Hello Kitty Fans Gathering

Morning Ladies
To those who have start the 'fire' from dunno when, stop it right now.....no more calling names or other tings ya. Appreciate that.

Since lili have refudn to all ladies and the issue was already solved, please let the matter rest and die down......and return the attention to Hello Kitty please. Thank you so much.

nice shoes.....OG got carry HK shoes but dun tink they have those you posted.

it's like that one....they r testing water on yr reactions. dun like her win....hahaha....from now till 4yrs old will be fun lor. Im sure ladies with kids already knw that....kekeke

Good morning ladies

I really dunno wat is the "inside story" of tat "issue", let's put a "Full Stop", n dun comments anymore.
Here should be a Happy n friendly Hello Kitty Fans gathering
Good Morning Ladies,
How are you all ? It's been a LONG time since I posted anything here.

My kids are in morning session this year...so mornings are very peaceful. Stress time is after 12pm. I sent my maid back almost 2 months now...cannot tolerate her anymore.

thanks for informing me re. the package.
i am much much better liao.. almost 100% recover.

Jenny, MB, Siowhui
have ur package arrived liao?
let me know when u receive hor

today seems like more people come in.
hope its going to be good start
What's new at TH now ? I have not been there for ages bcos my daughter doesnt like that place...dont know why either

It's the start of a new day, hope everyone here woke up feeling refreshed. Hey, it's Thursday. Weekend is just a day away.
It's been a long time indeed...didnt have the time earlier to do so with the 2 fellas at home.
I am sitting in front of the PC now becos I dont wish to do any housework...on strike. HaHaHa
softpillow..i m keen to take over the blanket

Annie,i like the HK shoes too.U showing pics or u mean u bought already? wonder if HKG has- wanna get for my DD cos i going HKG soon..hehehe

Here's sharing some loots...so long nvr see 'loots' around. Hope the pics can bring smiles to brighten up this thread
Jenny, if you really want to do the score must include the private avenues-msn chats and emails, hehehe
but cannot reproduce to public (u know wad i mean).

Janet, you are back!
Miss you and all your pics posting!

Starlight, i have received them! Thanks! Very nice

Wow Mischa, thats a big lot of loots there! You must have been really happy shopping!

Yup ladies, now that the camera BP has concluded, lets hope for better days ahead. Most of you are nice people
so i believe moving forward we will have no more of such troubles here.
M_B, ya actually thats an accumulated loots la. too busy + lazy to take pics, so take one shot looks like alot.hehhee...
some i bought from Ebay, mostly from KK/ Sanrio GG
Mischa's mummy
sorry the blanket has been reserved, she PM me 1 min earlier b4 ur post. i'll let u know if it's available again, ok?

ur loots nice nice
Jenny, kwl, pll, i finally read wad u gals chatted last nite. Haha so fun! Pity i missed! My hb oso guai one, he oso dun club. Me on the other hand party almost evrynite last time, hahaha...
Hello Ladies,
Not that we don’t want to forcus on Hello Kitty leh. When we post pics to share, ppl will say we brag or leave nasty comments but when they post, they are so call “sharing”.

Did u go to the KP sale today?

Remember 5 yrs back when we had so much fun playing/exchanging LD at KK? Also don’t hv these nonsense ppl. Don’t know where these red eye monsters pop out from . They should just continue being clever and stick to buying cheap & fakes and stop creating trouble themselves.

Btw, do u know some ppl also accuse KK leh. Ppl gave her the LD poster sometime back, is not to be nice to her lor. Instead, just want to let her open her small eyes and see clearly before she start accusing ppl giving her DH the wrong prize again.

The person who went MIA herself!!!
Don’t be a pot calling a kettle black lah! U’re the one with no peace. We’re very peaceful here.

Another piece of info, don’t buy imitation goods and brag/post pic in the public forum. Especially those “branded” ones. Prada has got every right to sue ppl who post “inspired wallet” with their signature logo.

And really 同人不同命!!!So better don’t talk so much and get back to work!!!Before u kana sack by your boss.
Yo yo, you finally appear just finished your cat nap is it? keke
Hey try let it go now that you said your piece. Else there will be another outrage and you gonna get the blame again. We continue to chat about HK and put the past behind.You going to KP or not?


Yes la, we had fun last night if you were around I think sure *pengz*.

Hey the decorations are so cute. I like the ones on top especially the HK. Look so cute in the chinese traditional clothings.
SAHM (HJ), u dun wan ur plate ah?
let me know soon cos i cleaning the hse for CNY next week, i might keep it in the store first in case relatives come over and break it if i put it outside.
kwl, cute decors.. i like the middle one in the first pic, whole kt family feels so warm n the third pic "chu ren ping an" where u buy the kt decors frm?
I did, end up buys 3 bags again only, today me duty is to get things for frds, wahahahhaahah, not too bad, quite well-behaved.

5 yrs le soooo long ago, gg for LD at KK is an experience loh, brought a frd there b4, after the session, she actually say "Pls do not ask me come again". She quite tramatised by the whole session plus she not very siao abt kt. I longer goes to KK for LD also cos i very lazy to go to Chinatown. KP is nearer to my place and also easier for me to smuggle things back.

Wow nice series leh. Me like it so much.
You going to buy the whole series huh??


Me too traumatized by the LD at KK too, wont go anymore.
So long din log in le. CNY coming soon..

Nice series. I like this series alot. Ordered some from KK but no news yet.
PLL, i just got home hehehe, havent even bathe yet, hehehe

Blue, so long no see
Hows ur CNY preparations? I havent even started.
blueblue, i also ordered some from this series from KK. but if i didnt remember wrongly, the shipment i
Feb wor....still a long way.
btw what did u order? now looking at the catalogue. icant remember what i ordered liao..cham.

ladies who hv been to HKG...anyone knows if the authentic Sanrio stuff are cheaper there or here?

I just started buying some CNY decor. I cant find Kitty Decor le. Bought those lil cow ones. haha.

Hi hi. bought new clothes? I bought my first cheong sum top...haha. going to match with jeans.

haha. I also same le. I forgotten what I ordered in the catalog. Can die hor..I been to HKG but I dunno very well abt where to get sanrio stuffs.
