Dr L C Foong from Gleneagles

thanks gal for the reply... cos i very worried abt side effects one.. cos i think its the clomid i took that cause my polyp... as before taking clomid dr nvr says i got polyp when he do the scans... then aft i took clomid it got polyp then later resulted my lining become too thin... so i v scare... cos i read from the web that it may cause ovarian cysts... btw...im so happy for u that u succeeded!! u act so fast and u aldy got preggy...me still here trying...sigh...


HOw many clomid you took? Yes, clomid will cause lining become thin, but is not immediate effect it take a while to make lining thinner. And also depends on how many clomid u take as well. I am not sure if it wil case polyp though.

Good luck fr yr IUI tmr.
Pooh 2,
When are you gg fr yr lap?

Ya, I will go and do the scan myself. Actually my MIL and SIL wanted to go with me but is a bit "dai zan jiong" (big deal in cantonese) so i rejected.

The first scan is to check heartbeat? I am so nervous these few days. :p

Okie, I will go down to buy the annum milk powder after my check up.

When are you gg fr yr check up?
Babe79, Can take Progynova to help with the womb lining in future if you take clomid.
Injections will actually increase your lining rather than making it thin. Quite weird right.. maybe therefore they are so much expensive than clomid.
Must have to see if i will take home a new born first. Otherwise I've still not succeeded. The last time round I also got pregnant but end up getting myself physically and mentally hurt.. haiz...

Pray that Guan Yin Liang Liang will bless all of us with a healthy little baby..

Vinwee, your scan is this week right?? Must take note of the size and rate of heartbeat. I always record them down.. Then can compare.. I mean can see how big and fast baby grow.
I'm going in next week so still a long way to go.

Jac, i miss you so much... long time nv chat with you.
Had a lot of cramps yesterday after taking about a week of gonal f. Did you'll also get cramps in the tummy? I got really scared at first but then thought it must be because of a 5km walk I took yesterday!. Must rest a bit I guess. How much exercise do you girls take?

Babe79 don't worry about the injections I had 7 IUI's and no side effects that I notice.
Hi girls what is the easiest way to get to gleneagles from Simei underground station? If I get to the Orchard station what is the bus I should take? I'm a bit lost still and have been taking taxi's there but it's becoming too expensive since I have to go often
Little flower, Is your cramps from side of your waist? If so, it might be the ovaries working overtime to produce more follicles. therefore there is cramp. Can tell dr abt this and see what he says tomorrow.
From Orchard MRT, you can go behind Wisma that bus stop to take bus 7 or 77 to gleneagles. The underpass will lead to the bus stop but i don't know how to explain...
You must cross a small road towards your left after you exit the tunnel then cross over the big road with the bus stop just next to traffic light. I only know this two bus cos it comes to my place too.
I look for the map.. don't log out first!
little flower,


hopefully you can see this map cos the server don't allow picture too large..
You will walk to the back of the MRT to orchard boulevard. Then you can see the bus stop opp the road. So you have to cross the road below the blue ERP sign then cross the orchard boulevard to the bus stop. Take bus 7 or 77. Confirm can reach. Only abt 4~5 stops.
i took one tab clomid last time for my 1st iui.. Then dint succeed so continue take clomid for 2nd iui but in e end nvr do cos lining too thin.. This time dr ask me to take half tab clomid plus 3 injections on day6,8,10..

Wanbb, injections help to thicken lining ah? So means i shb nt hv the side effect of my lininh bcum thin lor? U dun worry too much im sure u will be blessed

Little flower, u done 7 iuis ah.. All with clomid? Got do so-iui before? So u conceive via iui?
Babe79, that's what dr told me. ANd for that IUI i do with injections, my lining is back to normal.
anything from 8mm onwards will be good for implantation.
Went for my scan today.

Heartbeat is normal and the growing size is normal as well. But Dr. spot a bit of blood clog outside the sac ...
I have to wait fr next week to go back and scan again to check if the foetus grow normally.

