Dr L C Foong from Gleneagles

no lah... i mean the IUI still deciding whether to do in nov or dec.. i think he say 800+ is for the removal of polyps only... u also did a scope rite? so that would incur more charges and his charges doesn't include the room and the anaesthetist

tks, puppet, for sharing. congratulations on yr successful ivf, u must be v excited abt the twins!

i'm q worried abt the pain, esp when i hv 5 fibroids in total, i think
tks for the reminder abt the insurance, i'll check if they require an overnight stay to claim...

do u mind sharing how much the surgery cost you in total - how much were his surgical fees and how much was the one night hospital stay? dr foong gave me an estimation of $8-$9k which i thought is rather steep...

also, were u able to bathe after the surgery? i've got v sensitive skin and cannot go one day without showering, will get eczema and hives and all. so rather worried abt post-surgery care as well.

sorry for flooding u wif so many questions...
So nice of Dr Foong
I'm going for checkup this Thurs. wow, so nice go Langkawi..We must wait for our babies to be older before we can go on short trip. Think Dr Foong's youngest baby is around 1 year+ to 2 already.

No worries on the questions :p I also gain alot from friends in the forum here.
yep, excited and also worried, hope to cope with twins, carrying them to full term (which is around week 36/37 for twins) and everything goes smoothly.. This is a complete lifestyle change for me...Can' travel for at least the next 2 -3 years.

I spent about S$9.2k. around S$4 for gynae fees and the rest are hospital charges like using the OT, equipment etc. I can't remember the charges for one nite stay. I stayed for 1 nite and 3/4 days.Will check tonight when i go home.

I did not bathe on the 1st day, only on 2nd..The 1st day was too painful even to get up and pee. Plus i was vomitting and on drip, as i could not even take in water. The nurse tried to make me pee on bed pan but i just could not. I used a wheelchair with a hole and bed pan placed under it. To tell you the truth but not to scare you, the 1st day was quite bad for me. My hubby had to fly off on business trip after my laproscopy and i asked my parents to go home as i was suffering and their hovering around me made me feel worst. But on 2nd day, things change. I started to recover, took my meals and bathe. Understand from nurse that if i excercise more like getting out of bed, sitting on chair will make me heal faster..So i spent whole afternoon sitting on chair reading newspaper and watching tv. Walking was still painful when i was discharged and my mum had to support me along.
wow, that's quite expensive! did you conceive thru ivf? how much did that cost wif dr foong? need to prepare a lot of money for the whole journey!! i've been q stressed these days, reading all the negative stories abt the financial crisis, plus the fact that i've stopped working since middle of this year

and your experience with keyhole surgery sounds really scary! well, no choice, guess i'll just have to grit my teeth and bear wif it. did u take painkillers? u mean they din work?? think i'll ask dr foong for higher dose of painkillers jus in case...

also not to scare u, but i personally think it will not be easy caring for twins. my bro has a pair of boys and i've watched how they 'suffered' esp when they were younger. but i think it's worth it at the end of the day when u see them smile at u and watch them grow up. my bro's twins are adorable, four years old now
as long as u hv good family support, shd be ok...

It's not too bad :p My pain sort of subsided around 3rd - 5th day and i stopped taking painkillers. and i got to enjoy whole 3 weeks of mc, free from work stress, just sleep, read, eat, watch tv :p

Regarding the laproscopy, the room charges were around S$230 per nite, total hospital charges around $4.2k, gynae $4k, $900 anaethetist fees.

Before laproscopy, i had 2 round iui, and after that another 3 rounds iui. For ivf, we spent around $15k cos i needed more stimulation drugs as i was not responding well due to work stress.

Dun be stressed about $$. I guess we just have to save for rainy days.
yup i did the scope as well... dr f visit me aft the procedure to tell me that my uterus looks beautiful... the entrance to my tubes are unblocked too... so he say i shouldnt have any problems in conceiving... I feel so relieved and happy... now im hopeful.. I wonder is it really the polyp that affected my conception... but i heard alot ladies also conceived despite having polyps...hmm..
hi hi

I am also a IVF patient of Dr Foong.

