Hello Kitty Fans Gathering

feifei.. i was there last night too... too bad din bump into u.. hehe.. there was a stall selling KT stuff leh.. but nothing we've not seen b4 at sanrio sales lahz.. hehe... almost bot a phone pouch.. hehe..

It's my favourite day of the week again...

do u need a coupon or something for the promotion coverlook package? i took my girl for the $18 photoshoot also but i remember must produce a coupon or something. need to be SUPER SUPER disciplined when selecting the fotos because they all turned out very nice. foto session took less than 30 minutes but selection took almost 2 hours!

It's friday!
<font color="ff6000">GOod MOrning Ladies, its TGIF!!!</font>

Enzo's room too bright issit? Poor thing ley u, gotta wake up so early..

Thanks thanks. I blushing liao.
Morning ladies!

Finally its Fri....Phew!! But this wk passed very fast loh.

Oo...there's a HK stall at Chinese Garden ah?? Will go see tmr.
<font color="aa00aa">Eliza:
your mooncakes are really pretty! the imprint this time is so clear. </font>
The shop small small one.. nothing special.

Thanks thanks.. Maybe next yr i try new favours then can sell. Haaa!
<font color="aa00aa">eliz:
ohh, i am sure yours taste better than the polar ones. have you tried them?? goodness!

good to see only. (err.. not really also) yours still prettier. </font>
Morning ladies

pSi, really ah? The Polar ones bad ah? Lucky i havent buy. Haiz, very disppointing with them. Recent years like quality spiraling down the drain. Last time their products very good one. These days so so only and still so exp esp HK, out to kill only, not worth it de. Haiz
I didn't buy from Polar. Too ex lar and must buy 1 box!!
Didn't try to buy, Incase i don't like then wasted.
That was what motivated me to make my own.

Taste wise acceptable lar but you are too kind.. My head big big liao.
Morning Ladies!

msblur u return the toaster with coffee maker to lili liao ah? Mine how ah? Actually the other day when I collected I wanna open up to check leh, cos I wanna exchange faulty item with them but they said bring home fix liao cannot shd have checked first. But hor the SA when heard I wanna check the oven not happy wor, said "Lili's BP nobody check 1 leh, everyone just take and go." I paiseh so said no need lor...

Wow your moonies always make me drool! Haha u can take orders for next year liao!
Like megan's eyes...she sure grow up to be a beauty like u!
<font color="aa00aa">eliz, MB:
yap.. expensive so i requested to try. luckily u dint, else you will definitely regret.

hee.. smart woman you! hee.. ya lor, "horse dead, must come down and walk!" whahahah mooncakes not nice, make our own!!

my girl wants a pink mooncake and i am not a bing-pi person..
and i happened to be at tampines yesterday and when to try the bengawansolo ones. wah.. cannot make it. cant taste the lotus paste at all.. only the very strong strawberry flavour in the skin.

sigh.. </font>
<font color="aa00aa">eliz:
;) WOW!!!!!

really thank you!!!

I live in simei. hee. i am sure she will be thrilled! not just pink! it's HK some more! you know, she was standing at the glass fridge staring and staring.. and then she said, "mummy, hello kitty mooncakes."

then i asked to try lor cuz she wants mah.. then aiyah.. so disappointed with the taste. blah! i told her not nice..

she kept quiet but dint give up lor.. in the end, she just wanted a pink one.. ANY pink one.. </font>
u were there also?alamak, din know leh, if not we can meetup wor...=D... Ya lor, nothing much there..i onli bot a HK handheld fan for $3 there lor..
Morning all....finally is Fri

Nice moonies u hv &amp; u made me feel lk doing it keke..too bad my mixer in carton box n to tk it out, i mus do a shift of all carton boxes n DH sure scold me cos he wil b doing the labour work keke...hopefully nx year i can lay my hands to do it.

