Hello Kitty Fans Gathering

Hee...i call KK ask May to reserve for me liao.
the ham cutter not bad wor...There is a stencil in e mould...

u reserved e ham cutter? I saw there still quite alot...hee..when ugoing kk?
ya i saw all these stuffs y'day. All so nice nice hor. In fact they got a few HK die cut pouches oso nice but very expensive so I REN I nvr buy any lor.
ya lor, all so nice..i saw e ba bao peng at kk, so nice...hv melody one also..

oic...keke..me tinkg whether to get e cloth anot leh...but its ex cos cost $23+ per metre...duno hv 10% anot lor...the CK cloth bery nice..
ya the BA BAO Tray oso nice but $39.90 nett. I got 1 from she_she's BP last yr so I nvr order lor. Actuali it's not bad to have 1 of tat too.

The CK cloth very nice hor, I oso like wor but it's reali expensive lah. Got 10% for cloth.
Ya lor, i also using sheshe one lor, can turn somemore, so nice....I only use it for cny...once cny over, i clean and keep it in a nice place...hehe..so nice lor..nv regret buying =)..

Ya lor, nice...=)...the HK cloth not as nice as ck one..
I am looking for those big HK stickers that can be pasted onto the wall lor...just like those here...If anyone see them, pls sms or let me know hor, cos wan to decorate my bb's room like that lor...But can't find these stickers leh...Wondering if there is any shop which can print these out hor..hmm...TInk my hk posion too deep..haha


ya lor. But reali too expensive liao lah the cloth me oso bu she buy lor. Tat time I bought the HK bear one oso havent use yet lor. Haiz, coz I tot my MIL will know how to make small HP pouches & drawstring pouches then my DH said, better not, wait spoil the cloth, I'll cry. haha... so in the end I still keeping it, wait until I see can find any good seamstress then let her do. But muz pay $$ lor.
Really? just now i din see hv HK bear cloth wor...only saw a red one but find it too red liao...wanted to get a white base one cos my bb cot is white in color, room is pink color..hehe...SO next best choice is e CK one..but reall yex lor..hb dun let him buy...I must tink of something liao...hee

Really? do u know where in BKK?
But hor, also duno how to show them I wan to print this...
Actually i saw the HK cloth b4 at KK loh. I find it too ex so nv buy. If u tinking of getting a pillow for your gal, n wan hk design, maybe u wana see wat i got for my niece loh. I show u the pic. The piglet design is the extra casing loh.

this is a beansprout pillow. The Hk design is the actual casing. My fren help me sew another extra casing loh, so i chose piglet design, coz' she's born in the yr of the pig mah. Hee...
haha...hee...the beanspoiunt pillow, my mum making lor =)..


Me logging off cos going mil hse for dinner...Enjoy ur wkends hor...

1) Lili
2) Emma
3) Emma
4) Emma
5) Emma
6) Emma
7) Emma
8) Emma
9) Emma
10) mrswee (if price is corporate price)
11) mrswee (if price is corporate price)
No lah, coz' feifei tinking of getting the HK cloth to make pillow etc mah, so juz giving her an idea, since KK selling the cloth so ex leh. Can juz make the pillow like wat i've got loh. Cheaper men.

U enjoy ur dinner & wkends too!

Do u mind to pm me ur contact? Im sorry, but it applies to all new members loh. Hope u understand.

Btw fyi...$1.50 is the corporate price oreadi.

1) Lili
2) Emma
3) Emma
4) Emma
5) Emma
6) Emma
7) Emma
8) Emma
9) Emma
10) mrswee (if price is corporate price)
11) mrswee (if price is corporate price)
Hi gals!

Really absent from forum for a long period of abt 3months plus. Can't imagine I didn't even have the energy to login internet for so long cos at office can't access internet and reach home must take care of my boy...

How's everyone? I spent few hrs gg through the thread cos not been posting for some time. Know that some of u have travelled, BA gg back to work, PP gg to deliver and Feifei got a DD.

I'm absent cos preparing my boy for his pre-nursery class this yr. He's still in the stage of adjusting to school. And also cos I'm pregnant and my 1st 3 months are not stable and health not so good so I really spent alot of time sleeping. Become a pig liao even msbrown found that I got fatter. hehe...my No.2 gg to due in mid Jul. Still dun noe boy or gal.

Very long never go KK/KP/KL/Grace or any HK shops le. I totally stopped cos financially with boy gg school and no.2 coming totally can't buy liao. My DH warned me almost everyday. He stopped nagging when he realised I really very long never buy HK liao.

But after so long I really miss u all so here I am to say Hello to everyone! = )
Oh ya and I really enjoy looking at the HK loots that you all bought. Very nice! Upload more to show us ya.

Feifei, hope I can buy the bb items that u bought too. = ) really praying hard to have a DD. When gynae said would be good to have a boy I quickly shut him off saying I want a GAL!! He was like shocked and said no wonder govt was upset cos everyone wan 'close shop' once got a boy and a gal. haha...
U expecting no 2??!! wow, congratsSO happy for u leh..Due mid Jul so means its 2 mths after I deliver wor...so now u shd be 3rd mth? Got take an tai med? Must take care of urself hor...

U will de lor...really happy for u...Do try to come in here often to share ur news with us hor...Miss u so much...Was telling my hb the other day long time din see u...
CONGRATS !!! I hope you have a pretty little girl like Fei Fei, then 'close shop'. HaHaHa.
Gynaes dont understand that having a kid is easy, but bringing them up is no joke.

You really going all the way to buy PINK HELLO KITTY for your princess yar ?
Msblur and YL.. i've received my disney mould too.. hehe... made snack for my boy.. hehe.. he even enjoyed it while watching the cartoon! lol..



u like pooh ah. Nice leh, pooh & tigger bread in pooh bowl watching pooh cartoon. all disney theme. heehee.....

wat filings u hv for the bread? it must be very yummy.
Morning ladies...

<font color="ff0000">GOOD NEWS!</font> To my surprised that GI's items have just arrived this morning, my home now got 7 boxes of CNY HK items, haha...the latest u can come to pickup this afternoon or tonite coz i'll still be home but not tmw or u may arrange with me nest week then...so just sms me, ya?

oh..one more thing, no GST imposed again this time, hee..
YL.. i put peanut butter and jam.. hehe... me not a pooh fan.. haha.. if only got hello kitty one.. haha.. or even barney.. haha.. then my ds sure v happy.. keke...
Just came back from Shanghai, found the Watson's shops there selling a variety of HK stuffs.

Sanrio shop stuffs tooooo expensive, selling price twice of Spore.

Ended up buying alot of stuffs from Watson instead.

1 big bag of HK stuffs hehehe
noted, will meet kittymum on monday!

Emma &amp; Hello Kitty,
i'll meet msbrown later, she said she can collect items for u both, u want? let me know at yr earliest, ya?
<font color="119911">ladies who are with my GI BP,</font>
there are some FREE Gifts from GI, but not enough for everyone, so my decision is <font color="ff0000">FIRST COME, FIRST GET,</font> hee..cya!
HK hv cookie cutters. I got from KK few days ago together with the bread cutters.

my boy likes train so I got the Shinkansen designs. I like HK, so got HK also
Ladies, I juz bought Hello Kitty wipes frm Watsons today. Walked pass Watson &amp; saw this HK pocket wipes on the shelf, quickly grab one pack.
It comes in a pack of 3's, n selling for $3.95. Quite nice loh.

ladies with my GI BP,
to be fair with ladies who come all the way to collect her items, i'll only give FREE GIFTs to the one who comes personally, ya?
