Hello Kitty Fans Gathering

I have this extra to let go @ cost $7.90..anybody interested?


I see u looking for this container but mine is diff design...u wan?

hi ladies....

anyone interested to exchange 1 set of angel glasses to devil glasses? I wana exchange devil to angel, if yes, let me know ya.....

tonite nobody here?
Nice seeing you yesterday. Did you get the big blanket? I thot still have so I played again.

The big magnetic clip is very useful and strong. I have used one and clipped my son's notices from school, rather than sticking them all over the fridge and wall.
I must have standby for everything at home...but for HK, I am not able to get extras. Most of the time, they are kept in the cupboard.

I have 1 notice board for my daughter's notices/calendar of events from school. My son has 2 big cork board in his room.
Morning ladies!

I got the angel bag frm u rite? Jialat forgotten i got which bag frm who liao! Hee...
Can u leave it at KK under my name for me? Thks ya!
U getting the Devil tote lah..I still got a ziplog bag with u leh..and the yet to get container. So confirm I leave your bag @ KK hor. I going tmr leh.
Ok can, I swop with u. How to meet u ah? Wana meet at RP on Monday after work say around 6.30pm? I shun bian can meet lili & collect some stuffs.
oh ok. I blur liao men.
Btw...i went hougang plaza this morning, no more containers liao leh. Only left with the poodle design & the design BA has.

Yes, the shoe charms are for crocs shoe.
Jux sms u only. U wana opt for collection? I stay in T.Bahru work in Outram & weekends goes back to AMK or Sembawang. I tot u wana opt for postage leh, I somemore wrap up for u liao. keke... U let me know how to pass u lah via sms.
Hi Ladies,
I saw someone posting a link for HK bp in Japan on Friday.

Now cannot find it liao.

Anyone has the link?
Hi ladies,

I still have these left @ $10 each

1) 3 x Devils Slippers

2) 5 x Devils HP charms

3) 1 x Devils Tote Bag

4) 2 x Devils Fan

5) 4 x Devils glass set

6) 3 x Angel fan

Im looking for 1 Angel hp charm. Exchange from the list above if possible.
Sorry for posting so many times. Someone here back off after I prepare all the wrapping up. Prepare to check postage tomorrow and she said her friend got it for her already.

Hi ladies,

I still have these left @ $10 each

1) 2 x Devils Slippers

2) 5 x Devils HP charms

3) 1 x Devils Tote Bag

4) 2 x Devils Fan

5) 4 x Devils glass set

6) 1 x Angel tote bag

7) 3 x Angel fan

Im looking for 1 Angel hp charm. Exchange from the list above if possible.
Nt sure whether they will hav new stocks, coz' they hav these designs quite long ago liao.

Me juz bought this ck float for my gal.


The CK float very cute...

Can check with them? Btw, u can fund transfer $8 to my acct. I leave your item @ kk tmr. When u go down and collect, pls leave my ziplog with them can?
Ya loh...hubby saw it & told me. Quite cheap too.

Can u pm me ur acc no? I will pass them ur ziplock bag when i go down. Should be by this wk bah.
pm u liao b4 i post the above msg. Few days back I also pm u abt the travel wallet (pic inside the wallet) but u didn't reply me. SOmething wrong with your pm huh?

The CK float look like donut in this pic..kekeke
Huh?? U pm me b4? No leh, me nv receive anything leh. Hmm...maybe nex time u email to me at [email protected] lah. I cleared my emails everyday one.

The float look like donut?? Hee...y leh? U feeling hungry liao ah? Kekeke...
Email u liao..

Not hungry leh but the more I look @ the float the more I feel it look like donut.hahaha...

If got CK or HK donuts sure super long queue lor..like the HK x Macdonald plushes..
Haha...Took my hubby a while to blow it up men. Asked him to quickly blow it up so that i can take pic. Hee...

It cost $2.90 loh. Cheap?
I'm keen on your containers! Please let me know regarding payment & collection details? Thanks!

Btw, does anyone have a spare set of this Sit Ribbon design in Round Shape containers set to let go???

I think Lili has the containers you are looking for in her extra loots sale
Jasmine wana exchange her angel fan to devils fan. Anyone has extra willing to do an exchange? After which, me oso wana exchange my angel fan to devils fan? Let us know ok.....

Understand u're backie liao. Enjoyed yr trip? Muz be very fruitful from the loots I saw for Spunk. Nice nice leh..... So envious I oso like the big big luggage...... Next time u go can be my turn?
Morning ladies..
I got the Monday Blues.. need some HK to cheer me up!

Nice loots.. Lucky you..

How was your holiday? Refreshed liao mah?
I q behind ahmau hor?? Heee..

Nice float! Your little one must be happy.
She really is very cute!
Hi Ladies!

Good Morning!

I have the Sit ribbon round containers. Letting go at BP price. Think is $5.50. U keen?

Ah mau
Can u also help me collect the tote bags from Purin when u meet her? Did not get to meet up with her yesterday. TIA!

Wow the loots r sooooooooo Nice!!! I am Drooling all over my table...need to find a pail liao...

I have an extra set each of the below to let go. Anyone keen?

1) Hello Kitty lock (small diecut face with 2 keys and a little bell) - $2
2) Hello Kitty Set of 2 Hooks (the colourful 1 bought from Bugis pushcart) - $4.90.
Good morning. Nice nice hor the luggage.... So lucky Spunk ya.....

OK I'll collect from Purin then after which I let u know. Can u help me collect the devil big plush from PP if it's convenient for u?
Good Morning Ladies! Wet weather out...

Hello Kitty
Your set of round containers are the same design as BA's rect ones as shown in the pic? If so I would be keen, would like to get matching ones

Think I have not paid you for the HK lock, should I just pass Lili the $2 cash when I meet her?

You received the PM with my contact? Cos I don't have your contact, think maybe we can arrange to meet tomorrow around your lunch time in RP? Let me know, thanks!
thanks so much ya...... After I collect from Purin & who else u wan me to help u collect stuff ah? Then I'll sms u to come my place exchange ok.

Ya ya...u can pass Lili the $2 lah when u meet her. Thks ya!

Let me know hw u wana collect the mini lock frm me hoh??
