Dr L C Foong from Gleneagles

Ya lor.. if we really plan the pregnancy, we can know as early as we ovulate lor.. therefore i find him very weird. Moreover he is a dr! Not professional at all.

Vinwee, the worst thing abt that dr is he ask me to see my gynae if i bleed! Kaoz... Touch wood lor. where got people so insensitive one. the most scary part for us is when we see blood below. how will anyone come asking a pregnant women if she bleed... Kaoz!
it's normal to have cramp. Moreover it's your first pregnancy so the womb might be stretching for the new life inside you. But my cramp is different from the normal ones.. this time round it's sharp pain.. hope i won't get it again..

babe79, the more the merrier mah.. so the spermies can party before the egg comes.. haa! kidding lah.
Your that gp also very kpo and insensitive. I wonder which planet they are from.. Older gp won't ask so many things. Maybe they see more lah. I remember having my HCG at the same clinic. The dr just give me the jab and wish me good luck. It's so much better than asking questions and making us so nervous..

Pooh2, i agree with eskimobaby. Very difficult to predict when you will ovulate.. So maybe you ovulated faster than us..
u can ask dr to show you the follicle.. I always peep at the machine and ask many questions.

think of it this way - my O happened both times b4 my iui, and both iuis din work. so maybe yrs will be successful since the timing's slightly different!

initially i also thot i'll be v paiseh to see a male gynae. but got used to them q easily, jus treated them as professional docs and tried not to think too much abt it.

i'm also not working, but m considering going back to work cos can be v boring sometimes. and boredom sparks mindless thinking and unnecessarily worries - at least for me lah...
ya la...the gp so kpo...somemore charge me $18 bucks...so exp lor...nvr consult her anytin only give me the shot nia... still so exp...cos the pricing outside says consultation $15...
Not worries about the sperm count. Like Wan said, you only need one to success and your hubby got more grade A. Maybe ask your hubby to take Vit E? My hubby also don't have super good count if compare to most of the man.

Y the gp so kpo. Can't s/he knows this is not what couples don't like to go thru? Who want to be the monk if he got hair???? Funny people... they are just super insensitive nut!

the GP you see also nut! Where got dr. ask if you bleed. He really siao huh?

Do you feel better now?
ya my hubby got take vit E and estiva prescribe by dr f...but he din take everyday...only take few days before the iui...hee...cos the estiva quite exp ah... i heard other place selling cheaper but duno where... hmmm..
i asked him before, he said the sperm shd preferably be kept 3-5 days b4 iui.

oh dear, today is such a looooonggg day, can't wait to get over wif my lap tom!!
ohh...3-5 days... internet put not more than 3 days to ensure fresh sperms hmm... cos we bd on thur nite(as told by dr f when i asked him)..iui on tue noon... its abt 5 days...

u having the lap op tml ah? to remove uterus fibriods? dun scare ok...thou i know its kind of scary.. i also scare when i do my polypectomy..
yup. not really scared of the procedure, jus want to get it over and done wif if u know what i mean. waiting is agonising....

wat's a polypectomy? i guess it's to remove polyps but how is it done, isit not thru keyhole surgery?
I think medicine not taking effect so fast ler... at least take the Vit E first lor. then maybe 2 weeks before take estiva along with Vit E.
ya its to remove polyp plus doing s scope to look inside the uterus.. Its all done thru vaginally.. No need for keyhole.. But also need GA... I jus did mine last mth.. Dr says usually he wil let patient rest for a cycle before proceeding any fertility treatment.. Bt i say i wish to proceed straight away.. Hee.. Then he scan for me says im healing well.. Lining looks good so can proceed.

good idea hor.. Vit e cheaper so can take regularly.. U knw where can get it? Guardian pharmacy got sell?
babe79, the GP charge me 20 for that one injection.. But lucky he nv ask me more. Or else i stuff the needles in his mouth.. hee hee..

Vinwee, i'm feeling better but hope can faster scan and see what's going on. Hopefully everything is fine.
I've asked my uncle who work in hospital before to check if he can help to get cheaper Vit E and Estiva. Will update you once he get back to me.

