Dr L C Foong from Gleneagles

hi everyone,

i am so sad. this IVF cycle is wasted as my body system reacted un-usually to puregon.

doc scanned tat i hv 1 mature egg which is growing too fast. and the rests are not growing. after less than 1 week of stimulation, the egg actually reached the size of 24mm. seems that all the hormones has gone to that egg. and i hv to call off the whole exercise.

so v sad. all along i tot if wan to do ivf, sure can do it. maybe it is not sucessful in the implantation. but i nver expect that i cannot even go up to the stage of ER.

feeling quite hopeless now. sob sob!

hi yin
dun be hopeless, me aslo can't react the stage of iui. failed this cycle but I had learn something abt my own body system. it keeps fooling me abt my ovulation timing. be strong.
hi jac, glad,

thanks for your comfort. dr also cannot explain why this happens. and he did mentioned tat egg tat grow too fast also not good.. do not have time to develop properly.

if wan to try another cycle, it will be early next yr as he recommend 3 mths rest. but he also cannot guarantee that it will not happen again, he is recommending short protocol.. dun know wat's tat.. sigh.. anyway.. not in a hurry to try again
I rember I got 1 stage like u,canx my IUI becos cannot ovulate.But I still test t OPK myslf during tat cycle & detect my ovulation around D20plus onswards.So t bottomline is dont give up tis cycle,even thg cannot do IUI but still can try naturally.Hope will help u in some ways.
Since Dr.recommend u 2 rest 3mths,y dont u take tis 3mths use chinese medicine 2 tiao yr body system 1st.Like me last yr try IVF,succeed but bb heartbeat stops at wk8plus.During tis period,I beside takg chinese medicine & accup 2 tiao my body be4 I proceed another round of IVF,vy soon I will go into tis treatmt again.
maybe you sld rest awhile before u start with a ivf cycle. u know sometime i feels dat only when stop tring than i can be a happier person just like afew months ago. until recently i started this ttc again i'm not relex anymore.

I just found from internet dat my problem had and name for it...

Luteinized Unruptured Follicle Syndrome
hi jac,

after all that and the bb heartbeat stops? omg.. that must be painful. so near yet so far! how do u cope with the grief?

do you hv any recommendation for TCM? I am thinking of gog yu ren sen coz the medicine are all pills form.
Yin, short protocol means you go straight to stimulation rather than having supression first.. Lesser injection this way..

yes, i will try nature way with or without ovluation.. the thing is i already tested opk positive so i guess is over now.
I take a vy time 2 recover n luckily got all t sisters here 2 support me.I lost my bb in last yr dec,so I take 1 yr after then dare 2 do another round of IVF,of course still got fear over tis,scared tat fail how am I going 2 cope,if succeed will I have another way of losing t bb again,tis type of feeling vy contradictn,only those who experience be4 will know wat I talkg abt,sori confusing u.

Halo my jie jie miss u lah,2day take u so long then log in & chat.
I still havnt give out yr ger ger no,2day I still buy tat no.hahahaha.....
Sori nver answer yr question,me now seeing Marine Parade sinseh,his medicine need 2 brew ourslf,brew 2-3times a mth unlike Jurong East sinseh must take everyday.I feel tat EYS vy expensive & not every outlet t sinseh is good.I go EYS maing 4 accup only.N I personally feel tat accup really help 2 tiao our hagwired system.
Hi Yin
I am really sorry to hear that. I know how it feels, the dissappointment after going thru all the injections. Actually I have read very widely about IVF and indeed your case is quite rare. Most of the time, cancellation is due to too many eggs, to little eggs, poor embryo & etc. But again, sometimes it can be a one off thing and our bodies can be quite weird until they get used to the medication.

Short protocol means you need not shut down your body using Suprefact for 2 weeks. In your case, it may help, cos seems like your body 'shut down' already, and take quite a bit to restart and thus only 1 reacted. On the other hand, the short/flare protocol may be better for you. Usually long protocol works better in terms of egg quality and premature egg release. But again, different pple's body react different. My advice is dont give up, just keep trying. Many of us have been trying and trying and yet to give up.

Enjoy the year end holidays and nice weather and come back again when you are ready.

Yes, maybe try a higher dosage and see what doctor recommends.

Must be enjoying your nap....
hi jac,

i think you are very strong. in fact, i think we women are so strong. good luck in your coming IVF. it will be a sucess story to spur me for my next attempt!

ya.. i also find EYS pdts very ex, but i do not know how to brew leh. even brew liao.. dun know whether can force myself to drink or not.
Dont worried even t medicine how bitter is tat,we women sure will continue 2 drink as long as we know it good 4 our conceiving.

