Hello Kitty Fans Gathering

no problem ;)

meiji mentioned the box measures 30cm x 17cm. so the light is abt that size. u can see from the pix, there's a little press button in front, there's how its switched on. then if it falls sideways, the light will auto switch off.

thanks for the information but my colleague told me that this kitty seems like pointing the middle finger..hmm..have to go n take a look..when are you closing the offer?

btw, if nobody is taking the rose container and rose bookstand, I'm keen.
Jurong point has kitty palace?

By the way,
the bubble gum thing... the OP price they mark up one. Takashimaya selling those at their so called "sale price"
HI Szu,
Thanks for the pic of the bubble gun...my daughter wanted that for a while but I don't want to get the one with blowing stick for her. Looks like I will need to go JP to take a look.
haha..ur colleague so cute leh said the kitty is pointing middle finger..u cannot hear tis kind of thing ah, no good for 'tai jiao' hor..
hahahah...ur col so funnie...i didnt think of the "middle finger" thingy.

dun know when close order...must ask msblur, when she collecting

i think u can have both the rose items..seems like no one has chope them. let me know how to pass them to you? thanks.
Does the HK bubble gun use battery ? I saw a Spiderman set selling at Metro sometime back and very nice. LYD, is it also selling at Taka pls ?
Izzit...they do mark up the price? NVM lah...the price is still acceptable for the bubble gun lah...

If U dun need the hello kitty ones, U can easily get the normal bubble gun at $3 at those toys shop.
Ya...it uses 1 AA battery...I just like a big kid lah

Thankz for correcting me...
think they mark up. Because I remember the smaller bubbble set selling $2.90 at taka. I almost wanted to get it during their recent sale.

Oh Kiddy Palace is still having this promotion for the bubble set & stamp set ah?? I remembered i bought them long ago for my gals men. But tink i bought the bubble set at $4.90 loh.
Huh...U got it at $4.90??? I kenna ketok liao. Still thought i got a gd deal!
Must play everyday to make me feel more 'balanced' from now on....

I believed still have bah. I bought yesterday. Still alot left but the stamp set one got 4 sets left after i took 1 set
I abit sian today... very tired... then need to travel 1.5 hrs for 4 hours of work later... hai...

So in total I travel 3 hours daily for 4 hours of work. hai...
Alamak, i read wrongly lah. I was the one who thot i kena ketok men. Coz' thot u wrote u bought the bubble set for $2.90. Well...me bought these 2 items quite long time ago liao.
The bubble gun is at $6.90 and the normal set with stick at $2.90...
The bubble gun is nice lor...dun need to use too much energy. I gg to play again tonight...
icic....... think I just take cab later... but think my cab fare is going to be at least $20 or more... keke

Just a simple indulgence for working so hard past few days..
Morning everyone!

you're so cute leh playing with the bubble gun =) too bad i just bot bubble guns for my boys, so no more excuse to buy this, hahahah... very fun hor, i see my boys play, they also enjoy themselves alot =P

I'm going KK later =)
Hi gers!

Raining lor, me also feel like sleeping...feeling nausea lor, so pekchek...pop sour plums also no use =(..

bubble gun?
Sorry huh, I tink I gotta pull out from the CNY LD liao. Coz at this moment, duno abt the time & date tat u're gog to hold this event so I'm pulling out. another reason is I cant pay or buy anything liao. Nearer to date in Jan/Feb, if there's still available dips left & I'm available to go for this event then I'll pay u cash on the spot for it ok.

So SORRY to trouble u huh. I know I'm being fickle minded here but reali cant commit now leh. Hope u understand. I deleted my name from the below liao.

