Hello Kitty Fans Gathering

oh, sweety, don't say that, tearing...
the way u described it is like 911, a bit scary though..glad that u're okey now!

PP & msblur,
got yr tsf, 10Q

don't be sorry for, just let me know once u've done the trf, tks!
Good Afternoon ladies

thanks, I have yet to receive my items. Its really so big ah.. I didnt really ask my friend after that. I think my DH will collect from her tonight. Thanks once again.
ya ya, pass to my mama..already inform her. i ask her pass u $10 ok? hehe..no happening lah..going for dinner only mah..hahahah.

u also got 2 bags to collect hor, the bigger one is for bbgirl..keke.

aiyo, i see yr post, i also become emotional..if such thing happen, i will call my mama...

u calm yourself down ok...take care...
glad that u are all right,
hope u can calm down soon, take care

if ur mama open house for her cooking, i wanna come too leh hehe..
if onz, i will bring something for potluck
Yah hor, you have a spacious corridor so can do bbq there leh...good idea!

Can you pass my dental floss to kittymum, pls? Thank you.
ya ya..you are most welcome to join in

think my mama sure very happy one...

hehe..i always do bbq at the other end near the lift..very spacious lors..and the neighbour at that unit always not around one..so very good lohs..kekekek.
Looks like we shd organise a potluck soon..
When when?? Haaa..

Very good to have spacious corridor hor.
During my gal's 1st mth party i got no neighbour so can use their area too.
But now, her 1st birthday party i headache liao..
wah...good leh, got privacy and dun have to book chalet just to do bbq...anyway, you and your neighbour opposite also on very friendly terms hor? so even if there's smoke they wont complain or watsoever.
Glad to hear you are ok, will pray that you can be calm & peaceful soon!

Ladies who participated in my Pte Sale earlier, thanks very much for your support! Appreciate if you could check my listing at HK Loft to make sure that your orders are correct and I did not miss out anyone? If correct, please PM or email me your contact for payment and collection details
<font color="ff6000">LYD</font>,

I've already paid you for the pots with ears liaoz. S$42. Aiyoh.. dunno where I put the receipt for the transaction. It done via ATM machine so is a 4-number code. I go home and try to dig it out.
Ya ya...i agreed that Lili's mum is very friendly loh. I brought my gals over a few times, she oso play along with them
Esp my younger one, whenever she went Lili's hse, she treat it as if her own hse leh, very buay pai seh one. Everytime oso wan me to bring her over to play with Blackie. Hee...
<font color="ff0000">Ready for Collection:</font>
Die Cut Full Body 3 tier drawer abt 9" height - $20
- 1 x msbrown - self collect
- 1 x Emma - ??
- 1 x MB - self collect
- 1 x BA - pass to kittymum
- 1 x sharonng - pass to msbrown
<font color="ff6000">MsBlur</font>,
Sorry for the late reply. Got caught up at work... haiz... the story of my life lately.

Thank Goodness, me no more morning sickness liaoz. Appetite also increasing. But hor... at my last scanning, gynae said most prob another princess. OMG!! That will be number 3 leh... was so much hoping for a boi this time round.
Last night Lili's mum mentioned that your daughter hugged lili's leg..hahaha...and blackie is such a cutie pie no wonder your gals like it so much.
hi ger....dun be upset ya, most important bb healthy lor....Any cravings?

hi ger..

I missed out those clips on ur sales =(...
hehe, not yet wor...heng u remind me cos i almost forgot..hee =D...but its bery nice lor...so u bot many HK loots recently? ;p keke
Hi feifei &amp; ashmom
Sorry, the clips and magnets were pretty hot but I didn't have much extras... Didn't noe you ladies love these items so much or would have gotten more clips! I actually cleared out their stocks of magnets hehe

think princesskitty wanted to let go of Item 7ii), maybe you can check with her? ;)
I also have not hung up mine leh cos my DH so lazy, dun want to help me lor. Yes, I spent so much money recently...cant believe it leh.
Hi how hv u been. Glad tat u are having a better appetite. Muz show us yr bai bai pang pang princess ok. Most important is healthy lah....

can collect today? When will u be meeting kittymum? Coz if u meeting her, I'm tinkg of passing u hers, spunky &amp; acsy things to u today. Do u tink u can manage?
I was asking you where you bought those clips (no. 9)from cos I like it so much too. Can u tell me which shop in hkg? Is it the same shop as the one where you bought item no.3?
no prob ger =D..all ur loots bery nice =D>

hehe...HK posion too deep hor? =D...hee...i also haven buy the pole yet so can't hang up e curtain lor...u bot e pole liao?
Oh..glad that u r feeling beta &amp; no more morning sickness!
Well...dun be upset yet lah. U know my fren juz given birth too leh. At 1st gynae said its a boi boi. Anyway she's got no preference lah, coz' she has 1 gal &amp; 1 boi liao mah. Den in her 4th mth, gynae said most likely its a gal loh. So i remembered she told me its a gal gal mah. Till last wk i sms her ask whether she's given birth or nt? She said yes! So i said, glad to hear that! Ur gal must be happy loh she has a mei mei to play with?? Guess wat she replied?? She said no, its a didi! Gosh! She said it showed its a didi during her detailed scan loh. Faint*** Haha...

Haha...cos' my gal is very petite size mah. Den when she stands up, she's only abt near to Lili's thigh. So most of the time my gal only managed to hug lili's thigh nia! Wahahaha...
oh ya hor, rem the confinement books u lent me? Tink i have to go find out and pass back to u lor, paisei to keep for so long leh =D...

