Hello Kitty Fans Gathering

Li Li,
Thanks for the info
Hi Purin,
I dont mind the paint being off on the nose...but can I collect from you or your maid one of the weekdays when I go to Bukit Timah to collect my maid work permit??
you mean target australia having HK 50% sale now??!! my sis' colleague is going there in a few days' time and she is helping me buy the HK boom box radio, i already pass her $100 to buy for me. hopefully the sale is still on, then i can get it at half price! can you ask your friend when will the sale be until? tks!
Hi Dior,
I'll keep one for you. No prob. You just let me know when you want to drop by.

Hi Janet,
What else to buy in Vietnam besides Lian Zi? Can help me check with your aunt and where did she buy the lian zi? A colleague of mine just went last month and she bought coffee powder. We are going Hanoi by the way.

Hi Lili,
I am interested in the popcorn maker if it's A$25. But is there any service , handling or shipping charges? If yes, how much will it be?
Hi Purin,
Will definitely ask my aunt where to buy it. Trust me, you can't stop eating the roasted lian zi. You won't be going there so soon right ??
I'll let you know asap.
Li Li,
This is the list for yr HKG trip.
1. Lani - LPB (1. Tianjin red bean w/ NZ honey, or 2. Red bean with chestnut filling w/ NZ honey)
2. Ling Ling - HK electric kettle
3. Hoho03 - 2xcutlery sets
4. Dior - HK kettle, breadmaker (not toaster) and nail polisher.
5. Sharon - HK electric kettle
6. Fei Fei - LPB
7. PrincessEmma - LPB
8. msbrown - Checked bear water bottle
9. janet - Rose wallet budget $30, Food warmer for 4 pax budget $15, kids HK rose t-shirt budget $8.


Morning ladies!

wow, its so nice to see so many pics once logged in....hee...tks for the effort =)...

Do u have the pic of the HK waffle maker? The one which can make 3D waffles =).

Is the keyboard which janet posted the keyboard which u are getting frm HKG?
LiLi..i want a popcorn maker if its not too much trouble.. btww... i came by a tanlili in yahoo auctions selling a nice pair of capri.. is that u? me thinking of getting it leh.. keke....
Good Morning Ladies

Hi Fei Fei,
This is the pic of the waffle maker.

Hi Lani,
Thanks for the compliment. Glad you like the pics.
hi feifei.. my weekend.. v tired leh!!! think my ds is teething again.. he woke up from afternoon nap and cried non stop for 30 mins!!! me always looking forward to monday.. haha.... me bad mommy.. sigh...

experienced mommies... any one of u know y sometimes he wake up after naps wailing???
Hi Lani,
Now you really got me tempted to consider the boom boom radio too. However, I'm eyeing this set which can play MP3 music.

Hi Li Li,
Could you pls ask yr friend if she saw the sandwich maker which can 'print' the HK face on the toast & also how much pls ?? Thanks
Hi morning ladies, I like the sandwhich maker. How much is it any good lobang? Went to kai kai that day but too many things to see don't know where to start hahaha..nice pictures by all of you...
Nice hor...But I saw frm chanel 49 afew wks ago that there is one waffle maker which can make 3D waffles leh...means can see the whole HK and bear head shape =).

oh dear....Understand frm my fren that kids are bery cranky when they are teething cos they feel uncomfortable lor..
Alot of new things at kk lor...hee..u need to spend sometime to dig , then can see sometine u like cos they have alot alot of items there =)...They will hv new stocks today lor..

anyone knows wat kk has today?
Fei Fei,
That 3D waffle maker is nice, but my kids are not into waffles. That's why I thought of getting a sandwich maker instead.

Is your son having a fever ?? My daughter had high fever and bad rashes all over the body and face when she was teething. Really jelak then...either no teeth or many popping out at the same time.
Janet.. no leh.. no fever.. but juz v cranky.. have been waiting for his teeth on top to pop.. but wait v long alr!!!!
but thankfully his appetite still ok.. hmmmm... v strange leh hor...
She was drooling for very long. At 1 yr old, she was still toothless. When she had high fever, it was endless monitoring the whole night. That's the most scary part.
feifei.. me still waiting for his teeth to pop.. keke... btw.. what's that thing u posted.. v nice leh..

Sharon.. i see if i have space, i help u buy lahz.. but NO PROMISES hor.. muz see how "fruitful" this bkk trip is.. hehe
Hi sharon!

nice pictures...the cabinets at Trendy Hub hor, seems like a tissue holder on top..hee

Tink its a laptop case leh...but I took it from Sanrio webbie...so nice hor, but tink its going to be ex...
Good Morning Ladies...

Just a quick pop-in only. Wah seh.. Forum was down for a long time on friday yah.

<font color="ff6000">Janet</font>,
Wow!! You're really our pic queen now. Me drooling all over my work desk liaoz.

<font color="ff6000">Purin</font>,
Nice HK loots you have from BKK. I almost bot that container with the waffle biscuits. In end did not cos scared no luggage space. Now I see pic of it I regret liaoz. That reminds me... I still haven't uploaded pics of my loots from BKK yet. Okie... tonight I go home and take pics. So how was you trip overall?? Bot any Naraya stuffs?

<font color="ff6000">feifei</font>,
Now I see pic of your pink pouch I like it even more. heheheheh.. really sweet lor. You used it yet??
Hi acthia,
hee...Haven lor, will use it tmr...hee...bery sweet hor =)...

Today KK will hv new stocks lor, dunno whether will it be the new relax series leh... =)...
Morning Ladies!

Lili, Msbrown, Lani, Emma, Muffin, Shanshan, Janet
Actually have written an email to her that night outlining the situation and stating the facts again. M hoping that she can do some reflection. Was so upset when I saw her post but I tried to be calm and wrote to her nicely.
thanks for the tip on sending back returns via registered post and checking the condition first before refunding her! Will do that. Much as I dun feel like refunding her now after seeing how ridiculous and unreasonable she is (trying to ruin my reputation in the forum too!), I have decided that I will still refund her for the highest price item, because I've told her I would then and I want to honour my words.
Btw, chanced upon another thread where she also talked abt it hoping pple will respond and prompt her further. I did not respond to that, will only do so if she wrote even nastier and untrue things there. The last thing I want is to fight another online war.

I am interested in the sandwich maker and wafflemaker. Can help me check with your friend how much they r and the shipping and handling charges too? TIA!

My boy has similar experience as your boy for a period of time, but he cried at night, not after naps. It is called 'night terror'. Sometimes my boy cried for around 1 hour for no reason at all. Looks like having nightmare. According to the parenting magazines I've read, they mentioned should not attempt to wake the children but to just provide comfort by hugging them and saying comforting words. But I usually try to wake him up by switching on the light and hugging and talking to him softly, cos very scary to see him cry like that. Even so he would still cry for sometime before stopping.
I'm still thinking when to do BP for the hello kitty jewelry anot.. I afraid the response not good, still have to pay for the $25.00

HI Fei Fei,
You're right. There's a tissue holder on the box.

I just wanted to share what I saw over the Net with you gals and I realized it was so hard to stop.
