Hello Kitty Fans Gathering

Hi shanshan, PP, Annie, tling, HelloKitty and meiji, I was at KK earlier also and heard the saleslady says a lady juz won the HK coat...didn't know that lady was Shan Shan..congrats! I didn't know we muz be a member in order to play LD but luckily the lady very good, let me try 1 but got no luck, only manage to win a small prize..

btw, anybody got extra KK receipts to give so that I can apply for membership?

I got socks, bath salt and heat pad only.

Let me know if you selling the HK blanket (many hk) at cost?
where to purchase
Sanrio Hello Kitty Mail Peeping Block and Display Protect Sticker

at a very cheap price?PM me directly as I intend to buy how about overseas?
Heat pad is big prize right?!
I have the blanket with many HK. But wanna exchange for the 1 HK one. If anyone willing to sell me the 1 HK one at cost I dun mind letting go to u at cost too.

Ic. Tks for the info. That oven really very nice hor?

hello kitty,
no leh, the small heatpad + pouch (last pz leh). got 5 colours one.

Ok. let me know if you willing to sell me the blanket at cost ya.. tks. hee
ya lor, i've been wanting to get a oven n saw tt previous design tt MT said will melt but tis is another one n different printing method so good lah can get 1 now..hehe
meiji, shanshan, annie, hellokitty,PP,
Nice meeting all of u today

I oso get all the small prizes today

Congrats, u got the coat!
U managed to get the water dispenser tat kittymum posted? I've been looking for tis dispenser veri long le! If u managed to get it, let me know the price ya. Thks u
hi ladies.. i juz bot this from the huge pasar malam at woodlands mrt.. my fav sit ribbon..


kittymum.. ur supplier has this? i'm v sure i kenna ketok big time if i know how much ur supplier is selling.. haha.. but i liked it too much.. couldnt wait.. oh btw, do let me know if u manage to find the water dispenser u posted ok..
lyd/shanshan.. maybe kittymum's supplier will have this... only one stall at the big pasar malan was selling it though.. btw, its v small only leh.. the length is juz nice for pens only..
$9.90 is quite ex leh... I remember last time got similar one in bear design, only 2 for $12 if I'm not wrong.

it's ok then... I will give it a miss.

your supplier got this 3 tier drawer at a better price?
lyd, ya i know.. i have a bigger bear series one at $8.. but i liked it too much so cant be bothered with the price lohz... if not next time cant find then come and regretz.. for a few bucks, not worth it..
if the length is for A4 then good...hope kittymum supplier got bigger size drawer..at a better price..

do keep us update ya..thanks..
Supplier said she's giving us her best price as compare to outside makeshift stall oredi, hope we can understand she's only making small profit fm us cos we've been giving her orders on quantity.

The small 3-Tier drawer, she shd have but need to know how many we need & can let us know the price only by tmr.
Tink i went Hougang Plaza HK shop dat day, i saw this 3-tier drawer selling for $8.90. Still ok lah, nt too big a diff in price.
do you have those big 2 tier or 3 tier drawers tt u posted the other day?

can you pm mi ur account number n amount, so tt i can transfer $ to you?thanks.
No, dun have..I'm oso looking for it..heehee..will let u know once i find it ok..Lili said can find in BKK Chinatown so i'm going to search for it when i'm there next week.
i can give u the receipt, but mine has discount on it, u think they accept. anyway its dated on the 26th Oct. PM me ur mailing address and i'll send it to u,okie.
<font size="+1"><font color="ff6000">To All Ladies,</font></font>

<font color="aa00aa">HK Oven Toaster - $70 each (3 Sets Only)</font>
1) Live_Your_Dream

<font color="aa00aa">HK Cushion Seat - $35 each (1 Set Only)</font>

<font color="aa00aa">HK Musical Photo Frame - $8 each (3 Sets Only)</font>

<font color="aa00aa">HK Kettle - $36 each (3 Sets Only - Reordered)</font>
1) Live_Your_Dream

<font color="aa00aa">HK Drawers - $89 each (1 Set Only Reordered)</font>

i want the oven!! btw, can i know what's the measurements/dimensions of the HK drawers before i confirm my order? tks!

To All Ladies,

HK Oven Toaster - $70 each (3 Sets Only)
1) Live_Your_Dream
2) Lani

HK Cushion Seat - $35 each (1 Set Only)

HK Musical Photo Frame - $8 each (3 Sets Only)

HK Kettle - $36 each (3 Sets Only - Reordered)
1) Live_Your_Dream

HK Drawers - $89 each (1 Set Only Reordered)
1) Lani (TBC - pending dimensions)
The measurement for the drawers are approx 65x35x25cm. This drawer is veri nice & the surface is veri smooth, Maplebabies & me bought 1 each & we love it so much..even her hubby commented it's nice leh..heehee
yes i agree the drawers are very nice! i was looking for something like this to put next to dd's bed, as a bedside table. oklah, confirm i will get it also!

