Dr L C Foong from Gleneagles

Hi ladies,

Thanks for your advice! Will try to look for maid soon..have been very busy with work recently. Going for NT scan at NUH tomorrow afternoon. But seems like i have to go back to rush some work after that

pooh2, I'm not really strong, i did cry my lungs out for a few times..
My first lap is much worst than the second one. Maybe the first one i have nothing better to do than to think abt the pain. As for the second lap, I don't have so much time to recover as i have to look after my girl. So it wasn't that bad for me..
The car ride home is quite bad for me.. Other than that, quite okay..
Take the pain killer. It will make you feel better.
Both my tubes are blocked and damaged so I ask dr to remove the other one as well. Anyway it's useless and I will be at a higher risk of ectopic again if i keep them.
you can order from http://www.accuratepregnancytests.com/index.html
I did my order with them twice and so far safe. you can get the combo package which has OPK and HPT.
thanks, wan.

crying after what u've gone thru is absolutely natural, so u r still v strong to me....

now i'm REALLY getting nervous abt the lap
abt the car ride home, did u go home immediately or stayed overnight?
Pooh2, the first time, i went to day ward cos it's planned surgery.. For the second lap, it's emergency op as I was admitted in the evening therefore I stay overnight.
I'm always shivering from cold after GA. It's one of the side effects. Maybe you would liek to inform your hubby abt getting another blanket for you beforehand. Invent a handsign??.. Since you won't feel like talking much after your op. I remember my first lap, I was struggling to tell him i needed one more blanket.. Then for my second lap, I remind him and the nurse constantly to provide me more blanket.. I woke up with 3 blanket on me.. haaa! It was so heavy, i got a difficult time breathing.. hee hee..
As for the car ride, really need to take things slow.. The 10 mins ride seems forever for me. wear a loose dress home plus bring a loose underwear with pad.
Buy a dozen of fish essence before your surgery and drink one bottle a day after your op. It helps to heal the wound. I did not take it for my first lap and recovery is so much slower than my second one.
Don't think too much.. you will be back to normal in a weeks time.
Good luck!
ehhh my hubby thinks it's better to do it in dec cos i'll be overseas in early dec so if do it in nov then will be in hk during 2ww.. actually i'm anxious to do it... but i think i can wait another month lah... :p

thanks! =) i really hope it does helps cos i'm really tired of detecting my O.
had my detailed scan at NUH on Fri. everything is ok

yep, now that you mentioned, i had 3 blankets on me after the laproscopy and i kept feeling very cold.

forgot to reply you..I am staying 15 mins' drive away from my parents' place..hubby needs to travel frequently and it's best that my parents supervise the maid and help out while i am working so we have decided to move to my parents' place. Spent the weekend packing and moving things, buying beds for the tenants..My hubby had to do all heavy stuff; i just tell him what to do and pack/unpack my clothing..Feel so tired already

i see.. when will you be going to hk? i'm planning for go there too...maybe hari raya haji that week...


what were your little darlings doing during the scan?

so you started staying in your parents' place already? well, on a brighter side, you get home cooked food everyday and get the extra money (rental) in your pocket

My babies not co-operating during scans, actively moving about, so got to take turns scanning while waiting for the other one to turn to correct position for scanning. sonographer kept telling me to tell my babies to co-operate..So i tapped on my tummy on both sides to tell them to turn over lor :p

moving over on Fri/sat. Ya lor, after hiring maid, give parents' household expenses, still got to save some in pocket..that's why my hubby said logical to rent out house rather than leaving empty

haa.. they are so active!!! so cute! can i see your twins next time? i've not carried twins before...


wish you PLENTY of good luck!!!!!!! did you test yourself?

you won't have alot ($$) to put into your pocket...twins lei... they will use double the diapers etc...

persevere in your breast feeding...can save alot of milk powder money..hee..

tks for all the tips!! hmm, fish essence, i've not had before, does it taste like chicken essence??

and best wishes and baby dust for u!!!
dear all,
i went for my blood test today and have a positive! Thanks for all your support and encouragement. Hope this time round, things will be better and i'll have a healthy baby to take home.

happy, i test myself everyday and it is positive all the way. But i thought it's the HCG jab i got after my transfer so nv think much abt it.

pooh2, fish essence taste almost the same as chicken essence but it's abit fishy smell. Some people might not like it.

