Hello Kitty Fans Gathering

I know there r unknown issues between TH and Lili, i also assume u have also experienced the same unknown issue, as i remember u were the one who started doin BPs before Lili took over them. We have not jumpin into conculsion here but its all to the ladies to conclude themselves, all we wan now is to get an answer from Lili on the hold up. She is still wkin in RP, we all know where she stay, nobody is sayin she ran away wif out money, u r the one who implied tat, wahhahahaha, true its not urgent tat we get the camera, but just an answer would be nice. Since stock is in TH, y is Lili not arranging payment to TH for the payment we have made to her, since TH has oready agreed to take over the BP.
thanks jenny
Ladies on the camera BP
Due to the numerous smses, calls, TH received over these few days, especially gettin TH involved in the forum. TH has decided to cancel the BP. Those ladies who r still interested in the camera can go down to TH to get it but will not be on BP price
Correction on the earlier post

Ladies on the camera BP
Due to the numerous smses, calls, TH received over these few days, especially gettin TH involved in the forum. TH has decided to cancel the BP.
Feifei, Nikita

I agree with you gals that this forum used to be a happy place for us hk fans to meet and interact. And if only people stayed the same, be as nice and respectful towards each other as in the past, things wont have turned out so bad now. But sadly its not so. Maybe you dont know what has been going around so you only see the 'good' sides. Or maybe you werent the targets so you have been treated nicer. Well, then you are fortunate. Some of us have been 'bitched' about and called 'names', no wonder alot have become silent readers.

As to Lili's BPs, i am quite sure most of us appreciated all her help. There was a point i told Lili i support her too. And i am sure we have all thanked Lili in one way or another for her BPs, so MsBlur, this may answer your question. Who say we dont appreciate? Its precisely we had appreciated that we had trusted her so much, when Lili say pay up, we just paid without suspecting anything. This may answer your other question why when 1 or 2 BPs unsuccessful, all hell break loose .. well, for the trust we had, its a tad too disappointing now that we realised certain things from TH themselves and Lili has not come in the open eversince.

Right now it seems you are shifting the restrictions to be on TH side and Lili being the victim as well but is that the truth? Thats what you want us to believe but is that the truth?

Frankly, if Lili has nothing to hide and all the restrictions are indeed at TH side, why cant she tell us openly so that we will not think its her problem? Then we can be understanding towards her and wont chase her so much? And when TH wants to take over, i m also as puzzled as Jenny, has she handed them the money so that TH can release stocks? If she choose to MIA and dont respond then its not hard to see why people cannot understand her.

You say its kinda upsetting & hurting when she's organising all the bps out of goodwill, and in return wat she got was these accusing & hurting remarks! .. well, who accused her said she ran away with our money? We are all still waiting for her to explain ok? And who tried to hurt her? At least we dont call her 'names'. I see Jenny, HKL posts to her, all were polite and pleading but she tested their patience. To a certain extent, she could have downplayed this whole saga and not let more people get more pek chek had she be more reponsive and open. Anyway, i believe she started doing BPs for us out of goodwill, i just hope along the way, things have not changed.

i know we should be gving lili a chance to explain & well we did but the outcome.she didn't revert. if u were saying she is doing a full time job yes so does all of us. i don't need the daily update of the good status but at least an answer after a long wait since we paid.

if u said she can't access the forum y can she revert a hush sms to me right after i posted in less than 5 mins. i'm not wrong to ask for my purchases of the bowls & i have the right to do so. moreover she choosed to advoid us & or our queries, if she has reverted do u think we would post in forum.

now who is accusing her running away with our $$. we just wanted to her to come out & expalin is that so difficult.who say we don't appreciate her help in all the BP she organised some of us have posted thanks for her help.

if she faced problem openly who would want to make things ugly. right now if u are her frene pls ask her to revert an answer in order not to make things worst.

this is what lili reply jenny in the forum Posted on Friday, January 09, 2009 - 1:29 am:

sure, will settle this with TH 2mr. keep you informed....
so lili has not revert till now.

No one here is accusing lili of taking their money. All they ask of was just a fair explaination or account for what had happen to this BP. As this is only between Lili and TH. No one else no the matter best except themselves. So why keep pushing the blame to TH when TH had exclaimed that the stock had long been sitting in the shop. No one is claiming for them.

As a BP organizer you should at least have the courtesy to answer to queries. Even so if you are that busy, replying to an sms shouldnt be that difficult to do right. If you mentioned about not willing to pay for the costs involved with sms, there is still other ways of communication, why hasnt she reverted yet.

Of course we all do appreciate Lili's help in organizing the bp. She too does benefit from participating in some of the BPs and enjoying the CP like us too right? We have shown our appreciation by Thanking her for the hardwork that she had done. What more do you expect from all of us?It's only right that all BP organizers should get the BP through smoothly? No?

Being her good friend I think its best that you get her to explain it clearly before everything turns ugly.

The forum used to be a friendly forum where everyone come in to share the same passion. I do not know since when, we are seggregated into so many group which is upsetting for alot of us here.
we had waited long enough for lili reply. But till date she did not revert back. We are not asking msblur for an answer but as a frene of hers should talk to her. If lili does not revert ppl will think she is advoiding us or e issue.
Sigh...really miss those days with the pioneer batch of ppl who started this thread...Janet, Ms Brown, Purin, Feifei, Shanshan, she_she, Lani, BA, Annie, VQ, crayonmom...
when come to $ abit difficult loh, she owe a few of us, make us sound like shark attackin her like tat, if ppl do tat to them how would they feel loh, dunno if they will still be frds or not supporting her all the way, wahahahhaahha
Thanks for the TT really appreciate it. But i really curios wat is happening to the BP, dun think the reason is becos ppl not paying rite??
I dunno if the other ladies have gotten their refunds.

Talkin abt frds, sometimes hor cannot just listen to one side of the story loh, also have to understand from the other side, sekali sometimes got 3 sides how, all must listen b4 judging loh. Sometimes ppl know history repeating itself, will still think she is rite, if the truth all come out, all will no longer be frds
I think its really ugly to talk behind people. I wonder why they dont dare to come forward. I guess that is the way how people talk in this forum. How sad. "LET the vengence be his"
so paiseh hor, feel bad for u loh, dunno if this BA n YL gotten thir refund yet.

No choice loh some ppl just like tat one, all talk no action, they can PM u wif msgs like the one u received earlier. buay paisai, still dare to undermine their own frds, still dare to say they r ppls's frds
you still around, I thought you went off sleeping liao dreaming of HK.. wahahahahahahah hmmm I think so bah.. judgement will come soon
U very bad lah, i also wanna go back again, love the bustle there, shopping extremely happening easily lost control there
U also collecting the 7-11 figurines, how many u have le, i only got 4 heng only i repeat maid, got ppl to xchange le