I am looking around for advice on prenatal classes at Gleneagles. Did any of you attend the prenatal classes?

Any advice would be appreciated. Thanks
thanks for the costs breakdown! and your experience sounds q similar to mine - 2 iuis, then laparascopy. not sure how many more rounds of iui i'll try after this, prob jus one then straight to ivf already. m not young anymore, so dun want to waste too much time...

happy for u that the most difficult and emotionally draining part of yr 'journey' is over (to me, that's the ivf process lah...). i look forward to be in your shoes soon!

did dr foong really say that yr uterus looks beautiful?? wat a description, never heard anyone describe it as such before - so sweet of him!
joie, i don't think it's neccessary for prenatal classes. during contraction, you would have forgotten your own name! How to practise those things you learn. That's my own experience lah. You might not even need it so why waste time going..

Hey girls, i'm going in for my ET today! wish me luck!
puppet, spare me some of your double happiness today! baby dust baby dust rain on me!!! hee hee..
eskimobaby, thanks! I hope all of them will implant and be healthy.

tassa, thanks.. but why wanna stay the night.. more comfortable at home mah. I think it can be done but more expensive..

Happy, thanks! the birdie news won't come so soon bah.. at least need to wait until week 15 scan then can see..

pooh2, the transfer went well but only 3 of my embryo survive when they thaw 6 of them.. so another 3 die... The remaining 3 is of poor quality.. so i really hope miracle will happen. Haiz..

do you have anymore frozen embryo?

don't worry. so far you always get positive so i believe this one has high chance too
happy, i still have 4 embryo left but they are of very low quality so i doubt they will survive the thawing process.
The previous 2 transfer i have very good embryos.. this transfer I have all the poor embryos. Imagine dr advice me to put in all 3 of them.. The previous time he still give me an option of 2 or 3. This time he say all in.. I'm not hopeful..
Was thinking of going for fresh cycle asap..

aiyoh. u just et only and you are thinking that it will fail and wanna go for fresh cycle soon.

stay positive lar
remember to rest more and not carry heavy stuff.
dun worry too much... now u are in yr 2ww.. stay positive and happy...it will help the babies to implant...

if u really got to go for fresh cycle...meaning got to do the ER again?
i'm sure u and doc have done what u can, so no point worrying.
as the song goes, "whatever will be, will be..." so stay positive, and hopefully a miracle will happen!

i didn't read all the archives on this thread, so u have a baby fm a previous ivf? also under dr foong?
happy, very difficult to rest more.. Just now i even carry my girl cos i forgot all abt it. I don't think I'll be that lucky all the time. moreover this time round, the odds are against me..

babe79, ya lor.. if i go for another fresh cycle then have to do the injections, pills, ER and ET all over again..
whenever I look at the embryos pictures, i feel more sad cos they are really of poor quality and I can even spot dead cells inside the embryo due to damages from the thawing process. The previous rounds, all my embryos cells are intact.. so quite sad abt this cycle's embryos.

pooh2, that's what angeline says.. 'There might be miracle.' My heart breaks when she say that cos it means there is little chance.
Yipe, I have a 15 month naughty little piggy at home from my previous try with dr foong. So these few FET is the same batch as my piggy and it makes them 'twins' if i conceive..

Lots of baby dust to you!!

