Hello Kitty Fans Gathering

Hello Ladies

Im also a nite owl

Wow, suddenly so many heads popping out here, hehehehe
Any of you bought any nice hk lately? Share?

Pillow, when your bday? Today?
Hello KWL

seldom see you around in these hours.. miss japan or not??


Yes me still around. hahahahah
Can't get to sleep.
me PLL not PPL. Definitely your soul is not back that I can testify.. whahahahahaha :p

you busy nowadays never see you around in the forum for the past 2 days.
hi PLL.
u also late sleeper?

i applied for few days leave during cny week, no mood to work. haha. Poorthing. hope ur Ds get adjusted to ur new maid soon. my boy recently started cc, i v stress, he always cry n doesnt want to go to sch

kwl, din know so many night owls here. peifu

You sleep late and can wake up early. You dont need much sleep is it?

OOopsss. yes I did. :p


Yes, me sleeping late nowadays. Cos my ds sleep liao, this is the only free time that I have before I go to bed. heheheheeh
The HK candle very nice leh. . .can I have one on my bd too? Kekek. . .

Or we can meet during the CNY week. Kekeke . . .
pompom, i sms u tmr to c if im near ur office k?
my birthday over le, thanks babe

kwl, thanks babe, over already

ktgal, spent my bday like normal day. i went ICA to collect my new passport then head to PS after that n bot the 'sideview kt' tote bag
PLL, ya lor, me have been really busy!

KWL, i too left my soul in jpn since my first trip there many years back liao, hahahah

Ok ladies, me go nua and sleep liao, hehehe, Nite nite!!
I googled the cake for Pillow, hehehehe, let me know all your bday, i post for you too, heee

Purin, i also like the candle!!!
Don't think I have $$ to go Japan this year. . .every trip cost us at least $10k. I miss the supermarkets and the HKs at Ginza.
Nite...sweet dreams

I miss everything there
Better be prepared b4 going lor.. If not very xin ku one..I hate to restrict myself from buying stuff I really like.

Didn't want to shop so much in Singapore anymore after going Japan. Japan got so much selection.
I agree lor. ..so b4 I go, will tell DH that he CANNOT restrict me in my purchases.

Maybe go next year when times are better.

Thinking of going TW this year but again, I sure spend a bomb. Kekek. . .how to be SAHM like this.
Wat's the hold up wif the payment to TH, we paid u cash on the understanding tat u r supposed to pay the cash to TH asap, i do not wan to think the worst of u tat u have taken our cash and spend it on ur personal well-being.
We really would appreciate if we can any update from u personally, we dun wan the whole thing to turn ugly cos afterall we really appreciate wat u have done all the while. However wat I dun understand y is u have gone totally MIA wifout any reply to our msges and smses tat leave us wondering wat is gg on? UPDATE US PLS!!!!

I really wonder what took u so long to reply us with regards to our BP purchases. i took it upon myself to ask as i had paid $$ to u. is it also fair that u revert back the status of our purchases so we know what's going on. we trusted u & paid up before the stocks arrived as we understood u can't come up with so much cash but there's no news at all. u set us wondering have u took our cash & spend it on your personal well being or.

the last time u mention that those bowls are order from korea & it will take somtime to arrived that we could understand. this time round u smsed me that the bowls are ordered from Taiwan instead , now which is which. if is from taiwan i don't think it will take u more than a month to receive the stock. u really make me wonder where are my items & $$ now.

PLS PLS UPDATE US this is also our hard earn $$$ .
hi Galz

I m fine
Long time no see you too. But i do see you in the fernvale thread, hehe. Hows everything?

HKL, Jenny

Still no updates ah? Oh dear!
Haiz .. why like that? Next time dont participate in the BPs liao lor. Somemore this is not the first time something like that happened hor? Next time, go TH buy, even if without member discount also better! Sure can get the goods, in new and good condition and somemore immediately!

What happen to you? In recent months, heard you get into such troubles a few times already. In all fairness, i think you do owe these ladies an explanation and they have been quite patient with you liao. Whether its $2 or $200, its people's hard earned money leh.

Now i can understand why in the past got people think there is no integrity and sense of responsibility liao. As a BP organiser, you really should be more responsive and initiate updates especially if you have already collected the money. And not let people have to chase you for updates all the time instead.

I'm fine.CNY coming alot of things to prepare & my second galz also start to go school. A brand New year like got alot of things to do.
I read the thread, like something is happen here..
Please allow me to say something in my humble opinion ya...

I hv been visiting this HK forum for abt 2yrs now, this is the best forum I have ever visited so far..Reason is because we all share the same hobby, same interest which is the Hello Kitty. We share lobangs with one and other, helped one and other buy loots overseas etc.Meet up to play LD together and made alot of new friends here.