How r u & yr bb,now u in how many wks already?
Hi Curl,

ya.. that's what the dr say. u r widely read indeed!
where u get all those information?

i know alot of pple are still fighting. even this afternoon, angeline is encouraging me. telling me alot of sucess cases been thru cancellation on the earlier cycles. on the other hand, i am wondering if i am pushing too hard. maybe it is god's plan for me to have one only? that's y after such long process & pain, still ends up with nothing?

sorry for dampening the spirits here. i hope i will hv the courage to press on. it is not so much the pain & cost. i think it is more of the suffering from our emotions that i cannot handle.
hi curl,

yah. nap for about 4hrs and wakeup with headache instead of heavy head

didnt want to take the medicine as i'm not sure if i've ovulated. temp a bit high in the morning but it could be due to the virus. but, in order to get well sooner, i took anarex just now...


so sorry to hear abt the failed stimulation.

i don't ovulate well. back in august, i took clomid and went to dr on D14 for a scan. my follicle was only 9mm. we thot wait another few more days...i went back full of hope on D20. was all ready for the injection to force ovulation. BUT! follicle was still at 9mm!!! i was sooo disappointed...

do try to tiao your system first before going for the next round. eys med comes in powder form so u need not brew.
Hi Yin
I read most of the information through a combi of internet, books and etc. I think all in all, I have read bout 5-6 IVF/ Infertility books, some twice to give myself good understanding and also wanting to take more control over the whole process. Sometimes Dr tend to overlook certain things and its for us to also manage it in our own hands. Of all, I only bought the Zita West book on infertility, I got the rest from libraries.

The IVF books I read range from personal encounters from pple who went thru the entire journey to those more medically written books. I find those who went thru personal journey more effective as they are able to explain in more layman terms. However the medical books are able to cover other aspects of pregnancy complications such as Proficiency S deficiency, chromosomes disorder, IV treatments and etc.

So feel free if you have any questions, I will try to provide what I know though I have to add in a 'disclaimer' clause

Hope you are feeling better now. Better get well before you head for Japan. Pump in 1000mg vitamin C per day ok?

Thanks for concern. I am really glad you are pushing ahead with your IVF treatment. As your 'fren', of course I would recommend u to tahan and stay as long as you can to get the aws. However, I know that when it comes to work issues, only the person who is in it knows the best and only you know whats your threshold. So if you really think cannot tahan and have to do it, then do it. But I would really advice that you dont be impulsive. Cos I worry you will be more lost & bored if you dont work. Sometimes when we have tough working environment and have to juggle ourselves with fertility treatment, we bite our teeth and push through it. But when you are with nothing, you tend to just focus on ttc and get more stressed and time even passes more slowly.

You can always quit when you are found preggy to enjoy your pg. And look for another job if it didnt happen and wait for 6 mths, get confirmed and start ttc again. There is always appendix, laproscopy for cysts, fibroids, D&C for thick endometrium & etc as excuses for 2 weeks HL.

Btw, I am 16 plus weeks and will turn 17 weeks next monday. As I approach 20 week, I am getting scared too. This round i am a lot bigger than last pg, so v scared my cervix will attempt to give way. Nowadays, I still guai guai bedrest with legs up most of the time. And I can assure you its no fun staying at home. I def prefer to be healthy and running about, but i really cant afford to do that with a history of IC. Even Dr Foong who is v optimistic always ask me to be careful, walk slowly, dun squat, dun push for bowels & etc, so I better be guai guai
. Seeing him on friday, so I shld be able to see the sex soon, I have a feeling its a girl. Somehow my habits v weird this round, like become v particular about cleanliness, odour, like things to be neat, keep combing my hair, like to buy girly cute cute things & etc

where r u?


thanks. me feeling better but seeing the work i've to complete, my head heavy again..hee.. of it all, what i hate most is to complete the SOX flowcharts... got to finish it within this week

i got yr mail..very much wanted to reply now but i better finish my work first...


curl is very well read in ivf. believe she is able to help u in whatever questions you have. even diet plays a part...

chat with u gals later
hi glad,

oh u too?! haa. we got so many things in common

sox is extremely sickening, right? when i first started from scratch yrs ago, i kind of like suffered from depression doing it..hee..


yes. looking forward to it but i hope it will not rain when we are there. checked the weather forecast. it will be raining everyday next week
Hi Happy
Oh dear, really hope it dont rain. Otherwise v troublesome. You shld go and get those cheap and good rain coat in case it rains instead of carrying umbrella. Should also bring along a few caps and if drizzling, then just wear cap instead of umbrella.

Dont worry abt replying me, finish your work first. Its nothing urgent.