Wish me luck.
wanbb..thanks for telling abt your experience with IUI... today i did my iui... i asked dr abt the injections...he say he will give me puregon.. says it will help me to O better and it will not affect the lining... today the sperms quality is slightly better than last time... the washed sperms is 20mil.. with 80% grade A.. but only 12% morphogy(last iui only 10%).. i think it requires above 15%... anyone can share some light on this?

today scan before iui..dr says hvt O yet but going to O soon... he says the best sperms will survive ard up to 18hrs inside the womb...then i asked him whether i will O within this 18hrs..he say yes...but when i ask him do we need to BD to boast the chance...he say BD tml nite... hmm..but that will be more than 24 hrs liao... so i duno dr feel when i will O... anyone here succeed in iui when the sperms are injected before the egg is release?
i went to dr for scan on day 12 and apparently i'm still not ready to ovulate.. dr says gotta wait for another wk or so if i do ovulate and now i'm in CD40... which means my mense will report soon but i hope it never reports... and now my cycle is long again which means my next O will happen when i'm in hk... which means i have to wait another cycle b4 i try IUI..

i dun think that clomid causes polyps.. i never had clomid 3 yrs ago and yet i had polyps then... anyway, polyps may not be detectable by scan... from my scan dr only detected 1 polyp... the other 2 when he did the scope for me then he saw.. and polyps will 'grow' in size over time. anyway, dun worry unduly since u're already in 2WW... so just relax and wait
little flower,
based on wat wan has said, u can go to orchard mrt and once u get out of barrier, can seek help from the station control or any mrt officers standing nearby and ask them where is the undeground path that leads to the back of wisma atria. once u are out of the tunnel into the open, you should see the main road called orchard boulevard. cross the road to the opposite and take no. 7 u can go to www.sbstransit.com.sg to search for the route for bus no. 7 u will see orchard boulevard and then count the no. of stops that u will take to reach gleneagles.. 5 stops if i counted correctly from the website.. since u've been to gleneagles already u should be able to recognise the landmark.
Hi Wan and Eskimobaby, Thank you very much for the directions it was very helpful. I will try it out. I will be going again on Friday. If anyone's going on Friday do let me know so we can meet up at doctors. Today we had to first go to Mustafa to check out somethings to buy so we took a taxi since we weren't that sure of the routes. But we'll try it on Friday. I really love your country and all the greenary even within the city!! I enjoy my taxi ride a lot looking at all the lovely trees along the way.

My previous doctor did 5 IUI's while treating me for polycystic ovaries. He misdiagnosed me as having polycystic ovaries when I had severe endometriosis and the tubes were also affected. So naturally the IUI's didnt'work. I went to this doctor for two years! Luckily a friend pursuaded me to go to the doctor I go to now and he correctly diagnosed me with a laperoscopy as having endometriosis and we just tried two IUI's just to be sure that the tubes are not working before deciding on the IVF which I'm trying now. And he is the one who sent me to Dr.Foong for the IVF. Don't worry IUI usually works. It worked for my friends who did it.

Good luck Vinwee!!!
thanks gals for the encouragement and good luck..

hopefully i will succeed this time.. this is my 2nd iui...the first one i did it in march this yr.. it failed.. wana try again in april but lining too thin to proceed due to clomid...i guessed it so cos my period shortened... dr prescribe me progenya(duno hw to spell) to increase my lining but i dun dare to take after reading the possible side effects.. so i rest for a few cycles in order for my lining to return to normal...but my period nvr return to my pre-clomid.. but went to see dr f anyway... he says my lining has return to normal.. but duno y my period still short compared to pre-clomid times...

little flower, yr words is so encouraging... u say usually iui will work... i hope so too..
dr f says my tubes looks ok when he did the scope to see my inside...he says there are some people have unexplained infertility... he says maybe my problem is the polyp... or maybe is the timing... but there are people who has thick egg shell which the sperm is unable to penetrate... but only doing ivf will be able to know... if this cycle fails.. i will proceed to half clomid + 3 injections to bring my O earlier.. cos i usually O around day 20... dr says its abit late...
eskimobaby, u are waiting now for your af to report so u can start a new cycle is it? u took clomid for this cycle? u also plan to do iui? u did iui with dr f before? dr f is quite a nice dr... he make u feel calm and relax when he do scan or iui... thou he is my first gynea which i cant compare to others.. i guess he is quite nice overall...
U got the right dr. Dr. F is good... i never quarrel with my previous gynae dr.