Recently i also bring my DD for complimentary photo shoot but i did nt tk all the nice photos cos to tk all, i nd to sign up a lifetime pkg tt cost 4 digits which is siao to me.
So nw i feel like doing a proper photo shoot for her keke..w is coverlooks?

yaya..i saw yours. But then i rem i saw somewhere similar kind, got a small string behind tt allows u to hook..so see if KM's one has or nt
U got to return to Lili loh. TH will check &amp; bring down the oven we ordered down frm warehouse, n Lili will advise us on the collection.
Good morn ladies..

Enzo's smile make my day leh..so cute!

Megan getting prettier each day..and also yr moonies getting professional wor..I'm so sad..cannot find my that microwave mould..si liao, I haven't buy any moonies yet..
Snowskin ones no need mixer.
Go buy ingredients and try lar.. still got time!

You wanna borrow mine? I'm not making anymore moonies!! Gona puke moonies liao. Heee!
GOOD MORNING LADIES..... Today's weather is SO nice to NUA in bed lor.

Nice photos leh. Reali very sharp wor the effect. Enzo's smile/laugh is as usual so HAPPY de lor. His is genuine smile leh, my little cousin de hor, is fake fake de. haha.....

Megan is very photogenic wor. Reali muz bring her to those pro photoshoot lor. Else when she grows up u cant capture this expression of hers liao.

Nice moonies leh. U reali very good lor. keke.... I oso wana do siah but no time. So I rather go buy. keke....

U havent buy moonies ah. U better start gog to Taka or Vivo to buy coz left 3 days only wor. I bought some at vivo the other day quite cheap &amp; nice lor. If u like the durian ones, they hv the black Durian or something (which Msblur mentioned some times back) there too. The hv like 15-20% discount type wor.

U gog this Sat ah? I'm meeting Purin &amp; Starlight tis Sat to go wor. Purin bringing Lionel, Me bringing Dave &amp; Starlight bringing Xinyu so can let the kids go there mix around &amp; hv a good time. Hope it doesn't rain siah. Wat time u gog ah? Tink we'll be there around 6.30 like tat.
<font color="ffa500"> Good Morning Ladies...</font>

<font color="ff0066"> Eliz</font> - Nice moonies!!! Wow! Definately agree that they much nicer then the ones Polar are selling. Your gal got modelling potential wor.
Have you considered child modelling for her?

<font color="ff0066"> Emma</font> - Your pics are so clear and "mei-mei". Makes me tempted to bring my gals down... but nowadays I feel tried really easily. No stamina liaoz.
Waaa.. so many going this sat. Make me tempted to go again!
Shdn't have gone last week

I'll email u the recipe.

Cannot lar.. I see alot child models very cute. My gal hair still not nice. Haa..

Yup, I'm planning to go book one soon! Cannot be lazy anymore.
No nd mixer? then how u mix the flour,etc?
can share receipe? keke
Cos last time i learnt mus mix one leh..hmm..
As long as no mixer, i v eager to do at hm keke
Just wana say, i hope my posting on purchase {recycle bag and spec box} did not cause any disturbance here hor..cos just like all here, i wana share nice things that i chance upon and post here...
Huh?? U mean the black durian Mooncakes frm Home Favourites having 15 to 20% disc?? Where? At Vivo?? Alamak...my dad said nice leh, ask me buy leh. But so ex mah. But if got disc nt so bad lah.

Me will reach ard 7pm loh. Got to go bring my niece 1st mah.

No prob lah. We would understand u juz wana share nice pics here loh. Hee...
Not sure if tat is having sale but all the booths there got sale leh. I'm not sure when they're ending wor. Maybe tonite u can go there see see look look lor. Coz last Fri I went &amp; got 3 boxes of mooncakes, those normal lotus type from 2 different stalls, both stalls having 15-20% leh. I nvr buy the black durian mooncake coz I've placed order for 4 boxes with 1 seller. We got the durian mooncakes fm our customers then very nice so we all place order lor. $30 per box of 8's.

