Hello Kitty Fans Gathering

MsBlur, can can
For you even easier, can even meet at Hougang MRT.

Lili ah, thanks i am fine, hehe.
But sometimes when lights flicker abit, can get abit paranoid haha. Cos lights flicked a few secs yesday before the incident hehehe.

MsBrown ah, life size one ah? Waa, where got $100~$200, think maybe more wor. But think we will still buy de hor? Cos will be so cute, really fit a HK room.

Sayang! Must be very drama yty..
So went home hugged hubby tight tight lar?

My hubby also super busy becoz of it. His offices all blackout..
Huh? Your hubby work around Orchard also ah? Ya the outage affected quite a big part of orchard area lor.

My hb work in the west. He say his side also, lights flicker a few secs then receive my call. Walau.

Now i also super busy cos must work with so many people on some of the learning points from the incident, haiz ...
Hmm...seems like most of our hubbies working in the west leh. My hubby works in the west area too. Didnt hear him mention anything leh.
Hi Lili,

I have purchased 1 unit of SKS Kid's Cutlery Set with Scissors & Pouch from Angel. Possible to collect from her? I will pick up my items from you on Tuesday at RP.

Aiyah, i also bought some items from Kittymum...dont know whether you are meeting her as well? Pls let me know.
So silly hor, coz we stay at Sengkang/Hougang.. the journey to work so far!!!
He can take 1 hour plus just to come home, worse when it rains.. Sigh..
yap, can ask angel to pass thru MB to me, MB ok with you? thanks in advance.....

i dun know meeting kittymum or not..u ask if she is meeting anyone that can pass to me, i can help you collect.

is yr back better already? do take care ah..

any clue?
Hee...for my hubby he has no choice. Coz' after they've been at that particular station for a few yrs liao, they would get transferred loh. So we oso bo bian.
U know previously we stayed at Clementi, he works at Yio Chu Kang leh. Den nw we shifted to Hougang, he kena transferred to Clementi! Haha...
Lili ah, can can ... just pass but do label outside the bag.

Eliz/MsBlur, ya lor. Now hb is actively looking out for a job, see whether can find a good one in town or nearer to home.
My hubby also looking for job but this job not bad ley, got 2 increment in a year!

Aiyo, why like this.. They shd post to where they stay mah..
Or u shift to where he gets posted lar.. Haa..
Cant loh. Coz' we wont know he would get posted to which station one mah. Even if we reali moved to where he got posted, later after a few yrs, he will get transferred out again one leh. U know one of his fren, stayed at Anchorvale, oso got posted to Tuas men. Lagi far loh!
lol.. just kidding. also gotta consider the kids schooling mah.
Tuas? Goodness me!

How's the HK MJ coming along? Got price yet? Haa..
Abit Kancheong, hoping can use end of the mth. Lol.
Just transferred the money to you liao. Pls check.

Thks for helping me to collect all the items. Paisei leh. My back is better now. But still have some difficulty when carrying my daughter. I feel that she weighs like a ton now becos of my difficulty!!

So scare that i will miss out my items. Anyone knows how to contact Dior? I owe her money leh...hv not transferred the money for the toothbrush.
MJ set still waiting for TH to confirm price..me neck also long long...

aiyo, sounds quite bad eh..remember dun over strain yourself ah...

hv pm you dior's hp. u contact her directly lah...
hi ladies,

I'm also waiting eagerly for the price for the MJ set.... heehee

U gals play MJ frequently? Hope we can have a MJ gathering....
heyo, long time no see you here...

no bp for the cabinet already..cos TH no more stock and dun think we have enuff orders for BP price...
If Wendy Sim wanna collect her item from my sale via Lili when they meet on Tue, means I have to meet you before that and you will have to meet Lili again to pass Wendy's stuff to her... Hmm, is it too rush for you?
meet MB only when u r convenient..i can meet wendysim again or postpone the meeting..cos she quite near my office.
Oh, if Wendy is close to your office then maybe we all don't have to rush here and there to make it by Tue. Also feel bad to trouble MB to run here and there...

