Hello Kitty Fans Gathering

Gd morning Ladies...

Can i confirm the LD is @2pm rite?

I shd b going to the LD tdy so will collect my item fr u COD. Hopefully bb 'guai guai' so tat i can slip out for awhile...

Heard fr Angel tat u offered to help me collect...thks so much leh. Mus feed bb b4 i go out, pray tat everything will b on schedule.

U going for the LD ah? ;p

Did u see any nice flr mat at Grace's shop?
Me onli 2nd time playing....1st time at KK when preggy. But hor, i prob play abit onli lah...Hee u planning to invest alot ah ;p

"xie xie"...hope everyone going will be lucky!!!
No nice flr mat ah,nvm.
Thanks for info! I dun have membership with Grace so no disc hehe...

Hi Princess
Great, see you there
Don't worry if you are late as I am in no hurry to rush off... Hey, we same same, this is only my 2nd time playing LD too ;) 1st time was the Angel/Devil series also at KP!
kekeke...i dunno got wat leh. I only know got apple series tings inside. U know wat LD is it? Will only play abit.

See u later. Thx.
LD not apple series, its HK/CN series..the top prizes is Fan and Crusher leh...

oh, u can ask msblur help you buy, she got membership wor...
Yup, see you there too

I like to view my items (especially containers) before I buy ;) So it's ok haha...

BTW, anybody has receipts from KP/KL to spare please? I'm still trying to accumulate enough to apply for membership
no probs..tot can help you save some $$ mah..10% is also good lor...

no wor..apple series only at new shop at Vivo. KP is the HK/CN series...
Hi, do let me know if anyone of you want to let go the HK quilt mat from CN/HK LD hor.

PLL, I can online is bcos my "ah tao" on leave 1 week
Yup got 10% disc is also good, thanks maybe can go with msblur to see see one day...

Are you Kitty Lover on HK Loft? Did you wanna collect your stuff via COD as well? I'll be at KP slightly before 2pm I think
Meeting msblur, nikitsan & princess to pass them their stuff too...
aiyo, everyone talking abt it leh..u so blurs...tsk tsk tsk :p just open this week nia..all the gals there now, cos today got promo..buy $20 get a free goody bag...limited to 1 bag per pax.
buay sai tongpang ah...each pax can buy 1 time nia, they very strict tis time wor...sigh sigh..

anyway, emma/maureen is there now...
Just wanna confirm that you asked msblur to collect Purin & Wendy Sim's stuff from me later instead of passing to MB right? Cos you meet her more often
Im gg vivo after the draw loh. Hope they still hav the goodie bag bah. Its a mug & a hp charm loh. Heard frm Emma the mug cost $23.90 de loh.
bu ke qi lah...Wow!!! U used the vinyl sticker le....the Toyogo Drawers are more interesting now & yes, if it's in pink will be much nicer hor...hehehe
Ok noted! Must confirm so there's no confusion for everyone later on when passing baton hehe... Emma/Maureen have pic of goody bag mug or not?

Please confirm if you are Kitty Lover otherwise I won't be bring your stuff along as the items are quite bulky & heavy???
hahahah..so far no confusion before...only recently 1 package went missing...sigh sigh..

thanks for collecting ;) good luck later hoh...
Hi hi Ladies

Lili, see u later at Polar, 130pm.

Angel, ok ok so i no need collect for the rest to pass to Lili liao hor? Ok ok. Then we just arrange between 2 of us to meet to ... pass you Lili's bowl for you ... and your pte sale + MsBlur's bowl for me ... to me. Hehehe..
Yup, since msblur collect for the 2 ladies, we just meet to exchange bowls and your toothpick holder

hi hkl
Oh, if after 5 pm don't think I'll be there already. Please PM me your contact/email and we try to arrange again? Cos the float is heavy and bulky...
Hey Emma,
Nice meeting, eating breakfast & yakking juz now with u & Mr Kitty. He reali nice nice leh to accompany u to go Kitty-shopped so early in the morning.... keke.....

Hi ladies,
Came back from Vivo Sanrio lor. Were there with Emma & Mr Kitty from 10am lor but they open only at 11am. So gotta wait. This time they're very very strict lor, can only allow 1 goodie bag per customer per day wor. So sad, else would love to get more of them lor..... kekeke....

BTW, these are the items inside the goodie bag. 1 sigg bottle & 1 HK Haiwaii HP charm. Picture not very clear wor coz use HP to take.

Yes, will be meeting kittymum so I'll pass your stuff to her then. Heading out now, will PM you my account details later when I get home ok? Thanks!
ah mau!!! so nice yakking juz now.. hehe.. ya lohz.. dunno y they so strict juz now.. hehe.. but ok lahz..muz be fair lohz.. think maybe someone complained abt the LD? not fair if the allow pple to draw 30 times mah hor.. hehe.. then pple like me who go later dun get to draw at all.. hehe.. but the goodie bag realli v nice lohz.. hehe.. so happy..
enzo will be happier lahz.. mrkitty buy so many things for him..

angel... dun think after lunch still have lohz.. when i walked past the shop again at 12, the shop was so crowded...
So hot ah.. luckily i got my Gf to help me. Phew!

Thanks for advising me what to buy.. Haa..

My frd was shocked when i could tell her what to get for me.
eliz.. u can tell her we're as good as working there alr.. haha.. the SA told mrkitty that they're actualli hiring PTers.. and he actualli offered to apply lohz.. hahahaha.. think can lah.. his kitty knowledge not bad also.. muahahahahaaa
Emma, Yalor.. we practically breathe HK. Terrible!
Mr Kitty is really cute, he wants to apply to be PTers?? Haaa..
You are 1 lucky lady, hubby so supportive.

Maybe i shd quit my job and go there work.. but then i doubt i'll have any $ left to bring home each mth!
anyone wants the white die cut blankie i posted last nite? let me know....thanks.

lucky you wor..yr fren help you to buy..kekeke..did u ask she brot extra fren? kekekeke..
Wow, nice bottle! Wonder if still have now? Anyone got their number?

going for LD at KP huh? Hope u and the other ladies going get top prizes!
I tink shud hv coz I juz spoke to Purin & she got hers wor. Tink 2day only got 100 sets of goodie bags leh. But too bad they only allow 1 per customer lor. Pai Sei I forgot to get their number.

Ladies, here are the balance Angels & Devils LD items, pls let me know if u r interested. Each gog at $10.

1) 1 Angel Bedroom Slippers

2) 5 Angel HP Charms

3) 5 Devils HP Charms

4) 4 Angel Fans
5) 5 Devils Fans

5) 5 Angel Duo Glass Set

6) 5 Devils Duo Glass Set
Aiyo, i forgot to ask my frd. Shd have hor..

Ah mau,
The tote bag nice nice..
This series got the luggage bag issit? Got pic?

aiyo..wasted sial..hahahahaha...do they work near there or work there?

yes yes..this series is the luggage bags...wooohooo...swee ah