When is your scan?
i found out from TTSH website pharmacy show Esativa there selling at only $35!!!! dr f charge me $60!!!!
but the brand dr f give me the vit e that side not selling but got other brand of vit e cost $10 i think... dr f one at $15....
u feeling better today? still got cramps? so envious.. u are preggy liao...me still here trying...sigh.. today is my 3DPO since iui on tue... been feeling on and off slight cramp those suan suan preaf feeling... hmm... strange... these cramps shouldnt cum so early...i wonder is it bcos of the trigger shot... i dare not think its preggy sympton...haha..cos hvt even implant shouldnt have any symptons one..
Babe79, it's like that one lah.. the clinic also charge folic acid at a higher price. Imagine NTUC only selling 100 pills for less than $3. Or else how they earn..
me still have cramp leh.. starting to get heartburn.. Flu still haven't recover. I think i gonna die..
don't envy me lah. also don't know whether its growing or not.. Alot of things can happen. Must carry on my arms then consider successful. By then you will also have a little one inside.
Good luck if you are trying out there!! I've been very stressed at work, long hours and super urgent deadlines..Packing house to move, took 1 day leave to rest/pack yesterday and boss still called me twice and stressed me with work..since her calls, i am suferring some mental stress right now..Dreamt of work last night as well.

I went ivf in June..still working right now. But i have been with the company for a year before i started the ivf treatment so i find it manageable with the ivf and helps me to distract me. but now that i am pregnant, the job really tires me out.

All the best!! You must be strong to hang on there.

not sure if you read my previous posting. i've got 2 brand new boxes of exsativa expiry 2010. My fren working at TTS helped me get them and there was 10% staff discount. Can pm me if you are intrested.
hi girls,
I'm having a singleton.
This morning at 4am, I had a terrible pain in my stomach so I went to KKH 24 hr clinic and they did a scan for me. Now then I understand why you all say dr foong has very good bedside manner. The dr there is terrible! I already recover from the pain but he actually dig inside and press my tummy hard... the pain come back in full force. Then he ask me if i wan to be admitted. kaoz! he's the one causing so much pain. It was so scary for me, I even dream of bleeding fresh blood.
He did a scan for me after the digging and pressing. We saw one sac there. He just pack me off with some gastric medication. I don't think it's gastric since my tummy is very sore now. Will see how if cannot then have to admit to hospital and let them check.
Lucky the baby inside is fine. Don't know what's wrong with my stomach..
hi wan.

aiyoh, the doc at KKH sounds terrible! u better email or call dr foong and let him know, just to be sure everything's ok.

i did my lap on fri, came home on sat and after taking a shower, i started to bleed, like having menses. i totally freaked out, was imagining being admitted to A&E and being cut up all over again!

fortunately, i called the gleneagles operator who managed to reach dr foong, and he assured me it's normal. 'cos i've been in bed most of fri and prob walked too much when i came home on sat. trust me, i only managed to sleep well that night after hearing it fm him. if not, i swear i would hv dreamt of me bleeding thruout the night!

so please jus try to reach him and let him know your symptoms, so that he can tell u everything's ok...
hi puppet.

yeah, i thot it might be stressful if i went for ivf and not working, i'll be imagining things throughout my 2ww!

on the other hand, i'm also worried that work stress will impact my chances at ivf, so i'm kinda in a dilemma...
pooh2, i'm going in this wednesday so i thought just tell him then. The dr is really very rough. I feel like a pig waiting to be slaughter on the table. Moreover there is nothing to cover me and I lay half naked for all to see.. So scary lor.
wow.. you must have freak out when you see blood. Lucky dr foong get back to you just in time. So the bleeding is just menses? I can't remember having one after my lap. Maybe only spotting.. Then the second lap I have a D&C so dr did a very clean job and I didn't bleed at all.
with this gastric pain going on, i keep thinking i might have cancer. Actually hope to be admitted so can find out the cause. But worry abt the process. Haiz.. Hopefully I'll get well soon.
BTW, my mum say my pain is due to the wedding cake I ate yesterday afternoon. She say when pregnant cannot eat wedding or full month things cos those are offering to the gods. Then some baby will pantang and cause problem to the pregnant mum. I'm not too sure lah.. But seems quite co-incident that the pain came after i eat the cake. ANyway, next time cannot play play with those things.
sorry to hear wat u went thru at kkh... you feeling better by now? how cum u dun go to gleneagles A&E? u got ask dr f if really need to go hosp after normal hrs which hosp to go is better? u mention the kk dr dig.. u mean v scan is it? how cum need to dig one?? sound so scary sia... the dr is lady or man? hw cum they dun provide blanket to cover u... so naked and cold lor...kkh suppose to be a very experienced gynea hosp..and yet they are so insensitive to such things.. only by experiencing such unpleasant treatment fm other drs then we can appreciate dr f more...hahaha...

