Hello Kitty Fans Gathering

I tink u can pass LYD's boot stand to Kittymum as they live nearer to each other. So I juz collect for Hello Kitty/Blue Genie if I meet u else can u pass to Lili. Thanks ya.

Oh but lili cant meet tonite if I'm not wrong.

Can la, will do that.

Will pass on ur boot balloon to kittymum

I pass u LYD's set when i ask u urs also okie
If u cannot later then next week lah, dun rush hor, u let me know b4 5pm can, after 5pm i need to ESCAPE from office
I used to have hello kitty phone okwap, its a slider, very nice lookin but not very user friendly, reception not very good, but the phone last for abt 1yr+, i bugged one of my frd to help buy for me when he was holidaying in Taiwan
me also reach there ard that time..see ya..

np. Next time muz reserve the cabinet more loh..see I juz came back from meeting and in reserve list liao..haha..(juz kidding). Thanks for sharing and do the BP.
when come to BP ready cannot think too long. Once u think too long all the BP taken up.
hahaha..not i nvr reserve more, thats all the stock they have...kekekek...i will chk if warehouse got anymore or not okies...but confirm only 6pcs.
Anyone got discount card for mykitty?

Just saw something i wanna get!!

The HK bedding set.. wonder if the dims correct not.. Hee..
hi ladies,
me prefer tampines.. got direct bus from yishun to tampines.. only 25mins !
but u gals decide the venue lah... see which is the most convenient for everybody ! but me working leh... so prefer friday nite or wkend
Wow, the prices all very ex.

I saw this shop @ Jurong - touch screen HK Pink HP. Only $350.00

Anyone interested , next time i go shall take pic. The shop giving 1yr warrenty.
I'm considering shd i buy not but also worried abt durability.
the card still the TH...u go later can chk with her? cos the last time i asked, she 4get to bring..kekekek. Tel no. 6536 7522.
Ya ya...we would decide on a day, den let u know. See whether u can come to any of our hse to play or nt loh. Wa...we've been talking abt playing mj for long time liao hoh, but still haven organise one. Hee....

Im ok with Tampines loh. Me too have straight bus. Lets see who else can lah.

Ya lah, we mj siao! U know dat time Florence sms me ask me whether wana take train hm together mah, den she said actually got mj game one, but den short of one leg so cancelled liao. I told her hw come nv jio me!! Coz' dat day i oso supposed to hav mj game one mah, den oso last min cancelled. Hahaha....
OH I oso cant remember mine which I left at home. keke.....

Maybe ask the other ladies who can help a not.

Tink need to spend abt $100 to join membership, also need $5 registration if I'm not wrong. Cant remember liao.
I think so ah.. Jurong i not very good. Just follow hubby. But its not inside the mall, Its shop-houses type.

Yup, Flor told me but she paiseh ask u coz we 3 sisters mah.. Hee.. In the end played with my bro.
My family all MJ siao.. Haha..

Thanks but nvm, I go BKK find like what jenny suggested.. Hope there got.
Ur kittylove membership card no is 1423 lah. Hee...

Reali ah? All mj siao? Me too, always have mj game on sat one. Coz' my cousin & aunty will call us every sat morning one w/o fail, ask whether got mj game or nt. So we thot entertain my aunty loh. If nt she stay at hm oso nothing to do. Oso cant look after the grandson.
Hi msblur/Elizabeth/alicia
I also MJ siao. When I was pregnant last yr, I played MJ every weekend. Now whenever my bb can sleep even when we r playing MJ
My gal too!! She also can sleep while we play MJ but that's when she was younger..
Now she very "hong xin" - even wanna sit on my lap to see and touch the tiles so i keep her away.

Don't want her to get influenced at such tender age.

My bb is behaving exactly what you described so funeee.... Sometimes havent finish till 'bei' then she woke up from sleep. I had to carry her so that I can finish the game. i damn jialek hor.
Me same same lar.. MJ siao lor.. Hahaa..
Actually my hubby'll offer to help look after but my gal very naughty, she just want me.