To All Ladies,

HK Oven Toaster - $70 each (3 Sets Only)
1) Live_Your_Dream
2) Lani

HK Cushion Seat - $35 each (1 Set Only)

HK Musical Photo Frame - $8 each (3 Sets Only)

HK Kettle - $36 each (3 Sets Only - Reordered)
1) Live_Your_Dream

HK Drawers - $89 each (1 Set Only Reordered)
1) Lani
The surface is very smooth unlike some wooden cupboard still abit rough even they sandpapered it. I can't take my drawer out of the box yet otherwise it'll suffer the same fate as my white cabinet, ie. my gal tore down 1 side of the door!!! Heartpain like hell, still haven recover from the pain yet..sigh..

gtg liow..ZZZZZZ monster attacking me..another long day tmr..hv to send my gal to school then bring my sis's dd for check-up, after tt have to visit my bro-in-law in TTSH then back to pick-up my gal from school, gonna be another mad day..not easy being SAHM hor..keke

Nite Nite!!
yah i like these type of smooth surface furniture, esp for little kids.

yah, not easy being SAHM. some more you are taking care of 3 kids leh! wow! i am only taking care of 1 already sometimes feel so exhausted.

btw my today hubby & i panda bear liao, cause last night dd suddenly fell sick, had fever and very bad cough/phlegm. she woke up ard 1am then cough until vomit so much phlegm. then whole night she could hardly sleep (we brought her to our room), so she & hubby lie down in our room and slept maybe 3hrs only, and i didn't sleep the whole night at all! this morning by 8am we all woke up (doesn't appy to me cause i didn't sleep!), had some breakfast (but dd vomitted her milk in the morning, luckily she was able to eat some raisin bread after that), bathe, then brought her to see PD (hubby took urgent child care leave).

PD was sooo crowded, finally got to see PD after more than an hour's wait, then aft that went to Tampines Prime Mart S-11 foodcourt to ta-pao lunch (cause we finished at PD ard 12.30pm only) and went straight back home. dd knocked out in the car on the way home, so we put her in her bed straightaway, and she napped from 1.30pm all the way to 5pm!! hubby managed to nap with her 1.30-2.30pm (while i ate my lunch), then we swopped places, ie. i went to nap w/ dd till 5pm while hubby ate his lunch.

once dd woke up at 5pm then we fed her her lunch (bought for her duck porridge) - could tell that she was VERY hungry, then fed her medicine. luckily by evening ard 7pm she was feeling MUCH better, was singing/dancing/running/jumping ard already liao, and eating her dinner and snacks. then just now at midnight we finally managed to get her to go to sleep again. phew!
The drawers are v nice!!! Hiaz, if I only hv the place for it.

V heartpain to see toddlers fall ill. They are so helpless. Hope ur DD will be fully recovered soon. I think there is a virus going ard. My hb caught a virus last week also.
Morning ladies!

Any ladies got e slow cooker yest?

Nice toaster, cushion and drawers leh...Me also like the drawer but abit too ex for me lor...Need to cut down on my spending on HK liao...

Glad your DD is recovering well....U must be bery tired lor...poor ger....when children falls sick, parents will be the most tired ones...
To All Ladies,

HK Oven Toaster - $70 each (3 Sets Only)
1) Live_Your_Dream
2) Lani

HK Cushion Seat - $35 each (1 Set Only)

HK Musical Photo Frame - $8 each (3 Sets Only)
1) Hello Kitty

HK Kettle - $36 each (3 Sets Only - Reordered)
1) Live_Your_Dream
2) Hello Kitty (TBC - hee...still considering...but very tempted!)

HK Drawers - $89 each (1 Set Only Reordered)
1) Lani

Hope your DD recovers soon. Can understand how u feel. My son was down with the virus recently too. Now he still on Chinese medicine.
U really have lots of lobang...cannot resist temptation.
As for the drawers, is tt the best price ur supplier can give? Very nice and tempting leh...

HK Oven Toaster - $70 each (3 Sets Only)
1) Live_Your_Dream
2) Lani

HK Cushion Seat - $35 each (1 Set Only)

HK Musical Photo Frame - $8 each (3 Sets Only)
1) Hello Kitty
2) szu

HK Kettle - $36 each (3 Sets Only - Reordered)
1) Live_Your_Dream
2) Hello Kitty (TBC - hee...still considering...but very tempted!)

HK Drawers - $89 each (1 Set Only Reordered)
1) Lani