Lastly, baby dust to all!
Dear All,

HI, happy to browse thru this website while I search for comment on Dr. Foong.

All the best to all who trying to conceive.

HI Wan,

Congrats! And all the best. Have a smooth pregnancy journey and healthy baby!!

congrats! take extra care during this period!

sure can bring my twins to show you when bigger :p ya hor, i forgot about expensese for the milk powder and diapers..everything must pay double

wow!!!!!!!! congratulations!!!!!! so happy for you!!

when will you be doing the scan? hope it's twins


thanks thanks. i'll be looking forward to carrying your twins..haa..

yah. got to spend alot of money on milk powder and diapers. so, u must go on full breastfeeding.. and diapers, sometimes baby dun poo poo but poo right after u change their diapers..haa..

Congrats on your twins! Are you going for natural birth?

You can use nappies instead of diapers. Save a lot as well.

Eskimobaby and Happy,

Enjoy your HK trip.... I missed HK but can't go........
Thanks everyone..
I don't think it's twins but everything can only be confirm after seeing the heartbeat/s. my scan will be in another 2 weeks time. will update you girl again.
vinwee, what you mean you are two weeks earlier than me? you just did your ET??
The first scan will be 6 weeks cos by then can see heartbeat. Too early then cannot see anything. From the day of your blood test, you should be abt 4 weeks pregnant. So another 2 more weeks to go.
care to tell us what 'stage' are you in? hee hee.. just kpo kpo..
hi Wan,

Not ET.. as I am no longer younng, in order not to waste time, did some check out before we tried as we never tried to conviece before. And both me and my hubby travel a lot.

I have don't what horman level higher, so if I tested with the strip for my O, it can be as early as my day 5 (from the first day of my menses).

So doc did gv me 1/2 tablet of clomids each day of 5 days to adjust it. Then I went back to do scan to check my egg size. Dr. wanted us to try naturally before do anything.

So mine is likely to conceive ard mid oct.

Hope everything smooth for us. Like you, I also go to the waterloo st temple and pray for everything smooth.

nope. not going disneyland since we have been to tokyo disney last year. believe we will be disappointed with the one in hk so dun wanna spend that money. will go ocean park instead.


u better take care now. dun move heavy stuff etc. leave the carrying/shifting of heavy stuff to your hubby.


congrats! u so lucky! tried one time clomid only and u striked
CONGRATULATIONS, am sooo happy for u!!! see, miracles DO happen
u must rest well now, how exciting all this must be for u. u did FET this time, m i right?

am v envious, u ladies going HK for holiday soon!

i can't wait to get over my lap next week, jus wanna grit my teeth and get it over and done with, arrrghhhhh....
Hi Happy,

I'm with another female gynae before, she's terrible. I did mention to her that why my O so early, u guess what, she said some woman like that. So she give 2 tablets each day for 5 days. Then increase to 3 tablets. After that when decided to change Dr. And her charges more expensive than Dr. F

HI Pooh2,

All the best!
i'm going there for work so no need to envy

orrh... yeah... i've also been to the one in tokyo a couple of yrs back.... hk one definitely cannot fight even tho i've never been there... :p
Hi Wan,
Congratulations!!. I'm so happy for you!!!. I remembered today was your testing date and sent you a mail in the morning. It must be very exciting and also a releif to end the long wait to know the result!!

Dear all, I've started on the Gonal F injections now. The needle is bigger than the one I used for the suprefact so it's a bit more painful. But not as painful as the suprefact.
Hi Pooh2, The waiting part is the difficult part! Days just don't pass!

Hi puppet, So sweet of the little ones playing inside the womb! They must be wondering what is happening when the scan is done. Do you know how it feels for them? I wonder what they feel.
hi pooh, I also went through two laps. The cold was unbarable when I woke up after surgery. It is a good idea to be prepared to get more blankets when you need it like wan said.
vinwee, so when's your first scan? do remember to ask a picture from dr.. although it's looks like a 'bean' and nothing much but it's a time where you see the little heart blinking for the first time.. so sweet.
I think you have PCOS like us therefore always got positive OPK. Me also have positive OPK all the time.. so abit no point testing..
So have you got your milk powder and stretchmark cream?

happy, my girl is consider heavy but cannot don't carry leh.. anyway should be fine lah cos very used to it already.

pooh2, this is my 2nd FET and i'm really lucky i conceive again. But don't know if i will get to carry a baby home lah.. *touch wood*

eskimobaby, pass you some baby dust... Guan yin will get back to you soon. don't give up.

