Dr Tan Kian Sing from TCM


Yeah, new cycle = new hope, Jia you! Hope your BBT stay high all the way this time round.

Babybun is right, most of us here are going throught the same thing as what you go through now. You are not crazy, I also having this shifting house tot to change fengshui. So you are normal! hehe... Hope we can continue to support each other till we success ok?

My HB just seen Dr. Tan this afternoon, he told my HB that this coming toto has high prize! He ask my HB to go try his luck. haha... Dr. Tan said he want to expand his clinic if he strike! I like his attitute, still work hard at his age now. We should learn from him and work hard too! Jia you everyone!

Just curious, does anyone know what is the purpose of the medicine that Dr Tan gave us before ovluation? To simulate ovluation?
One last try for us before the bunny year! Based on my calculation, my result for this cycle will be released by the 1st or 2nd day of cny. *praying*
Hi babybun,
Hope you will have good news in CNY as CNY big angbao to yourself. hehe...

Hey PhyLee,
Where are you? So long never hear from you. Any updates? Today is my CD27, some PMS symptoms starts to report already. Still don't have any blood test update from NUH yet. They should call me to update my blood test results. Hmn, maybe I need to give them a call if they don't get back to me by today.

Are you still with us here?
Yup, still here but I haven't gone back to see Dr Tan :p
Did O again this cycle... my temp doesn't go up at all. Will be fixing an appointment to go back to see Dr Tan after CNY.
Hihi ProblemG,

I also didn't get to see Dr. Tan this month, initially was planning to finished up his medicine which I have in my house. But end up all my post O medicine still sitting in my kitchen untouch. No determination at all.

Sign... is another new year. Dunno why, I don't dare to have any new year resolution this year.
Hiya girls, it's Monday again. Trying hard to fight my blues. hehe..

Heatherwhite, how have you been? I have been checking back this thread occassionally but always got pulled away by my work whenever I was about to post my reply. Today is my CD29. BBT already dropped to 36.5 and got slight spotting le. Now waiting for AF to arrive in full blast

Now im wondering if I can make it for a bunny baby. My mother said, nvm, can make a dragon one also good. hehe.

I will be seeing Dr Tan next week once my menses are all cleared. My hubby finally agreed to try IUI! I will see if my gynae recommends IUI or not when I am scheduled to see him for my pap smear this month end.

If IUI doesn't work, I will see if I can convince my hubby to try IVF.
Maybe I will have to move over to the IVF thread le. But I will still continue to see Dr Tan.
Same same! I still have some meds floating around so want to finish them first but, like you, it keeps going untouched. :p May go see gynae again to see if she has anything for Oing other than clomid...
Hi PhyLee and ProblemG,
So happy to hear from you both. Haha... this thread is getting more and more quiet these days.

So you plan to do IUI on your coming cycle? Won't it clash with CNY period? Must check properly with your gynea if the clinic open during your Oing day. This was what I what happen during my last cycle of clomid with my previous gynea. Initially, I was planning to IUI, but too bad my O day fall exactly on the long weekends of Nataional day last year. So we missed this chance and wasted my clomid!
This time I am telling myself to count and check properly with my gynea to make sure they are open when I O. keke... I don't want to keep taking Clomid for nothing. So likely I will not try IUI for this coming cycle.
BTW, who is your gynea? Hope we no need to be in IVF thread.

I think we are of the same kind, haha... I feel so wasted when I see my packets of medicine. Next month... I am gonna to clear them off next month... hehe...
You want to stick back to your previous gynea or seeing another gynea?
Heatherwhite, heee.. im also very glad to have you as my cycle buddy. always nice to have someone to count the days together!

im thinking of trying IUI for the next cycle (which means after this coming one) so the O should fall in end-Feb/early Mar. But also need to see if my gynae is willing to do it for me or not.. My gynae is Dr Ho from Mount Alvernia. Im trying to find more information on patients who did IUI under him but cannot find lei..

Yeah, i really hope we won't be in the IVF thread but age is catching up..

Heatherwhite and Problem G, jia you in finishing Dr Tan's medication! Liang Yao Ku Kou!
Thanks! Damn hard to find the perseverance to take the meds.. if not, it's that I forget to bring to office or go to bed then realize I forgot... :s

Might go another gynae. See what hubby says first. Next doc to try is Dr Benjamin Tham of TMC.
Hi PhyLee,

Hehe, me too! Especially our cycle are quite near. I will naturally think of you when I count my cycle. haha...