oppssssssssss............ ask hubby to take leave and go with u???
vinwee, u mean u got quarrel with yr previous gynea is it? yr post says dr f is good ..u never quarrel with ur previous gynea???

btw.. is dr f a local? cos he dun seems like one...today i first time hear him speak chinese... all the long i tot he duno how to speak chinese..hee... he told me in chinese today while doing iui for me...say if got pain tell him...hahaaha... angeline see me so kan cheong she ask whether i need to hold my hubby hand not... my first iui i suddenly grab angeline hand when she comes confirming my name and ic no while dr is inserting the tube i think...so funny...
Vinwee, At least the blood clot is not inside. My sis's baby has the blood clot inside the sac and miscarry. Anyway the baby's heartbeat is not really good. Only at 85p/m. At least have to be 100 and above.. So it's already a sign for her. Don't worry too much. Since your little cutie has good heartbeat and good size, should be fine.
Did you see the little blinking heart? So cute right.. It's the most amazing thing i see.. Hopefully next week I can see one too...

Babe79, it takes only one good sperm. So don't worry.. Let nature takes it course. With HCG injection, you will definately ovulate soon. The sperm will have to be there waiting for the egg. IUI will be too late if you would have already ovulated. The sperm will need time to swim into the tubes so give them a few hours and the egg just nice meet the little spermie.. Viola!

Little flower, you can drop by at botanic garden just next to the hospital for a walk. ANyway it's so near only. Can go see flower and there is a pond.

Happy, where have you been? Got good news already?...
I've got super cramp yesterday night and just now.. I'm really scared something is going wrong for me again.. SObZ!
u said IUI will be too late if u hv already ovulated. but i did IUI wif Dr F two times, and both times, he timed it such tat the IUI is done jus after i ovulated?? e.g. pregnyl jab on D11 evening, ovulation prob takes place in the next 24-48 hrs, then IUI will be done on D13 afternoon. this is not the norm??

haha, yr first IUI sounded q funny! IUI is basically painless to me, how do u find it? it's like doing pap smear, only it takes slightly longer.

my lap is on this Fri, 21 nov. i asked two other friends re the pain. both of them happened to hv gone thru laps and caesarian delivery, and i was told the pain fm lap is nothing compared to caesarian! so i'll be reminding myself this after my procedure, hopefully it'll help me think more positively and make the pain more bearable

little flower
i'll be at gleneagles on fri too, but guess won't be bumping into u cos i'll be in surgery!

how many of u went thru ivf while holding a full-time job? was it difficult doing so? care to share yr experience?

i m contemplating going back to work, but due to the nature of my job, i know it will be really stressful and i'm not sure if this will affect my chances if i do ivf...
hi wan,

no good news...i still have not ovulated!!!!!!!!!! give up aredi!

did u call dr to check or go down for a scan?


me same same as you. so long already still have not ovulated. sigh..
Yes, Dr F is good.

Typo. The gynae I quarrel with was my previous female gynae. Everytime have to wait fr hours even I have appointment, tose behind me go in first. Of coz I super angry after a few times, so I just tell her off in front of her face lor. Also charges also very expensive.

Not sure if Dr.F is local. But I heard him speak chinese with Angeline before.
Little flower,
Try not to exert yourself. Walk but don't walk so much, see if your cramp improve.

You did 7 IUI before? Okie.. good luck for your coming IVF... lot of luck to you.

Ya... hopefully the little inside me grow normally by next week.

Not sure what cause that, hopefully is not the heavy things I carry and exercise I did.

Yes, it's amazing but also make parents worry thru out their growing journey .. .
Ya... I think the pain should be okie. I had minor op to remove sth like blood clog in my ovari before. It's fine... I stay in the hospital fr half a day then go home and didn't take any pain killer. Just rest well after that.

