Hello Kitty Fans Gathering

Hello Kitty,
Cheerup ger, dun be too depressed over this type of ple hor.... U can't please everyone lor, there are bound to be someone "exceptional" =)...Just do wat u tink you should, as for the rest, dun have to bother ya...

I also interested in the waffle maker leh...

<font color="ff6000">Hello Kitty</font>,
Yah.. agree. No point letting this type of unreasonable person get to you. Ignore all her nasty postings. It's also good that you can control your emotions and write a "calm" email to her. Show her that you're more culture and dignified then to be so low as to join her in an online "cat-fight"

<font color="ff6000">Janet</font>,
Yah.. I know what you mean. It's so exciting to share HK news and pics with like-minded friends.

Aiyoyo... me not feeling too well. Damn sucky lor. It's like I have a runny nose, feeling nauseous but yet cannot take MC cos no fever plus I'm not that sick yet. haiz... somemore only 3-weeks in my new job. Take MC now also like not so good lor. *faintz*
Good morning Ladies

Show you all my loots from BKK, not many lah.







let me know if u r keen in the carpet above, if not i will keep for myself
its $25.

my fren say the Target Sale only up to this week. i will ask her again the exact date.

meiji/dorothy/hello kitty/feifei
will let you know the price and shipping for the waffle maker/popcorn maker. we can share shipping if all are keen.

my yahoo auction id is tanli_li, let me know which item u r keen, will give you a discount lor
Hi Ladies,
Blessed morning...Wow so many nice picture to see..

Thanks for the nice pic..salute you for all the effort..

I also like the waffle maker too...If anyone buying can help me buy too..

Can I know why you want to sell the weighting scale..
Hi Dearie,
Which jewellery? Can post some pictures? I am keen in the ones from Hkg. I'm crazy over them. There are 12 pcs for the figurine. . .but I only have $$ to buy one.

Hi Emma,
If you buy the HK containers, remember not to press against the cover.
Wow lili,
Nice stuff you brought back...So envy lei...now baby too small cant go any where...btw, what is that ribbon thing..isit a neck rest for the car??
Wow lili,
Nice stuff you brought back...So envy lei...now baby too small cant go any where...btw, what is that ribbon thing..isit a neck rest for the car??
<font color="ff6000">lili</font>,
Nice HK loots. So how was your trip to BKK? Where did you get your loots from? I wondering how come I neber see some of those stuffs leh... *sob-sob* I like your white angel pouch and the door curtain. Berry nice... Oh yah.. did you go to Naraya?
If you think you are starting with a flu, take Panadol for the chills/aches and Flumucil for the phlegm. Hopefully it works. But if really can't tahan, then see the doctor. The virus is in the air.
Hi Li Li,
If PP isn't interested in the carpet, pls let me know via SMS ok ?? Saw someone selling it on HKG Yahoo and wanted to ask you to help me get it. So happens you have one for sale now.
ya its a neck rest ;) its damn nice lor..."she bu de" to use it...kekeke.

bkk was good..shop until leg cramp, got problem getting up the tuktuk haha. i got most of my loots from chinatown, see until "yan hua liao luan" man. btw, that one not curtain leh, its 3 pcs of small face towels, hahah. u keen in the white pouch? its an extra though..keke. i went naraya, but go 1 round, didnt see anyting i like, so came out empty handed, hahah...
<font color="ff6000">Janet</font>,
Thanks for the advise. Have already taken Panadol. Now see how lah. It's like 50% sick, 50% ok type of situation.
Neither here nor there lor. Like that how to take MC..?? *scratch head*
i would like to have the carpet, thanks!

Not sure if you saw my msg earlier, anyway here it is:
Posted on Saturday, July 21, 2007 - 10:39 am:
Hi Purin
Welcome back!
Heard from msbrown that she asked you to help get a HK CD holder for me from BKK coz she mis-counted the last time. Pls let me know if you managed to get it, and how to meet you for collection. Thanks!
Hi Ladies,
Forum rather slow suddenly...be prepared for it to be down

Li Li,
Your loots from BKK are so attractive !!! Didn't know you will be able to find the french rose carpet there. Also like your HK water bottle

For runny nose, don't have medication which is non-drowsy. Actifed is very effective but knocks you out. I have taken Clarinase b4...although non-drowsy, but still feel somewhat sleepy.
Purple Penguin,
Looks like I don't get a chance with the carpet again

Not completely sick, but not that well either...That feeling really sucks man !!! If no cough, then take some red apple & orange juice.

Can you pls help me look out for the French rose wallet if you are going to BKK ?? I think BKK has more French rose stuff.
Budget SGD$30. But if slightly exceed, it's ok. Thanks in advance.
ok, its yours. pls let me know how you wanna collect it.

the water bottle was a free gift attached to the 2 bottles of HK drink.
Hi Purplepenguin,
Yes, I got the red CD holder for you. How do you want to meet me? I live in Toh Yi Drive. Workplace is at Shenton way. I can meet you at any of the MRT stations from Commonwealth to Newton via City Hall.
<font color="ff6000">lili</font>,
Lucky gal. Managed to go Chinatown. I wanted to go there too but it was raining the whole 4-days I was there..!! So in end din get chance to go lor. hahahaha... so that one is 2 sepaprate towels har?? *paiseh* Cos you put together I tot is door curtain. oohh.. you got extra pouch?? Can sell to me?? If cannot it's okie lah.