Actually I was expecting Prof. Wong to suggest IVF for me. But maybe is a standard protocol from hospital, I was told to try IUI first. Anyway, keep telling myself to prepare for the worst. I need to keep my mind really for IVF or other treatment. Good luck to us lar.
So sian, waiting for my 'dearest aunt' to visit me in few days time. HB was disappointed when i tell him this month likely no good news again.

Is he good? Someone recomment him to you? I don't really like TMC location, and hard to find car park. My previous gynea is in TMC, always having trouble to find parking...
Yup, he's a friend's gynae... the one who strike on first try one :s She's now 4 mths liao so I may go to him too. Nothing against my current gynae but I think male gynaes are gentler... I hope!
Location is nothing if I can get preggie by seeing him ah! One step at a time. If/when I can get preggie then will find another more conveniently located gynae lor.
Heatherwhite, if your AF is to report within the next few days, your next O might fall nicely within the first few days of CNY! hehe.. jiayou har..

Gals, just to check with you. After BD, does your hubby's army flow out easily? I tried many methods trying to contain it by lying down and sleep throughout the night, lifting the legs up on the wall or placing a pillow under my butt/thighs but they just kept flowing out. His volume already not that much and if all spills out, i don't stand much chance do i? sorry if it sounds too gross..
I also face the same problem. My hubby's army flow out immediately and a lot. I tried all the matters you mentioned but all no use. Sometimes, I hold my bladder even when I am very high tide. Because once I stand up, it will flow out more. Any other ladies have the same problem?

So I tried IUI, it did not flow out. However, I still did not conceive

Yes, hope this good luck gynea brings baby luck to you too. Looks like we all are going back to western treatments next. Let's combine to power of east and west... hehe...

Yalor, I think my O just hit CNY. I always O around big festive sessions. It would be good if me and HB are fertile but it is another way round. Like this time, I got to skip my next cycle for IUI cos of the CNY.
Sigh, just got to know from HB that he will be outstation on early March! Which mean he will not be around during my O time for my next next cycle too! Got to waste another cycle! One year only 12 cycles and I will be missing 2 early this year already. Sob...
Julia, I can't agree with you more. I always had to hold my bladder till the next morning and my legs will go numb after holding them up against the wall for about 20 mins! I wonder how my friend managed to do that for the whole night..

Dr Tan did mention that we have to consider the liquidation time of the hubby's army. Only when they become liquid, then they will swim into the uterus through the cervix. Haiz.. but even sleeping for the whole night doesn't seem to help! I hope IUI will help the little boys stay in there without going through the cervix journey!

Heatherwhite, have you got your bloodtest result? If your hubby is outstationed early March, when can you do your IUI or are you just taking clomid first?
Julia and PhyLee,

I also facing the same problems. I have tried all the above mentioned method. Haha... but still no result. According to Dr. Tan I need to lie on bed for at least 2 hours with placing a pillow under my butt. Dunno what is going wrong. Sigh...

NUH haven't call me yet. They said they will give me a call when the result is out. I wonder if they have forgotten or what? Should I give them a call instead?
I don't think I will take clomid if HB is outstation. Cos he is not around when I O, maybe will ask Prof. Wong if he got any suggestion for us.
My AF officially arrived le. CD1 for me! My next estimated O will fall just before CNY. Aiya.. i was still hoping for an auspicious O date.. Just a day short!

Heatherwhite, yeah, why not you give NUH a call? Maybe the report is fine so they don't call immediately after the results are out.
I have been using Dr Tan's ovulation strips every month but it's always negative even during CD12 to CD20. I am starting to worry that I do not ovluate at all. I can't afford to take anymore clomid as I have take 6 cycles. Any advice
Julia, I think Dr Tan's ovulation strips though more expensive, are actually more sensitive? I tried once using his and another one from internet and his came out positive whereas the internet one came up as negative.

How about your bbt? Does it show a clear upward shift in your chart?

How about seeking a 2nd opinion with another gynae?

I just called NUH, the nurse say some of the test not out yet, that's why they didn't call me up. But those common hormone results are done and looks fine. According to my progesterone reading it shows I have ovulated. The other two tests which is not out are - Insulin and Anti-Mullerian Hormone. Don't any idea on what are these tests for. Sound scary, anyone know what the two tests indicate?