Little flower, glad you are in the stimulation part already. so in abt 2 weeks time you will finish the ER and ET. Time flies when you are doing your injections but it's a torture during 2wws..
You are using Gonal F??? So don't need the pen for injection. We use puregon so have to purchase the pen. Lucky you nv get it first.. Sorry for the wrong info.
Talk abt painful jabs.. You have nv got any progesterone jab before.. It's the most painful one of all. I rather take 20 suprefact jab than a progesterone jab. Yesterday evening I have it and now my bum still hurt! Imagine I have another 15 more P jab to go..

I hope to have good luck to for this cumin cycle... i just went to see dr f today... he say i will O next tue which is my day 20...abit late... but no harm trying iui... so i decide to go for it anyway... hopefully by removing the polyp it will boast my chance... dr f says if not successful.. he ask me to go for half clomid plus 3 injections for 3 days... anyone try this before? any idea what is the drug name of the injection? cos i forgot to ask him....
Hi Wan
CONGRATS!! Really happy for you. I've been following this thread for support/ tips, so I know you doing test today.

I'm now in my 2ww, blood test next Thurs. Very nervous...it's my 1st ivf...w Dr F as well. Check w u, if we go for blood test in the morn, like 8.30am to 9am, wat time will u know the results? they will call or u need to go back clinic? Do u need to see doc for today? i dare not self-test as i'm afraid it'll be misleading and give me false hopes... so juz counting down to the day of test...
I'm using the pen. I assumed it's gonal F! Anyway it's a pen and i have to change needles and use it. Oh dear I thought the suprefact was painful! I wonder how painful progrestrone will be !
Oh my god 15 progestrone! But i guess in the end it's all worth it when you hold that bundle of joy in your arms!

Babe79 I've done the half comid and 2 injections. Got two eggs after doing that. And did IUI but didnt'work. It should have worked if my tubes were ok but I had severe endo so I guess it was because of that it didnt'work. The injection I had was called recogon (brand name I think) I can't remember the contents though.
babe79, thanks! sprinkle some baby dust on you.. Wish you lots of luck for next week's IUI.
Theinjection should be puregon or Gonal F. I did the same after clomid fail to help me ovulate. It's very effective as i ovulated with one egg on each sides and on day 13 or 14! First time so early.

Splithair, thank you very much.. Very touch so many people remember.
you have to go in the morning for the blood test then the result will be back before noon and dr Foong will call you and ask you to go back to the clinic for progesterone injection on the same day. Don't have to see dr on that day. have to make an appointment 2 weeks later to scan for heartbeat/s. I test everyday since I bought the internet cheapie HPT. Anyway, testing now will give you false result cos my HCG injection lasted for 6 days. For my previous FET, i tested negative on the day before blood test but result came back positive. So confusing..
Good luck!

Little flower, i think you're not using gonal F. I use the normal suprefact needle for gonal F. Then for puregon, i'm using pen for injections.
As for the pen injection, can try to twist in rather than press. Twisting it will be more smooth than pressing therefore lesser pain.
progesterone is oil based therefore need alot of time to inject in. I timed mine and it takes abt 3 mins on average.
BTW, how many days of stimulation already? remember to eat eggs, meat and drink more water. This can avoid OHSS.

I did twice blood test. First one the HCG level positive but low - slightly less than 80 then Dr wanted me to do again.

My 1st scan will be next week, which is almost 3 weeks from my blood test..... nervous!!!!

Get what milk powder??? Sorry, no experience before... As for cream... wait till next week laa... or maybe shop together when my hubby back, he has been out of town fr almost a mth. Do we have to apply for 1st trimester? I do slim down almost 4kgs on the way to 5kgs ever since my blood test.

NO symtoms so far.. just get tired and have to sleep a lot. I used to be owl, sleep only at 2++ 3am in the morning, now knock off at latest by 11.30pm everyday w/o fail. And have to take afternoon nap... other than this, everything fine.


Guan Yin Niang Niang will be your side just like she did fr me and wan. Just ask one and only favor from her before you do your treatment. Lotsa luck to you.