To All Ladies,

The he HK CNY LD + Potluck + MJ will be held at Tampines - Kittymum's place (Date & Time : To Be Confirm) should be somewhere in late Jan'08 or early Feb'08 depend when the LD stocks arrive. PLEASE INDICATE next to your nicks + the food u will be bringing

HK CNY LD (Limited to 100 LDs - $10 Per LD (CLOSED)

- Kittymum (15 LD) - Tampines (Kittymum's place) Soon Kueh, Chicken Nuggets
- Emma (10 LD) - Tampines (Kittymum's place) - fish/cuttlefish balls
- Szu (3LD+) Tampines (Kittymums place) - depend on time & date
- Celline (5 LD+) - Tampines (Kittymum's place) - Fried Rice or bee hoon
- Feifei (5 LD) - Tampines (Kittymum's place) - otah otah [MTB]
- Meiji (5 LD) KIV (if LD held few week b4 CNY, will join)
- Alicia (3 LD) - Tampines (Kittymum's place)
- Msblur (3 LD) - Tampines (Kittymum's place) - braised chicken wing & jelly [PAID 3Nov]
- Lili (5 LD) - Tampines (Kittymum's place)
- Dor11 (2 LD) - Tampines (Kittymum's place)
- Bbgirl (2 LD) - Tampines (Kittymum's place) [MTB]
- Purplepenguin (5 LD) - Tampines (Kittymum's place) [MTB]
- Beary (MC) (3 LD) - Tampines (Kittymum's place) depend on time & date
- Lani (3 LD) - Tampines (Kittymum's place) - chicken curry + french loaf
- Bubblesangel (8 LD) - Tampines (Kittymum's place) - hotdogs/sausages
- Snowberries (3 LD)
- Live_your_dream (2 LD) Tampines (Kittymums place)

Total : 82dips (please add on to this total when u update ur list..)

PAYMENT: Please transfer the necessary funds to my POSB Saving a/c 073-18782-6 to make payment...thanks
Show u wat's inside the goody bag redeemed from Isetan.

CK pouch
- it's quite big lor, personally I liked it very much. Waterproof material. Like wat Emma said, can use as a pencil case oso.

CK notebook
- has got 1 full page of stickers in it. Showing u the front & back cover.

LTS notebook
- small size can act as a pocket notebook lor.
yes, nice hor

the CK pouch quite roomy.
i havent met msblur yet leh, later i contact her to set time, sorry huh, havent able to pass the mug yet.

as per promised, pics of loots from xiao li dang

nothing new, i think some of ladies have most of it.



I bought from Kiddy Palace at Jurong Point at $9.00. I'm not sure if other outlets carried them.

Ya...bubble gun. Its a gun tt produced lots of bubbles when U trigger it. Its very fun but not recommend to play indoors cos' of the soapy solution.
ya, tis goody bag more worth it then Sanrio's lor. But then Sanrio's got the duo mug oso nice lah. hee....

wow, so nice leh yr stuffs. Yr hubby oso good, can go there lug back for u. hee, I very tempted to go Taiwan lor, coz they reali hv lots of nice HK stuffs & oso nice food everywhere lor. Can reali go again & wont be sianz......
I like the HK sandals leh. Aiyo... so nice siah.... tink tat time OG chinatown got sell leh but I didn't go dwn to see. Tink 1 of the ladies here got it. Cant rem who le.
oh thats true...2 cups quite worth too...

think nikisan was the one who bot the HK slippers from OG.

no worries lah, take your time to pass msblur the mug, me not in hurry to get it...

think starlight bot the stuff from Taiwan.

Wow, nice goodie bag leh...i like e pouch....Hopefully later our kakis lucky and get good prizes later =D....Excited for them liao =D...

Wow, nice items frm TW leh =)..
Oh it's u ah... keke.... Y'day I went OG I saw a section of HK shoes for kids but I didn't go there 2 explore lor. haha.... nice nice hor... Wear liao comfy a not? Sure comfy 1 lor.....

he is quite ok, but he shops based on what he likes, so he only buys whatever he thinks its nice.
cant really depend on him to look for certain items.
eg. when i asked him to look for bear series, he told he didnt see much bear lor..
see, what i mean

I just wished i am the one who went there.

the pic with the hand towel, those are not stickers, those are vacuum shrink wrap for remote control, so we can wrap our tv remote control or fan, or whatever depend on the size u r buying, use hair dryer, it will shrink, and voila.. our remote control is wrapped in HK liao.
quite nice.

Nikisan, feifei
thanks, i also like them alot, especially the umbrella, slippers and HK stainless steel spoon and fork.

hubby bot from xiao li dang, but its not hanky.
its hand towel.

thanks for understanding