The nurse say Prof. Wong will be on leave during CNY period, unless I want to see other gynea. Anyway, she mentioned if my ovulation dates fall during CNY then no point taking clomid cos the whole center will be closed. In conclusion, I got to miss this month. And next cycle in March likely will miss too! Arg... my precious two cycles gone...

I use those online OPK strip, not sure about Dr. Tan's strips. Do you take note on other ovulation symptoms like BBT or notice any EWCM? In fact, my previous gynea mentioned that it is normal for perfect woman not ovulating every month. Maybe your body hormones are adjusting themselve after the clomid effects. Try to monitor closely for next cycle?

Are you there? May I check with you if you remember what are the blood tests Prof. Wong ask you to test before?

He asked me to do below test between my CD 20-22. You have any idea what these test indicate?
1. Pre Conception Screen II
2. Progesterone
3. Anti-Mullerian Hormone
4. Insulin
I also monitor my BBT. But very funny, very unstable, for instance today it can be 36.2 then next day it can increase to 36.5. I also never have any cervical mucus. Does that mean that I do not ovluate? Is Clomid the only med to make us ovluate?

Haha... Ya, how I hope I can contribute to the statistic too! Not that we don't want, we are working hard!
Sigh... I think government can seriously put in more resources to help us in reducing our fertility treatment bills or give some rebates in our income tax. Haha...

I ever heard there is another medicine which help to stimulate the follicles beside clomid from another forum discussion. But I forget where did I see it. It has less side effects compare to clomid, and of cos the prize of this medicine is higher too.
You are seeing Dr. Tan right? His Pre-O medicine also help us in our ovulation.
Yup, I am seeing Dr Tan now. According to him, there will be some mucus after his pre O medicine, but I never spot any.

Also want to check with you ladies how long should we give ourselves for TCM treatment? 3 or 6 months or longer?

There is no fix rules on how long should we stick to TCM treatment. It is highly depends on individual. So see the effect instantly but some just don't. My friend keep telling me to be patient on TCM treatment. I was with Dr. Tan for around 5 months already. Time pass...
Is your HB seeing Dr. Tan too?

Yes my hb is also seeing Dr Tan now. Time is not at my side because I am already 38 years old. Thus I need to set a timeline and running abit inpatience.
Hi Julia,

How long have you been TTC? I would advise you to seek another gynae's opinion and at the same time use TCM to tiao your body in case you need to prepare for IVF etc.

As for your cervical mucus (CM), you can consider applying preseed which is a sperm-friendly lubricant. Im also taking blackmores conceive well pills as a multi-vitamin.

I understand your frustration. Im 32 years old now and have been TTC for 2 years.
Phy, I have been TTC for 1 year plus. I have a miscarriage previously. If I am not successful with Dr Tan, I intend to seek another gynae's opinion, quit my job and proceed to IVF.
Julia, I think you can do both TCM and gynae treatments concurrently. TCM is more of a longterm thing. I intend to give myself 6 months and at the same time, considering IUI next cycle.
Hi Julia,

I can understand how you feel too, time can be a important factor for TTC. Therefore, we need to do our best as far as we can. As long we tried, we have no regrets.

Actually, I agree with what PhyLee suggested. You can consider to seek another gynea for second advise meanwhile continue with Dr. Tan. TCM needs sometime to see its effects, so is best to do it concurrently if manageble.

To me, IVF is a very stressful treatment, as long as you are financially affordable, quiting your job is a good choice. I am with you!

Today is my CD30. AF haven't report, expected to report tmr.

This cycle you are ahead of me by few days.

I have booked 31 Jan with Dr. Tan, hehe... A method to force myself not to skip this coming month treatment with Dr. Tan. Oh, forget to ask the assistant on how long they rest for CNY.
Hi HeatherWhite
Still here. I really cant remember what are the test for.
I ask Dr. Tan last week, clinic will open on 8/1 (Tues.).
Hi PGhua.

So long nv hear from you.
It's ok. Don't care what are the tests for, I only hope all the test results are fine. hehe...
Prof. Wong is not in Sg this week, the nurse will check with Prof. Wong to see if he needs to see me to review my blood test results or not. 'fingers crossed'...
But I do a quick check online, the two tests are related to determine if I have PCOS or not.
Heatherwhite, today is my CD3. I will be keeping fingers crossed for you. Hopefully tmr will be a *dry* day for you.