Yes i conceived with my first attempt with SO IUI under Dr Foong in Apr 06 last yr. However I lost the baby in Sep due to incompetent cervix. I delivered the baby alive at 23 weeks but eventually did not keep the baby as the % of abnormalities are extremely high for such premature baby. I rested for 3 mths after that and tried 4 rounds of IUI without success. Maybe I was really stressed and really wanted to be pg soon.

I am now ~ 17 weeks pg but this pg is conceived thru IVF. I chose this route though Dr proposed a few more rounds of IUI cos I wanted to freeze my eggs when they are 'young'. I hope to have 3 kids and dont think I can finish the 'project' by 35, so i wanted to do IVF for a better chance & for future pg.

How are you? Hope that things are fine on your end. Didnt hear from you a few days leh. Hope baby is still good inside your tummy

SOX is...copied from internet..hee....

The major corporate scandals in the USA in the early 2000s gave rise to the Sarbanes-Oxley Act (SOX), which targets to prevent misconduct and improve corporate governance practices. It applies to all companies, whose shares are listed on the stock exchanges under the jurisdiction of the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) such as Metso, which is listed on the New York Stock Exchange in addition to the Helsinki Stock Exchange.
The goal of the SOX is to ensure the accuracy and reliability of published financial information, and therefore the main part of the legislation requirements deal with the proper administration routines, procedures and control activities.


that's a good suggestion! will go check up the rain coat. do u think the 100yen shop sells?
Yes, 100 yen shop definitely have. But again I know not all branches sell the same thing, so you may want to have 1-2 spare with you first, more for your son.

The other place to get cheap raincoat is from Beach Road, the place that see army stuff. You ask your hubby, he sure know. The last time I went there, they have quite a bit of selection.
Curl, time flies! Coming to 17 weeks already! yar, i know wat u mean, as it approaches the 20+ weeks, u start to worry due to wat happened last year. Well, all u could do now is to cover all corners and leave the rest to fate. jiayou!

haa...army stuff? my hubby wouldn't know as he is a malaysian

haa..almost missed the part where u said always comb hair..haa..so funny. so if it's a boy, you action will be very tom boy? wahaaa


sad to say, we use excel to do!! so can you imagine how tedious in the beginning? move the symbols until i want to cry.


ok. will check up if got time. thanks


u as busy as me yah? my server has got some problem so emails never reach my customers...poor me. got to print out and fax. made me busier!
So nice of heardg yr voice,me vy vy buz.Opss 4gotten u in listed company tat y need to do SOX.Me vy mountain tortise lor dont know wat is SOX.heeheehee....
Tml I off.JIAYOU.......
hihi, i used to see Dr Foong as well. Had a successful so-iui done with him for first bb. Was trying for my 2nd and had 3 failed iui sessions. getting despaired.. sigh.. good luck to the rest of you!
i am still around.. baby is still inside... 36 weeks soon... tahan tahan.. everyday try to psycho him.. can come betw 3-7 nov and after 11 nov when dr Foong is back...

that's great. so now it's not so much of fearing the bb will come out too soon..it's that dr foong might not be around..hee..
Good job! Great that you managed to hold bb in. You so cute, you reply that 'you are still around'.. of course we know you are...
You sound as if .... Yah, start telling bb abt the dates, if he has been so cooperative, he will be

Yar lor, time flies. Yes, cant help but worry. But that is so much I can do, have to leave it to fate.

I mean 'sell' army things, not 'see'.. typo error.I think Daiso is a good choice, I always like to shop there. Otherwise for convenience, just got and grab one from NTUC.

Near your working place, you see whether you have time to walk to Hong Lim Complex, the shops there sure have.

ya, I am seeing Golden Teeth Foong tomorrow. Lets see if I burst into laughter first !
I where got so good life.hahahaha......Vy buz until now then can log in.
Really at home t time pass vy fast can imagine doing nothing already past noon.
Dont get me wrong I mean I do nothing already past noon.heeheehee.....
U know wake up t same timing w hubby,help him get breadfast,ding dong a while n go 4 review t wisdom teeth & go accup 4 a while,really feel so tired really.

Go Hi-tea lah.
He said up 2 me but t pain will come bk again.So far still ok I think I will drag n drag n c how.
Have u ever went 2 TB tat Q&M Dental be4.I feel tat tis dental just know how 2 make money tat it.Scalg & polish vy fast cost me $80 plus no mint taste,if I go bk bukit batok scalg & polish cost me less than $60.N said my teeth vy yellow asked me 2 do teeth whitening etc.

if you extract now, u can take mc and also claim the cost from company, right? better get it done with. what if the pain come back during your ivf or when you are pregnant?

q&m? which one? the one on the ground floor beside ZTP? i always go to the one on the 2nd floor - accent dental, dr low.