hope u are better now since yr lap... that time i do my polypectomy.. i also lay on the bed for hours after being wheeled out fm OT... the moment i stand up to change...the blood just flowed out!! i got a shock... quickly grab tissue to clean myself up... so scary... when u woked up from the lap..they got put a pad for u? cos i have...
how cum the two laps u did no bleeding le? hmm.. i also did D&C for my polypectomy... i got bleeding...lasted for abt 6 days..thou the bleeding is lighter and more diluted than menses... aft lap op got no pad strapped when u gals wake up one huh?
u must be so happy to see the sac... can see heart beat fm the scan? u transfer 3 now only one is it? singleton also good..at least less complications... i will be more than happy to have a singleton...hee...
babe79, i'm feeling better today already. i don't wanna trouble dr foong since I don't think it's pregnancy related. So thought I can just go to 24 hr clinic but who knows actually KKH 24 hr clinic is for O&G.
I think i should really ask dr abt the after normal hrs hospital or clinic.
The KKH dr dig inside I think to see if the birth canal is open then he vscan for me. even the vscan also very rough. it's a male dr.
No blanket to cover at all. plus it's not a bed where we lay down. It's a half bed then the legs have to put on some instrument. Like exibit ourself to the dr. I think government hospital really cannot compare to private ones. Alot of improvement needed.
i don't have any bleeding from the second lap. Dr says he don't wan me to bleed heavily and keep thinking abt the miscarriage. Therefore he did a clean job.
No heartbeat yet. So still not consider safe.. I'm happy that at least one survive.. Since all of them are not of good grade.
glad u are feeling better today... rem to ask dr f when u see when on where to go when u need to see dr aft normal hrs....btw... do dr f give u preggy gals his own personal hp no in case u need to ask him aft normal hrs? cos i knw some gynea give their hp no to their preggy patients...i wonder do dr f practise this.. i wonder will he give when we ask him...hee

huh..hw cum need to dig inside one... i cant imagine lor... now still so early where will birth canal open one... u got ask him how cum need to dig not?? he got pre empt u first before doing any check not?? wa lau its a male dr he still so insensitive... nvr cover u.. and still so rough... feel so angry for u... then yr hubby got company u? is he allowed to be beside u when the dr check u??

dr f is so nice... dun wan u to bleed to thk abt miscarriage.. he is so sensitive.. then he should try to make every lap or procedure bloodless irregardless whether its abortion or wat!! hee...
dun worry abt the heartbeat gal im sure its gona be fine...just like when u tot the ET wont be a success but in e end one manage to implant...
Today is my 7DPO since IUI... dun feel anything special except for some slight suan feeling on off.. sometimes feel abit light headed...I guess its another failed cycle again...sigh.. feeling quite disappointed.. dr f says i dun hv any problem...sperms is ok.. but this is already my 2nd IUI liao...hmm.. that day when doing iui.. my hb ask dr f whether are u consider a difficult case....hahaha...dr f says... "u really want to know?... i can tell you...you guys are dead easy.. i dun have to crack my brain to think wat to do with you"....hahaha..so funny... then after we came out of the room...my hb say to me..."eh..dead easy but hw cum i still cannot preggy le..hmm"... heehee...

gals..wat u gals have during the 2ww?
babe79, dr foong did gave me his hp no the previous time when we both went overseas. Don't think wrongly.. I went china with my hubby then he don't know go where with his family. I was doing my IVF so he's worried that the chinese custom don't let me bring in my drugs. So he give me his mobile just in case I need his advice while i'm in china. Very nice of him..

i also don't know leh.. I never think much until now then i feel offended. my tummy better at that time already but he press until pain again. my hubby is nt allowed to see. I'm very shocked but at that point of time I'm more concern with the pain.
it's not good to scape so clean. it will make your womb lining thin. My womb lining is so thin after the procedure, i have to forgo my FET.
THe KKH dr scan reveal a very small sac. So I don't think i can see any heartbeat tomorrow. But sure hope it's still growing.