How's your cramp? Gone??? Everything will be fine for you, don't worry so much.
not too sure if dr f is a local.. but i know he's worked in the UK before so maybe that's why he doesn't sound like us... funny that none of us ever asked him before.. hehehe.. maybe next time i see him i'll him if i remember.. hiaks..

dr f is my 2nd gynae and i'm very comfortable with him even recommend my SIL to him... i didn't take clomid this cycle... waiting for next cycle or the one after next to try IUI
pooh2, egg will survive abt 24 hours.. so i guess if just ovulated should be okay?? Cos can see from scan. The follicle would have collaspe.. I remember doing IUI when my egg haven't ovulate leh.. So i thought it's normal.. I think i give you the wrong info.. pai sei pai sei..
Anyway, just let the spermie meet the egg and implant on you then can throw away the IUI, IVF, TTC, 2WWs, etc...

happy, nv go see dr leh. I already guess what he would say.. Scan also no point cos too early to see anything now. Observe and see what happen..
Now i'm better already.. so I think just wait until next week then go and scan lor.

Vinwee, non-stop worrying.. YOu are just at the beginning of all the baby worries.. If it's growing nicely, you will start to worry if it's healthy or smart or cute... haaa! Then when baby is out, you will worry even more.. Even when she/he nv poo poo, you also worry like hell...
cramp comes on and off.. wondering what's going on inside.

eskimobaby, i think dr is a local. I talk to him in mandarin before.. he even teach me confinement things.
I even know that he's a 100% family man who spend all his free time with his family. Even go holiday also must bring all of his 3 kids along! that's what i heard from angeline lah.. But can see he is a nice husband and father lah.
Little flower, i'm better now. Just went to this clinic and the young dr very weird.
I went in for my flu cos haven't recover then I already avoid his question abt why i know my pregnancy so early(5 week). then he still keep asking first one or second one lah.. cannot be i know so early... Until I angry and tell him, 'it's a IVF baby and I know it from 4th week' then he look shocked and finally shut up. And the most weird thing is I'm going in for my flu but he ask me if I'm bleeding or having cramp. If got bleed I must go hospital immediately..
I was like, what has it got to do with my flu???? Dr should be more sensitive right?? ask until I expose everything to him. Feel so naked!

All kinds of weird people in the world..
vinwee, yes 7 IUI's and had high hopes everytime. it was heart breaking when I got my period. I find it really difficult thinking positive now even for my IVF. I'm so scared to have high hopes because when they don't get fulfilled it's so terrible.

Pooh, Good luck with your surgery. I guess I won't see you then even though I'm there at the hospital. Ask for blankets in advance because it's freezing when you wake up from surgery. For me more than the pain it was the cold that was unbarable!.

good to hear that you are better already.

why the doc so mountain tortoise? those who try hard for baby would have tested when the menses is suppose to due. they will be able to get a positive at 4 weeks just by using the test strip. why he so like that one.
Why the Dr. like that? Keep asking so much Q. Tell him off you are here to see your flu problem, not others. And inform him about yr pregnancy in case he gv u wrong medicine!! Stare at him laa... WTH!!!!

Is that normal to have cramp on and off?

Ya... non-stop worrying. How regret I am to think back when I argue with my parents when I was young (not often but then a bit regret!).

Ya you are right! Seeing Dr. F now when you are cramp also can't help. Too early to know anything

Who help you to take care of your gal now?

Don't gv up on trying ya... It's the timing only. There's always hope just relax and try and hope for the best. You will be the lucky one soon...

Little flower,
You are going to the hospital fr check up / injection on fri? When are you going to do your IVF? Don't be scared, while we try, we can only hope for the best.