Personally I known Lili for sometime through this forum here..Have bot quite afew items from her BP also..I can say Lili is doing a very good job in organising the BPs, helping us to save alot of $$, all these I am sure everyone knows abt it. Still rem in afew of the BPs, the pots, or the containers, she helped us lug back alotalot to her office until we arrange to collect from her. All these are her efforts, time, stamina and the help she has given to us.Actually this is only a public forum and why does she do all these for us,she does it in a way to our convenience and help us to save some $$..

If she wants to run away with our money, she would hv done so long time ago when there were alot of BPs going on...It could be that she is bery busy at work or something crops up,thats y she din update us regularly on the BPs..

I am not trying to say anything but just wan to post my thoughts here. Hope I din offend everyone as I am neutral and would want to see this forum a fun and great place to visit and not like now, the forum has became quiet and alot of old forumers becomes silent readers liao...

Sorry for being so lor soh..At the end of the day, just want everything to go well and everyone to enjoy coming in here to share and chat!

If you are reading this forum, I know you must be upset but I feel you should also give these ladies here an explanation.At least let them know what is going on here to avoid further misunderstandings abt u ya..
i agree with u. This fourm used to be a fun and interested place to visit.

Although i didnt join all the BPs that lili organised but I'm sure she is not tat sort of ppl that will bluff us lor.

Amost of us know that the BPs frm TH could sometimes be delay due to items some where in their warehouse.

Lili have already help us so much in different ways. Would appreciate it if ladies here could give her some time to sort things out at her end.

Just a penny of my thoughts....No offence ya....
I agreed wif ur opinion, tat y few of us has been msgin her but she simply refused to answer, end up i had to go to TH to enquiry personally, actually the amt is abt $198 for each set, not a big amt, we just need an answer, just an answer from her is all we need, since the stock has been sitting in TH since OCT 08, y has she not tell us, when is she gonna pay TH, i also feel bad callin TH daily, knowing tat they r very busy, we have been patient enuff to wait for an answer from Lili, however she again just refused to reply. After awhile, wouldn't u be wondering wat gg on??
I understand lor..I mean its money we are talking abt so I can understand the concerns here. I am not in the camera BP so I can't comment much. I also ordered the bowls frm Lili's BP, but I know the bowls will come in somehow, its just a matter of time.

Can understand the pakchekness of waiting for an answer..I also hope Lili can quickly explain to you all what is happening to prevent this issue frm becoming a big one lor..
Not tat we have not given her time, if Lili has replied us earlier, we wouldn't be chasing her le, now its has come to a point whereby she simply refused to communicate wif any of the payees and i have to sometimes call or goes to TH personally just to get any little update. If u r one of us, how would you feel? To find out urself tat the stock has arrived in OCT 08, even she has come back from her holiday during tat time, she got Nov and Dec to inform us. She nv even peep a sound on the BP, i dun wan to get nasty, but if this goes on, prolly things will have to turn tat way.
I can understand the anger u have and how u all felt...but well, all this will have to wait for Lili to reply and hopefully you all can work things out ya....

Err..just curious to know hor, are the cameras at TH shop now or still in warehouse or something?

After seeing wat u gals posted, i cant help but got to say something, even though jenny or whoever must be thinking im on gd terms with Lili, so sure will side her...

Guess many of us hav joined bps here, and so far everyone here has got their stuff on time, safely & all in gd condition rite? But hw come when the bp turned out fine, nobody actually said any nice tings, but only when 1 or 2 bps are unsuccessful, everybody started talking & blaming like mad! But have all wondered y tings turn out this way? Yes...though the stocks came in TH in Oct 08, but did all of u thot abt hw big is TH's warehouse & hw they arranged their stocks?? Nt all cartons boxes are labelled accordingly to wat items are inside, and everyday or every week they hav so many cartons of new stocks coming. They hav no time, all they can do was to chuck all inside the warehouse.

Yes...TH might hav told Lili stocks for the camera will come in Oct 08, so Lili has actually done her job by telling everybody. But as to when TH will check or release the stocks, that's nt up to Lili to control. So we cant jump to the conclusion that Lili has ran away with our HARD-EARNED money! Y should she do that when most ladies knew her & even knew where she stayed? As to why Lili hasnt replied to anyone of u or posted in this thread was bcos' after all these tings, she felt so hurt what u ladies hav thought of her. What do u ladies actually expect her to ans here when there's nt even a confirmed date when TH can released the items? Everyday you wan her to juz post 'NO UPDATES FRM TH YET', den the nex day will still the same 'NO UPDATES FRM TH YET'?? Will it change all ur mindset? U ladies will still tink Lili ran away with all ur HARD EARNED money rite??1! So regardless of whether she did reply or nt, u gals will still tink the same way. Y cant juz give her sometime to settle the whole ting with TH, check again when the stocks will arrive at TH itself, before u gals accused her of anything? I meant we are all nt that urgent to use the camera (unless u all reali are lah), and Lili cant access to forum in office. Come on...we all hav our own full time job, Lili too. She dun sit in office, juz waiting to reply to all ur queries & doubts. Its kinda upsetting & hurting when she's organising all the bps out of goodwill, and in return wat she got was these accusing & hurting remarks!
