Dr L C Foong from Gleneagles


there's one major different between aunty and mummy.

the aunty is a professional and she is there to work. so, can expect a certain 'standard' from her. as for your mum, it's zhi ji ren so she might not care abt certain details. yah. hygiene can be a big headache.. also, she might feel that that's your baby so you ought to help do it.

and i remember you ever mention before that your mum is the 'lazy' type. so, can't expect her to tidy up the bathroom etc.

getting a maid is one alternative but you'll have to keep an eye too in case they ill treat the poor baby. also, maids might give you another set of problems.

glad, your maid can handle? I mean if she need to take care of the baby for a short while? I wanna ask my mum go back to work lor.. Or maybe if she still wanna stay at home and do nothing, she take lesser $$ lor. why people's mum so good while my mum so dirty and selfish.

Happy, I don't mind doing all the washing and cleaning up. I just hope she can be more clean then I won't have to clean and do everything while still have to watch what my mum is doing. So tiring to be watching someone and the baby then still have to do all the house keeping.

I will take care of baby myself then maid have to do housework and cook lor. Better that way cos the whole family get to come back to a clean home with dinner ready for us. Now, whole house is dirty even when I keep cleaning after my mum but will still miss out some details. No dinner also... haiz..
BTW, my mum is the very very very very VERY LAZY type!
Look at the brigher side.If I will u talk 2 yr mum cos no matter how u talk 2 yr mum is still yr mum unlike MIL,cannot scold cannot said abt MIL.

2day rec'd 1 email fm tat idiot,complain me tis & tat n cc 2 my boss,now I even more fume than u,wat can I do,endure.I tell u I really vy sick of workg now.Help ppl do thing also ganna complain,dont do also ganna complain.
Jac, I scold, nag, fight, complain also no use leh. If it's my MIL, I confirm throw her out of the house. whahahaaa.. or I just stress my hubby to kick her out.

Then you got reply that idiot? reply her say you have things to do also lor. Hope she can 'understand'. Wahahaaa.. Make her more angry.

My first one is 2 yrs 6 mths (soon).... Dr said the gap is right.. :p

Please bring all your test results to show Dr... he will want to analyse them. I brought him all the tests and he will check with you on your history. First consultation will be long... usually abt 45 mins. After that he may suggest you go take tests.

Oh dear, you sounded stressed! Aiya, actually before this, you already know your mum's pattern, so sorry but it may be a wrong start to have 'hired' her permanently. I am sure she loves Kate but style & expression mtd dfferent, and becos she is your mum, she wont listen to you cos she will say she also like that bring up you and you are ok too.

Dun rush into another headache decision. Maids have their own set of problems too and I believe you may have heard a not. Can I suggest you take care of bb on your own (since you are not planning to go back to work), then your mum be the 'back up' nanny. For housework, try to rely on thos twice a week part time to help out. See if this works too before you decide on maid. You can start hiring when you planning for 2nd bb or when 2nd bb arrives. I scared you double headache if now you plunge into maid. Cos you will have maid problem to start with, lack of space in the house with an additional person, some 'naggings & unhappiness' with mum, and worst still if maid dun work out, mums will always passed some more comments.. Just my views...

I think his 3rd one was delivered in Mar 07 this yr. I think, the age is like 3,1 and then the 07 one came along. I am sure its not easy on a home front. But I guess he will need all sorts of support system, like maid, in laws, parents & etc.

Really, the kids no hair, take after him
. But its ok, my nieces also have no hair until abt 4 yr old, still v little. But now at 6, hair v thick already.

There is another lady gynae who is q good at Thomson Medical. Her name is Eunice Chua and her business is as good as Dr Foong, if not better. Her waiting time is crazy too. But you look at her, cant believe it, she is prob late 30s (not surprised if she is even in 40s) and have 4 or 5 kids and she still look so good!

Ya, Dr more safe money than us. We go GE got to pay so much, but I am sure his wife has great care at NUH since hubby is once a gynae there. Sometimes I wish I marry a gynae hubby who does IVF, then can safe a lot of money and can scan every week and look at baby.
My maid can handle v well, sometime my mom go market or shopping, she will cook and take care of my son.
my son like her more cos she can play with him.
one thing abt maid is u must have someone to keep an eye on them.

yah. know what you mean especially when it comes to the hygiene of baby.

suppose in order not to cause any unhappiness between u/hubby and mum, better to get a maid to help. moreover, you will be going for the next round of ivf so you'll really need a good helper.


yah. have you replied her and cc your boss?

wow. dr foong and wife so productive
so envy.

i wonder how come his wife delivered in nuh and not GE.. suppose gynaes' wives usually go to another gynae? just like the recent hk series "tien ya sia yi"...

Is your own mum, so may be just frank with her to change her style? Tell her nicely, i am sure things can work out.

Maid is different from mom, I have encountered a lots a lots of problems... like I told you before, I really scared next time my maid will do something bad to my baby. Even no matter how, I am sure your mum won't do something bad to your gal. So you have to think twice before you "change" your mum to a maid.


