Hello Kitty Fans Gathering

Hehe Lili, gua gua gua ... wrong, Eliz just explained. Hee
I'm Eurasian but more chinese blood as both my mama and grandmama also chinese.
Plus now hubby also chinese.. My gal like not a drop angmo liao. haaa..
Eh Kittymum, when you going RP to pass things to Lili/MsBrown, maybe i can meet you there too to collect my stuffs? Cos RP very near me, just a few stops away, i can pop by. How? U let me know la hor? Thanks ya!
Thanks for the compliment.
I'm not being humble hor, but i really feel as my gal grow older, she's getting not "pretty" Haaaa...
More and more like a boy.. I can't wait for her hair to grow long long..
She looking more like her dad!! haaaa!!!
Aiyo, u invite me sure i'll go...can even go earlier to help if your mum dun mind me 'zuo shao zuo kuk'...hehehe

Sure sure, will be next week cos need time to unpack, tally & pack in individual 'goodie bag'..wahaha..

Me will be meeting Msbrown at her oppice & not RP wor.

Me feeling betta le..thkq..u enjoying your time with your princess?
hehe..."enjoying"...sometimes when she fall asleep in my arms, she is an angel.But when she cries, oh no...hee..Meanwhile , me trying to BF as much as possible lor...really tiring..

Drink lots of water ya..
feifei.. jia you.. soon i'll be joining ur club.. haha...

she_she.. i've tt the $6.60 to u.. can release goods to msbrown this weekend le.. hehe... thanx!
hehehe...ya mine too sometime angel (seldom) and sometime monster (most of the time) wahahaha....very good!! BF as much as possible and as long as possible..Jia you!!

Okie, we arrange again. 'zuo shao zuo kuk' is cantonese of 'ai4 shou3 ai4 jiao3'.

Will collect ur stuffs from msbrown.
<font color="ff6000">Good morning everyone!!</font>

<font color="0000ff">Msbrown</font>
Thanks for helping me get the card reader!!
I can use it.. Haa.. Its so sweet..

<font color="0000ff">Lili</font>
So nice of you to meet me so early in the morning.
Hope i didn't made u late for work.
Pls thank your mama for me hor.. so paiseh made her wait..
Can i KPO - So late liao, she go where huh? Your mama also very happening!
Good morning ladies

hehe..no lah, i not late wor...i reach office punctually
happi..must thank you for making me punctual..kekeke.

no problem lah..yr timing just nice leh, her appt 10+pm mah. she happening hor...she go fren's house play mj leh..hahahaha. came back only this morning, when i woke up..hahahah. btw, my mum pass you $10 or not hah?

received more loots for you gals..kekekeke..will add on to your current bags..hahahah....
Hi Ladies!

Good morning!

Will pass your stuff thru msbrown to lili (mb) and to kittymum (Spunk) tomorrow morning.

Thank u bery bery bery much!!!

Wow judging from the posts here can imagine the among of stuff that are passed thru your hands to others everyday! Seems like now not only your office like HK storeroom your house also becoming HK warehouse liao...keke...
hehe, yeah MJ leh..next time u gals can come and play with her..hahaha..idea hor? any keen "legs"??

hahaha..no problem lah..the gals send up to my place nia..i just have to bring it to office

ya ya, at 1 point of time..my house got many many bags..hahaha..lucky i got big balcony to store all of them..kekekke..
Hee...i dun mind playing mj with ur mum. Wa...tink nex time can organise potluck at ur hse, den followed by mj!
Ya ya...remember that day i was juz telling u, luckily u hav a balcony to store all the bags men. My mum's hse nw space contraint lah, so everytime hav to store the bags all inside my rm.
I also onz!! Potluck and Mj - Best combi!

Oh ya hor, now you are your mama's liao.
Space limited.
Good morning Ladies

Just wanna check if any of you have the HK Kitchen/Baking Timer as I just got mine recently and was wondering if it's working properly... Does it beep/alert you when the timer is up? Mine will countdown but there's no sound when finished, so I'm trying to figure out what's wrong
Hope somebody can advise, TIA!
thanks for keeping my loots, haf new loots so often, hahaha...

where did u get the timer from? I got mine some time ago, works well leh...
Yup, I can meet you at United Sq next week and COD is fine

I got mine from auctions and it's the full HK design, not sure if it's cos the battery's weak but I can't find my lil screwdriver set to open it up to check what kinda replacement battery it needs to see if that's the prob haha... Maybe you can teach me how to use it, I might be pressing the wrong buttons since they are in Jap???
Morning ladies

Hehe, Lili/HelloKitty, okie, noted
Lili ah, meaning i only have 1 more item pending arrival: the dessert bowls. Is that coming soon? If not, shall i collect the rest first so that wont store so many things with you? I paiseh ah.

If so then i be collecting these first ...

- TH die cut body drawer
- cup with spoon set
- HelloKitty's bowl
- Eliz's apple LD pegs
- and Angel's loots too

Wad ya think?