Ya at vivo there got quite a number of booths lor. Maybe go last day on Sunday may hv more discount wor. Of if u wan, I'll see if I gog tonite for movies there then help u buy lor. Tml pass to u at Chinese Garden.
Ic ic...but at Vivo ah?? Ah yo...me nt free today men. Hav to deliver mooncake to my grandma coz' tmr nt free to go over mah, gg Chinese garden. Wasted sia!
Thanks, just wana clarify thats all..cos i wana enjoy the benefit of having lots of HK hahaha..
Y'day when i was at Taka Home Favourites is also having discount...the packaging is nice, they place individual moonkcake into those like ice box..
ah mau.. enzo also got fake smile ones.. haha.. i show u when i go home.. haha...

acthia.. ya me too.. was asking hb how come chinese garden so big lohz.. hahahhaha... towards the end, i can feel like baby wanna drop down liaoz lohz... haha.. me now 35 weeks, baby is 2.5kg... so can realli feel his weight lohz.. what abt u???
Hello Ladies,

you getting more pro and pro leh..
i wanna taste a sample of your moonies too

Msbrown, Msblur
this Sat surely very crowded de.. let see if we are fated to bump into each other hehe

go bring ur gals lah.. not every year is HK theme wor
hi folks,

Sorry to break the discussion abt moonies and lanterns, but can i ask if you have ever seen Japan Miffy rabbit cutters before in any shops before? Looking for them....
Huh Taka ah?? Lagi far men! U went there ytd? Hai...should hav ask u to check for me men.

Ya, me &amp; eliz bought one black durian mooncake each that day loh. Cant stand the temptation mah. Esp Eliz, after i brought her to sample the durian flavour, she said she 'hate' me! Hahaha...
The box very nice too loh, all pack individually.

Yeah...see whether we all fated to bump into one another or nt on sat lah.
Haha...like playing treasure hunt hoh? But ours is hunting for HK kakis!! Kekeke...
Too bad couldn't join you gals yty. Wanted to bring for u all to try.
Its just cute looking lar, cannot fight with those hotel ones.
I just got another recipe from KM. Will try next yr. Haaaa!!
<font color="aa00aa">OH HOME"S FAV"S DURIAN!!!!
they are nice! but price increased.. by $2 this year.

the black ones with the supposed gold flakes! aiyoh, the flakes are so pathetic! doesn't justify the price tag of $56 at all! </font>
<font color="ff0066"> Emma</font>,
I'm in my 29th week now and BB is about 1.4kg liaoz. Yah.. me recently also feel like my stomach getting heavy-heavy. Somemore got tightening sensation now and then. So uncomfortable. Beginning to feel like I'd want the remaining 10-weeks to be over asap.

<font color="ff0066"> Starlight</font>,
Maybe I'll bring my gals down this weekend. See how bah... no stamina to walk so far leh. hahahaha... need to ask my hubby to stand-by wheelchair in case my legs cannot tahan. *LOL*
haiyo y'day when i text u should have told u where i go
ya the packing i see among all the others is the nicest lor.. y'day they machiam like lelong lelong all lot of ppl queue for buying, so nice nobody fight with me for tasting the lady cut bigger pieces for me to sample hehe..
BBgirl.. enzo is one cheeky baby lahz... i juz hope his didi will be like him.. always happy..

acthia.. wah.. v fast hor... 4 more weeks for me.. cant wait either!!!! keke
Hmm...ya loh, so sad i miss it.
If nt can ask u help me buy.
Nvm lah, will see hw then. So u tried the black D24 durian mooncake? Nice hoh?
dear all,
yr sanrio aug items are with me now, sorry for the delay, pls arrange collection or pass it to msbrown, alternatively, i can meet u in town area on next Wed (17/9) a.m. just let me know, ya?

hey, need to trouble you again hor? btw, pls bring along my items when u come, many tks.