Me damn tired now, struggle to come to wrok everyday, at nite time have to wake up 4 to 5 times to pee... Have applied to go off early at 12 Nov as I think I will collapes if I work until my edd...
I nver bother 2 answer her at all.Now I burng so in order of not end out quarrel w tat idiot,I better keep quiet.
U know tat idiot vy mean she wrote as :"I hope the above requirements r clear 2 u & lookg to yr improvements."
Fxxkg hell who is she 2 talk 2 me in tis tone,if she really feel tat I do it so badly,then she can asked some1 2 take over her work lor.
I nver bother 2 answer her at all.Now I burng so in order of not end out quarrel w tat idiot,I better keep quiet.
U know tat idiot vy mean she wrote as :"I hope the above requirements r clear 2 u & lookg to yr improvements."
Fxxkg hell who is she 2 talk 2 me in tis tone,if she really feel tat I do it so badly,then she can asked some1 2 take over her work lor.
Is not assist just helpg her in some area.I vy TL.Sori nowsday log in always complain tis & tat,I myslf also so sick of it.
I tahan until so difficult.
I also cool myslf dwn & do it,wat she wan,if is here got any1 who helps her & nver quarrel w her be4,u think she will give tat ppl colour & see mah.So sick......
Ya lor. I tease Dr before. I asked him what special 'potent' his wife has drank to make her so fertile. He says its both ways (so funny, I think he scared I forget his sperm also v impt). Then I say yar hor, and ask him what special food both of them eat? He says non and blush away. I also thinking he is so busy yet have time to 'make babies', really give it to him, truely capable

Great to see you here, I tot you already went on leave to wait for bb arrival

haaa.. yah what. needed his contributions too else how to have good news.

yes. i also feel he is super. so busy everyday and so tired at the end of day and can still produce....extremely capable indeed...at his age...

Ya lah, very busy now, partly is becos I will be on leave and partly I need to be in "peace" mind when i go to labour, so have to rush rush rush... after 10 Nov,, will be very free to talk to you gal again.

When I wake up in the middle of the nite to pee, my boy will keep on kicking, don't know why all bbs tend to be active in the nite time... Then I have to tell him, no yet, bb, still dark dark, please go back to sleep.... then he know the timing... ha ha
Hi Koala
Aiyo so cute. Mine too, even at 17 weeks now, bb starts kicking at 12 am and after.

I think you are giving him good 'coaching' so next time, he wont anyhow wake up at night

Are you excited? Is the baby room done up yet?

Morning. Now is the waiting period to me, couting down... and I told hb I "scare" to sleep, cos with whatever posture I also couldn't sleep well. Don't know the little one will be affected.

Nowaday, I really "sit" to sleep , and not side way or lay down cos so uncomfortable. But strictly no complain lah, just left with 20 over days, I can meet my little one... so can bear with any uncomfort.

Most of the bbs stuff are ready, actually I "cheong" to shop in my 3rd trim, (even with the hospital bag, I have just packed).

so now you are relax at home? try to enjoy in your 2nd trim... and eat more apple, good to the little one.


How are you?
Wow Koala
20 kg is quite a lot! Are you skinny to start with? I watched my diet but this 2nd pg, I am more hungry leh. Maybe becos I am not working and feel much much relaxed and better at home.

Did you eat a lot of carbo? Can you define what is a lot? Just trying to judge for myself.

Wow, 20 days more, envy envy... Whatever is all worth it after all as long as we get to hold the bb in our hands.
curl & koala,

i also put on 20kg at the time i delivered. koala, yours might be more since there's 20days more..hee..

but, its ok lar. breast feeding will help you slim down. also, i didn't take much rice during confinement..

don't worry so much...there's lots of slimming centres and dieting plans around

for me, what a shame. i'm heavier than the weight after my confinement..sigh..

actually, yours quite fast to be able to feel so much movement. i think mine was abt 18 weeks and only a bit only

Eat more quality food like fish, veg, fruits, and drink fluids and milk. As ur tummy gets bigger, ur appetite may down a bit due to baby pushing upwards and causing lots of acid up the throat (ie. heartburn). If cannot eat, then go for quality food. Now if u can eat, just eat, avoid sweet stuff, durians and not too much carbo (cos will turn to sugar), to reduce the risk of gestational diabetes. For my case, i dun have prob with carbo becos my appetite in 2nd and 3rd tri no good, so it is just 1 bowl of rice during lunch and another bowl during dinner for me.
oh yes oh yes, breastfeeding is good! i also gained 20kg, but could be more if not for the prematured delivery. So 20kg for koala is just right lar.
i lost 20kg when i completed confinement!! All thanks to breastfeeding.

I keep on eating without realizing that my weight has been shot up until SF warned me I should watch out my diet. Curl, I am a Carbo person even before I pregnant, I love to eat rice, mee, mee hoon and bread, but I seldom take snacks. So just take all kind of carbo when I hungry of course, plus the extra meat, nuts, cheese, milk and fruits and vege, that y made me grow bigger and bigger now I dare not eat rice for my dinner, just take fish, meat and vege and fruits. Now I just pray dont exceed 25 kg when I deliver.