I have 2 miracles,so dun give up hope!! Remember i had only 3 left and the grades also not very good. Keep positive and tell your eggies to stick tight to the uterus wall :p had not logged past 2 days, too busy at work in the day and got to OT, and felt nauseous the time i reached home

Went checkup at Dr Foong's on early Thurs morning. week 20 now, i am expecting 1 boy and 1 gal :p My greatest wish is they are healthy
hi puppet!
wow, a boy and a girl, the perfect combination!
yes, regardless of sex, i think the most important thing is that they are healthy. congratulations to you!

pl dun worry too much k? try to relax and think happy thots, all of us will be praying for u!
puppet, you're so lucky! enjoy best of both worlds! I wish i can have that kind of luck too.. Thanks for your baby dust! *Catch catch*

pooh2, thanks for praying.. I had a tiring day and just recovering from a bad cramp. I wonder if it's becos i nv rest.. Today my cousin drop by my new place with her family. So end up entertaining them for almost 8 full hours! So at the end of the day, when i was in the bathroom, the cramp hit and I can't even stand up until after a while then i recover and faster dry myself and rest on the bed.. Finally after a few hours, I'm better and back on the net!

Thanks! Yep, most impt is healthy. My in-laws must be very happy lor...

I am sure you will too!! Stay positive and keep telling them to stick tight to the uteris wall

Now my greatest stress is getting a reliable maid and moving to my parents' house. Really changing our lifestyle for these 2 babies!! Any recommendations/advice on the maid to share?

oh..there's picture to see also?

let's just wait and see. you might just get a surprise at the end of the 2ww


wow! congratulations!!! 好好好

when will you be getting your maid in?
hope u r feeling much better these two days. pl rest well...
u jus moved to a new place? tat's exciting, tho the move must hv been tiring. which part of sing r u staying in?

r u the same happy in the ivf support gp thread?

Thanks! Plan to get maid in by mid . cos week 36/37 considered full term for twins already (which is around mid Feb. any recommendations?

nope i'm not


hee... u didn't complete yr sentence. mid what? hee..

i get my maid via vista agency. i would suggest you get ex-singapore maid with experience in caring for infant. at least you need not have to teach from scratch. one thing abt getting ex-sin maid is that they will have frens here and might sms/call them. but, such thing is unavoidable. even if u get new maids, they will eventually make new friends and it's just a matter of time they start to chat with friends. you just have to set your rules straight from the beginning that when she is caring for the babies, she is not suppose to sms or chat on the phone. she can only do so during her free time.
puppet, no feelings leh.. do you have any during your 2ww?

happy, have.. they give us the pictures of the embryos then can ask the dr to explain to you also.
so far no surprise yet..

pooh2, i'm staying in the west. only move a few blocks away. So quite easy compared to moving far far away. Moreover move from mum's place so i can take my own time.. Still alot of things there.. hee hee
I'm not feeling any better yet.. quite sad to think abt going for fresh cycle.. I don't think i can survive another OHSS with a monster around.

don't think about the fresh cycle and give yourself more stress for now.

just look forward to the next week then u go pee onto that stick
hopefully, it's another positive
happy, i'm actually thinking of peeing on a stick this week.. Haa! then it will always be positive.. Cos I have the HCG injection so it will be positive anyday from today until at least next monday. After the medication wear off then will be the real result.
Hi everyone, I've been busy with teh flights nad everything and now finally i've started my cycle with the suprefact injections. have been feeling terrible the past few days!

I've been through two laperoscopies. The first was not bad compared to the second. I was in teh theater for over two hours and then even had a tube put for blood to drain out. The pain was terrible!
Took two weeks to recover fully. I had severe endometriosis. So it must be different from what you are going to go through.

Wan, i'm so happy that you have done the transfer. Hope everything went well for you.

Puppet, Congratulations!!. It's really nice to have a girl and a boy. Frankly if you ask me whether I'd like a girl or boy this is a question I find very difficult to answer!
wanbb, dun thk too much.. Leave it to fate.. Im sure u will be lucky

Eskimobaby, tat time when u claim for yr polypectomy.. U wait for hosp to send u the original bill then claim right? I claim for my ntuc incomesheild but could nt claim cos its less than 3k for the co deductible.. Nw im worried whether POH can claim nt..

i meant most likely due mid Feb. so must get maid in latest by mid Jan. now blur blur already. ya lor, pray i get a good experienced maid..I'm so upset today..arranging renting out my house and then shift to parents' place. Forgoing our freedom and our comfortable little nest