I also try times before I see Dr. F .... but the previous Dr just sucks that keep gv me clomid. She even ask me to take 3 tab each day! Then my hubby ask her, why so much, it will have side effect, then she just said, everything will have side effects! She didn't even tell us, the lining will become thinner (which is normal to happen if take too much clomid), we then know when we see Dr. F.
wan bb, even if it only takes one sperm to meet the egg... it needs at least certain sperms count to succeed leh... i wonder y hor since it only required one sperm...hmm.. the young dr really v kpo hor... i guess the gp all v curious one.. i went to a gp on sun to administer the prengyl shot.. the dr ask me i so young y need to do fertility treatment... ask me this is my how many times...duh... i was thinking to myself y u ask so much...v personal one leh... just give me the shot! hahaha...

now im officially in my 2ww.. just bd last nite to cover it if I O later... hmm.. i dun feel anything now.. only slight bloatness since the iui.. i guess tats normal since there will be some air being pumped inside our uterus...

pooh2, ya lor thou the iui is not painful its just a bit of discomfort la.. for the 1st one is bcos its my 1st time i duno wat to expect... and also doing my first pap smear at the same time... but everytime dr manage to do tins fast and swift... i feel the v scan is more painful lor.. lucky dr do it slowly...hee...*blushed*
when u did yr iui b4 ovulation, was it wif dr f too? hmm, gotta ask him the next time abt timing, since both u and babe79 did yours b4 ovulation. wonder why mine was different?

little flower
i know how it feels like. i've only done two iuis and already i'm thinking of ivf next. m in a dilemma actually - on the one hand, knowing that success rate is only abt 20%, iui seems like a wild shot. but then again, even wif ivf, success is not 100% and wif the cost of ivf, u can actually do like 10-20 iuis!

aiyah, these days, i jus leave it to dr f to recommend. too tired and exasperated to think too much...
pooh2, my both iuis i did it before O... i hope to do iui just when it O... but i guess its hard to predict the timing just rite... dr f says u have already O-ed when he did the pre-scan before iui?? I guess dr can just agar agar predict the timing...actuali i think alot of failed iuis is becos of timing... iui may done when the egg already long O-ed...or iui done when the O is much later than expected... hmm...
i've seen 2-3 gynaes b4 dr f and i must say, among the male ones, his bedside manners r among the best lah. notice that he tries not to look "down there" for too long? ;) he'll jus take a peep so he knows where to put the scanner, then he'll maintain eye contact wif u and talk to u so u dun feel too uncomfortable.

but when doing iui no choice lah, he has to look to get the job done. even then, he'll talk to u thruout to distract u fm the process...

all the best for yr iui! there r pp who do succeed wif it, so hope u'll hv better luck than me. try to keep yrself busy so u won't be too obsessed wif symptoms, as that can be rather stressful. baby dust to u!!!!
now i'm really interested to find out why mine was done differently.

i thot once pregnyl jab is administered, u'll certainly ovulate in the next 24 hrs or so rite? so y isit difficult to predict timing leh?

ya, i remember b4 my second iui last mth, he scanned me and said i hv jus ovulated. i asked how he cld tell and he said he cld see fm the follicle. i din know wat he meant till wan's post - she said the follicle wld hv collapsed after ovulation...
pooh2, u mean other gyneas will look down there for v long one ah? so embrassing.... i nvr been to other gynea before so i duno... actually when dr do iui i already v pai seh lor...he no choice got to be close and look there long...v pai seh... hee..
usually O will occur 36 to 48 hrs after trigger shot...tats y iui usually done aft that time... lets say today evening u get the shot...iui will be scheduled on sat...
so looks like my ovulation pretty easy to "trigger" ;)

not that other gynaes look there for v long, i think it's more like dr f will make an effort to distract u by talking to u when he's doing scan. some gynaes dun talk, and that makes the entire scan seems endless and u r more sensitive to feeling what's happening, since there's nothing to distract u...

jus curious, r u working or full-time housewife?

i believe O is quite hard to predict exactly when the egg will release... i also quite disappointed when dr says i hvt O yet but will be soon... but he cant tell me when exactly.. so i scare the sperms wont survive long inside... cos i read that washed sperms cant survive long... somemore dr f says the best ones will survive up to 18hrs.. if i dun O within this time... the sperms will not be around for the egg liao lo...

ya dr f always talk to u when he do scan... hmm.. i cant imagine going to a gynea when he dun talk.. make me so kan cheong...haha... somemore i nvr shave down there.. will feel more pai seh if dr look long....hahahaha

im not working at the moment... hee..
