Hello Kitty Fans Gathering

You interested hor? Whoever go help each other buy okie..
I will try pop by this sun

Hello Kitty
Thanks! If i get lost, will call u. Haaa..

U r welcome.

Also have spiderman, simpson family, spongebob designs etc.
There are sizes. Cutting may differ. Must check carefully.
Eliz / bbgirl,
Aiyoyoyoo....they got nt enuf pple so they cant open the nite class for us.

They nd 5 or more pple to attend...We r short of 2 people!!

<font color="ff0000">Ladies wan to join in tis Fri, 22 aug, 7pm class wif us or nt??</font>

Btw, hope u all nt mistaken but better say 1st in case keke

We are having the class recommended by cookiepie @ Blk 1 Rochor Road #03-502
eliz/msblur/purin.. me realli looking forward to the 16 weeks break if realli have man.. that will mean that my ML will be from 29 sept 08 all the way to 22 feb 09!!! woo hoo!!! (cos in between got sch holidays so i can defer leave!!) then go back to teach for 2 weeks, then March Hols alr!!! muahahaha
Can defer leave one ah? Thot school holiday will 'eat' into ML
Shiok lor.. Lcuky u!!

How how? Joining us for the mooncake class? We short pple ah..

<font color="ff6000">Ladies,</font>
Any more interested? Come come join us. Would be fun since would just ourselves!!
Class on 22nd Aug booked le...C u all tis Fri

soooo excited
Just bring yourself n mayb a pen along..the rest like container will b provided.

I asked if can bring my own mould but the lady say no...hmm..shld we 'steal steal' bring our HK mould to do???

I nv ask abt payment haha...think payment by cash D on the day itself ba.
Shall we meet at the nearest MRT and go togther? Bugis right?

Bring lar.. Though i only got the Sushi mould. Haa..
The mooncake mould ordered through BP won't be in time..
yaya...wil bring along since it is nt bulky keke
I can meet u all @ Bugis MRT but think I will rch by 6pm woh...wat time will u all rch?
I won't be much earlier.. Will have to see if i'm busy not.
If not, i can leave office earlier and meet you all for dinner.
Wow, so many of you going for the mooncake class on 22 aug. I am going too, but attending the afternoon session. Keen to learn how to make choco mooncake. Just a note that please be very punctual. The instuctor starts on the dot.
Yeah!! Thanks BA for the help.
WOw, it will be fun since so many of us in the same class

confirm to meet at bugis MRT station? I should be able to reach by 6pm.
Confirm meet Bugis MRT station ard 6pm!
I will try and leave early.

Meeting us for dinner??

You know how to get there mah?? Haaa...
I'll meet u gals strg at the class coz I can only leave office at 6pm wor. So 1 hr juz nice to reach class only. keke.... So cya u gals there hor.

BTW ah, I gog to sneak in my HK moulds lor. wahahahaha......
Ok..so we mt at the control station or where is gd location to mt?
I agar know how to go there...but if lost, dun scold me hor kekeke
Oh ya...i nv mt u all b4 hor..mus xiang ren tt day liao..can PM me ur contact so can call whoever rch 1st
The dolls so cute.. Hope will come to S'pore, I sure collect all!!

I PM u my HP

KK, see u at the class..
Hello Ladies

woowoohooo...was going to get the whole set from HKG too...nice nice wor ;)

anyone keen? i try to bargain better price...hehe..but its not cheap de loh...
aiyo, not so expensive lah...keke..think abt S$100 or less.

YES, so heavy bag de loh, especially the wooden hangers...will bring back 2mr, then u can come over the pick up. weekend i am away loh, so if u cant come by fri, come after tues.

yr items from Dior and msblur are with me le..let me know when u coming.

yr small containers from msblur is with me..will safe-keep them for you in the meantime.

yr items are also with me..will pass on to KM.
Where got $300 so expensive...btw, u mean $300 HKD or SGD?

I think got 1 more item in this set. Key holder. But not so nice. Total 21 items in 1 whole set.
So sorry! I really have no idea that it is so heavy...pai seh hor. Ok, I will try to go over by fri. Thanks so much for your help.

Also sorry for making you lug my heavy stuff around.

Thanks so much for your help too.
okies sure, will reserve for you. arrange collection next week ok? tks.

oh isit..tot 19 pcs nia..but then its enuff loh..but doesnt seem complete

3 days nia lah..go on sat morning, back on Monday mid9
y leh? u will miss me ah? hahahah

no worries..its nikita who had to lug from her hse to office, then to my office..

aiyo, this person must be trying to make a fortune out of it lohs..too much. but i think its HKD lah...kekeke.
Really good idea to use the clip like that.
Can find a doreamon for my hubby liao!!

S$100 not ex if got got many items ley..
Ask seller have BP price not.. Haaaa.

Aiyo.. too bad my bro and his ex gf no more liao..
Her dad is some top personal in MAC ley.. Sianz..
Hi Janet,
The RC at our place is organising a Lantern Festival Night at Chinese Garden on 6 Sep 2008!! Adult $10 and kid is $7. Inclusive of Lantern, some snacks,etc.

You can consider registering for the trip.
IdeA lar.. but his car got theme mah..
Unless its a "couple" like we got 1 doreamon and 1 kitty figurine at the back of the car.

But its really very cute.. so small.. just nice to put the parking coupon.

eliz.. i dunno got ding dang one not leh.. hehe

bbgirl.. so far i only know autobacs have lahz.. not sure KK/seimen cho have not.. cos they sell some accessories too!!
