Hello Kitty Fans Gathering

Hehe. . .I have most things at home, conventional oven, microwave oven, etc.

Ahmau's kueh lapis is the chinese jiu3 chen2 gao1. That one only need to steam.

I prefer the bake pandan cakes, find the smell and taste nicer. The steam one is like ji1 dan4 gao1. I also don't like to "bake" using microwave.

My mum could make mooncakes, ang ku kueh, bao, bread, etc. Sob sob. ..only thing I learn from her is honey cornflakes which is super easy.

Hehe. . last time my mum always scolded me silly for eating snow skin mooncakes cos some use their bare hands (don't know clean or not) to squeeze, mold and furthermore, they are not baked. So to her if not handled carefully, can cause diarrhoea. Btw. . this does not imply anything.

Ms Blur,
She pretends not to hear each time I call her...and when she answers me, it's damn shitty (sorry, no other word). Attitude problem. Only worked 4 months and already giving this nonsense. Always wants to go IMM or downstairs.
okies to passing baton thru me

thanks for lugging the bag to me today...i love the cupcake u made
yums yums...keep up the good work...hehehe.

saturdays i usually got program liow..so cant make it wor...think count me out for now lah..thanks.

no probs at all...all these passing round are shun bians only

np, pass u on saturday

yr item from msbrown is with me...let me know u wanna come collect or pass to KM.

yr $20 from HKL is with msblur, have asked her to xfer you...thanks.
my loots from IMM daiso..

those plastic drawstring bags are such a steal.. sanrio selling at abt 6 bucks for one..

ladies.. which photo host should i use so that i can post pictures on kitty loft?
I've transferred u the $20 frm HKL. Pls check.

Wa...the drawstring bags r nice! Ya loh...i saw at sanrio selling for abt $6. They oso hav the sks bag, but me bu seh de buy leh.
KARAOKE Gathering Session @ Marina Square
Date: 25th July 2008
Cost: $30++ (International buffet inclusive of karaoke session from 7pm-10pm)


- msblur (confirmed)
- emma (confirmed)
- lili (confirmed)
- kittymum (confirmed)
- cindy (confirmed)
- jasmine (confirmed)
- purin (confirmed)

Wa...so happy for u. So fast got ur new laptop liao, juz that day heard u mention nia.
So nex time u can log in at nite liao loh. Hee...
msblur.. ya.. v nice and worth it leh.. i wanted to get the SKS ones from sanrio too.. but realli mai bu xia.. one plastic bag for 6 bucks.. madness.. haha.. waiting for daiso to bring in sks ones.. i help u buy if i see them..
Yes so happy that i can log in at night again. See u ladies this friday. This friday sure chat and sing like mad. haha

I will exchange the thing with u. We will do it on this friday.
You love snowskin mooncake ? Same here. I love it...usually get from Dong Hai (I think). Either pandan or snow skin. Used to be crazy over Crown Prince yam ones.

Now that you have your own laptop, you must be busy decorating it with your HK wallpaper, screensaver, mousepad etc etc.

My hubby is going to Beijing late Sep. Spouses not allowed to go along. Anyway, my daughter is so sticky, cant possibly accompany go. Do you know where I can ask him to go for Hello Kitty stuff ?
Ya loh...dat time i went HF sanrio, though very tempted, but still didnt buy loh. Ya ya...if u saw the sks drawstring bags, pls buy for me. Thks for offering ya.

Ya ya...hope we dun chat until we forgot to sing men. Hahaha....
Ur boys slept oreadi?
Should be the new one version. Friday u see correct a not.

My 2 son still have not sleep cause their daddy still not home yet. They sleep late one. Hope on friday we play until mad.

Long time no chat. My hubby already tell me to put our family photo as wallpaper. No HK. haha.
Yeah, long time didnt login. If it is your laptop, it is up to you to put anything you like. Mine is the Melody July calendar wallpaper from Sanriotown.

My 2 kids are not sleeping yet. Will have to get them to bed soon.
Haha...hw mad u wana play leh?? Hmm...y dun u tell ur hubby, i've oreadi considered HK as part of our family liao loh! Kekeke....

My 2 gals oso haven sleep yet. Still watching tv ah! Tonite hubby nt coming hm, so they sleeping with me. Got to chase them to bed liao men!
Hi Jamine,
Ya new laptop. ready so happy today.

Just have fun lor. My hubby know i like HK he will not stop me from creating my laptop with HK is just that when he use the laptop can see our family photo. hahaha The mouse and the mouse pad already is HK.
My hubby just come back. He bought sushi for me. Got to eat first come back in a while. hahaha
Hope i will not get fater and fater. Put on too much weight.
thanks for helping me pass to HKL & collect the money. Got things for acsy meh? I dun rem have wor.