Huh? a ger then boy? tink hor, this type of scanning, not 100% accurate one wor...
yes can collect today..can bring to you if u want to. together with sharonng's leh..did she tell you? if not, sharon's i can pass thru nikita, wat u think? then u can take Emma's.

kittymum just came by yesterday nite liow leh..i dun know when i next meeting her again..got many things mah? u think i can manage, then u bring along lah..am ok. think spunk works near me...

u mind i pass yours thru nikita? will pass with the bowls from msblur too...

hahaha..thanks for explaining..i like it when yr gal run to me everytime she meets me..then she hug my thigh..kekeke..like so close like that ;) call me so loudly some more..hahahah...
u sure a not? I definitely dont look slimmer lor. I put on tons of weight leh... I myself oso cant believe it coz lately I havent been controlling my diet, I juz eat as &amp; when I please lor.... Definitely cant be I lose weight de, U wana bluff me ah......
aiyo ms blur, y yr fren gynae like tat one?
if me i sure cry like mad
cos aredi hump tum alot of gals clothes liao
<font color="0000ff">wat x u KO later?wil reach RP wat time?</font>

its ok la...next time see anyone going HKG again

if u wana let go the magnet tell me hor.
i can take over
Ya lah...so blur de loh. Me ppl luan men. Haha...

Me KO at 5pm, den will go straight to RP. Wat time can u meet? I will be at TH.

Ya men, my gal is so buay paiseh one hoh? Did she frighten u the 1st time she hug u or nt?? I oso taken by surprise loh. Haha...didnt know she's so 'ri qing' until like dat men. That time she only met u twice nia. Kekeke..
when u passing the things to nikita ah? If not today, maybe I can pass Sharon's things to Nikita too can meet her after work if she's coming to meet u tml or fri after work.

I tink Spunk not around leh, tink she's away for 2 weeks wor. I tink I'll wait for kittymum to come pick up from me coz I need to go she_she there to collect some stuffs then oso got hers lor.

U need me to collect for u? U dont hv anymore things with me liao.
okies great..will pass you 2mr
u inform sharon ok? see ya...thanks for your help...

so hows, u want me bring both cabinets to you?

will be mtg nikita 2mr evening...so u can pass me watever stuff for sharon tonite...

ya ya, same incident happened to my trainer in my ex-company wor. his wife had scan and confirm gal wor...so they chose gals names, buy all the gals stuff. then who knows when delivered, OMG, boi boi..they got shock lors...haisss...so dun think its 100% accurate wor...hehe.

a bit shock the 1st time she did that..hahaha..but i like it
she "fei chang ri qing"...kekkeke
Can i meet u on fri? tomorrow i will be on course.

Im arranging with lili on this fri after work to collect my things and sharon's. But i thought sharon is goin to collect from your house on Sun? Can double confirm with sharon on the arrangement then let me know via sms can? TIA. *grin*
If u meeting Lili on Fri nite after work, I'll also meet u &amp; pass to u her stuffs then she wont hv to come my place to collect liao coz my timing during weekends very chaotic de lor... haha...... So wat time u meeting on Fri? I'll meet u too.
Hehehe..ya ya, your mummy was mentioning cooking...wow!! me drooling lor coz haven been eating pass few days due to stomach flu...hehehe...can invite me too please?

Babe, what are the things to collect from you? No problem lah, I'll go your oppice to 'exchange loots' with you somewhere next week as the bakeware will be arriving this few days too..xie xie ni
okok noted then I'll keep in my oppice lor... Easily oso leh.... I dun hv to move them here &amp; there. wahahahah... Next week hor coz tis Sat I gog to she_she there to collect yr stuffs too....
Hi hi ladies, sorry if i scared you all as well.
Just had to let it out. Ya it was scary especially when i saw the smoke with my own eyes and it was so near my cubicle lor! So scared the bldg will collapse or something esp when some staff said they felt the building moved! I was praying while walking down the stairs also and thinking of my hb and parents and sis man, was so relieved when reach ground zero.

Glad its over now but it also reminded me that some things are just not within our control and that always cherish your loved ones for you never know. Tonite must go back hug hb tight tight.
He also so scared, he started checking all the news channels and almost came here to meet me.

Ok thanks Lili, Angel about the loots. Angel i pick up your stuff from Lili first then meet you hor? Thanks gal. Your loots very nice, a pity i wasnt really ready to shop but still good managed to get 1 item, it really cheered me up alittle.
ok, then fri u come by my office after work lah...see you.

nikita dun meet at mrt station wor..she meet me at my office..so u want can pass me sharon's things..if hve it today..

think ur gal will be lah..since the mummy is so "ri qing" too

sure sure, definitely invite you too
but must see you "shang lian" or not lors
ahyo, no bluff lah, really leh, cos hor, i long time nv see u mah, tink 2mths cos b4 I gave birth, still saw u at kk during the LD, seems to me u slim down wor..hmm...

Ya lor, thats e worst ting cos everything prepared liao lor..then suddenly different gender...Names have to be changed, clothings not so bad, still can wear at home etc...

how u feeling today?recovered yet?
Yaya.. your gal also hug me. So nice..

Hahaa.. i very riqing ah?
Last time pple see me will always say i super dao one ley.. Typical kcians.. Tsktsk..
Maybe now old liao.. Not so hao lian..

Eliz wads kcians?

MsBlur ur gal very unique leh, not the first time she like to hug your friends and for preggy ones, she also like to touch tummies hor? So cute!