Angel ah, i got your PM liao. Ok noted, will pass you when we meet, hee, thanks!!
PM at HK Loft is not sent via email like in SMH, you gotta log in to check &amp; the number of PMs you have will be reflected at the top right hand corner of the page. Nvm, I'll email you instead

Thanks, no hurry for my stuff. Will any of the other ladies need your help in collecting their stuff from me? Cos I'm not sure if they are closer to you in Orchard or not hehe... ;)
ok, thanks, c u then!
i gotta go home to check which buttons to press, but i dun think it has gotta do with that. The timer shd beep when it reaches 00:00:00. Let u know again...
got some of the following extras from TW. Pls buy if you are comfortable with the price.


1) 2 x HK Drawstring Plastic Bag (Material is good) - $ 6.50 each
- 1 pack of 4's
- Waterproof &amp; thick plastic
- Measurement 18 x 26cm


2) 1 x CK Drawstring Plastic Bag - $ 8.80
- 1 pack of 2's
- Waterproof &amp; thick plastic
- Measurement 25.5 x 33cm


3) 1 x CK Placemat - $ 5.50
the dessert bowls and hellokitty's bowl not yet arrive wor..at least another week..am ok if u wanna wait or collect lohs..u let me know.

you can pass me some of the gals' loots thru MB loh..but i dun know who boughts things from you..hehehe...
Angel, can. I can meet Lili rather easily so anything to pass to her or thru her, i can help. I am also meeting Kittymum for the bakewares so guess can help pass things to her or thru her too. Otherwise, any ladies want to collect from me in Orchard or Hougang also can. Hehe, good to be able to help others

Haha MsBrown why call yourself 'ah mau' leh? hehehe.
Hmm Lili, ok ok. Why not i collect what you have first? Then i meet Angel and meet you a 2nd time to collect more from you as well as pass Angel's loots to or thru you? Like that we can facilitate the loots movement from Angel pte sale too. How? I can meet you tomorrow at RP lunchtime?
Morning ladies...

Msg u tis morning no reply leh, guess u mus be doing yr hair now. Let me know if u coming down, in case i feeding bb. If not, maybe wkend if u ard i pick up at yr pl, can? Thks

Ya i also curious wat is "Ah mau"?

Haven't get yr PM...
ya ya, good idea..2nd round u can pass me angel's pte sale loots. ok 2mr lunch time is fine..u msg me yah?

hehe..maureen's new nick is "Ah Mau"..nice hor?
Thanks, sorry to trouble you to check for me!

Thanks Lili &amp; MB for your help

Ladies who bought loots from my sale, if you would like Lili or MB to collect on your behalf instead of opting for postage or meetup with me at Novena/Orchard, do keep us posted, thanks!

Think I only have 1 loot from Lili - HK Glass Bowl/Mug with cover, not loots hehe ;) I bought lotsa bakeware from Kittymum so think she may be delivering the loots to my place instead...
Hahahahahahahha.... Coz thanks to some ladies here lor, gave me a new nick lor, &amp; they insist it's a very nice nick so I change lor..... keke......

BINGO.... U r right......

HK juz sms-ed me asked me to pass some things to lili to u so tat'll be next week liao ok?

Show u my new additional to my work station... The die cut cabinet reali IS NICE de lor... I love it... Thanks Lili for yr BP.... keke....

Haha, i see the pic, my HK head growing something like a sailing fan in it's head siah... wahahahahahhahaha.....

Oh Angel, the bowl with cover rite? Ok ok, tat one i think Lili is ready to pass you, Lili hor? So i can meet her tomorrow collect then meet you. Then you see if got things to pass to the others that i can take to Lili cos i will meet her again de.

MsBrown ah, no prob since i will be meeting Lili again next week or after next when the dessert bowls arrive.
Waa, the die cut drawers like sooo fit in there leh lor! Very nice!

Ok Lili, will message you tmr. Likely around 1-130pm hor? I notice you usually lunch around that time.
yes yes, u r rite
thanks lots for joining the "passing baton" club..kekeke.

btw, how u r feeling today? calmed down already or not?

my lunch from 12.45 to 2pm leh..hehe..so if meeting anyone, i will lunch in, then go out meet lors..less stress
Not I wana Hao Lian hor, but the cabinet is reali nice de hor.... If got bigger ones oso good leh... keke... like life size HK cabinet then can put our clothings... Wa SEI, Swee lor.... dreaming again, tat big will easily cost $100-$200 lor....

Reali mah? Actuali y'day I saw it, it's reali cute lor, myself would buy if it's a thumbdrive lor... Glad u like it..... KK selling 1 thumbdrive quite nice but around $60+

Ah mau,
Good for me as i need a card reader for my HP Mirco SD. Now can easily upload megan's pics..
So happy.. Really relieved i can use coz i just buy, pushing my luck!
Hey, Kittymum BP also got thumbdrive ley. Quite nice too..