There's 1 for Spunk which needs to exchange with KM for the angel glass.

Tks for trf to me, I'll check tml ya.

Fri am sure u gals will hv a great time. keke... tempting me ya....

Ya how crazy u wana be... keke..... Wa nice leh, like me can log in at nite liao coz got new notebook.

Nice nice lor, those drawstring bags. I got some from TW super expensive lor.... Haiz..... The luggage tag is nice wor, regret nvr ask u help me buy.
Hee...U still can afford to eat, given ur condition nw mah. Easier to feel hungry men.

No prob lah. U come join us lah. Even if no singing, can juz come for the buffet loh. Purin & Jasmine oso said they wont sing, juz eat nia. Hee...
Come la dun think. U dun miss us meh. I so long did not see u already.

Ya but have to control my diet too wait sugar too much i die, but dun eat also cannot cause so tempting and nice.
Oh ya ya...pls hoh, dun drink too much sweet drinks liao. Learn frm ur lesson ya.
Juz control for these few mths nia & everything will be ok lah.
Ya have to ren ren ren. Have to sleep now or not my 2 son dun wan to sleep. They are at my room watching cartoon cause they know i still serving net so they will not sleep. Good night all ladies sweet dream!
Morning Ladies

Wow, HKLover, you are up so early?

Angel, i love all your loots in HKL.
Looks like you have just came back from overseas HK trip like that, hehehe. Ya my hubby also cooks but simple dishes nia. He likes to cook cos then it means i will wash up and vice versa and he dont like to wash up, thats why, haha
Good Morning Ladies

MB, mau
These loot are accumulated shopping since the HK/CN LD that's why looks it like I just came back from overseas again (I wish!) haha...
Gonna start work on my HK/Pooh cakes & cupcakes soon, share the results (hopefully good) with you gals later!
Hihi Ladies,
Goody morgan...finally got time to come in le, me back last week but soooooo busy n also fell sick so 'no sound no picture' from me...got miss me bo? bleah...hehehe..

Saw some nice nice loots you gals posted here n HKL....soooooo nice loh
Finally u showed up liao ah... keke... do take care of yrself ah. Lots of ladies here oso falling sick including myself lor. Me oso juz recovering only....

Got this extra heartshaped cushion for sale at $30. I bought from someone at $30 then after which I drew additional 1 more so wana sell away.

Just wondering.. Anyone remembered when LYD say the pots are coming??
Like wait very long hor..

Amount S$20.00
Transaction Reference 1811447675

Lili ( For Train Clock BP )
Amount S$20.00
Transaction Reference 1811448633
Take care hor. Reali lor, these virus nowadays super like commando like tat 1 lor. I finished whole pack of pills they oso havent die yet lor. So reali gotta take good care ya.

I tink LYD mentioned something like Sept wor.
Tink LYD said somewhere ard Sept bah. Me oso looking forward to receiving my pots leh. Seems so long hoh???

U found ur IB device liao ah?
Hi hi Kittymum, finally see you here! hehe, take care wor! Me been sick 1 week liao too, flu bug hits.

Hey, think me might miss your pte sale tonite, have tutorial lessons tonite. I have 2 short glasses with you hor? U think can pass them to Spunk or Lili to pass to me? I can meet them at RP, i also got things to collect from them. Can mah?

Spunk, Lili, can mah? Then i meet u gals sometime next weekday lunch?

MsBlur/Lili ah, ok thanks hor, help me pass the MM lunchbox cos these few weeks, i am bit haywired in schedule after work, gotta rush for lessons so dont go home straight to be able to meet MsBlur at Hougang. Thanks gals!!
Angel! Show us your creations hor!
Me must learn from you lor, hehehe, me is baking idiot one. Hope i dont end up burn down my kitchen, hehe

By the way, who is going for the HK mooncake course ah? Me and hubby interested but our sat cant go also, likely will take a wed or thurs evening class.
orh...thkq. Ya ya..the flu bugs again..haizz..sure sure, i see whom i meet 1st then pass to either Lili or Spunk lah..

Spunk, Lili,
Izzit ok? paisei, mah fan ni le
JA, i have gotten your email, can i help you post the link to your pics here?

Thanks kittymum! Spunk/Lili, if its inconvenient for you then let me kno hor? Thanks!

Spunk ah, then i need TT you the $ for the apple clock. Can you PM me your account no.? Thanks!

Hi Ladies


JA, i just post the pics, if any ladies here interested, then you send them the T&Cs ok? Better not post the T&C here cos it will look like a BP then become wrong thread liao.

I am interested in the HK ice cube tray. Issit rubber kind that just need to twist? And does the ice come out in hello kitty shapes?