1) Page 6 / Model 484881 / SGD11.20 (Yen700 / MOQ 2) closed
- msbrown
- she_she

2) Page 12 / Model 703591 / SGD8.00 (Yen500 / MOQ 4) closed
- 1 x msbrown
- 1 x Jasmine
- 1 x PP
- 1 x LYD

3) Page 12 / Model 703648 / SGD9.60 (Yen600 / MOQ 4) closed
- 1 x msbrown
- 1 x PP
- 1 x LYD
- 1 x she_she

4) Page 14 / Model 621561 / SGD8.00 (Yen500 / MOQ 3) pencil closed
- 1 x msbrown
- 1 x blueblue
- 1 x angeltopg

5) Page 14 / Model 621625 / SGD8.00 (Yen500 / MOQ 3) pen closed
- 1 x msbrown
- 1 x Jasmine
- 1 x angeltopg

6) Page 19 / Model 379506 / SGD6.40 (Yen400 / MOQ 4) closed
- 1 x msbrown
- 1 x blueblue
- 1 x feifei
- 1 x PP

8) Page 19 / Model 379697 / SGD8.00 (Yen500 / MOQ 3) closed
- 1 x Jasmine
- 1 x angeltopg
- 1 x sasi

10) Page 26 / Model 527602 / SGD12.48 (Yen780 / MOQ 2) closed
- 1 x Jasmine
- 1 x angeltopg

11) Page 2 / Model 855529 / SGD9.60 (Yen 600 / MOQ 4) closed
- 1 x acsy
- 3 x she_she

12) Page 2 / Model 855715 / SGD12.80 (Yen 800 / MOQ 3) closed
- 1 x acsy
- 2 x she_she

13) Page 2 / Model 856584 / SGD16.00 (Yen 1000 / MOQ 2)closed
- 1 x acsy
- 1 x she_she

15) Page 7 / Model 428957 / SGD6.40 (Yen400 / MOQ 4) closed
- 2 x msblur
- 1 x sasi
- 1 x she_she

16) Page 3 / Model 857076 / SGD8.00 (Yen500 / MOQ 4)- ck tin closed
- 1 x msblur
- 1 x blue_genie
- 2 x she_she

17) Page 3 / Model 857165 / SGD12.80 (Yen800 / MOQ 3) closed
- 1 x blue_genie
- 2 x she_she
hi jas,
think around lunch time 12 something from tanjong pagar along the way to woodlands, see if we can meet? btw, msbrown said she can collect for you coz i'll meet her this weekend, u need her help?

msbrown can only help jasmine &amp; hellokitty to collect yr stuff, the rest may need to have another arrangement or self-collect from me at woodlands, ya?
Hello Kitty like nvr order fm this Sanrio BP wor. If jasmine cant meet u then I'll help her collect. If she can meet u then u arrange with her ba.

BP for HK/Mickey/Melody Waterbottles - Total 16 pcs
RP: $7.90
CP: $6.00

HK - 9 pcs
- emma x 1 HK - PAID
- purin x 1 HK
- msblur x 3 HK
- japancraze x 1 HK
- MB x 1 HK
- Eliz x 1 HK
- sharon x 1 HK

Mickey - 3 pcs
- emma x 1 mickey - PAID
- msblur x 2 mickey
- sharon x 1 Mickey

Melody - 4 pcs
- purin x 1 melody
- MB x 1 Melody
- princess x 1 Melody
- sharon x 1 Melody

BP for HK relax series Specs Case - Total 10 pcs
RP: $5.90
CP: $4.50

Total - 10 pcs
- lili
- emma - PAID
- japancraze
- MB
- acthia
- angeltopg
- Hellokitty - PAID
- acsy
- msblur
<font color="aa00aa">eliz:
thank you so much! my girl is still napping. i cant imagine her look when she finally sees them! Think i will hide them from her till sunday. hee

thank you!</font>

Hi Lili/msblur
Just done the funds transfer for my HK Relax Series Spec Case, the trans ref is: 1883039323. Please check &amp; confirm receipt? Thanks!

Please help me to collect the spec case next time you are meeting Lili ok? Thanks