I have already booked Dr Tan for 3 appts le. Later still need to book gynae's appointment to assess my condition after my menses this cycle. Super sian. I hope he's ok to let me proceed straight to IUI..

Hehe... thanks thanks, but guess no use to fingers crossed for me.
All my PMS reported, AF will sure report too! If not tmr then will be on sat, cos my cycle will sometime goes until 31 days.

Ya, how often do we need to do our pap smear test har? 2 years right?

Actually I don't like the feeling of going to gynea for review. Cos everytime I go, they will discover some new things for me. Sian...
Just curious, how many follicles will you normally have when you are on clomid?
I don't response well with clomid, the most I can get is 2 follicles. But I don't know if my gynea will mistaken my cycst as follicles or not. Sometime the scan is so hard to determine clearly.
nevermind, will still keep fingers crossed for you.

I thought it's good to do pap smear yearly? I also don't like to see gynae cuz their clinics are always packed with preggies. hahaha.. and Im the only one who is not.

How's your experience with IUI? That means DH needs to be on standby to contribute his army?? Or will the gynae give 1-2 days notice?

The last when I was on clomid, only 100mg works for me. There were about 5-6 small grapes-like follicles (or cysts) but there's one big dominant one. I dunno if the other small ones were cysts or follicles.

Yaya, those preggie with big belly... And I am always the 'special one' which make me feel very inferior and find myself abnormal. sob...

I didn't manage to complete my plan to do IUI that time. Ya, HB need to be on standby mode. I was told to go back for the scanning on my CD12 to see how big the follicles are. Gynea will roughly estimate the ovulation day. Next is to do the home OPK test. Need to call clinic and arrange for IUI once I got the +ve result. But too bad, I ovulated during the long weekends, my gynea's clinic was close for 3 days tt time. Haiz...

How is the experience like for you?
Morning girls.. finally it's fri!

Heatherwhite, I have never been through IUI. I was actually scheduled for one last May but DH backed out last minute. haha. He wanted to try naturally. Anyway, he just told me he's due for reservist this Mar and looks like I also need to postpone my IUI to April. I doubt the army will release my DH for our IUI! haha..

My HB also having his last reservist in this coming Mid April. Luckily not during my ovulation period. If not I am going to miss another round of my precious cycle.

But maybe you can ask your HB to try, see if he can take a day off or what for the IUI. Maybe this is exceptional case. Hehe... This is a 'Very Important' thing leh. keke...
Hi ladies, I thou of seeking 2nd opinion but it's quite diffcult to see both doctors that the same time. I think sometimes we are not allow to take both med concurrently. For instance, I think that Dr Tan's pre O med should not mix with Clomid.

Perhaps I can share with you all about IUI. It can be quite stressful and the chances to conceive is very low thus I have decided not to continue. Both wife and husband must be on standby when approaching ovulation days. Once ovluation detected, we must take urgent leave to go to the hospital to perform IUI.
Hi Julia,

Thanks for sharing.
Yes, we should not simply take both western and Chinese medication together. There is a rule if you are taking both, best is to check with both side doctors whether if it is safe or not.

Julia, if you think will be stressful for you to see both at the same time then just stick with your most comfortable plan. Who knows, maybe you will strike on your next cycle. Hehe... then no need to worry for the western and chinese compatibility.

Jia you, Jia you! You are at which day of your cycle already? At 2ww? Do you feel any diff after seeing Dr. Tan?
Heather, it's my CD20. No ovluation detected so far. No I did not feel any difference after seeing Dr Tan, so abit worry what actually happen to me.
Hihi Julia,

How about your BBT? Got observe any trend so far? Don't worry so much, you can tell Dr. Tan that you don't detect any ovulation using OPK. I think he will adjust his medication accordingly. You taking his Post-O powder now?
Been quite a while since we last heard good news in this thread. Anyone have got good news to share, to motivate the rest of us? Some might be slowly losing confidence in Dr Tan, especially those who have been seeing him for quite a while.
Hi everybody,

I am new here. Just started seeing Dr Tan KS for 1 cycle.
Have been ttc for more than 2 years without success. DH have poor morphology problem. Only 2% of normal sperm. Hope Dr Tan is able to help all of us here.

After listening to Dr Tan's advice, I start to plot my BBT. However, I am sure how to interpret when I ovulation, what is the average temperatre during ovluation? Can any teach me?