Vinwee, how's your scan?
Babe79, it's still too early.. Only 7DPO.. The embryo will implant during 6~10DPO. So now it's only the implantation stage.
Maybe you can watch out for implantation bleeding or cramp. But implantation bleeding occur in less than 20%. So even if you can't see anything. it's normal. I have to stress my eye to spot my first implantation bleeding. Then after that for my second and third pregnancy, I nv see anything.
sure hope to spread good news to u gals soon...hee

update us tml when u go see dr f ok! im sure everything will be fine...dun worry too much ya..

dr f got say when u can tcc again aft your lap?
hi wan and babe79.

no, i din hv any pad on after lap. only the same surgical robe which i was too scared to change out of, din want to move too much. bled a little only on first day, that's why when i went home on second day and the blood streamed down, i panicked! luckily managed to get hold of dr foong. he said it's normal, since i moved more when i returned home. said it'll be like light menses for a few days.

it has stopped bleeding when i pee, and only diluted bleeding when i poo ;)

actually, on my day of discharge, i asked dr foong how to contact him in case of emergency over the wkend. he was reluctant to give his hp no., says we can always come to A&E if need be. so i din persist, i can understand his concerns if he starts giving out his hp no....

when i was bleeding, lucky i got the sense to ask hubby to check gleneagles no., and got the operator to page for him... he dropped me an email yest to ask if the bleeding has stopped, nice of him to do that.
wat on earth do u mean when u said the doc was "digging"??? i mean, i've never heard of anyone "digging" like that, i thot u meant he was probing with the v scan!

dr foong says need to rest 2-3 mths after lap. actually, after going thru the procedure, i'm having second thots abt ivf. i mean, i'm so terrified of the pain and it is so inconvenient these few days, i needed my hubby to help me bathe and move around first few days.. i can't imagine if kenna twins (tho it's not easy to get twins) and need caesarian, how i'm gonna survive??

even the thot of giving birth naturally scares me now, the thot of not being able to bathe even for a day is a torture!

anyway, try not to think too much abt the symptoms during yr 2ww. procedure is already done, it's now left to fate. i also felt bloated and crampy the week after my first iui so think it's normal. din feel anything after my second iui tho, dunno why the difference.
wana check if any of you tried acupuncture with ivf? i failed my 1st fet and tot of trying acupuncture to improve chances of implantation for next fet. from the other ivf thread, recommendation was Dr Zou in AMK. i asked Dr F and he sug Raffles hospital acupuncture or Chiang at shaw, both of which cost much more. So wana check if you gals hv any experience to share?
HI Wan,
I went fr my scan. I will have miscarriage. The heartbeat almost gone.

Just relax and sleep and eat. Don't think too much....
Do whatever as usual but maybe less shopping and not exert yourself with exercise.
babe79, trying to look at the bright side..

pooh2, I think dr regret giving his mobile phone to me lah. haa.. I sms him before during my etopic pregnancy. He did reply me lah but i feel he don't wanna talk more.. Maybe some client abuse his mobile phone.
aiyo, you want me to describe the details?? I also don't know how he did it lah. But I can feel something pushing here and there inside me. Very rough lor. It was before the vscan.
Did you take the fish essence?? it's real good for wound recovery..

splithair, i'm not into TCM so can't help much. You still have frozen embryos?

Vinwee, so sorry to hear abt it.. My sis case is same as yours. Saw heartbeat but end up miscarry on the 8th week.
It will be a difficult time now but you will soon recover. My sis keep asking me how long it takes and how come I'm not sad over the loss of my twins.
I did grieve for a week.. then life still goes on. I'm real sad for my twins and feel so sorry I can't save them. Before I went into the surgery room, I keep telling them 'mummy love them but have no choice to let them go..'
So I read alot about miscarriage and discover almost 20% of all pregnancy is lost. So one in 5 women would have miscarry. Plus my cousin told me her gynae says that most women will miscarry once in her life. She's only 21 years old, mother of one girl and recently just miscarry also. Dr foong told my sis that it's very seldom that people will miscarry twice. So her next one will be a healthy baby..
At least you know you can conceive naturally. try to do a mini confinement so as to prepare for your next try.
sorry to hear this... but i know u will be strong... now try to rest more and eat more tonic to strengthen your body...