<font color="ff6000">feifei, Janet</font>,
Thks for your advise. Yah.. me going to buy some Vit C tablets to pop later. Just want to either clear up this cold or else just fall sick and be done with it. So sianz with this sick not sick feeling.

<font color="ff6000">Janet</font>,
Aiyoh... everywhere I go in BKK also can see HK stuffs lor. Even the shoe shops got sell HK things. *Faintz* There's so much HK everywhere till my dad comment : "wah pianz..!! This is like HK land man."

hahahahah... then hor.. my older gal so funny. On Day 1 & 2 I keep popping to see HK stuffs. By Day 3, when I wanna go see HK again, Janae will hold my hands and pull me back. Then she said:"Aiyoh.. mommy. You already buy so much HK things. Dun buy liaoz. The whole house got too much HK things loh." Then my parents and Hub all burst out laughing. hhmmpp..!!
morning ladies.....

Yr loots sooooo nice leh. I liked the rose carpet too. U organizing the BP for the waffle maker & popcorn maker ah? Can let me know roughly how much is the popcorn maker? Do u happen to see the sandwich maker too? Coz I'm short of the sandwich maker leh.

Oh ya, my aunt oso gog to HKG next mth leh. Tink gog wif u ba. If u see any checked bear stuffs, u help me buy liao then u pass to her ask her to help me bring them back. haha, she go wont buy a lot of things one. But not bulky stuffs lah, she'll kill me. Small items & checked bear stuffs ok. keke....

What HK pendents are you refering to in HKG? Got picture to show me? My aunt who is co-colick of Lili's will also be gog to HKG next mth tink together wif lili, so I can ask her to help me buy if it's reasonably priced.

Hi Acthia,
Do take care. I'm having a little running nose this morning too. Hopes it gets better later in the day.

Hi Dior, Janet, Purplepenguin, Emma, Sharon....
the white pouch comes with a sling leh, u still want? if ok i can sell to you. its cost 129bht, which is $6.

blue_genie would also like to have 1 HK face waffle container, can u help her to get it if u see it. thanks.
*wave back*..hows things?

Hihi...Sorry to reply oyu so late yest cos din see your sms until almost 9pm lor..hee..

Do u know wat new stuffs kk going to have today?

You have the waffle maker already?? If so, you think you can check for me the watts comsumption...so tht I can go find the transfomer and check the price..Thanks
no problem. I was at KPalace last nite then I saw the HK relax bear series stuffs. Actuali I already saw them at Grace's shop last Friday loved it but dont dare to buy lor coz they're very expensive leh.

This is the series lor.

The stuffs are so expensive leh.
- Nail Clipper - $12.90
- Nail Filer - $10+ ( cant rem how much already )
- Small glass cup - $20+
- Porcelain cup - $20+
- Porcelain Plate with divider - $35
- Hair Band - $20+
- Warmer Bag with 3 containers - $50+ ( but a bit small, suitable for 1 lunch portion only )

They're so expensive lor. Tat's y I need to call KK to check on the prices 1st. Tink KK selling cheaper than KPalace ba, coz I'm interested in the warmer bag wif containers tink KK mentioned abt $52.90 or something like tat.

KK's shipment coming in only tonite so I'll go take a look tonite lor.

Oh ya, Yr zip HK Japanese cloth material pouch oso very nice. I saw only the drawstring pouch (same design except it's drawstring ) at KPalace selling at $17.95 but dont hv yr zip rectangular one. I prefer the zip rectangular pouch then I called KK juz now, they said the zip pouch is $16.90 then the drawstring is $14.90 only. So it's cheaper. Luckily I nvr buy last nite. keke.....
<font color="ff6000">Msbrown</font>,
Oh no.. then you must take care too. There's a cold bug going around lor. See so many people around me sniffing and snuffling and coughing away. yikes..!! imagine all the viruses flying around..!!
hi msbrown.. now that i see lili's loots.. i am getting even more excited abt my bkk trip.. keke... but too bad i am taking budget airline...if not sure can bring back more stuff!!! keke...

Janet.. i'll keep a look out for the wallet for u..
any french rose stuff also ok with u?? keke... dun worry lah.. i'll only buy if i find it pretty and <font size="-2">cheap</font> of cos..
<font color="ff6000">lili</font>,
Thks thks... Yup. Me interested in getting the pouch from you. So how to meet yah?? U also working @ Robinson Road area right?

<font color="ff6000">Msbrown</font>,
Yah lor. THe relax series is so nice but too ex liaoz. Me also aiming for the food warmer but too ex leh... If I buy sure kena nagged by hubby cos he says it'll be left in cold storage. Till now I still have not used my picnic cooler bag leh.. heheheh..
hi everyone!!!!

does anyone know what time KK open?

hi Purin, ya... what happen to the slow cooker? is the bp still on?

msbrown, how much u pay for yr waffle maker?
tks for the infor...

heng u din buy last nite leh, if not u will be paying mor eliao...