I wasn't feeling well post ET, very bloated then. Dun think too much. You have done your best! What will be will be

Litte flower,
Thanks!! Good Luck!!
babe79, thanks for the comforting words..

puppet, won't it be too late by then. what if the maid is not suitable?? must at least give a few months for her to settle down right? new babies plus new home might be too much for her.
Just my point of view.. My friend hire her maid 3 months before hand.
yr determination really is encouraging.. For us who is still tcc-ing.. It definitely helps! U mention u did two transfer before with good embryos.. Wat happen to them? Din manage to implant to conceive? U r so brave to go thru ivf.. Nw trying for 2nd time somemore.. Im gng to try my 2nd iui for this cycle... Hope i will be lucky
hopefully doing polypectomy can boast my chance!!

agree with wan. think you should get the maid in earlier.

you won't know when you will really deliver. what if it's beginning jan? need to let the maid familiarize with the household chores first. then, she can cope better when the babies arrive. also, if she isn't a good one, you can quickly change.

my agent told me supply of ex-singapore maids is pretty low. so, you better start to search for one this month. let the maid come in in dec...just nice

don't be sad about moving to parents' place. this is just temp. arrangement. when u can cope with babies eventually, you can move back. then, everyday just have to chauffeur babies and maid to parents place before u go to work. are you staying near to parents' place?

hee... your test kit is the cheap one? then go ahead to test.. i'm also like that that's why wasted alot of test kit..hee..

sigh...i have been testing for ovulation but still no sign of it... my test strips finishing already...got to order from my friend again...
Babe79, my 2 good embryos implanted but one nv grow and the other one in my tubes so i undergo a lap to remove both of my tubes. Lost both of them and now trying again with 3 poor grade embryos.
There are alot of women more brave than me. I'm just taking it as it comes.. hee hee.. Determination comes with a 'price' and when i say that, it really means $$$.. I think i spend abt 15k this year on fertility treatment.. Not to count the 20k i spend during my first IVF. Can do alot of things with that money in this recession time.. I wonder if I need more determination... Hopefully I will conceive this time and not waste anymore money.

happy, i bought my test strip from internet. Only $1 per strip so just test everyday.. haa!
no ovulation? find dr foong for clomid lor. can help to ovulate.
yes have to wait for the original bill from gleneagles.. if ur bill is below 3k u can claim through POH.. can't claim thru healthshield.

same here.. i've given up detecting my O... will go for IUI in Dec... trying to lose some weight now
happy, how many pills you take a day? Some people need more pills to ovulate. I think the last time I took 3 tabs a day.

why not go this month?


i took only 2. if i take 3, i'll suffer side effects...so ah foong never give me 3 aredi. anyway, i'll just let nature take its course. want to come come, dun wan to come i also can't force..sigh..
happy, me also suffer side effects. Hate it. The hot flushes make me cannot sleep at night.. If clomid doesn't help, then you have to take injections for your next cycle.
happy, injection is also quite natural.. hee hee.. I mean who don't take injections in their lifetime now right..
Don't know what i talking abt already. have a terrible headache today.
happy, i slept well but don't know what i wake up with this persisting headache.. Maybe it's the HCG injection I had yesterday morning. I seldom have headache, so I'm really not used to it.

jus learnt abt yr experience, u r really strong. i'm going for lap to remove fibroids in two weeks time, and already i can't imagine the pain, trying not to think abt it. was yr lap v painful? puppet's was v bad on her first day, little flower's sounds scary too, so i'm q nervous...

i'm a little curious - if u had ectopic in one tube, why remove both tubes? and yes, the journey to motherhood indeed does not come cheap for pp like us unfortunately...

btw, which website do u order yr test strips fm? does it hv OPKs too? the clearblue ones r really so expensive.

babe79 and eskimobaby
all the best for yr IUI! i did twice too but no success. hope both of u hv better luck than me!
