but her hubby against it loh, said too young liao. Den after work sometimes i would go over to help babysit loh. I used to do that last time too.
msblur.. now CC is super duper cheap lohz.. can send there lah.. then if at home got pple look after, juz bring back as and when possible lohz.. hehe.. like when its not lesson time.. we're sending enzo to CC next yr.. paying for full day, but will send him there late and bring back early kind.. unless lazy lahz.. hahahahah... but hor.. the CC v crever lohz.. govt increase grant by $150, they increase fees by $100.. should complain them ah!! haha...
Emma, alot childcare increased their fees already..
My nephew's MMI increased to 800+!! Think increased 200+ hor..
Govt Subsisy $150 more but they increase even more.. Terrible!!!

I always say, i rather have 2 gals then 2 boys. Haaa!!

Good for u!! I really admire you, Willing to try for no 3.
Hmm...coz' we find that the 2nd one wont be as independent as the elder one loh. My sis were afraid that she may turn bones after she sent her to CC men. For her elder gal, we r nt abit worried abt her loh, coz' she's super independent &amp; mature for her age. Hai...

msblur.. true lahz.. but all the more she has to go there to learn to be independent mah.. hehe.. i know lahz.. its hard.. but its a sooner or later kinda thing mah.. we parents only want the best for out kids.. understandable..

eliz.. ya loh.. they v kiang hor... tsk tsk tsk.. wonder if complaining will work.. but i doubt lahz... they will justify with the increase in this and that lahz.. sighzzz