Thats the relax series I liked recently lor...heehee..aiming the mug actually..hee

So u going kk tonite?

ya lor, the zip sakura pouch comes in red and pink...i like the pink one so bot lor...use it to put my hp, tissue and $$ when i go out for lunch...hee

Wonder if Kk will bring in the relac series pouches cos saw frm the mag that there are some pouches as well and also bath towels... =).

hihi...Long time din see u here...How u doing?
Tks ya. Even my boss called me tis morning then asked me if I'm feeling ok. haha.... My voice betray me. keke... U oso take care.

Ya lor, me aiming the cooler bag oso leh. Already asked KK to reserve for me liao but I'll go dwn take a look at the real thing again tonite. I tink KK selling the cheapest liao at $52.90. I'll confirm the price again tml.

Ya lor, so nice but so ex lor. I see the price I oso jump a little leh. Now I smart liao, will compare prices b4 I decided to get something. Yup, me gog to KK tonite.

Any ladies wana join me?

I got the waffle maker, coffee maker & pop up toaster at a bundle price of abt SGD80 per piece. Total is abt SGD 240++ including shipping up to Singapore. Consider quite ok liao lor the price. I bought from ebay USA site last yr.
feifei, good... yue lai yue tan chi....

msbrown, me planning to go tomorrow morning...

anyone know what time kk open?
<font color="ff6000">lili</font>,
can can... me working @ The Ogilvy Centre. Right next to LPS only. How about tomolo during lucnh time?? My time is flexi. Any-time between 12noon to 2pm.
u not feeling well? oh dear...got drink mor water? going to see doc? must really take care lhor..

How does the cooler bag looks like?

I would very much wan to go kk with u tonite leh but got to go my inlaw plc have dinner..haiz...maybe go other day lor....Pls let me know wat else they have for the relax series lor...i aiming the Big bath towel, mug, salad bowl of the relax series lor..hee

Tink kk opens at 11am leh... hee...got cravings liao?
Thanks for your help. If you manage to find the items below, I would like the following!! Thanks in advance

French rose tote bag. Budget SGD$20
Food cover. Budget SGD$10
feifei, acthia
Thanks! She just wrote another post with misleading info. I just went in to clear the air again. Had to force myself to be calm. Haiz...

KK opens around 11.30am.

Saw someone carrying the AH I'm not a plastic bag on Saturday at Great World City! Quite big leh, and NICE!

Thanks! Do help me check out the sandwich maker too hor?

MSbrown, acthia
Do take care, drink lots of water, and take a rest whenevr u can afford.

Acthia, if really feeling terrible then better see a doc and rest at home for a day. Health more impt...think your boss will understand lah after seeing your state today. Take care!

Good Afternoon ladies.....

take care too...which cooler bag you refering?

ya lor the new relax series stuffs all so nice lor...me aiming at the big bath towel too..hmmm..

nice loots from BKK....
Li Li,
I thought if PP doesn't want the carpet, I can be next in line. Anyway, it's reserved. Case closed. HaHaHa.

<u>This is the HKG shopping list for Li Li:</u>
This is the list for yr HKG trip.
1. Lani - LPB (1. Tianjin red bean w/ NZ honey, or 2. Red bean with chestnut filling w/ NZ honey)
2. Ling Ling - HK electric kettle
3. Hoho03 - 2xcutlery sets
4. Dior - HK kettle, breadmaker (not toaster) and nail polisher.
5. Sharon - HK electric kettle
6. Fei Fei - LPB
7. PrincessEmma - LPB
8. msbrown - Checked bear water bottle
9. janet - Rose wallet budget $30, Food warmer for 4 pax budget $15, kids HK rose t-shirt budget $8.

<u>For PrincessEmma</u>
1. Janet - French rose long wallet, tote bag & food cover.
Your daughter is so cute. My son has already told me he is seeing Hello Kitty everywhere and having a headache.

Much as I would love to get more French rose items, I have to control my spending. Just cleared my debts from the recent GSS spending. HeHeHe. If you're able to get those stuff in the list from BKK, I would be very, very happy and grateful. Thanks in advance

Ms Brown,
The virus is in the air. After 2 days of bad cough, it's better today...just have to get rid of the phlegm now. Take care.

Hi Shan Shan,
How are you doing ?? Got time for us now ?? HeHeHe. Is your bf back in S'pore for good or for holidays ??

If really not well, then yr boss should understand. It could be the start of flu.

Hello Kitty,
I hope the buyer stops her nonsense soon...so damn irritating to go on and on.

Ms Brown,
Are you feeling better ?? Do take kiwi fruit for Vitamin C. I remember Live_Yr_Dream saying she ate that. It's rich in Vit C.

Li Li,
You got the water bottle free from buying the drinks ?? That's a very sweet item.