Tokyo Disney definitely better than the one in HK. I never been to the HK disney but a lot of people said Ocean park better than disney in HK.

You can do to STandley market but kids clothing, the clothing is fr export (brand like gap, oilily, old navy etc) it's cheap there...

Enjoy your trip.


Good luck to you!!!

Little flower,

Good luck to you as well.


Good luck. Hope for the best but don't think too much, just try to relax! The 2WW it's always seem long.. NO point trying to test yourself at home, just relax. Go fr the blood test before 9am, your result will be out before 1pm, then Dr. F will gv you a call.
Vinwee, Maybe yours is late implantation therefore the scan is later.
Get the annum milk powder for pregnant women. I drink it for my previous pregnancy and just started yesterday for this current one. As for cream, you can try clarin tonic oil. It works pretty well for me. I have no stretchmark on my tummy at all. I started applying since 6 weeks. This time round, i must apply on my bum and almost everywhere.
I lost 3kg for the first trimester. as long as you don't lose more than 10% of your total weight then should be okay.
I practically survive on bread and milk alone for the first trimester. Avoid those toxic food like mushroom, potato, etc then you won't get that much sick.
DO share with us abt your scan next week. Must bring hubby go and share this exciting moment with you.
HI Wan, the normal fresh milk not good enough?
NOt sure I will cont lost weight or not? Almost 5kgs for the pass 2 weeks, another 0.5kg will be 10% already. But I don't have any morning sickness so far and can eat the food as usual.
I got flu since yesterday, dare not take medicine. YOu are only able to take bread and milk now or for your last pregnancy?

I heard a lot of good comment on Clarin tonic oil. Will gv it a try. Have your aromababy or tummy B?

Okie, will share my scan next week. How my hubby go along? He is not back yet. He will be back earliest end nxt week or else, end of Nov or latest by end first week of Dec. Long trip.
vinwee, i don't think normal fresh milk is good enough cos the pregnancy milk has folic and other vitamins cater to us. normal fresh milk also very fattening.
This time round, i don't feel anything yet maybe it's too early. The last round I have terrible MS. But lucky it ended at 14 weeks.
wow.. your hubby is really going for a long long trip. I think i will kill my hubby if he nv accompany me for my scans. hee hee.. I'm very dependent on him.
Wan, Thanks fr yr advise, will try to get the annum milk fr pregnancy after my scan nxt wk.

Ya.. it's long trip. Actually I wanted to go but then don't want to take the risk to travel now.

Ya.. I am quite independent :p Both of us travel a lot, so have to. He wanted to go with me but Unless I postpone the scan next week till a wk later, wait fr him to go fr check up with me while he transits in Singapore. But I can't wait to know :p
Hi Wan, I checked the injection box it says gonal f. And it's a pen I have to twist and mark dosage and inject. Have to change needles other than that no changes. I have to give 225 IU as dosage. Is it the same that was given to you?? brand name is serono. And I also have to inject suprefact as well.

vinwee, thank you for your wishes I sure need them
I've also heard that the anmum milk is good.


good luck!
Bluegal, thanks.. I'm waiting for the scan to confirm. Don't wanna be too happy now and get disappointed soon after..

Vinwee, Better to scan earlier. At least can rest assure everything is in order. I also can't wait to scan asap.

Little Flower, oh.. Maybe the last time I nv pay for the gonal f. I use someone else's leftover therefore angeline give me the needle rather than putting it in a pen.
I use very little dose cos of my PCOS which often produce too many follicles. I remember i use only 125cc but for 12 days. You will have to inject suprefact to control ovulation.
hi gals... those 3 injections to be taken on day 6,8,10...is gonal F is it? or peurogon is it? is drug is help to O better? it might have more than one egg ah? got any side effects when taking this injection?

im gng for my IUI tml... took pengyn injection yesterday... hopefully the egg will be just nice for the IUI tml noon... i guess iui is all abt timing...

Babe79, it should be either one of the stimulation drugs. Anyway, not much difference. there is almost no side effects for me. I say almost cos i only suffer a little cramp on the ovaries during IVF which require alot of stimulation drugs. For 3 injections, there should be little to no side effects.
The drug will stimulate the follicles and there might be more than one egg. Sometimes 2 but seldom many eggs so don't have to worry too much abt it.
Wish you alot of baby dust tomorrow..