I'll pass your item to MB when I meet her but it may not be in time for you to collect from Lili on Tues. Do you need the set in a hurry?
Is it ok for you to arrange another meetup with Lili when she has received the item from MB? Or you can still opt for postage, please let me know thanks
Hi Wendy,

Great, since you can meet Lili anytime I will pass the Cutlery set to MB to pass on to Lili for you! Phew...this is complicated hehe ;)
hahaha..we all no rush leh, its you "kan cheong" wor...kekeke. anyway this "passing baton" thingy cannot rush one....cos not everyone is free any time any day...for now - u just need to pack and label yr pte sale items..get them ready for collection or passing

KP got LD 2mr again!!!
Very, very paisei...dont mean to rush everybody. Sorry for the miscommunication.

Lili, will meet you on Tuesday to collect the mouse and flasks. Other items can wait. So sorry hor.
Hehe, this is my 1st time organising Pte Sale so not sure of the 'protocol' involved... Now I noe that there's no need to rush haha!
Ooh, what time??? KP is near my place, I can go hehe... Try my luck for a Soba set
Good lar, u waiting for this LD.. So u going?
I'm not going lar.. Where got so much time off!
Unless $5 per dip then cheong all the way!!!Haaa..

Thanks for the info.
Walau...if $5 per dip for this series, i hw sick oso go men! Haha...

Me still nt sure yet leh. Thot wana geng MC tmr. Hehe..
Thanks for the info Lili!

Ladies, think I will be going for the LD at KP tomorrow so if any of you have bought stuff from me & are also going for the LD do let me noe if you want me to bring them along ok?
Hihi Ladies,

Think i should be able to meet you on Monday evening at your place. Will pass to you Wendy's stuffs to help me pass to her. Thank you so much.

Hehehe....you have lots of loots with me. I might be gg Toa Payoh on Tuesday then i can ON THE WAY route to whampoa to you and not delivery provided to all BP buyers hor..hehehe...I must make it clear otherwise other ppl might get the wrong idea saying why i never deliver to them then no good mah.

Will confirm with you when i gg TPY, most likely on Tuesday/2pm..let me know if you ok?

Eliz, msblur, angel, Lili, Msbrown,
You gals gg KP for the LD tmr?? Good luck!!! I can't go cos lau eh back liao...hehehe...later tio piak ah...wahahaha
I'm not going lar.. LD somemore my ah lau also will piak piak me ah!!

Cannot ask pple to draw for me too.. Haaa!!
Me sure confirm kenna piak cos have the whole set liao still wanna play...Hahaha!!! betta be guai guai abit. Anyway, i've excuse not to go cos speedpost sending the bakeware to my place between 2-6pm...woohoo!!
yaya.. saw your post in kitty loft.

So start production line tmr lar? Xin ku ni le!

Will try and collect from u instead.. can collect for the SK/Hougang ladies too.

See which day my gal guai guai sleep early, i drive over.
Will call before coming.
Yeah, I have a LOT of loots with you especially the bakeware. Think for that BP I ordered the most items compared to the other ladies right?
Sorry don't mean to cause any misunderstanding, I noe delivery service for BP is not usually provided, just that you enroute to TP can drop by my place. Very kind of you indeed! Oh, I'm supposed to meet Starlight at TP on Tue though but we haven't confirm timing...

Yeah, went KP on Sun to see if they still had dips but all gone already
Since I like the Soba set, thought I'd go try my luck!
Me not gog to KP to play liao coz oso got full set le but if it's $5 per dip, I'll oso go try try lor... keke.....

Hey, reali thanks so much for helping me to collect my super big & bulky stuffs from Tampines. I reali very blurz didn't realise it's bulky until I was abt to finish my work then I realise lor. Reali GAM XIA leh, I owe u 1......