Actually bb is not so big size, only 2.4 kg at 35 weeks, all go to his fat mummy hee hee.

Ya, I was 44 kg before thisalways not qualify for blood donation ha ha..

I really hope I can BF, if not no money to go for slimming centre to throw away this 20 kg.


Your is different case mah, twins need more food than singleton.. so 20 kg is quite ok even you had not reach full term.

wow!! u were only 44kg!!

don't worry. given yr good before pregnancy weight, i believe you should be able to shed most of the kgs and even all

milk powder getting super expensive. so, better go on full BF. can safe plenty of money. also, do get from the nurses the bottled milk before you discharge. some nurses are very nice and tend to give alot.
i am here.. going for check up with dr f later.. have been very busy packing the house for the bb's arrival..so tired
36.5 weeks liao.... tahan tahan... same as u, everynite is a challenge, lie down heart burn, sit up rib pain, pee 4-5 times, can only sleep on left side cos stomach acid will shoot up the throat when i try to turn to my right...
me too at least 20kg liao,,, but i didnt eat much also gain so much weight, so give up... after confinement then go on my super no carbo diet...Dr F is ok with my weight gain cos probably i am tall.. so cant tell i put on 20kg.. he only jokes that my bb's head is big and chubby so i have to work extra hard to push him out...
Hi Jadefeet
Good to see you here! Wow, good job! Tahan Tahan until now 36.5 weeks, almost full term! What a good baby and cooperative mummy. Wow, how come Dr Foong's patients all 20 kg?

If you are so small to start with, then 20 kg should be really fine.

I am v conscious of weight cos I am not small to start with though I am tall at abt 166cm. My last pg, I only gained 2-3 kg by week 23. This round, i already gained 2 by week 17. Dunno why, this one much bigger leh.

You managed to lose everything in 1 mth? Thats unbelievable! How did you 'managed' to do that besides breast feeding? Did you have a massage lady?

Where did you deliver your first one? Was it at GE? Did they have those glass milk bottles?
hi jadefeet,

hee..haa...was sitting in the toilet just now and starting wondering if you have pop since no news for a few days.

that's great. now it's to pray hard it's either before or after ah foong's trip.

haa..another 20kg..


i delivered in GE. stayed in room 639
yes. they gave those glass bottles milk. that time the nurse gave me closed to 10 bottles i think. i was with another gynae then. when i go back for check up, the staff gave me tins of milk powder samples. wow. can save alot like that..hee.. wonder if dr foong's clinic has such freebies.

when can i stay in 639 again. i remember i got scolded by nurse in the nursery when i carried bb there to ask for formula milk. said i should put in the cot in case i dropped the bb..hee..

suppose once u mix with formula, your bf supply will be low. so better not to mix if can.

Miss you gals a lots this few days...don't know y can't really get that "feeling" when I talk in other thread.... so end up give up... May be we really been through a lot together..


You are 166, not bad lah with extra 20 kg, but me only 156 leh, so very obvious for all the weight I have put on. Never mind, we tahan tahan, times flies,

But I thought you are going for c-section? Now change to natural?


2 kg when you reach 17 weeks? ok mah..Me already shot up to 9 kg liao by then. Anyway, bb comes first, we must eat to make sure he/she is healhty. No need to be so concern abt our weight.
U vy funny y must insist of stayg room 639 can stay at other room no wat.

Cos here all become mummy n coming 2 be mummy n hoping 2 be mummy,like myslf.Wahahaha.......
We r same height,so make sure if I get preggie cannot gain alot of weight.
Curl & Jadefeet both r tall ppl so gain 20kg nothg 2 them.

the feeling is great to be able to go back there again. i saw the sister who thot me the correct way of breast feeding when i went to visit a fren who gave birth last year. she aged quite alot...i like her

i better not gain 20kg... my weighing scale will burst!
Hahahaha.......Come on yr height+weight still ok wat,dont always think tat u vy big size.

Send 1 of yr pic thrg sms lor so tat I can see yr chubby look now.
I'm also delivered in GE but dun remember which room. dun know if our gynae is the same at dat time?
whocares abt weight gain during pg? when we try so hard to get pg weight is nothing to us mah. I gain abt 17 kg and my son only weight 2.5 kg. I take 1 year get slim but not as good as before liao.

it's not that i think i am fat (actually i do think this way..hee..). but, relatives and neighbours reminded me that i put on so much, that i am so fat now..etc etc etc. wonder if i ever mentioned here. my old neighbour (brother n sister) always 'tell me off' when they see me at the void deck. sometimes, the sister will embarass me so much as she talks loudly. the worst happened sometime end last year while waiting for the lift. she came and started asking sooooo loudly what happened to me, why i put on so much and that i am so fat now...in front of 2 strangers! i don't know where to hide my face. just smile back n deep down my heart, i was shouting for her to shut up and that she put on more weight than me.
I am 166, not Jadefeet
. Jadefeet say she is a tall but she didnt state her height.

Ha, you mean u put on 9 kg by week 17? Cannot be right? Thats really a lot!