haha...dr f regret giving u his hp ah... i tot most dr will give one...hmm.. like tat he no good la...
how cum aft lap u need hubby to move u and bathe u? lap is not a small op only ah? it sound like quite a big op like tat... is it v painful? lap is it a keyhole op? the wound is big or small one??
sorry to hear abt yr baby's heartbeat. be strong and stay positive k? dr f will help u conceive again, i am sure.

no lah, not really expecting u to describe, sorry... more of asking it aloud - wat on earth did the doc think he was doing??? i jus took the first fish essence today, eu yang sang salesgirl told me to take it at least 4 days after surgery.

yes yes, i went for keyhole surgery. but u know how i freaked out when i bled after i reached home right? dr f has been reminding me since day 1 that whatever it is, it is still considered q a major surgery. wat he does on the inside is the same as abdominal myomectomy, but the cuts on the surface are smaller.

so we must always remember that we hv gone thru a surgery and give ourselves time to heal. he said the prob wif lap is pp tend to feel so well, they start moving around and even going out v soon after the procedure instead of resting at home.

so, i hv been going slow and steady, almost like i've been thru a conventional surgery i think ;) i walk slowly, hold my tummy below the cut at the belly button (nurse taught me that, says will give it support), sit on a chair when i bathe, etc. all these altho i'm feeling no pain at all. a little kiasu, i know, but i jus want to heal well and once and for all
lap is a major op ah?? why did u need to go thru this lap? to remove wat? sorry ah...i think i forget y u need to go for this lap...

then u must rest more liao... dun move ard too much... how long mc dr give u?
actually, lap is considered small op by many pp. 2-3 small cuts r made on the abdomen area to reach inside (instead of a big cut like in the past).

but like dr foong says, whatever is done on the inside is the same, just the surface cuts are smaller. so we need to give our body time to heal.

i did the lap to remove a fibroid which has grown to close to 4cm. dr f said when he did the lap, he discovered that the fibroid was bending my left tube a little, and could obstruct the tiny hairs that sweep the egg down the tube. tho my tube's not totally blocked by it (my HSG showed both tubes ok, but dr says the dye could still hv gone thru even tho the fibroid's pushing on one slightly).
oh i see... lap is to remove fibroid... u remove is it becos dr says might affect the chances of conceiving is it? wa the mc so long ahh... more than 2 weeks sia... so meaning must take long rest to heal...
actually, i removed cos i thot of trying ivf next. there's always a possibility that the fibroid can cause pregnancy complications when it grows too big, cos it may fight for space wif the baby.

i hv several other fibroids but dr f said they were too small and too deep to remove, will do more harm than good as removing them could scar the uterus. he says fibroids grow v slowly and many women live their lives normally wif fibroids inside them. as long as they dun cause symptoms or problems, dun really need to remove them. i read somewhere that fibroids may shrink in size after a woman's menopause anyway.
oh i see... true cos since trying ivf...so costly and tedious...so must try to make everytin else as fertile as possible.... tats y dr also ask me to remove the polyp before trying the 2nd iui cos the polyp may affect implantation....so i went to remove lor...hmm... so your this lap can claim insurance one? how much u spent for this lap?
i hvn't got the final bill yet but dr prepared me that it'll be bet $8-9K.

i thot it was really expensive but when i got the quote fm kkh (wanted jus for comparison, and it came after nearly one month of waiting - after i've finished my surgery!), i realised kkh's not cheap too. for single bedded ward, estimate is $7.8k and for double bedded, estimate is $6.6K. so i dun feel so bad, the nurses at gleneagles were really great, i was v well taken care of during my one night stay there

my insurance claim not much, less thank $1K, cos i'm only covered under an old, lower plan. when i upped my plan, i already diagnosed wif fibroid so it's excluded. think can pay a little thru medisave too.
wa so exp hor... tat time i remove my polyp also cost me nearly 3k lor... i got a shock... cos tat time dr f only tell me its abt 800plus...duh him... he must be only telling me his fee only..he should tell me as a whole bill wat...anyway his fee also more than 1k lor...duno why he say 800plus...
yeah, it's on the high side. but considering even kkh's fees are not cheap, i'll much rather pay to be treated more professionally and wif respect, and above all, hv better peace of mind

u not working too?

ya true...if the prices are similar i will chose gleaneagles also... i guess the kk price u hv is based on private rate...if based on sub rate should be lower i think...

no im not working at the moment... still looking around...
